Tekken Players
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>hole in wall
why the fuck are american houses made of cardboard? if I tried to punch a hole in my basement wall I'd break my fucking hand due it being, you know, brick, like a, you know, house
Imagine being this much of an autist that you need someone else to tell you to stop playing the game.
Americans live in toilet paper houses because they're so full of shit.
>Tekken career
Jesus dude you've got a wife and kids. I hope you focus on your actual bill paying job.
Yes. Well, sort of. Sheetrock is like cardboard, but less sturdy against impact.
gloryholes are easily made in those materials
they reuse the boxes that they keep fast food in
The dude got lucky. If he hit a stud, he probably would have broken his hand.
>my tekken career is based on being a netplay warrior
>this tekken degenerate has had kids
>this fag has a wife and kids while im khv
Amateur ranked online was a mistake
Cheaper. Allows for much bigger houses at a lower cost.
>Living in a communist concrete block and not a glorious capitalist comfy rustic wood house
I've played a couple games of T7 online. It's fun but I'm afraid of seeing how autistic it can get.
Fighting game players are mentally ill.
Modern houses in europoor are made of the same shitty materials unless you're paying out the ass to rent a closet in some pre-WWII building near the city centre.
easy access
Wow no wonder Tekken players are so hostile they're always on the brink of fucking burning down their own houses
you need to stop putting vaginas on a pedestal.
>Child's drum set
Imagine coming home only to find that your dad wrecked your playroom over a video game
what do you mean by autistic? people with poor attitude or just being a tryhard?
You have to put yourself out there user, I am 20 and I asked a girl out today and she said yes. Its literally the second date of my life. Just go for it
When's the last time you asked a girl out?
>in one two hour session
>Yellow online rank to Green online rank (ranks you can reach within 50 consecutive wins)
>Tekken "career"
I was reading another forum recently and this guy complained about korean backdashing and how some people online run to the back end of the arena just to fuck with you. It seems like there's a lot of shenanigans there.
No they aren't.
I had to stop playing t7 because I turn into a salty bitch. I don't break anything but I get a real faggot attitude when I lose.
what if its fake how can we tell
I just got Kazuya to mighty ruler tonight and man online tekken rage is real i lost 3 or 4 pads to it since tekken 7 was released.
Oh and i was pretty nervous, I honestly wanted to just go home, But I forced myself and it worked all well. It never would have happened if i ran away.
1. Git Gud and find a way to counter it
2. Do the same fucking thing
The dude is a fucking idiot
Fucking based I wish you the best of luck user
ah yes, you are bound to meet people like that eventually. It's a douche thing to do but w/e man, at the end of the day it's just a game. Keep your cool
Thanks user I wish you luck too
rofl imagine being this much of a faggot
How many ladder rungs is from juggernaut to vanguard and is that a lot of ranked points to lose in two hours?
imagine being such an elitist that you act like you're above using drywall, what a fucking idiot thing to say.
i remember this post from like 2 years ago, fun stuff.
hilarious post. juggernaut to vanguard is literally 5minutes for me.
>run away
>run into a person on the street who likes the cut of your jib
>gives you a high ranking easy job at his company
>become a trillionaire in 5 years and have all the gf you want
you moran
>being good in some fucking console game is important to this shit's selfimage.
Cardboard is only used for renovations over here, no one is dumb enough to use it to build a house.
juggernaut and vanguard are both low ranks
t7 online goes like this in terms of tiers :
true tekken god prime
you aren't "good" until blue+.
That's why you play tekken on pc and backup your saves before playing ranked since they are stored locally.
lol must be american
It means he lost like 20-30 times in a row
The Women that come with money, are not the women you want in a relationship lad. They are the women who say shit like don't pm me if you not this tall and shit like that. Good for a fuck but will suck the soul out of you in a LTR.
wow, all this time I thought it was just a meme. Do Americans actually do this?
because you can just insulate the house and keep it warm in the winter and cold in the summer easier and cheaper than making your house out of bricks or logs
not really its only dropping 3 ranks but thats pretty low rank in season 2 if you know how to play the game right you can get from green ranks into orange ranks in a few hours with the season 2 rank system.
I'd say once you reach red/purple you know your shit but don't commit to playing (online) all the time.
severely underrated post
that image has been reposted from way back in Season 1 tekken7 where ranking up and down used to take a lot. Back then reaching Genbu was an accomplishment for online warrior.
Now it's so easy to rank up at the lower ranks that you can climb up a rank from just winning 2 games against someone of your same rank
i run into a lot of really really awful habits in red/purple still. but yeah, red+ is competent forsure.
>tekken career
Simple, the women will be completely deranged psychopathic munters. Source: My brother
It's the only secure part of their houses that's not cardboard-tier fragile like the rest of the building
This is why I will never play fighters against anyone but family and the computer. Every people besides one that I have known who played often were complete splergs. Regret is not the word I would use to explain how awful they were. Smashfags are the worst and S M E L L the worst...
>you aren't good till blue
not really true ive played against good players in red and purple ranks and shit players in blue rank who play gimmicky characters and cheesed their way into the high ranks. cheesing people using characters with zero execution and lots of gimmicks doesn't make you a good player.
Where do posters like this come from?
>>Literally cannot stop talking about America
Would you please just stop? Your obsession is really unhealthy.
making a house out of wood is faster, cheaper, and easier to repair and you can insulate them very efficiently with newer foam insulation methods. Much more design options over wood than brick as well.
>Dotard refugee
Easily repairable, adjustable, and removable
Insulation (Especially the spray foam) is more reliable than bricks and logs
Can modify the design of the house with relative ease
And the best one
Can build an above average, up to code, house without having to lose large chunks of square footage on large/thick materials to establish the walls and ceilings
I live in student housing built in 1997. The quality of the plaster is a bit crap, but there are clearly bricks in all the walls. My home in the UK is Victorian, where the outside walls are two layers of brick and insulate the house extremely well for its size. No wonder the house is over 150 years old and still in great condition.(The wood parts like the balcony need redoing though.)
Those are the type of women who are fat and slobs. You don't want those types of girls, man.
I had a friend in high school who fucked up his hand permanently punching a hole in a wall because of how angry he was at one of the staff
Why do white folks do this
I like my houses made out of cold stones and freezing cold at summer and winter. Saves money on air conditioning and fans.
what makes you think he didn't just google phoenix and grabbed w/e he liked to go along his edgy ass name?
>I'm kinda not giving a damn about my wife and kids right now because I'm pissed off at a video game.
Imagine putting video games above your family.
Another "man" who lets his wife treat him like a child and tell him what to do while using their children as emotional hostages.
Can you tell the story for inspiration? Can't exactly just go round random bars asking girls out.
Okay, this one got me.
>They are the women who say shit like don't pm me if you not this tall and shit like that.
That's all women, user.
You're right, he should have beat her up and then made her clean up his manchild mess. That would be TRULY manly.
Should've posted the rest of that tale, it keeps going from there.
Because punching his wife in the face generally isn't an option for whites.
White people bust a wall, black people murder or beat up the wife. It's a manchildren thing really.
In my experience niggers are far more destructive to property than white people. It's why I never rent to anyone that fails the paper bag test.
We use plaster for the walls, helps with cooling/heating. Punch the wrong spot tho and yea, you'd break a hand
It’s Resetera
No user, YOU'RE right, marrying a woman just so she can be your mother and tell you how to live in your own house is manly. It's manly to be completely subservient to women and to never mature past needing a maternal figure.
Because they are 1 of the 3:
>Emotionally fragile, aka "my worth is what my boyfriend says", usually cute-ish but end up being pudgy, but have colossal self confidence issues and also usually have a shittastic job if any
>The fatty: Would be a 7 or 8/10 if she lost 20+ pounds and took care of herself, but you know for sure that's never gonna happen. If she miraculously did do it however, she will ditch you and bang every single male in a 10 mile radius to make up for being passed over in high school/college
>The Leech: you have something she wants, but it isn't you as a person or your gaming habit. More than likely wants your living quarters or your ease of life. They're super cute and will no doubt fleece you as soon as you are vulnerable enough
absolutely based
Fighting games are not sports!
Practice makes perfect: yes!
Playing more means higher skill ceiling: yes!
But that does not mean everyone has access to resources which make the sport learnable and equitable! A person from Japan or Korea has much more opportunity than someone in Arkansas! It's simple math! Anyone can coach a footballer, an e-sports athlete needs access to those same functions!
The guy IS a child. Seems entirely appropriate here.
It's amazing that you can start the post with the premise of criticizing the man and yet spend 90% of it complaining about the woman as though she's the problem and not the guy who had an autism rampage over losing a few ranks in a video game.
nope, literally only brick or concrete slabs, wood at most if its a bungalow in the forest
t. germany
Jk i dont want yall punching walls tonight
What are you on about.
I live in a modern apartment and my walls are clearly made out of concrete.
>no one is dumb enough to use it to build a house.
Do you retards actually think drywall is used as the primary building material of a house? The foundation and frame isn't made out of drywall.
no they fucking aren't, anyone who's not absolutely retarded still makes all the outside walls out of brick and uses drywall to separate the rooms
Probably a manchild with similar mindset, go figure
I kind of feel bad for the doggo. That stuff will traumatize it. Also on how it has to listen and watch that guy play while locked up.
Sensible, but not something you should admit to
i drove by a convoy of cars carrying a house split in 3 over 3 different trailers on the highway today. we literally build the shittiest most disposable houses in this country.
The woman is behaving that way because the "man" in question allows it. It's like dealing with a misbehaving child. You don't blame the child, you blame the parents for enabling it.
Not much to tell, I'm in college and she was taking the class since shes a tutor. We began talking to each other after she helped me a bit.
I just found it easy to talk to her user, and she struck me as a good woman with a nice head on her shoulders. We just kept talking after I did not need her help and just went for it.
I'd try to roll with 3 and just not fuck up.
>ITT: Euro-cucks who think drywall is the basis of all american structural construction
>Every cuck from spain to sweden swears they never need their a/c on because their homes are "well ventilated"
>They're finally getting actual summers
I really should start investing on foreign house renovations when the frogfucks can't stand another "Blistering" summer of 90 degrees freedomheit
Damn. Was she your age or older? There was a pretty cute young lady who worked at the College I attended a few months back. Had I'd know it could work I would've maybe tried asking her out.
Oh and shes (I believe) a conservative, Jehovah witness and Hispanic, since I don't care about race desu.
>She will not be on this house
The fuck?
I accidentally invited one over for dinner last week and now I don't know what to do.
Whats Bryan even making these days.
>tfw comfy open loft with a/c
>can't play more than one game at once
I think shes around my age or slightly older, probably 19-20
They're both horrible which is probably why they got together to begin with
i feel you
temp was 39c here for like a week and a fan is enough, you just need to close the fucking windows
> retard has a wife
How come roasties are always so bad in chosing partner?
Yea man you just have to go for it, even if does not work out, you know to go elsewhere rather than just think about what could have been.
>bend in tool
why fuck are homo sapien tool made of metal? if grug try bend stone knife it no bend because grug knife not make of metal and is uh make of rock like real knife
That's even funnier
>gets termites
>gets mosquitoes
>gets wood rot
>gets a hornet nest under the awning
I'm honestly surprised Nubi hasn't used this for shitposting before.
The south is fine the whole Mediterranean of south Europe, Turkey, and north Africa is fine it's just frogs, nords and island cucks squealing.
imagine signalling to your children, your workplace, your wife, your dog and the internet that you're on the level of emotional maturity that I was when I was a butthurt 14 year old
>tfw had all 3 on separate occasions
>could have married the #2 but was too vein to date a thick (i thought she was fat) girl
>#3 would visit often and fuck my brains out, then try to ask for cash like a god damn whore
>Miss #1 the most because she was a DD, chestnut haired librarian looking girl who cosplayed as Mei from OW....ended up recoiling back to her lanklet BF
>Gets demoted in Tekken
>Tears apart his room like a fuckin child
>Puts a hole in the wall
My sides, thanks OP I feel better.
That's very 2 dimensional to think that woman who allow your hobbies are psychos
I believe he has, but probably doesn't get enough (You)s to be worth reposting
look at this thread, there's more talk about walls and the autist that broke it than tekken
this guy truly does need his tekken privileges taken away
>gets termites
Not if you properly build and maintain it.
>gets mosquitoes
What do you live near a fuckin swamp? We got rid of those here in the first world
>gets wood rot
See first part
>gets a hornet nest under the awning
>Not just controlling the hornets to do your bidding with glorious CIA science
>play on pc
>copy save file before playing ranked
>lose rank
>Paste old save over the recent one
>Back to old rank
So desert apes in plaster/mud huts are fine, got it.
>named his dog optimus prime
Amazing how people from across the globe can come together in one thread to yet again avoid talking about video games by any means necessary
That's a very stupid interpretation, you stupid moron. He's saying the kinds of women who enable this kind of behaviour are psychos.
the virgin tekfag vs the Street Chad
>Getting cucked by a lanklet
Get /fit/
Girls try to attract boys so you need to attract girls
woah there, we just bumped into something you should explain
Man child.
>Phoenix RISING
more like Phoenix FALLING amirite?
Could be worse, like Dragonborn or something
Neither is it for blacks, because they'd have left long before the marriage
Would make sense, either way I am surprised he hasn't started posting his shitty copypastas yet.
You're right. I'll give it a go next time I'm talking to a girl at a bar or at a party, even if it's just asking for her number.
That doesn't make sense, you're could basically translate your post to:
>Another "dad" who lets his child treat him like a punching bag and tell him what to do while using their tears as emotional hostages.
You're still complaining about the kid more than you are about the dad.
Do you live under a wooden house? I've lived under wooden houses before. It can be comfy, but all of those things have happened to me even with a fairly maintained house. Especially the nests, fuck wasps and hornets.
Good luck user
spergs usually have sperg/gross wives because they'll take whatever. Better to be single trying to improve yourself than settling for some trashy girl because she tickled your willy
how would you feel about this being your father?
Uh, no I live inside the houses user.
any femanon here? how would you feel about being married to someone like that?
>got in a fucking car accident over tekken
>so disgusting that even his 100% unquestionably unconditionally loyal pet goes and hides because his master is a raging psychopath who locks him in a cage
do you think being high ranked in tekken makes you wise and enlightened? the reason he has a wife in the first place is because he didn't waste all of his time and brain cells on tekken
Salsa, my brother.
He didn't have any braincells to waste in the first place.
>getting into a car accident after a Tekken hissyfit
no way is this guy for real, fucking pathetic
Just look up xxzero on the Panda
His attitude and clearly poor temper
Managing anger can be a challenge, and Tekken is a pretty hard game.
Sitting in the corner blocking strings people throw at you watching out for that overhead in 2d fighting games can feel like a vacation after playing Tekken.
What the actual fuck. Like dont get me wrong I have tons of issues with the modern woman, but you think someone should just ignore his autistic thrashing over a fucking fighting game? I could understand Mario Party but jesus christ.
Its drywall, plasters been dead for decades.
>Literally being such a sperg you got into a car accident
I'm almost positive the wife is hard fucking his most attractive friend on the reg
I feel bad for that drum kit
try playing DotA2 with 4 peruvians who want to get a rampage and dive, and they're supp5
And this is in fucking Ancient rank
And yet i've never so much as hit my solid wood desk
my dad was a fantastic guy and i still find plenty of reasons to feel disappointed by him
i cannot imagine having such a colossal manchild as your dad. i get visibly frustrated if i job hard at whatever game, but goddamn
So fucking bizzare the dude acts like there is literally no problem with his behaviour
Cheap and easy to repair.
If we used concrete/wood, we'd be living with our parents our entire lives like euros do
>these kinds of people get married and breed while Yea Forums is still virgins
Explain yourselves
>can feel like a vacation after playing Tekken.
you know what's funny about that is that I find defense far less frustrating in tekken and 3d games in general than 2d fighters. This might be just a preference thing but a lot of 2d fighters over the last few years have a horrible gimmick of having mixups being "put as much shit on the screen as humanly possible and my dumbass eyes can't track that as well as a 3d character
>we got rid of those in the first world
Shut the fuck up you stupid, ignorant, worthless city motherfucker. Nobody figured out how to get rid of all the fucking mosquitos you just live in an area where they fucking aren't. God I hate you so fucking much it isn't even healthy or funny.
>Paul mains
l m a o
I'm too high IQ to fall for the 'have kids' meme
imagine settling for a landwhale who cucks you. no thanks
Jesus what a fucking overgrown man child. He should have his kids taken away, castrated and then executed for the fun of it.
>being this much of a crybaby manchild
"He" deserves literally every bad thing that ever happens to him.
American/canadian basements can be extremely comfy. I mean, just imagine that room if it was clean. And they make you feel safe and secure, like you have your own little hideout thats protected from the world
>making a house out of wood is faster, cheaper, and easier to repair
>to repair
To repair a house? What the fuck is that?
You build your house out of bricks and you don't need to repair it in your lifetime, probably not in your children's or their children's lifetime.
You americans have a very weird fucked up consumer culture.
Also what you consider wood house isn't. It's cheap scrap glued together.
This is youtube.com
American here, can confirm.
Its vain. Vain like vanity. Not vein.
This was corny, stop samefagging
Sure, Dota is even worse, because it's a team game and because games can take about an hour.
Good for you, but not everybody is good at self-control. Same with apologizing, approaching women, driving a car, a lot of things in life: it's not that hard but some people just never learn it.
*hits pipe*
Oh I see. You're from third world America, the south.
winning makes you a good player. you sound like a scrub.
American homes are the fast food of architecture
Strange how some wives behave like mothers. Maybe the husband is a irresponsible brat. I don't want to marry. I prefer to suffer my stupidity alone.
>living in a mosquito shithole
>having such a shitty house mosquitos bother you
literal nigger
What kind of idiot wants to stay in the same house for generations?
All it takes is some liberals bringing section 8 nogs and an economic downturn and your kids are stuck in the ghetto.
>"My tekken career"
Literally who
While this is true, at the end of the day you just have to guess between crouching and standing block in 2d. I feel like 3d makes it way harder.
Hey, I recognize him from MetaCouncil. That's funny.
>getting this mad about Juggernaut
>Tekken career as a fucking yellow
Washington, you retarded mouthbreather. I live near goddamn trees. Fucking Seattle people are just like you. They don't realize the bugs never just stopped existing, you just dont see them because you live in a fucking ocean of concrete and smog. I wish you were as dead as the mosquitos I have to kill. You socially insulated little fucking abortion.
Well I don't live in the US so I don't have that problem.
I live in La Center nerd. Thanks for taking the bait.
If I am a nigger then Argentinans are White.
Nah you're both niggers
>getting this mad over I JUGGLE YOU NOW YOU JUGGLE ME game
Both wood and concrete are top tier building materials.
The value of wood reinforced houses increases in the long run because high quality wood dries out, becomes more solid and fits in place better.
I deserve this
>his wife didn't come down into the basement butt naked and let him hatefuck her to calm him down
what a bitch, useless fucking woman.
Honestly though you would think in areas with a lot of tornadoes they would use sturdier materials.
A good tornado will rip anything off it's foundation. It's better to make something you know is going o get wrecked out of cheap shit so you can rebuild it faster and cheaper.
I mean, to be fair, the """""prestige""""" of a yellow rank was a lot higher back when this was first posted.
>smashfags smell
Shut the fuck up with this dumbass fucking meme you faggot
>this one guy represents all of the community
>using an am*rican as an example
double yikes
take a fucking shower
if your woman doesn't allow you to do something, you're a fucking retard cuck
>doesn't post country
What are you hiding?
Holy shit you do not want to roll with 3
seething americuck with tp walls
>To repair a house? What the fuck is that?
retard detected.
I named my cat just that when I was 9
That's true.
Even boogie of pic related teeth got a girlfriend at one point and I never had one.
I'm starting to think I'm a punchline for god's many jokes.
I knew there were going to be spergs upset at the wife in the OP. You reek of virginity.
The question is do you talk to girls or show obvious interest? Even I was able to get a gf for a few months by asking a chick to a movie
Autists aren't self aware
gave me a good kek
The man children are butthurt again. Make sure to wash behind your ears stinko
If it's a button mashing game, why does someone who has even a little bit of knowledge about movelists and such, completely trash those who mash?
You can mash buttons in any game in existence, doesn't make the games button mashers.
You don't learn by mashing and you don't win by mashing when winning matters. Sure, you can win someone beginner and silver scrubs who also mash, but once you start facing people who know a trick or two, you won't win.
have shower
His wife is obese reads twilight and doesn't have a job
My dogs names are Nessie and Kraken
>he's the same guy that did the ostritch doujin
>wife will leave you and take kids with her
>"I don't give a damn"
Based newfag.
I been playing tekken since the first game and can’t get beyond fighter rank. But I don’t give a shit.
Some people really need to calm down. Just live for the fight. Not for the rank.
forced, but still mildly funny
Reminder a Street Fighter chad would have never done this.
Fighter isn't even bad dude. Took me 200 hours to break out of greens. That being said with the S2 rankings you better not brag about anything before Genbu.
Infiltration literally beat his wife
This is false. Blues are now garbage.
t. Fujin Lee
>Fujin Lee
How do I break out of the cycle of panic mode magic 4s and 2,2,3s? Teach me your ways.
>make lots of money in IT career
>hook up with thot
It's that easy.
user is exaggerating, he only grabbed her by the wrist to keep her from smashing his shit. Wife kept trying to bait him into abuse so she can get that sweet sweet settlement money and even got a Korean subreddit to spread rumors of frequent domestic abuse.
Why not build underground?
One time I got so mad at a game I alt-F4d and did something else.
Naw dude, Anericans are just stronger than you
Is your name Jack?
Evidence suggests that that was an exaggeration,
but either way no one actually knows so there's no need to spout it as fact.
Court says otherwise.
>she will not be on this house
I'm so fucking sick of ESLs. There are more ESLs than anything else on the internet now. All discussion and jokes have been reduced to the most absolutely basic forms possible because you fucking Spaniards don't understand anything else.
Bestiality is his primary content and he has done two Lana doujins, one of then with her fucking a walrus
calm down EOP
>women let guys like this put babies in them
I'm so fucking lonely bros
>all these angry retards
I'm American and it confuses me that there are actual people who can't handle simple banter and act all passive-aggressive.
>open pic to see some tasty french fries or pasta
>it's neither tasty french fries nor pasta
Even if I was, your spic shit doesn't get translated because the rest of the world doesn't want it. English has everything worthwhile in the world in it eventually.
>losing composure in front of your children
This is probably the worst thing here. I have a little brother who is half my age and I never display anger around him even though I'm just as flawed and prone to frustration as any normal person. This guy really is a fuck up.
In the parts of the midwest that have tornado issues the water table is a foot below ground. Most places dont even have basements cause in a few weeks they turn into swimming pools
>only spaniards speak like shit
>americans never make mistakes
The opponent will not always spam dumb shit in a way where spamming 44 and 223 works, so try to make yourself fit them in purposefully instead of on a whim. I still throw them out on a read occasionally, but I most often just poke and move. Remember to use b4~3, df2, db3 and db3+4, and wear down turtles with slide mixup plus the lows. Godspeed fellow lee.
(And we could do some lobbies if you're eu pc, or you could also join lee discord for good info)
I told you to calm down EOP
Sad if true.
But probably fake
Dang, sounds like a horrible place to live. There's no way to build underground and stop the flooding?
What a fucking child.
Americans ARE Spaniards
That doesn't even look like destruction, just a regular messy and well-lived in room. His wife sounds super uptight if this is grounds for a separation.
Oh look a retard. You usually have a layer of sheetrock and insulation before the actual foundation with wood beams also
How do you not know this?
>Sorry wait too busy insulting America while your girls are gang raped and you pay for BBC to pump you full of bullshit?
>Hey at least us Americans have houses. Don't you live in fucking boxes or am I thinking of the Chinese
>this NIGGER ("faggot" doesn't do this moron justice) has as wife and kids
>I don't
I feel bad for everyone in his family.
>Obsessed over black people just because a guy post a meme
It's a joke, get over yourself.
user, it's like your playing dorf fort but the entire first layer under your fort is an aquifer in the whole map.
low standards
>my husband got angry at a video game to the point of trashing a room and punching a hole in a wall
>surely he will only act this way when angry about video games and never when angry about other things, such as me or our children
You're right user she's just uptight
>all these seething mutts replying
based user keep doing what you're doing
And he's also the one that made Faithful Tepig doujins. Fuck, I want a 3 and know what the fuck happened after Tepig evolved.
Same with my niece, I'm stern with her when she does something wrong, but she's never afraid of me.
Are...are those his teeth? What the fuck did he do?
>Doesn't play the game when there are people in the house
>The dog is afraid of him
Wow, what an asshat. Please let this be fake
That's some rage fit to throw over a shitty game especially someone with a wife and kids
you have never gone outside if you claim that about mosquitos
asspull all you want and claim people live in a shit hole area, you pulled such a contrarian claim and are a total fucking retard because of it
holy shit you really have no clue how the outside is do you
if you cant get even a shitty looking gf it just means youre not trying hard enough inversely youre trying very fucking hard to be an incel
hey why does itachi have those lines on his face
they are not scars, never really thought about it till now
>that guy who flung his hamster against the room when he was mad at a video game and killed it
I'll never forget that Yea Forums post
Did you actually fall for the bait even after it was said as such?
I've done this, although only one single time. I was going through a really rough time. Had found out my ex cheated on me for four years so I dumped them. Job was fucking me over in multiple ways like moving me to a store that was five times the distance of my old commute, or having to deal with constant drug addicts and junkies. The final straw was them refusing to pay me for two 10 hr shifts I did. Didn't want to fight it because I was already so overwhelmed and stressed, so I just ended up quitting.
Was walking through my bedroom, and it all just came out at once, I just ended up punching my wall as hard as I possibly could. Ended up with a boxer's fracture. Last time I'll do that.
Tekken is the last game where the spirit of the FGC is alive.
there was 3 major infections found on his teeth if i can recall
i dont remember why they had to take everything out but im assuming the other teeth werent "alive" anymore due to tooth decay
Okay but at least you had good or at least understandable reasons. You didn't just get beat by a Law player and flip your shit.
Usually when I get mad I don't punch stuff, I just grab my own head, though admittedly sometimes I've drawn blood because my nails were getting long, but at least that repairs itself.
not read the whole thread before making a reply when its 289 replies long
t. jeans and jogging shoes
Jesus that's disgusting.
Thanks friend.
Correct, because it's dead.
Because punching things that break is ore fun that punching things that break you.
I stopped watching tourneys in 2015. I try to reinvigorate my interest, but it never works. I don't even watch Evo anymore. Fuck E-Sports.
This is good, you're a good uncle. There's one more thing you need to be aware of. Let's say your niece broke something precious of yours, she pulled on a game console and it came crashing onto the floor completely ruined, you need to assess if she did it accidentally or deliberately. If somebody actively breaks something of yours out of malice, you have every reason to be pissed off at them. However, if it's an accident, even a really STUPID accident. So long as they really didn't intend to do it, you shouldn't lash out in anger at them.
i need to see this
damn you really showed that guy by calling him a NIGGER ("faggot" doesn't do justice)
>every competitive event is e-sports
Is tekken more active on PC or PS4?
Is the paper bag test seeing if their skin is darker than the bag?
PS4 obviously.
Pretty much everything she's broken up to now was an accident, she's a great niece.
yeah i'm thinking this is based
Why are noncels so prone to violence and taking shit from women?
>unstable manchildren like this are allowed to have kids
jesus christ, I wish you needed a baby permit because that's just asking for domestic violence
I just looked him up on resetera he's actually a black man and banned now, this was a chimpout.
How are they both horrible? You literally dont know anything about her besides the fact she doesnt want him playing tekken, which is completely fair provided what hes posting about.
>just a regular messy and well-lived in room.
That is beyond a disaster and in no way "well-lived"
>baby permit
have you ever stubbed your toe?
You can literally punch through door and walls, not to mention that when ANY natural disaster happens, no matter how mild, there will always be powershortages or entire houses getting wrecked
this is what happens when your livelihood relies on video games
It's literally a matter of standards.
Practically anyone can get a girlfriend if they're fine with all manner of ugly, fat or bad personality women
I just punch my face while remembering what a failure of a person I am while thinking about how the love of my life dumped me and I have nothing and no one
I hope nobody else comes to this point. I hate myself
clout is one hell of a drug
What a child.
If you can't learn to control your anger, maybe this isn't the HOBBY for you.
Not going to ask about Xbox?
How does someone like that even have a wife and children in the first place?
Fuck I feel bad for the kids
Should report him to CPS
euros don't have basements...?
Melee is better than tekken 7.
anybody can do that
even the bagel manlet was married at one point
Fighting games inspire way too much rage in people. My little brother would spam low kick so much in SSF4 that eventually I beat the shit out of him with the 360 controller. Mom was so mad.
nah I definitely seen more white dudes beat their wives than blacks
>been playing Tekken since Tekken 2 came out
>never been competitive
>always enjoyed just playing single player unless its against friends and that was always for fun
>Tekken 7 ruined this though by almost being multiplayer only which is a shame and something I hope they fix either in the future or with Tekken 8
>mfw I'll never be an fgc autist who has anger problems
Feels so fucking good lads
Paper bag test?
I mean what would you do if you played Tekken for +10 years, and then Bamco decided to put all the basic elements to the game in the trash and do this to you, but in a tournament?
Holy shit what a fucking loser
Just got demoted from Tekken Lord to Emperor, was really close from getting to Tekken God.
It does suck but it is what it is, the only take away from it for me is to learn from my loss.
Been playing Tekken since 3 btw.
if it weren't for speedonvhs adamantium and jimmy's discord, this would've been the most pathetic thing I've ever seen
>using a 2 years old picture to shitpost on Yea Forums for (you)s
With all the replies, I can tell everyone is a newfawg, trannysite, r*ddet and imeme
This is probably his wife.
I dont need my females permission nors does she get to allow me to enjoy my hobbies. only cuckolds and desperate virgins would say or think something so unmanly. she doesnt like my hours of gaming or hours of stock/bitcoin stuff or meetings or hangouts with the guys her options are suck my cock while I consider if I care or get dumped and replaced by a younger cuter less demanding tart.
I think smash or MK would be more your speed user
how good are you if you play in purple ranks?
To be fair asian butterfaces usually have killer slim bodies.
why do you think he is french?
pretty good for a pasty nerd like him
>got demoted from jugg
That's Tekken "players"
>layer of shitrock
>wooden foundation
can't make this shit up
it's hard to answer that honestly as tekken is so difficult that players in the top 30~ can barely touch players in the top 10~. Plus S2 ranking made everything before.. Raijin(?) kind of meaningless if you don't also include the total number of games it took to reach that specific rank as you can progress with a sub 50% winrate up until that point.
Every basement I've seen are larger than a living room and has been refurbished in some form. It's not at all uncommon to see them transformed into entertainment centers and some even have a bar theme to them, like my dad and uncle's basement.
Got me good, fella.
Imagine your own family and dog fears you because of how much of a lunatic you are
fucking WOW
why do asians act like they dont have jaundice yellow skin, buck teeth and coinslot eyes but then look like that
In my experience, competent.
Blue+ ranks is where it really matters, in terms of ranking (zero sum game) but that's because of S2 ranking system.
If you would have asked the same question for S1, being a purple rank is pretty much pro level of Tekken, red would be understanding basics and fundemetals, orange is above average and yellow is average, below that is beginners.
>build cardboard houses
>complain about tornado/hurricane damage
This. I've seen niggers talk about insects dying out and how awful it is that they are. I don't even live in the boonies anymore since the place has been built up, but sadly the insects are still around.
City-goers are so clueless when it comes to nature and actually think they 'don't exist' anymore.
Oddly enough literal fucking niggers are all in the city you god damn moron.
Phoenix is a nigger, he even frequents resetera's BCT
>The fatty: Would be a 7 or 8/10 if she lost 20+ pounds and took care of herself
Maybe to numales who spam these e-thot pics like yourself. Stopped reading right here. You're a fuckin wimp.
Why are fighting game players so low IQ and resort to chimpouts when they lose?
>A fat slob like boogie can get a gf while I'm terrified of even approaching a woman
Take me now Jesus
I've been playing Tekken more years than you've been alive, I'm not about to drop it now.
If you care about singleplayer in a fighting game you aren't actually allowed to have an opinion on the genre
this thread sucks my dudes, but I want to ask you guys
Do you think these competitive online games are bad for us? Like, is there any reason to put yourself through that shit? The whole genre is chewing through hundreds of hours of your time, alone, developing skills that aren't very useful, absorbing no cultural commentary, and being relentlessly judged by a system that probably just wants to sell you more shit.
Is there any fucking excuse for playing online multiplayer games or is this shit some perverse form of self harm?
>fighters were single player for years before online unless you lived at the arcade
>but since online became a thing 10+ years ago you're not allowed to like these games anymore or it upsets the kids who grew up on the internet
all I'm saying is that you sound like the type of guy who plays AoE2 for 'muh comfy city building'
>I've been playing Tekken
have you? I don't think that spending your time messing around with the braindead AI and bootleg bowling is ''playing tekken''
You can say this for anything not productive
i have been pissed over games before but jesus fucking christ its time to stop dude
Air is the best insulating material.
>don't think that spending your time messing around with the braindead AI and bootleg bowling is ''playing tekken''
It was good enough for most of the 20+ years of Tekken's lifespan, kids saying otherwise because they grew up on online vidya some how doesn't mean shit to me.
Do Americans really live in their wife's basement like a fucking goblin?
No, people have always bought fighting games for the competitive aspect. Single player has just been a side part of the experience
> Phoenix rising
more like the Phoenix WHINING
Imagine not studying an actual career at the uni or getting a real job.
I hate to say this user, but you're acting like a scrub
Apparently not where I'm from because no one I grew up with cared about being "competitive" in a fucking video game, there was multiplayer sure but it was never serious business.
Oh no a person on the internet said a bad thing, Whatever shall I do. Kek
That's not really true. OK, Tekken and most fighting games are pretty good about this, (especially because the rounds are nice and short, they aren't team games, and they're easy to play local) but most online games today have faceless matchmaking, loads of microtransactions, and incentivize making gaming into a constant habit with reward structures that pay you pennies on the win. I've had legitimately bad breakups with games just like the guy in the OP, but this shit doesn't really happen in single player games so I'm wondering, is this something people should maybe try to avoid at all costs?
>tfw went through high school as the quiet kid who kept to himself
>tfw spent the entire time alone and not giving a fuck
>tfw my brother and all of the friends I had through him went through this shit with various girls
>tfw spent senior year getting told by all of them how they thought I was really cool for not getting caught up in that kind of shit, not drinking or smoking, and just focusing on my future
>tfw School was just easy, so I spent all my time feeding my video game addiction and now my life is no better off than any of theirs
Holy kek
I and O are right next to each other, it's just a typo you sperg
The USA has really large beaner and nigger populations, and our government actively likes to ruin middle and upper working class areas by letting them in and paying their rent. It shatters property value and then grandma has to live next to a bunch of feral non humans.
It's just not worth investing in average houses in America, the more disposable the better as I can burn it down easier after the nogs move in.
And it's not even because they think that it will actually improve anything. Just that proximity is "good for the soul."
This guy is me but worse. Once punched broke my laptop's monitor after being demoted from warrior to Grand Master. Then a few weeks after I punched my table so hard I almost broke my hand.
There is nothing more enraging in life than this game.
lol you're a fag
You talking shit on my Dovakitty?
If you don't experience anger when you get destroyed over and over you're a low T soiboi.
>not being strong enough to punch holes in brick
Maybe if you weren’t so malnourished and diseased over there.
Tekken 7 has left me fucking beside myself with anger, Tekken is my favorite fighting game but I frequently uninstall 7. Glad to know it isn't just me.
There's a difference between anger and actually breaking your own shit like some fucking brainlet ape.
git gud
True, I try to control myself these days. But I see nothing wrong, it's a thing of the moment, like if someone called your mom a whore and you just snap.
seething coping eurocucks
wait are europeans so devoid of any comedic intelligence that they find post like these as pinnacles of european humor?
demi lardner has better "jokes" than this
No, that’s called anger issues user.
your mom is a whore though considering she didn't raise you properly
How quickly people forget.
Sheet-rock you fucking 3rd worlder.
I'm trying man, all my skill from TT2 left me and I'm fumbling around like a baby. I just picked it up again and trying to relearn everything, but I still have no idea what the fuck to do against neegan. Noctis is one thing, but with Neegan I feel like I can't do shit but watch the shit get kicked out of me.
>muh vagoona farted xd
>like if someone called your mom a whore and you just snap
I can safely say I've never smashed my own shit out of anger for any reason. There's just no excuse good enough to damage your own possessions and trying to justify it says all kinds of bad things about you dude.
So do a lot of people in America, retarded Yuroshit
You guys are so fucking irritating, you constantly make wild claims and exaggerations about America and then cry whenever people do the same to you lmao
The thing that pisses off people so much about the game is that you can get completely anihilated over and over again by people you know are much worse than you. And I'm not a sore loser, I sometimes beat people better than me if I use gimmicky characters.
In fact my gimmick characters are usually sitting at the very least 6 ranks above the honest ones.
>local play literally never existed
I already mentioned that.
Don't Americans think that Marvel movies are the pinnacle of comedy?
If you lose against someone a ton than you're worse than them
>near 100% Combo
Jesus. Why doesn't TheMainDaddySWE participate in tournaments anyway?
Which is why you're dumb.
>playing fighting games
I'm not white trash or a nigger so I can't relate
Local play was not a common thing and don't pretend like it was, friends do not play Tekken every day for hours with you. If you bought a fighting game you were mostly playing single player. What's dumb is faggots like you talking otherwise despite only being cum in your daddy's balls back in the 90s.
You seem to project quite a lot about this. Must've sucked having no friends that would play with you.
I have never broken anything or had any type of outburst after losing in an online match in any game ever. The worst I've done is say that's bullshit in a normal voice. Maybe I'm just boring
I did have friends who played but we didn't sit around playing Tekken all day every day, it just wasn't done. I worry for your generation when doing something like that with people online seems normal to you.
>from resetera
even better
jesus christ
is this guy like a legit pro?
Man must suck to have friends who suck at video games.
contrary to what most believe, your online rank barely means shit in the world of competitive fighting games. It's a completely different environment. You can cheese your way to Emperor but you can't cheese your way out of pools
plus he's a family man
At least we got houses.
Good thing vidya isn't everything then isn't it? thank fucking Christ I didn't grow up with online or else I'd be like you FGC faggots.
Well today for example I beat a Heihachi guy with my Xiaoyu 6 times in a row by carelessly spamming mid launchers and using memes.
If I had faced that same guy with my Kazuya chances are it would've been pretty even or I would've lost, judging by the fact that he had good movement and offense.
>tfw living in a older house
>paying little to no rent
feels good
Why is the Tekken FGC so full of niggers? It's like trannies in zelda speedrunning.
>caring about online rankings in a fighting game
Like, all that matters is locals and majors.
You call others faggots whilst acting like one, seems awfully hypocritical of you. But would make sense if you suck at video games.
i mean i got super super fucking pissed off at video games before too, enough to throw the controller to the ground and yell as loud as i can, but I wouldn't do what the guy in OP did unless it was about a girl leaving me or a girl cheating on me. but i have autism too lol,
would you like to know about mahvel, user?
>Getting mad at a video game to make you start destroying your own shit.
The most special kind of attention seeking. Surprised this person has wife and kids.
I'm gunna beat you irl, watch me feg.
I doubt it since you only play single player.
>tekken players literally care more about their number going up and down in online than they care about actually playing the game well
You have to ba a handyman to live in these houses.
Playing well won't net you a win. For every match where me and a person are trading blows using skill, I get 4 matches where I have to decipher someone's bullshit.
>plus he's a family man
So, he's the Swedish Guile. I understand.
This except unironically
His teeth were so destroyed he decided to partner up with a dentist and get a full replacement
Every fighting-game as a nigger fanbase user. I am one.
You're effectively adding 30%-50% square footage of workable space to your home without increasing its footprint. Extreeeeeeeemely valuable thing to have that oddly adds very little to the home's market value. Although I prefer concrete slabs on the 1st floor. Feels good under my feet. McMansions with crawspaces that rattle and thump when you walk across them (at all of 180lbs) don't make you feel like your home is very sturdy.
t. Middle TN, 1900sqft 2-floor home, $309k market value. Bought at $239k 5 years ago.
Have you seen the guys job?
What he looks like?
Girls will ignore a lot of you have both
>stagnant wages means you have to eat less to live
>"what sorcery is this???"
fuckin boomers
Also being less obese.
Why do 3D artists always have such a hard time making an ass that doesn't look deformed and unnatural? I don't mean in an 'ethics and core values' sort of way. That girls ass is like 3x bigger than should be. Even if she were black, it would still be impossibly fat.
Surprise, he's a nigger
Winning versus people who actually know your character makes you a good player. You'll see a lot of high-ranked players that completely crumble just because you know the matchup and don't let them get away with dumb shit.
Anons... please, let us settle this in a real game.
why would you blog about this tho
liked, thumbs up, major kudos
JWs are weird, man. If her family is big into that, it's gonna be a shitstorm for you
why the fuck do people play this game, he got juggled for a straight 20 seconds and went from full health to dead
Hmmmm, I wonder why...
What other recourse does she have? This is probably not the first incident.
he mashed while at negative frames against a geese with meter who was aligned with the wall on the only stage in the game where that combo is even possible
basically the dragunov went full retard for a moment and got punished for it
Yes they are.
maybe it's that im stuck in green ranks but I never get salty playing T7. I get my ass kicked a lot but if I keep losing I just switch characters and do a little better
Is your house mighty mighty? Does it let it all hang out?
I am American and can confirm. Reason I moved out of that shithole country.
Brick houses look 200 years old and ugly
Do tekken players smell as bad as smash players?
So how good is the rank Juggernaut?
Today I will remind them.
>If you bought a fighting game you were mostly playing single player
Even when I was a friendless kid I almost exclusively played fighting games with my family. We even usually took turns when we beat the singleplayer campaign.
I don't understand why people feel they are entitled to success. I've been noticing this more and more, but it first really came to my notice with Overwatch. Everyone I played with always acted like they were better and it was everyone elses fault. What's caused this? Why can't people just have fun?
Tekken's online is so frustrating because you know how to beat shit, but can't react online. I realize that's a problem for every online game, but it's tenfold in Tekken
chuuni syndrome
Fags need to stop watching anime and thinking their a protagonist against a ton of NPCs.
You would still have a hard time punching through the walls in that house
social media
They truly think they are one of the greatest players and everyone around them holds them back, that's all there is to it. I've known so many of these people over the years that solo queue in team games all day, do absolutely nothing but bitch that their team is the entire reason they get stuck in gold/plat or whatever but have zero interest in ever picking up any type of solo game like a fighting game. The only reason BR's and "auto-battlers" don't bother them is because those games have tons of other shit they can blame instead.
I kek'd
Sadly never ever
I did this recently and she told me to fuck off despite confirming that she liked me.
You're not american.
There are plenty of characters in Tekken that can kill you just because you don't know the matchup, especially online when you're fighting through input delay as well. Hell, even at top level you can watch JDCR beat Knee's DJ and Steve like they're nothing then get destroyed by his Geese repeatedly. Does that mean JDCR is worse than Knee or does he have a rough time with a particular character? You can also look at Chanel wrecking Arslan like it's nothing then getting destroyed by Knee despite Knee losing to Arslan all the time. Who's worse there?
Saying that you must be worse than someone if you're losing to them is a nice sentiment but I think it disregards a lot of the complexities that go into anything competitive, especially in a game with around 40 different characters.
Depends entirely based on how the house is structured. If it's not integral for the foundation (assuming a basement is present), it's probably not made of brick.
Wanna know how I know you don't do construction?
Cook dinner. Purchase Netflix.
bricks are not made of concrete you dumbfuck
also american houses are not made of pure wood
they're made from plywood which is mostly resin
>Why doesn't TheMainDaddySWE participate in tournaments anyway?
Because he'd get destroyed. He's not that good at the game and he alt+f4s people on stream because he doesn't want to learn the matchup. I think he even plugs a guy in /tekgen/ for 'streamsniping' because he kept wrecking his shit whenever they'd get matched up.
They're made out of OSB these days friend
Litterally fuckin woodchips
people are mocking you to your face
there is no obsession, you're being bullied
did you also smirk to yourself and said in your head 'hehe... obsessed with me..." after your bullies shoved a stick up your ass or beat you up? faggot bitch, start fighting back double nigger
>put yourself out there
out where
Is construction good money
Please do not cuss
Dunno about other murrikans here, but my house is basically a giant brick. It was made bout 60 years ago. There isn't even any insulation since I assume the brick is supposed to do that
8.5/10, would be better if Chad had an angry expression
This post made me smile.
Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Depends on if you're the slave labor or not.
Future incel parents
Yes aslong as you eat like a body builder so you don't destroy your body in ten years
You'll get people with all labor warning you about your back n all that good stuff when in truth its all avoided by proper protein exercises and stretches
Agreed. Just look at this guy jumping out of his seat while screaming “I CANNOT TAKE THE SMELL ANYMORE”
get rid of that name and ill tell you fag
Wait why do they have their shoes off
>when in truth its all avoided by proper protein exercises and stretches
Try working out for 8+ hours a day for 30 years- without the use of gym equipment specifically designed to minimize the risk of injury - and let me know how that works out for you.
It’s a maternal instinct thing. They see some violent psycho and think that they can “save him”, but always end up with two black eyes.
Trying to drown out the stench with his own stench
authentic and heterosexual
Yeah I remember when I was 20
hit the showers