11 years since the Turok series died

>11 years since the Turok series died
I'm still mad about this. The Turok games were some of the best games I have ever played. Why did Propaganda Games think the best course of action for Turok would be to turn the series into a generic space marine shooter? You'd think the success of DOOM 2016 would have revitalized more arena shooters yet all I see on the horizon is DOOM Eternal and the instantly forgotten Quake Champions.

When can we expect to see the Son of Stone return to video games? You'd think now would be the perfect time to make a new one what with the massive SJW push for inclusivity during the last 5-10 years what with there being very few Native American heroes in the public's eye.

Things I miss about Turok games
>massive armory strapped to your back
>incredible, unique and USEFUL weapons ranging from realistic to downright maliciously ridiculous Cerebral Bore
>tough, deadly and UNIQUE enemies
>sprawling, giant levels with lots of places to explore and interesting 'arenas' to fight in
>crazy, fast paced, competitive multiplayer
>unique multiplayer characters with their own strengths and weaknesses
>Cheat Codes. Holy fucking shit do I miss cheat codes.
>interesting and unique setting. Lost Lands being a nexus of all space/time was great. Dinosaurs, modern tech, alien tech, future tech, prehistoric tech, aliens, monsters, humans and humanoid monstrosities all rolled into 1 great setting.

Attached: Turok Dinosaur Hunter.jpg (639x361, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw got Turok 2 as an Easter gift

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I would love for a new Turok in the vein of Doom 2016 but I would prefer it take after Dinosaur Hunter rather than Turok 2 or 3

user, I...

Attached: 843bfd8eea098330a90b9e57f4b7fed6.jpg (570x428, 38K)

user... youtu.be/G2rJYBOIAxo

>Turok 3 still doesn't have a PC port

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but user, there IS a new Turok in the way.

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Turok 2 was the peak of the series. I’d want an expansion of that formula and tone.

I like the cut of your jib. Personally I want both in a Turok game. Modern consoles and PCs are powerful enough to integrate the wilds of the Lost Lands showcased in Dinosaur Hunter and Evolution with the cityscapes and high tech of 2 and 3.

wtf is this stardew valley looking garbage?

Clearly Turok, user, look at the name.

Attached: HorribleSubs_Enen_no_Shouboutai_02_720p.mkv_snapshot_16.43_2019.07.14_15.48.28.png (1280x720, 1.28M)

It’s some sōy-guzzler’s idea of what people think of when they hear “Turok.”

I think they are looking to stick to the vision of the original 1950s comics

The juxtaposition between the two is jarring.

Attached: Turok comparison.png (956x1080, 1.3M)

>People claim Turok 2 is better
>When Turok 1 exists

Can't believe people prefer Turok 2's shit gimmick segments over Turok 1's pure kino. Literal Chad Tal'set vs the Virgin Fireseed

This almost certainly started as an original IP but the suits decided to staple the Turok name to it for brand exploitation.

It's happening all over.
Creative bankruptcy has teamed up with laziness in making endless sequels and reboots in ways nobody asks for.

Attached: Calart Toads.png (1024x640, 897K)

>I think they are looking to stick to the vision of the original 1950s comics
They're not doing a very good job of it then.
This is what I think is more likely.
Jesus fucking Christ...

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Yeah. Sure looks like it...

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I didn't know this game had Honoka.

Did you just misread Honker?

this is genuinely upsetting

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>better guns
>area-specific damage
>bigger and more-open levels
>greater enemy variety
>great ost
>wide variety of locations
Turok DH is great, but Turok 2 is a clear upgrade.

Agreed. As much as I loved the jungle/low tech setting of DH, SoE was a huge upgrade in terms of graphical fidelity and game mechanics. Worst thing about Turok DH was the fog of war 30 feet ahead of you. Worst thing about Turok 2? Not enough dinosaurs.

Yeah, it just looks like weird survival stuff with Indians and dinosaurs. And it was supposed to be "family friendly" wasn't it?


Attached: Turok long hunter.png (1893x1036, 1.32M)

I prefer the level design and environments in 1. Also area specific damage is a definite upgrade but the damage was also super inconsistent in 2. Disagree on the enemy variety though, especially in later levels. Also both games have great music, Darren Mitchell is a good composer.

>tfw pirated the 64 version and play with a 360 controller
You have the world at your fingertips, user. Don't squander it.

No one cares about this shitty game, but you sperg. Keep that in mind.

Attached: Turok_2_seeds_of_evil_flesh_eaters_oblivion_by_joshua_fireseed-d70kp12.jpg (1034x1207, 952K)

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Those 1950s Turok tales surely look and feel like a sanitized Calarts cartoon...

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Because there's no room for Indian protagonists. They'd rather have trannies and shit, Indians are gross.

Attached: Turok_2_seeds_of_evil_the_blind_ones_by_joshua_fireseed-d70ko7r.jpg (1034x1207, 868K)

>circle strafes you with a chaingun
Heh, nothing personnel, Crocket.

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I played through Turok 1, loved it, and then played 2 and dropped it after about 5 hours, amazed at how much of a disappointment it was compared to 1.

BASED user!

Attached: Turok_2_seeds_of_evil_the_pur_linn_by_joshua_fireseed-d70kptl.jpg (1034x1207, 852K)

I looooved Evolution. Goddamn shame Turok is dead.

I actually liked the Xbox Turok (Evolution?) But I was very young and very high.

Attached: Turok2_ENEMY_DEADKIN.jpg (1034x1207, 826K)

>that upgraded pistol animation
>extended barrel/scope swing into place, stock pops out

desu they dicked it up when they rebooted the comics and the video games with that homo fireseed.

Evolution was great. But it was rushed and released unfinished. Which was unfortunate because based on what we actually got it was looking like they had really bold plans for that game. Wish they could have extended their dev time. Maybe a "director's cut" remake or something like the Sith Lords Restored Content mod'll hit the net.

1950s cartoons and comics were nothing like today's garbage, that book looks 100% on the money. I don't mean art direction when I made the initial statement

>people posting shit I made ages ago
I am flattered, go get the ones from the steam community, they're easier to read.

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>using the nu-turok art.

Attached: 1.png (256x360, 188K)

But the old art is shit because Joshua Fireseed isn't fucking playable in Dinosaur Hunter and makes no sense

Nah, Fireseed was cool. Not as cool as Tal'Set but I still liked him. John Turok and the 2008 game is what killed it.
>limited arsenal, iirc it was bow+knife+flaregun+2 other guns
>Turok was no longer a title passed down throughout generations but instead the protag was literally named Turok
>buggy as fuck boss battles
>shitty, uninspired, generic sci fi guns
>Lost Lands was no longer a nexus of all space and time, instead it got turned into just some terraformed planet
The only thing I really enjoyed about that game was luring dinos into other enemies with the flare gun, and the multiplayer to a much lesser extent.

Stupid fuck.

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New one is better because it's actually Tal'Set.

I really liked its scope and breadth. It's a huuuge fucking game for being an early PS2/Xbox title.
>Start out in the forest with dinos and shit
>End up storming a MASSIVE city
It precedes Half-Life 2, and CoD MW2's cityscape battles by a few years. And it's still a joy to play through.

Since I'm replaying the steam rerelease of Turok 2... Does anyone remember where to find the 1st Mantid Queen larva?

Attached: T2_Level_V_-_Hive_of_the_Mantits.jpg (2000x1569, 1.07M)

>>massive armory strapped to your back
To be technical, your weapons are stored inside a magic bag called the Light Burden. Because, you know, it makes your burden light.

However, Turok 3 heavily implies that there's something not quite kosher about The Light Burden, and the group that bestow it, the Council of Voices. Turok 3 had some really neat aesthetics and it's a huge shame it was so rushed and the game never got a sequel.

Adon was waifu material
Then 3 fucked her up.

Attached: T2adon1.jpg (281x483, 57K)

Yeah, just take a left on that room instead of right on that room and uh.

Turok 2 is a very different creature to Turok 1. Turok 1 is super fast paced, super breezy. Turok 2 is a more methodical, plodding game in the style of Metroid Prime but with way more confusing level designs.

It's under section 5-9

>Greetings, Turok, how may I assist you?
Her voice always gets my heart pumping.

Greetings, Turok, I am Adon. The elders of the Lost Lands, known as the Lazarus Concordance, have charged me with the task of guiding you on your quest to stop the Primagen. The Primagen seeks to destroy the five energy totems that keep him imprisoned within the wreckage of his lightship. If he succeeds in destroying all five energy totems he will be free and the blastwave of temporal energy released will destroy your universe. You MUST stop the Primagen, Turok. Protect the energy totems at all costs. You will also be given additional mission objectives as you venture deeper into each of the worlds that you must explore.

The Port of Adia. This once peaceful coastal village has been utterly destroyed by the Dinosoid army under the Primagen's command. In the hills surrounding the city, the battle wages on. Stragglers are hunted down ruthlessly. The Dinosoids are genetically engineered dinosaur hybrids. They are utterly evil and very dangerous. Though they do the Primagen's bidding, the dinosoids have a more sinister and personal agenda of their own. To see Humankind wiped from the face of the Earth.

Your Mission Objectives are as follows.
>Activate three distress beacons
>Rescue four children
>Activate the warp portals
>Locate the energy totem and defend it at all costs.

Attached: 1562228020776.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

"In the weeks leading up to the game's release, the development team was composed of 21 people and worked 24 hour shifts."

-From a Nintendo Power article on Turok 3.

If you ever wondered why Turok 3 is so... falling apart at the seams, this is why. The game's development was a crunch-driven nightmare where they were making a co-op Turok game in the same vein as that Half-Life PS2 Co-op campaign. But it wasn't working out, so they retooled it into a singleplayer Turok game still in the style of Half-Life. The final product is really neat in some aspects. It's very approachable. The two protagonists give some decent replay value. You never get lost like in Turok 1/2. It's just a straightforward story-driven FPS game. But it's held together with spit and glue. Turok 2 was a bit buggy. A bit rushed. Turok 3 is... a game where numerous empty doorways bleed when you stab them. This didn't happen in the leaked betas. The animation quality took a frying pan to the face. They didn't have time to properly implement underwater weapons so all your guns work underwater, no big deal. Multiple scripted sequences were either truncated or broken. In one beta, it's very clear that the police walkers were supposed to usable. This got cut. As the game progresses, the cutscene animation quality also gets noticably worse. The Oblivion Lair was largely incomplete around May 2000, when this game was shipping in August 2000. The game badly needed to be delayed until November or December, but they didn't have the time.

There's just so much wrong with Turok 3, and so little of it was the dev's fault. It's a miracle the game doesn't really have any major game breaking bugs. It's 100% worth playing, though. A remaster or remake would require extensive work to fix the game, though.

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If you turn on the invincibility cheat in Turok 3, you can jump off the sides of buildings and just walk around on the street below. They didn't have time to think of an actual solution for this.

Honestly, for anyone who has not played Evolution, give it a whirl. It's damn great fun.
Has a bootleg PC port.

I fucking despise the bloom effects Night Dive enabled by default in their Turok 2 remaster. Completely destroys the moody visual style.

>googling Primagen delivers mainly furry related topics.

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>not posting the actual tutorial
step it up fag.

To all the idiots crying about the new 'cartoon' Turok game, keep in mind that A) it's based on the 50s comics, not the 90s comics, and B) it was a kind of contest for a bunch of amateurs to make a game based on a select few ips owned by Universal. There's absolutely nothing to be upset about.


The problem I have with Evolution is how... directionless it feels. Stuff like Star Wars Republic Commando had the same issue. You just wander from one area to the next shooting dudes with no real sense of progression or "Why am I here?" Turok 2 had tangible objectives. Turok 1 was driven by exploration. Turok 3 had a straightforward linear HL style approach. Evolution is kinda meandering.

I hate Evolution, it was so horrible to play with a controller.

1 has better gameplay; it's faster, more fluid, and consistent, as in you know how many shots it takes to kill that raptor with each weapon. In 2 you could 1shot a Purr-linn or pump 6 shotgun shots into and it's still alive.

It should be the Turok that fights niggers

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>kill boss
>drops his signature gun
>it's the best gun in the game

Attached: h-hey.gif (500x226, 1020K)

I think this was the inspiration for Prey.

If I recall, Tal'Set was in the middle of fighting off Union soldiers when he gets thrown into the past/future. He's taken in by those rebels who oppose the Slegs. He wants to go back home, but I think Tarkeen tells him he won't let him unless he helps out the cause. By the end of the game, he fully accepts his role as a savior.

Slaughter by the River of Souls. The River of Souls... The very name strikes fear into the hearts of men. Nothing that drinks of its water survives. The Lazarus Concordance erected one of the energy totems along its banks. And the people of the Lost Land quickly learned that its mysterious energy could purify the water of the River of Souls. On the very shores of the deadly river, a mighty city sprang forth. Where once was there was but death, life flourished.

The Dinosoid vanguard has swept through the beautiful city of Araissi as its campaign of terror rages on. Araissi was once home to a formidable army, but decades of peace and prosperity saw little need for a large military presence and its military forces grew weak...

Your Mission Objectives are as follows.
>Destroy 2 Soul Gates. Legions of the undead have begun pouring through these gates into Araissi. You must find and destroy all the Soul Gates before the undead can escape the city.
>Destroy the 3 Sisters of Despair.
>Locate the Energy Totem, and defend it at all costs.

Attached: River of Souls.png (961x436, 315K)

These just make Turok look like a bitch.
>Fuck these savages and cavemen have me outnumbered, guess I'll just kill stuff for them.

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>Grows giant and runs away

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Not many people know, but Evolution was a straight up reboot of the series, the few bits and pieces that managed to surface about Turok: Evolution 2 further pointed towards that fact, then it got branded as a prequel to DH, which keeps being passed on as fact.

There should be more wacky fantasy shit like machine gun raptors in video games.

L2Headshot, noob. Seriously. Turok 2 was all about landing headshots on your enemies. If you couldn't manage that all the enemies begin to feel like bullet sponges.

Fuck this is a blast from the past. I read it in her voice.

Who would you like to see work on a new Turok from the acclaim universe?

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gib full picture now.

From Software since they're the only devs where it's a guaranteed good product anymore.

Ideal Turok game:
>Fast gameplay from T1
>Story, animation and gore from T2
>Music from TEvo

I can still hear it.

>Music from TEvo
pass me on that shit.
either get Darren back again or don't even try.

I think Turok 2 level design kind of sucked

literally on the first page of google images if you search for "turok adon" you lazy fuck

Some of you guys are really sleeping on this game I tell ya.

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Who the fuck is this dinoman?

I played evolution to hell and back.
it's only redeeming quality was the soundtrack, which is by far the weakest of the bunch.

The Death Marshes. The Death Marshes are home to the mighty Purr-Linn. A primitive and brutal race of ape-like creatures. The Purr-Linn regard humans as weak, squeaking insects and are deeply resentful of the progress humankind has made as the centuries have come and gone. The Primagen has fooled the Purr-Linn into believing that he will turn the Lost Land over to them once they have helped free him. Little do the Purr-Linn know that the Primagen intends to wipe them out as soon as Turok is no longer a threat. Though they are unpredictable and untrustworthy, the Primagen has armed the Purr-Linn with a very limited reserve of high tech weaponry and ammunition.

Your Mission Objectives are as follows
>Rescue Five Prisoners.
>Destroy Three Ammunition Storage Facilities.
>Locate the Energy Totem, and defend it at all costs.

Attached: The Death Marshes.png (1021x464, 538K)

>bold plans
Like that sick fucking drawing of Turok facing a giant 40 story tall Snake?

I love how... anti-music the Turok 3 soundtrack by Nelson Everhart is.

The Hive of the Mantids.
The Mantids are an aggressive and extremely intelligent race of insects that have established a large colony in the Lost Lands in recent years. The Mantids are incapable of pity, remorse or kindness. They exist solely to further their own existence. To this end, the Primagen has persuaded the Mantids to help free him. By promising to give them ripe, new worlds to infest. The first world on their list is Earth. Rift gates are being readied to transport an army of Mantid soldiers to your world! Destroying the master computer will render the rift gates useless.

Your Mission Objectives are as follows:
>Destroy Three Queen embryos
>Destroy the Master Computer
>Locate the Energy Totem, and defend it at all costs

Attached: Hive of the Mantids.png (1369x620, 1.02M)

FUN FACT: You can play Turok 2 on N64 as a 4-player coop game with the cheat codes.
BIG CHEAT CODE: BewareOblivionIsAtHand
>start game
>enter code
>launch multiplayer game
>warp to any of the single player levels or boss stages
>faceroll the Primagen's armies with 3 of your buddies

Acclaim was a major part of my childhood, due to the fact it was located in the town I grew up in. My mom got me a Turok shirt from there, right near it. The whole building was Acclaim, now I think it's just renting out office space. Wasn't a ugly rusty color from what I remember.

Attached: formerly acclaim.jpg (756x501, 126K)

Who even owns the Turok rights now? Is it Nightdive?

This was a nasty bug that was only present in the first revision of the American version. Turok 2 being rushed is the reason you can't save anywhere in the N64 version, incidentally.

No, they merely license Turok from Universal, I believe.

Just finished this level on the remaster. I hated the little bugs and how close quarters everything was.

Why play bootleg coop when you can play LEGIT coop?

I remember discovering this as a kid and had a blast with my cousins. The game tended to crash a lot though.

Shut up, incel.

That's the level I'm on right now. The Firestorm Cannon and Flamethrower are your best friends on this level. Then the Tek Bow or Plasma Rifle to snipe those far off bugs.

Attached: I am Turok.jpg (783x1285, 232K)

>fighting Mother boss with buddies
>everyone using firestorm cannons and shredders
>framerate chugs
Good times.

The Lair of the Blind Ones. Little is known of this mysterious race. Legends tell of ghostly figures emerging at night from underground, and dragging hapless victims to their doom. Though they do not possess the power of sight, the Blind Ones are hardly helpless. They can hear the beat of a heart and smell the blood of an intruder from a great distance. Attacking with primitive brutality and a lust for warm blood, they have lived for countless centuries deep beneath the surface of the Lost Land.

Your Mission Objectives are as follows
>Seal Three Thermal Vents, trapping the Blind Ones beneath tons of rock.
>Locate the Energy Totem and defend it at all costs.

Attached: Lair of the Blind Ones.png (2218x1004, 1.47M)

Did you guys ever watch eachother beat off?

The Primagen's Lightship. Little is known about this mysterious and ancient vessel. The Lightship is believed to be maintained by a horde of lethal biomechanical droids programmed to do their master’s bidding. The vessel itself is massive and is undoubtedly well defended.

Your mission objectives are as follows
>Destroy Three Automated Assembly Plants. The Primagen's Lightship is completely self-sufficient and can supply itself with an army of Bio-Bots manufactured deep within the superstructure. In the even that the Primagen is defeated, the Bio-Bots have been programmed to exit the Lightship and eradicate intelligent life from the face of the Lost Land as one last, twisted act of revenge by the Primagen. You must destroy ALL of the assembly plants within the Lightship.
>Purify the River of Souls. The waste created by the Lightship's power cells is responsible for the toxins that poison the River of Souls. By reversing their polarity, the toxins will be eradicated and the River of Souls will flow pure for the first time. Tens of thousands would benefit from its clean, cool waters.

Attached: Primagen's Lightship.png (1549x700, 1.04M)

Razor Wind > Cerebral Bore.

turok 1 is actually one of the coolest FPS ever made
was just watching this maximum comfy video about it

Shredder w/ explosive shells > EVERYTHING

Dude's autistic gesturing is bugging me but I'm gonna power through.

This is the "American Psycho 2" of videogames


>*tiger roar*
>*bird calls*
>*wardrums intesify*
>*cougar shriek*

Attached: Longhunter after killing the player.gif (498x283, 1.82M)

>*cougar shriek*
>*dinosaur roar*

Attached: komodo 3000.gif (245x150, 497K)

Did someone mention wardrums?

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (1298x1080, 204K)

Turok 1 and 2 have some pretty fucking amazing tracks, no matter which one you try.
Turok 1 is more "ambiency" but it has a lot of fucking soul

Turok 2 is more orchestral and the second you start Port of Adia you KNOW this is going to be a fucking legendary game.

No FPS game comes even close to these when it comes to OST (maybe Doom though).

Attached: 1528570515286.gif (400x412, 859K)

>No FPS game comes even close to these when it comes to OST (maybe Doom though).

Are you serious?

Definitely. For me it goes
Turok 1 > DOOM = DOOM II > Turok 2 > DOOM 2016 > Republic Commando's Vode An youtube.com/watch?v=9FXrbNlX0KU

Attached: Vode An intensifies.png (960x699, 510K)

while it is fucking amazing, it is the only good song in the entire soundtrack.

Neither Turok 1 or 2 have bad songs in their osts, and that's a fact.

>No FPS game comes even close to these when it comes to OST
Perfect Dark would like a word.

i seriously thought this was canadian at first, turns out to be british.
it's screams johnny test and shezow

90's RareWare is an unfair comparison to every game that came out in that era. They were a consistent 10/10 company when they were with Nintendo.

Quick trivia, the song "Water" from Dinosaur Hunter was used as a backdrop for the song "地理" from the famous vaporwave Album "Floral Shopee"

Attached: kek.jpg (1280x720, 40K)

>both are N64 games
PS1 couldn't even compare, only SotN was worth it.

The PS1 had a lot of really good composers, but due to the N64 hardware composers on the N64 had to be very fucking good most of the time. They focused on strong, memorable melodies.

Anyway, Acclaim as a publisher had a number of moody, edgy games with strong soundtracks. Shadow Man was by Iguana's British branch, and it had a really moody atmosphere kinda similar to Turok 2 in some regards, actually.

Post your top 10 favorite Turok weapons.
>10)The Nuke
>9)Sunfire Pod after Nuking
>8)Plasma Rifle
>6)Silenced Pistol
>5)Firestorm Cannon
>4)War Club
>3)Razor Wind
>2)Explosive Shell Shredder
>1)Sniper Pistol in Evolution

Attached: Turok Evolution Pistol.jpg (440x350, 28K)

)Plasma Rifle
should've proofread, meant Pulse Rifle.

This, the first was the only good one.

No it wasn't. 1 was brilliant, 2 was completely generic and boring. Everything after was shovelware.

sad we didn’t get this backcompat on the xbone
used to play the shit out of Evolution as a kid (with cheats because I was a pussy that was genuinely scared of the dinosaurs)

LMAO same

I want to buy this on my Switch, but the icon art (see: op) looks cheap as fuck. I really can't stand these rushed paintings, they look like such ass.

Man I love Turok

>Then 3 fucked her up.

you mean fixed*

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>best games
you need to play more games you nostalgia goggled retard

Why does no one like Turok 3, it was my favorite

I really wish they made the PC port like they did with 1 and 2

Attached: file.png (400x300, 234K)

Too many fingers

seething Goldeneyetard

>it's based on the 50s comics


>tfw my dad made it to lair of the blind ones without cheats or a save pack since we didn't own one
Turok 2 without cheats was the hardest game to me when I was young, shit was a goddamn maze. The fact my dad let me watch and play Turok 1 and 2 with no problems was also great, shit was awesome.

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i'd go to my friends house and play it all the time on their gamecube along with double dash, fuck you anthony you cheap bastard

I like Turok 3. I like it a lot, in fact. Game was horrifically rushed, though.