Last thread was fun, lets have another one

Last thread was fun, lets have another one.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Remember to revive your Wing Divers.

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> That must be the queen bee!
> We'll call it queen

Man, what ARE those flying types? I wonder if they're afraid of honey.

Buyfriends pls help me
room name: ayy
pass: lewd
mission 46

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the game would be better without all these weird bird enemies

>shitting on nc100 cannons.
You nigger, nc cannons paired with a spine driver or blasthole spear, +boosts and recoil reduction are a workhorse. Can shoot, spike or boost all animation canceling each other giving you so much time on target whilst also the ability to dodge everything. EDF5 made the cannons fast to fire alone as well so you don't even need to cancel out of them and they have penetration with no damage reduction. They are criminally underrated even if they don't have jumps. It started from edf4 and edf5 made it better.
arm hound + high altitude missiles in the other slots for extra mobile spam

>those names
you fucked up nerd, the standar host names if you want Yea Forumsombers to join up is room name: Yea Forumsdf
pass: rage
that will garantee you a shitposter joining

any piratefag lobbies up

k then im still new into this
room : Yea Forumsdf
pass : rage
46 H A R D

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>that webm

I havent gotten past lvl 50 yet and im a bit terrified now

claiming satellite wife

Claiming Nyx battle cannon wife

Attached: watch me swooce right in.webm (800x450, 2.9M)

Green ants aren't so bad, to make up for being incredibly fast they die to a stiff breeze, if you have a decent shotgun you can take huge chunks out of the swarm with every pull of the trigger
Still kind of dangerous, but not as bad as they look


is it full? i dont see it

Is there golden ants? I remember seeing them in 4.1 but can't remember what they did..?

Is it me or vehicles have been severly nerfed compared to 4.1?

there's 2 spot open buyfag only tho gogogogo

Attached: asdqer.png (737x91, 39K)

Not him but get in here lads

Remember: Yea Forumsdf

no caps or bullshit

Mission 46, fightin' Ayys on Hard

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They're all still paper with zero ammo and less damage then level 0 ranger guns so I don't know why they even bothered putting them in the game

Anyone else have this problem where sometimes when you Alt+Tab in the menus, the game window gets stuck in the foreground and you can't do anything, and then your graphics driver crashes when you Ctrl+Alt+Delete?

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Aren't Depthcrawlers better and bikes are actually controllable now? I remember bikes in 4.1 would just drift into infinity and basically you are its bitch.

So does EDF 5 have a character as dumb as Ohara?

Attached: Wing Diver.png (850x1206, 1.42M)

Just wait until they actually add birds.

Underrated post

Are you fullscreen? The fullscreen in this is pretty terrible.

HQ, as always.

I've read enough doujins to know how this turns out.

A class that turns into an Ultraman.

There's the lady who suggests talking to the aliens.


Kamen Rider, you punch everything and a jump to the sky turns to a rider kick

eeh. it was a fair attempt....the first time. the second and third not so much.

Vehicles are only for roleplaying or scooping up weapons and armor


>Literal Frogs
They look just like humans!
Holy shit what the hell are they, get back eldritch horror!

FUCK mission 94

>unlock "howitzer"
>Try to throw it
>Fuck up, it lands at my feet
>What happens next

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>>Literal Frogs
>They look just like humans!
You'd think they're afraid of water

We're in need of some Noise Marine-esque motherfucker that blasts bugs with the waves of his rocking tunes complete with a new vehicle for Air Raider that's just a mobile stage with massive speakers

>The entire series has you playing as a Kaiju defense force
>No Maser trucks
And no the Epsilons don't count.

They've been fetching pails of water for years.

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Is there a drawfag willing to lewd a ranger with a green-ant that's dominating the ranger gently?

Light saber wielding power ranger

Fuck off.

Why don't the EMCs count

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Because its actually effective.

great, now my dick will have a pavlovian response to killing ayyyys.

Now at mission 75 - Hard
1 spot open
Join now

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The prowl rider from Iron rain.
The idea of having an alien monster under your control and being a knock off spiderman sounds too good.

The one time I used the EMC it melted a horde of ants so it seemed effective to me

a weapon to surpass metal gear

Attached: Earth Defense Force 5 2019.07.17 - (1920x1080, 2.83M)

>giant is an adjective
>big is proper
Why don't we call the giant anchors "giant anchors"?

It's not as cool

Wing Divers are just cheerleaders for the Rangers who do the actual work.

Starting up a buyfag room, name is Vidya Defense Force, password is rage. Doing mission 56 hard or whatever anyone wants to play instead.

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Sorry Queer but Air Raiders are the official EDF cheer leading division

>be me
>start online campaign with irl friend on hard
>we wrecked 4.1 together
>enjoying it
>get to mission #106
>excited to finish it tonight
>he inexplicably and suddenly finishes it without me

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Who else would you be?

>the EDF are basically the good guy version of space pirates

Now that I can get behind.

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Guys advice on first time red drone hard

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>shoot one drone
>kill it
>shoot next drone

Name: eedf
Open Game
Mission 28: Iron Wall
Is the game dead tn or something? I usually get someone within 5 minutes

tag one at a time and have a gun that keeps messing up its aim.

But i make no dent on drone.

Why do the AI teammates always tell you what to do the moment something new shows up? Would be nice to give the player some time to figure it out himself.

use more gun

What a spoiler

go for big dick single damage. they're fucking flimsy and get tossed around so you won't be getting many shots on them after the first

>Stardust Cannon
>Shoot an Ayy point blank with it
>It just vanishes in a mist of purple

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>5th class to the roster
>what do you add?
First, it needs a cool name that doesn't make any sense. Like... Mist Crater.

Now make up some shit. Agile exosuit soldier who can make long jumps and perform rocket-boosted divekicks. A successful divekick on an enemy monster springboards him high into the air and resets his divekick. He can fucking pogo jump on top of stuff all day and kick everything to death.
One handed guns like pistols, grenades he drops straight down to carpet bomb shit he's jumping over, and a grapple line that lets him swing on buildings, and some grapples that cause various behavioral effects on enemies, including making one turn on its own kind for a while.

1 spot open and we're at 49 rn gogogogo

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Attached: Earth Defense Force 5 2019.07.17 - (960x540, 2.91M)

not a flaming faggot

my wife ayanami is the cutest

Two more spots, currently doing mission 41.

Except when in the Red Drones mission, they do say that the Drones are too strong and they need to shoot them down one by one. Which is also correct for lots of enemies and situation in EDF5 where you aggro small portion of enemies at a time or face certain death.

Just a fyi, it's faster to roll as a AR. Also gives you some invincibility frames.

Which Fencer side-booster weapons can be fired while also shooting other guns? I feel like a dumbass for not ever giving Jackhammer a second chance.

How long until I get better Fencer Mortars? Like for fucks sake I still only have ones that do like 80 damage each and I remember in 4.1 those things demolishing everything

Full? Can't find the buyfag lobby.

Keep playing, you probably just got bad RNG and it's not worth farming an early mission to get it. They start to do thousands of damage on the Light Mortars, let alone the heavy ones.

theres always one stray bug...

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Mission 28 hard
room is called buyfag
I've joined like 3 seperate rooms on 28 and they all beat the mission while I was in lobby.

I fucking hate the pill bugs. At the beginning they were funny, but now i've come to dread the "pwong" sounds they make

Does this game has pvp?

bring a mlra with the item that allows you to lock one target multiple times or a fork

It's annoying how they ragdoll away as you shoot them.

>Assaulting the outpost

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Enemies on land?
There is friendly fire, so technically yes

So in game, are they shorts, or panties?

I've been killed by air raiders more than bugs

there are and they fired their acid at mach 1

tfw in mission 98 they try to punch the mothership to death but it runs like a scared little bitch


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got the game, installed it and replaced with codex files, now what .

how to play online?

if i liked lost planet is this basically the same thing?

learn to read and google

click online play. If no lobbies are showing up then you probably have an outdated crack

Not even remotely similar????

Fresh webm
wish I had a good webm converter, no matter what I do they always come out looking shit

Attached: Mistakes.webm (960x540, 3M)

thanks doc

You should turn off that option that steals the camera from you.

I don't have EDF 5. All I have is Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair with DLC and haven't played it.

Is it ok to stream it Yea Forums? Y/N

If no. I will play something else then

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you can do that?

I'm surprised that no EDF games feature counter-attack on the alien homeworld. Defending FOBs, destoying alien cities, maybe some space battles.

nobody i know wants to buy this. i already have 4.1. is it worth buying 5 for rando lobbies or should i just mess around singleplayer in 4.1

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Why the fuck are you even asking?

i don't know if its a bug, but if they are hit with the wingdiver's pulse machine gun they basically fly all they way to the other side of the map.

I take that as a solid no. Thank you for your input

Attached: MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

How soon should I start playing online? I just played through the first mission/tutorial with all of the character types.

Japan doesn't have a standing army
It has a defence force, they can't invade places

Just played my first online game. Does it say when you've been kicked, because it just said "You've been disconnected from the room" while I was choosing my weapons for the next mission.

Screenshake can be turned off too.

Ideally right now. Find a room with "Newbies welcome" tag and go wild.

Which option is that? Camera effects? Always afraid to turn it off as there could be other effects it turns off.

It's a stupid question user. Stream whatever the hell you want. No one gives a fuck.

whenever you want desu. the game is definitely more fun in multiplayer and up until 38 the missions aren't that hard.

Is it camera effects to stop it snapping to things?
I'll keep screenshake on, it adds to the fun

not being able to hit shit due to your screen constantly shaking with enemy chunks flying everywhere and lasers blinding you is part of the EDF-experience.


>How soon should I start playing online?
right away. also make sure to play on hard

Any buyfag lobbies open?

Any piratefag lobbies open?

EDF webms are great

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I get disconnected from my own room when Steam network shits itself so idk

I find that you lose in comfiness. I like to take my time to read weapon descriptions shit and comparing them between games and it's fun to pretend the NPCs are your teammates. Plus a lot of games are just people ignoring others and killing stuff on their side of the map so I don't really see how the multiplayer aspect even adds to the experience. Yes it can be more fun with people you know and once you got a good grip of the game but honestly it's probably a better experience to go through a good chunk of the game solo first.

>that moment where HQ designates you Storm 1

its similar, except you kill more bugs and monsters are less tanky and you don't kill humans

I want you to know your edit made me laugh so hard I coughed my fucking lungs out.

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not loss enough

>is it worth buying 5 for rando lobbies
yes. also the new enemies and massively overhauled class mechanics are great

egg ship lady

When the fuck do I get a Cannon Shot upgrade? Still using the level 6 one on mission 88

somebody open a room
I want to play with somebody for the first time after 50 missions on solo

I want to marry Spritefall-chan!
Still a bit off I'm afraid.

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link to the full image?

Game is a fucking tease. Worst part is the best Cannon Shot is level 75, nowhere near level 100 or 110 DLC.



>it's a level with queen ants AGAIN
instant downgrade from hard to normal
the queens ant are waay too tanky for the damage output they do to you and the AI

just snipe em from the distance
>inb4 ranger or wingdiver

Last week?

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Shorts, I'm pretty sure they have pockets and seams like shorts.

Is Yea Forums actually good at this game or are they all shitters?

i'm good at the game :)
i main fencer :)

>Not using fencer and deflecting all the gay bug juice while shotgunning queens to death.
Cmon guys.

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OK, user.

Buyfag room here:

Room name is "Ants in my Pantsu"
Password is "bugged"

Msision 41 on hard.

It's easiest to solo them with ranger, surprisingly. His roll is the perfect speed to never get hit by them. The secret is to get up on their ass. If you try to take your distance, you will eat shit as the spray gets wider. At point blank, it does fuck all and you can just roll out of it.

Ranger can snipe just fine
Sure they might come close but by then you can just unload on them with your shotgun

>not nuking everything with double cannons and recoil reducers


So? In RAD you got to fuck up alien cities.

>Ranger can snipe just fine
yea but they are slow as fuck and can't keep away from queens well enough

>slaps on dual handcannons
>deletes queen ant in one clip
nothing personnel...

>he uses a shield as fencer
>he thinks he should use a shield just because it has 99% damage reduction
Acquire Proficiency

>Ranger is the easiest solo
I think you mean fencer because deflect shield just completely negates their spray.
Try it out, it's super fun.

Are allies more useful this time around?

>recommending shield against the one enemy that spams reflectable gas is a bad idea
>blocking with shields unless you're using the extra block tower shield while spamming explosives at enemies
Cmon man try harder

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I actually mostly play fencer. I get up on the ass, juke the spray and then jackhammer/shotgun until dead. You don't have to move much when you're ON them, but I'll have to try that shield

Certain squads seem to actually hold their own against the hordes, mostly the grim reapers.

Yes they draw aggro and you can heal them, it helps vs. enemies with near-hit scan bullshit

No, shields are dumb >:(

Starting a HARD bought lobby
mission 82
name: vee
password: rage

allies were always useful for keeping attention away from you.
now they're even better since certain squads revive under certain conditions

Wait, wait, pirates can play with buyfags and vice/versa? I'll get this shit in a heartbeat and host regularly if that is so.

>Wait, wait, pirates can play with buyfags and vice/versa?


user was probably talking about BGP.


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Is there a way to toggle sprinting?

shit game. glad I pirated it

I'm still amazed at how they massively buffed Fencer and made almost every single weapon viable for him

still has room for 1

This is not okay

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one spot open and we're at 53!

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Post more wing diver butts.

good for you, thanks for stopping by to tell us
Well, not every weapon. Missiles suck by and large

Yes, definitely. In 5, every class can now heal allies under their command, instead of just Ranger.

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Wingdiver is still popular, huh.

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I love fighting these

Attached: edf5.exe 2019.07.17 - (1280x720, 2.86M)

At the very least bloodstorm is solid early on and the classic missile pod is a drone wrecker.

If I spend 50 dollars on this with no prior knowledge or investment in EDF, will I end up having a good time?

I wish WD's ranged stuff was more powerful. Particle cannons and lasers could stand to be 200% as powerful and it'd still be balanced.

Wing diver is almost required for grinding armor and it's the strongest class for carrying imo

hard mode mission 44
search Yea Forums

plasma heavy cannon


Damn straight. EDF is EDF, not Metal Gear Solid.

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depends if you have people to play with or not

I got that achievement before I even touched wing diver.

Do you like starship troopers?

Besides that one, obviously. There are a couple of exceptions but stuff like the Closed Laser weapons just don't cut it, even when you first unlock them and even when upgraded. There's just not much reason to use them.

Wing diver just has the lowest armor req.
You can easily get the cheevo without touching her.
Armor gain rates seem higher overall in EDF5.

>Missiles suck by and large
missles are pretty solid against flying enemies, especially if you grab one with jump boost and one with dash

Are you playing 5 or 4.1? I haven't bought 5 because no physical release

are there better versions of the grit gun?

>it's the strongest class for carrying imo
you mean fencer

Europe won't save itself everybody.

Help us help this Frenchman.

The lobbies posted here are all assumed 5


>Clear stage 39/40 except for one teleport ship.
>Rendezvous with grim reapers
>Camp out underside of last teleport ship
>go do chores or whatever
>get back to 100+ armor

Do crates eventually stop spawning?

If i Pirated this and played for a bit and then bought it, can I use my save from the pirate?

>Are they dairy farmers?


I don't remember if they stop spawning, or there's a cap on the amount of crates that can be one the map all at once.

Except that is not new information on the first red drone mission. The active and inactive patrol states are already explained in a mission before that

So I'm playing Ranger and I keep hearing you guys saying that shotguns and ARs are great, but I can't fucking stop using that grenade launcher. It always, always seems to outclass any shotgun or AR in literally every regard other than possible self harm - which certainly can be an issue in some levels. Am I missing something or does the difference only become apparent later?

Wasn't some user saying last thread you could?

That specific piece is not new, but this is the first example of purposely aggroing only a small number or probably die. It's teaching you that, using the drone's patrol types as an impetus for the lesson.

I don't believe so. The closest i've seen is if you played with the steamworks fix on your main account then the saves technically SHOULD be tied to your steamID, but I haven't seen anyone actually transfer a save over.

yeah, they are actually rather competent and now that every class can heal them, even more so.

If the pirate version makes a save file in my documents/my games/edf5 then I would assume you can.

yes you can, you just gotta move the save folder from the pirate direction

Shotguns pierce, grenades don't. When you are getting chased by an entire map's worth of bugs you'll understand. They are also better for obliterating red ants or frogs that decide to munch on you.

If you knew what you were doing you could just transfer the save over directly but since you needed to ask at all obviously not.

I pirated the game and bought it later as well. My save somehow transferred itself fine.

at least the thread breaks off after a while.

>Mission 100
>Barga team A gets wiped
>Cant survive long enough to get my own barga dropped because all the angirus motherfuckers bumrush me

even in solo is rather fun.

That's why you aim below and let the grenade launcher's aoe do what piercing does. And I also find that the grenade launcher does better with frogs by doing so much limb damage just by aiming near them.

And either way, it seems like ARs get shafted.

So are there a decent amount of people playing the pirated version here? Is there any risk in using it?

and killing the pill bugs. God, i hate those smug fuckers.

No one in history has ever been banned for using steamworks fixes, but I always play it safe and run pirated multiplayer games on a burner account anyways.

Yes, one in five users of the "w4r3z" will get Russian AIDS.

Glass cannon easy to use

Where is this picture from???

Still open? Can't find it.
Well now you've got me curious about Yea Forums.

nope. but armor limit per mission is apparently 1000

Hello friends.

I'm bug idiot and bought sekiro instead of edf 5. I regret decision, but can afford edf 4, should i buy edf 4 or wait for next paycheck and buy edf 5.

Sorry for poor english

depends on which crack, using online crack allows it. Using offline crack will use it's own steamid which if you transfer will result in corrupt save.

Pirate edf5, then buy it later if you enjoy it.

buy 5, since that's what everyone's playing

Definitely wait.

>I'm bug idiot
Then die, monster!

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pretty much everyone has moved on to 5. If you're only interested in single player then just pirate it, you can do multiplayer with a pirated copy but pirate lobbies are rarer.

>Not afraid of the dark - His hometown left the lights off at night

Quality meme, my favorite fuckin' line from 4.1

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Dont look at it, its alien propaganda!

The first mission where you actually kill Erginus in 5 has a whole convoy of maser tanks backing you up.

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Attached: Earth Defense Force 5 2019.07.17 - (1920x1080, 2.45M)

good ranger setups for removing ayys?

could the fencer be able to reflect the mothership attack?


EDF5 is pure video game. Got 34 hours in it, and still new stuff is coming up

"Humans, lets talk this out....."

Back up now that I've had dinner, mission 45.

Yea Forumsideogames hard public pirate 2/4

>Queen ants
The fuck are those? They sound like mother monsters

>oh so NOW he wants to talk

Mission 100

>mission 101
probably too high level for me.

I've easily wrecked ant queens whenever they've shown up by either using a minion buster or whichever shotgun I wanted for the mission. That and ranger can continuously sidestep them easily.

Thank you for the replies. I will pirate 5 and then buy it to play with everyone.

Have some WIP OC from your friendly neighbourhood subpar drawfag. I must say it is tough convincing myself to draw when I could be playing EDF 5 instead

Attached: Iamagenius.png (640x720, 792K)

>I'm bug
oh shit the ayyys are posting on Yea Forums
but sarge promised Yea Forums was gonna be safe!

Don't worry, he'll take us to a safe place yet. /vg/ is safe, right? Civilians can be evacuated there!

Attached: sargesalutes.png (497x800, 201K)

Any kino DLC missions in 5 to look forward to?

Attached: 1533289661859.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

keep up the good work

any mods to replace the current song with 4.1s?

Late night high level missions? Let's see if there's any interest.
The lobby's named vidya.
The password is rage.
Buyfag version.

Attached: 20190711132456_1.jpg (1920x1080, 376K)

>Mission complete... [yawn] Good job guys...
I wish I could have sleepy operator-chan every mission...

Pretty sure all the 5 DLC is endgame and I heard it's locked to inferno difficulty?

And that's why I can't play this awesome game.

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Mission packs I mean.

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Some of the lines are fucking glorious. Why is it space marines are always so funny? Halo pulls this shit off well too.

Can you still dash cancel with a melee weapon and that javelin launcher to shoot around like a sick cunt in 5?

as fencer what fucking weapon do I use against swarms?
90% of my shots just hit bodies and do nothing, and all my weapons that have pierce are slow as fuck
melee is a joke, you kill one enemy per shot, fucking worthless

the javelin launcher isn't in the game.

>No clue what command is saying half the time

Attached: 1408145792192.jpg (292x257, 34K)

No because I haven't figured out how to inject audio

no. instead you abuse the shit out of multiple dashes and jumps to dash jump everywhere

Shotguns, CC strikers and piecers from closeup
Hammers in particular are fucking awesome since they oneshot almost anything at max charge and give you hyper armor

One spot open!

Piratefag starting from the beginning because I skipped it all

Yea ForumsDF!! Yea ForumsDF!!
pass is rage

Attached: 1499141490078.gif (480x270, 2.24M)

Good because it's fucking awful for everything but dash canceling
So I can move even faster now? As long as I'm not waddling around like a fat dipshit when I play Fencer I'll be good.

Does the "You have been disconnected" message mean you got kicked or the host disconnected?

I don't see it

now we're talking

Attached: tanoshii.jpg (320x303, 14K)

holy fuck, Air Raider absolutely wrecks the Iron Wall mission

Pretty sure it tells you when you’ve been kicked and can only be done in lobby

You can be disgustingly mobile, but it kind of relies on getting special equips that give you extra dashes.

>So I can move even faster now?
yes but you need dash cells and add boosters which grant you mutliple dashes and jumps but slower sets are pretty good too. double hand cannons with recoil reduce destroy everything

>because I skipped it all
so do I have to do it all in sequential order? fug

No I went to like level 60~ solo and jumped into a Yea Forums lobby that was close enough

it's a great thing that focusing on one class doesn't stonewall all the others, because each class has their utilities depending on the mission. though I haven't found much practical use for Fencers yet.

Buyfag lobby where?

Fencer completely depends on what gear you have for him.
You need those boost/jump cells and or the shield block cells or just some good mortars to blast everything.

What is the best level, and why is it Iron Wall?

Does the Air Raider really not get Railguns anymore? I've been getting tanks and helicopter drops for him same as Ranger, but I've yet to see a Railgun.

Yeah, for some reason they gave the railguns to Ranger.

>audio mods finally come out
>join lobby, gain enough credits to call it in
>soundman jumps on
> starts playing
>it's loudest next to the vehicle, gets softer, but is still audible across the map
>the bass & treble both put out damaging shockwaves about 40-60 meters depending on how deep/high the notes are
>soundman is busy playing a slight rythm game during all of this

Attached: is your wallet fully stocked.png (845x480, 595K)

Honestly Air Raider doesnt need vehicles anymore, cant call air strikes inside them

Laser ayys are fucking bullshit. Long range? Hitscan? Yeah because fuck you.

mortars aren't really that good. hand cannons and 30mm are way better as they deal much higher DPS

stunlock them

If you're open to pirating anyway then you can refund sekiro and pirate that instead.

Upgrades really throw off what's good or not.
IF you get reload upgrades and damage ups on any mortar it becomes fantastic.
If you get upgrades to hand cannons those are the go to.

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>spend an entire hour running around doing a super hard mission with weak weapons
>at the end, collecting boxes, got like 40 or so weapon boxes
>game crashes

>that one fencer team with the infinite dash-boosts
it was like watching an ac4 fight.

Grim reapers.
My sons.

>"All residents have been killed? What are we fighting for?!!?"


>Watch them dash into a bunch of spiders
>They all immediately die
Bunch of fucking jobbers.

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Denim panties

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Why is sprint so useless and shit, bros?

It's just a spider bro? So what if they're 10 meters big and jump at you, we're practically big puppy dogs.

Because it slows you down if you get hit and you can't convert into jump from it only roll.

only by default, once you get better gear you can become pretty damn fast. it's to be expected since this was the game that added sprinting.

it increases item pick up range, and is an alternative to rolling everywhere like it's hyrule field. also, there are upgrades to sprint speed, end game ones go up and over 400%.

Because it has a charge time for some stupid reason

2/4 lets go recruits!

It's still shit even with better gear, the fact your movement stops and you have to run your feet in a circle like in a cartoon to charge up your speed so you can finally move at a decent pace makes it completely useless in combat. Probe is a ton better.

It just needs gear to be good, just like Fencer boosters.

What the fuck does air raider use for flying enemies? Fucking bees

Better upgrades increase your acceleration by a fuckton so you hit top speed pretty much instantly.

>you have to run your feet in a circle like in a cartoon to charge up your speed so you can finally move at a decent pace

There's gear that fixes exactly that problem.

Those are hornets, actually.

The niggling or three spritefalls

I'm no scientist but I believe they're actually creatures called "birds"

They're birds you retards

let me guess, you got this piece of shit
that's actually a bad piece of gear, that's not 40% on top of your acceleration that's 40% acceleration. as someone put it yesterday it makes you fucking Scooby Doo run in place before you eat shit.

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>So that's how we look from the NPCs perspective.

you in yurop?

Nigger I've unlocked all the sprint items for inferno, its still trash because any charge time at all means you are standing still for long enough to get hit by an ant point-blank. The cessation of movement at the beginning of the sprint kills the ability.

get some sprint utilities and it becomes a multifunctional ability

the sprint should be used for travel, not for combat. roll instead of trying to sprint in combat, unless you can sprint from building to building and outrun projectile shots from the side as a result.

edf is a cum game lol

Im almost done grinding lvl 0-9 weapons/items for ranger only

please someone kill me

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to a degree maybe

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Heavy Bomber Phobos is overpowered as fuck holy shit.

What does the white star next to the name of the weapon mean?

for completion, items are the rarest

weapon is fully upgraded

It means its completely maxed out.

Some weapons are complete fucking shit then wow

they tried to make some weapons situational, but overall there's a subset of useful weapons, surrounded by impractical or downright awful ones. and often enough even if you grab a weapon from the next level tier, just leveling a previous weapon is going to be more efficient until you level the next tier one.

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Anyone have a room up for buyfags?

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god i love heavy plasma cannon. Once i got the 500 energy core which won't allow me to fly i am just using that canon constantly for high priority targets

Apparently not, so why not make one?

You seriously didn't get this by doing every class on Normal?

>mission 77
>been playing for a few hours already
Can I reach Inferno tonight?

>playing normal

Free bike G1 is fucking amazing
Got me through level 39

>tfw can't play because video card is dying and can't afford to replace it right now.

Am I fucked?

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The Bike is surprizingly great at hordes provided the terrain lets it ride at high speed. Its even good against Frogs.

Tips on destroying Deroys faster? Do they die after one of their legs get shot off entirely? Or just the old "unload enough bullets into them" trick? Also I much prefer 5's designs over 4.1's plastic toys.

You're wearing the weapons on the wrong hands, so yes you are, go back and put that Jackhammer on your left hand.

Level 7
All alone ;~; plz joinor atleast host anything around level 70

Yeah you are.

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>Remember what i told you yesterday?

What's the best weapon for taking down flying enemies with fencer?

I'm so sorry didn't realize I would aggro so many.

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Let's talk about it tomorrow.

You can pull them one or two at a time
but air raiders won't

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I'd read this doujin.

>I got stepped on on video
Was fun playing with everyone, goodnight.

No way

Buyfag lobby
Mission 65, pw rage, room name vdf

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Do pirate rooms show up when searching on an official game and vice versa?

no dummy different game version

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Is online hard as manageable as offline hard? I will play with 2 friends new to the game this weekend and i have been thinking on doing it on hard from the start, to jump to the better weapons.

Its ok to aggro everything, the Fencer will kite them into a nice big conga line for the Air Raider to bomb the shit out of.

Anyone else really love Phobos Bomber's voice?

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I punch with my right hand, cope.
Not fucked btw.

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>This is Phobos, ready to attack again
I really like his lines for some reason

Solo hard is easy as fuck while online hard is more like normal mode

Online difficulty
Switched from singleplayer to multi, started up a game on your own and got your handed too you? Its quite common... The game does a really bad job to explain it but theres a difficulty multiplier in place for Multiplayer and it gives you the 4 player multiplier if you play solo online.
Below multipliers is in comparison to singleplayer:
For 1 or 4 players: 2.4x enemy damage and 2.64x enemy health.
For 2 or 3 players: 2.0x enemy damage and health.

from some steam guide

"I'd like to apologize"

I want to finally get into this series but the sys reqs given on steam seem a bit high for my computer, but the game doesn't seem to look that good for the demands. Do you really need that shit or is it easy to run on a potato?

If you can get close, spear

If you can't get close 30mm to face works very well

God I wish that was me

>Air Raider this low
Surprising, considering all the memes. I guess they're just very vocal.

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If Fencer is so much better why can't you catch up to us

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he sounds cute

I use a trainer for that now. When a mission is over I activate the "collect loot" option and it insta-collects everything in the level saving me 10 mins of collecting things and trying to keep that last enemy alive while I do so.

Just don't expect to get 60 fps or a stable frame rate

Yeah he has a nice voice. Not a manly voice but a good "young guy who signed up to be a pilot" voice.

Bad mobility and relies on vehicles (don't work on all maps) and a single weapon type (limpets). It's just not versatile or fun enough in most cases.

Destroying the legs merely removes their firepower + extra crates. Go straight for the head if you want to kill it faster.

So much wrong on this post

comparison between what i have and what i need for reference.

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how to beat mission 105 as an air raider, I literally just get stomped by them all

>Pictures taken moments before disaster... - click here to see more!

is there anything worth using in the air raiders arty column? having to throw smoke to mark targets seems awful and slow compared to everything else

Got a link to that trainer?

I like the howitzer but have not messed with many

but you won't be living the spirit of EDF, biking around the map collecting loot spamming emotes

it should run fine

Cannon does absurd damage if you can actually hit it

I think the EDF SUCKS!

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It gets you absurd amounts of focused area damage for the price if you can land the smoke right.

>cripple a group of frogs
>toss your arty on em
>continue to next group arty will finish them

Heresy *Blam*

>edf 6 makes all of air raiders airstrikes have the the same targeting system as the new one added for bombers
I would literally cum. I always hate having to aim or guess my airstrikes. I would be willing to even give up vehicles for it to happen

Thank you.

I'll be using it in a year or so when the honeymoon phase is over. I'll keep playing legit in the meantime.

Eh, I like the variety. Plus, you can pull some fancy tricks with the laser pointers like steering missiles into dropship undersides.

The laser trackers are fine. The beacons and grenades are what piss me off
>when someone steps in front of you as soon as you shoot an airstrike

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Why the hell do they call it a trainer anyway?

How do you cancel airstrike/bombing placement? Switching weapons sometimes fucks me over and I place a gunship on myself.

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>T-pose at the aliens to establish dominance

switch weapons

Explain why Air Raider is unpopular if it's so good?

>mission 94

How the fuck am I supposed to do that?

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roll to the sides and hope that you are fast enough to avoid the impact.

>Switching weapons sometimes fucks me over and I place a gunship on myself.

>group of friends all get EDF5
>only get in a couple short play sessions over the last week due to various reasons
>only clear through mission 12
>want to play more, but don't want to get ahead of the rest of the group
I just want to protect our mother earth from any alien attack

>air raider

Thanks, guess if we get BTFO we could always try some normal missions to learn the ropes.

Get to the edge of the map as soon as it starts.

>literally the least played class in the thread
Support your argument or begone, THOT.

Getting "ahead" of people doesn't really matter since you're much less likely to get gear/armor at the rate the game expects in just one play through of hard. The game wants you to have like 900 armor by mission 40 and I think even after getting to 40 on offline and then going 1-40 with a friend online I had like 700 armor and he had 350.

Because realistically you only need one air raider, his airstrikes and mechs and shit will be fine for up to 4 peoples worth of bugs. Whereas rangers/wingdivers/fencers kind of fall off the higher the difficulty goes unless you have baller gear, so the more the merrier. Plus multiple air raiders makes it all the tougher to properly place effective air strikes.

Basically you only need one air raider. Because air raider is fucking great.

>The game wants you to have like 900 armor by mission 40
>tfw just finished 39 with about 300

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One Air Raider brings more to the table than one Ranger, or one Wing Diver. But two Air Raiders are not significantly better than two Rangers, or two Wing Divers.

Yea ForumsDF
30 > 31 > 38 Hard
buyfags only

No way. I beat the game on Hard with barely 1200 armor and that was with neurotically picking up every armor box.

Yeah? And what's the max armor for the final mission?

the game expects you to play trough normal first, so of course it assumes you have way more armor than what you get from just going trough hard.

Did this work?

>blocks your path

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That's if they're trying to play with airstrikes. Triple Gunship Raider has no such problems. Four of them would theoretically be as good as one guy with a Phobos Plan in terms of dealing with large masses except each of them can also delete single tough elites.

>Completely unrealistic movement
>Scale just looks like sized up objects, No increase in detail other than just being larger
>Overall looks wonky as fuck
>Still outrageously scary.

Is there anything else legitimately more terrifying than giant bugs?

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Any1 got tip on air raider loadout im always bringin spritefall but get overwhelm by mob all the time

Use mechs
Run away
Use cannons, the ones in the mortar columns

Anyone has that webm of ranger sticking c4s on his bike and destroy a UFO with chain explosion of it?

Spritefall is shit and basically you only bring it for fighting flying enemies, which are typically the worst enemies to deal with as AR. Bring a gunship, either rockets or autocannon. Something that reloads super quick. Then bring something like a Cannon B/C, a high cost high damage large area nuke. And finally bring a bomber run, something like Heavy Phobos, something that is mid-low cost (600-1500) that you can use to get rid of lots of ground bugs. Spam your first weapon on basically everything, do bomber runs to give yourself space, and if anything fucking huge shows up or if there is a big bunch of spawning bugs use your cannon. Bring whatever vehicle you like. I usually bring helicopters and exosuits.

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>get to the end of cave invasion 1 on hardest
>mfw I realize what all those glowing eyes in the darkness are

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Bugs are fucking spooky man, it's lucky that they're all so small and the bigger things we have to deal with like wolves and hippos are relatively mundane. Imagine getting bit by something that starts melting you from the inside to clear space for it to lay its eggs within you.

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what's worse on the nopeometer

>a field full of mother monsters
>black holes in space engine/elite

Oh no! a human!

Replacing ants for gammas

A cave full of gold ants

ncs shot gets me rock hard, but fell off so many missions ago, i hope im on the cusp of getting an upgraded version. vomiting a massive load of cannon shots down an ayys throat is a special kind of feeling

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What weapon is ncs shot? I can potentially save you a lot of time or maybe even crush your dreams.

>I will destroy the base even if I have to sacrifice myself!

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Nevermind, I looked it up user. You're basically never getting another one. There are only three, and they're all 40 levels apart.

holy moly, well im pretty sure im at least more than halfway to the second... at least I'll get to use it for way too long again

where the rooms at

Pirate lobby up, mission 13
Roomname poopsack
pw: PEE

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I think I missed some stuff in the later missions by killing shit too fast
Is sarge okay?

>a single weapon type (limpets)
>using limpets
that's how you can tell when one doesn't know shit about AR

We need help breaking into base 228!
room name: vdf
pw rage

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The problem is, because of their levels you can't use them in anything except the difficulties you get them from because of weapon limits. one is level 6, one is level 45, and the last is level 78. Which locks them to hard, hardest, and inferno respectively.

Dumb Storm 4 sluts having to be rescued.

Limpets basically exist to shoot flying enemies and really shouldn't be brought, ever. Especially now that gunship strikes are on short cooldowns and automatically reload.

it doesn't expect shit from you. it's an upper limit intended for when you go back to older missions just like the weapon level limit and you can do a single fresh hard run just fine if you strategize

Limpet snipers are great.

>how2fix CC strikers from being shit
Just give them more damage and no ammo limits lmoa

The highest level Force Axe with attacks only doing comparable damage to a Galleon of roughly the same level unless fully charged is really damned pathetic. Do they penetrate targets? It sure doesn't say PT. Even if it did I wouldn't want to spend seconds charging up for a measly ~3000 damage tied to a really slow attack animation.

Hammers and rollers are even worse, missing ants right in between their feet. Even after so many years Sandlot is still terrible at balancing.

Limpet Snipers are alright at best and still generally inferior to a 150mm Cannon at anything but extreme ranges.

>there are retards in this thread that don't understand how fucking good Limpet Snipers are
Fucking summerfags. if this is the average skill level of an Air Raider main, we deserve to be contained in /vg/

honestly there really is no point in Fencers still having the sluggish aiming, either. it's already hard enough to target and attack shit with finicky weapons and sluggish movement without dash spam, making it so you're unable to hit the broadside of a barn unless you stand still or point-blank basically makes the Fencers incredibly specific in their usage and highly impractical unless you master them for the real big dick damage

I use my cannons to shoot flying enemies regardless and deal with survivors using AA-type Nyxes. The only surface enemies the gunship can't shoot down are teleport ships and the walking outpost.

When firing weapons that slow down your aim but don't actually have a lot of recoil (ie gatling guns), the Exoskeleton upgrades with rotational speed boosts are the ones you want. Muzzle stabilizers only decrease the viewkick from powerful per-shot recoil like cannons or flame revolvers. A high tier exo will reduce the effect to zero so gatling guns could be fairly viable companions to the melee weapon even on the move.

I equipped an exoskeleton after 90 missions of not using it and it honestly felt worse than the smooth waves of twin Gallic.

Ya know, Fencer is literally supposed to be the advanced class that you have to truly master to unleash its true potential. Says it right there on the class description. There is no "unless", you genuinely should be mastering them.

wtf??? How are you so based?

Wow 39 looked really fucking intimidating going in but was surprisingly easy.
I guess I got lucky and picked the right loadout first go.

fair enough, but with mastery comes the necessity for gear, which means playing through most of the game and getting the better shit to more properly master them with. I can't even imagine playing previous games where getting Fencer gear involved having to start the game from practically scratch, though their dash cancelling probably helped with that.

>making it so you're unable to hit the broadside of a barn unless you stand still or point-blank
or maybe you should just stop sucking ass

Just beat the game on Inferno, about to do Inferno dlc on twitch if anyone gives a shit. You'll know the stream when you see it.

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Name one advantage over a 150mm other than cave use.

>no ammo limits
just reload before emptying the mag. that way you get to keep the charge

But it's not out?

150mm cannon does like 800 damage and takes 7 seconds to reload. Limpet Sniper does 700+x3 and reloads in 4.

The Lapis cannons are truly ridiculous. The best Limpet Sniper will do 5000 damage per shot, 1.7 shots a second, with 3 shots per mag and 3 seconds per reload. And then you only start loading after all bombs have finished exploding.

Meanwhile in Gunshipland the best Lapis cannon will hit for 2300 at a rate of 3.5 a second, 20 shots with a 4.6 second downtime, which is just about enough to switch to your autocannon / consecutive cannon beacon and throw it out, then back to using the Lapis. The delay from setting the beacon to shell impact is a complete non-factor.

The cannon has 6+ shots so by your account it does more damage and fires almost twice as much

Yeah but what if you're surrounded by enemies and need to shoot more than one target

if you let enemies surround you then you already did a shit job as AR

You have 6 shots to shoot 6 targets instead of 3 for three but you wouldn't be using only the limpet or cannon and the cannon reloads in the background making it even better

If youre surrounded as AR you're already in deep shit

You're confusing the consecutive cannon for the single target cannon. That's 6 individual beacons. If friendly fire and/or flying targets are a serious concern then the Eliminate shotgun cannons are ideal as they have an even shorter reload than the standard 150mm.

E D F ! ! E D F ! !

How do I feel less useless as an air raider
I always get killed and my mech can't turn fast at all

Youre better contributing to your team outside your vehicles now
Get out and tag those big meaty targets with auttocannons, call in phobos on those approaching swarms, call in spritefall on that one guy all those tadpoles/bees are aggroing on

>Just don't get surrounded bro
Are we playing the same game?

GGS boys

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>Saving Europe 1
>call in a Nix in that first patch of grass
>lands the exact moment a hoard of spiders erupt from it and gets destroyed near instantly

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Just play wind diver

Once you get to the level 80s-90s the game starts giving you Nyxes with good turning speed. At the beginning of the game the Red Coat is good for that and is actually faster with bunnyhops than walking.

My phobos and spritefall are getting outclassed, I wish the game was better at giving me what I wanted

I mean to be fair, the air raider dream is having one fencer/ranger in front of you keeping all the insects occupied

on 41 now, 1 space open

I find homing missles to be much better for flying enemy missions

That's what airstrikes are for you fucking moron

*level 70s-90s on hard, so level 35+ Nyx models

So, how does that twin spear dash cancel works again?

it's no dash cancel. you just dashjump, attack and dashjump again

>edf 6 decides to just give base vehicles models, and upgrades gives you parts to customize vehicle slots like mechwarrior or chromehounds

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>that initial wave on 40
>2 mother monsters and 2 red drones along with a huge swarm
Jesus christ how horrifying

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Is this game well optimized on PC? Looks fun.

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Talking about those, are red drones just rarer now? There were more red drones in 4.1's hard mode, I can only rememebr 3 missions with them now

Much appreciated, got my first twin spear and thought I was doing wrong.

>shoot godzilla
>cover the entire city in his blood
this game is so fucking good

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>Air raider in team
>constant "MACHINEGUN" over and over
air raider seems fun

yea it runs really well

if you think that's wild, wait for the later levels
>that fucking level with the mother mother teleportation anchor

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What mission was that again?

This damn game is just a constant stream of "oh thank god THAT's over".

>vehicles aren't worth it now
well fuck, guess I'll stick to 4.1
please, don't give me hope

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vehicles are still good, when he says "now" he means at low levels. Just like 4.1

>that one mission where you need to kill at least 6 giant bugs then godzilla shows up in the middle of it

3rd from last.

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even on normal/early hard things like grape/gigantus were still worth using

As someone who is hooked on the loot system and a vehicle fag, that extra depth would just suck me into the game easily if executed properly
>being able to get parts that increase mobility through decision of type (e.g. tracks v.s. legs)
>being able to decide if vehicle takes a long range or short range build or mixture of both based on weapon slots
>being able to decide if other players can enter it in exchange for additional firepower
If this was a separate class to compensate, I wouldn't even mind dropping air raider for it

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I got through a few missions with the Grape as MVP. Being able to joust groups of insects is key to survival sometimes.

The later versions of the grape haul ass and can actually get an air raider out of a bad situation. also helps to serve as a mobile buff base for your teammates

can't join lobby while game in progress when are they gonna fix this shit?

New pirate room starting with Mission 17 on Hard

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Never since it's not a problem

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the Lapis is a legit replacement for a primary weapon.

All the cannons are replacements for Limpet guns right from the beginning, you don't need to get up to the Lapis versions to notice that.

still up? can't find it

>red drones mission

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