I want to buy games, Yea Forums.
These are the games I'm thinking about buying, but my budget is limited. They're all at a discount during the summer sales at Xbox Live.
What should I buy? Help me out at least once, Yea Forums.
I want to buy games, Yea Forums.
These are the games I'm thinking about buying, but my budget is limited. They're all at a discount during the summer sales at Xbox Live.
What should I buy? Help me out at least once, Yea Forums.
pirate all of them
Not an option on xbawks
with the money you spend on games you could instead play on pc, you could own a pc.
I just got done playing dishonored 1 I liked what I played but was about 20 or so hours with one of the dlc's so take that as you will it gets pretty easy depending on what powers you take about midway into the game but I still picked up the next game despite that.
Bishock is not bad but I won't pick it up if your looking for gameplay but if you for some reason don't know how the story plays out then it might be worth it.
I would pick up prey if you could
I haven't played any game other than the Ezio Trilogy. AC2 still held up pretty well when I was replaying it. It was a lot more colorful than the initial 360/PS3 release.
get dishonored.
Bioshock collection (it’s like $15 right?) is totally worth it.
Dishonored 1 is a great fucking game and miles better than 2 and/or DOTO, if you gotta pick one up of that franchise definitely pick 1. BioShock Collection and Ezio trilogy are worth it because they're multiple games and all most of them are good
Fractured but whole honestly sucks, I loved stick of truth but couldn’t even bother finishing fractured
Yeah I already have played Prey and loved it. That's the main reason why I'm considering both Dishonored and Bioshock series. Wondering if they'll scratch the itch playing Prey caused me.
Yeah Dishonored and Bioshock games will probably scratch that itch.
Get Bioshock and Dishonored and ignore the rest
dishonored 2 is better game play wise. you have almost twice as many powers at your disposal and unlike the first one you have way more ways of taking down enemies non lethally. map design wise i would say its equal.
Get bioshock because it's the whole series not a single game so you'll get way more time and entertainment for your buck.
I'd say the ezio trilogy too for the same reason but if it's too much go for the first dishonored it's a good and fun game although a bit short.
Nier and fractured are both really fun games too but you can hold off on those not a big deal. Get bioshock and assassin's creed.
Get Nier and Dishonored.
Nier sucks and is extremely overrated.
Assassin's Creed sucks.
Bioshock the Collection is a good deal. Three nice remasters of two great games.
Dishonored: Definitive Edition is also fantastic and worth your time.
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is good, but no for a first-timer.
South Park sucks.
Doesn't change what I said
Phantom Dust is free. Play it.
From the games in OP the only one worth playing is Dishonored Definitive Edition.
those are all trash but BioShock if you haven't played it yet.
Totally, its not a super hard game compared to others in the genre and the controls, visuals and OST are all fantastic
If you've played open world ubishit and enjoyed them, then these are perhaps the best in the style
If you've never played it, sure. If you have and want to play it again, you'll just be disappointed with the updated visuals and stability
Its fun, defs worth on sale
Never played, can't say
>South Park
It's funny and enjoyable for the first few hours but quickly takes a nosedive with repitiveness and it becomes a slog to finish.
Ummmmmmmm kys ubishill!??!?!
is Tropico 6 good?