>sexchange is literally mainstream vidya canon in Japan
Dare I say: Based?
>sexchange is literally mainstream vidya canon in Japan
Dare I say: Based?
Gender bender.
>mobile game
kill yourself.
based and blackpilled
it's only based when there are no estrogen pills and surgeries involved
Imagine being this much of a newfag
Not enough gender bending games desu.
>middle schooler
>sex change
>phone shit
fuck off
Go back to bed zoomer, been that way for decades.
>japanese "tranny"
>"wow suddenly I'm a girl now because of magic and I have huge bouncy titties and an insatiable lust for cock"
>western tranny
>i grew up raised by evil space/fantasy nazi parents so I cut off my dick and eloped with an ugly black girl and we dilate together 24/7
Japs just think of it as a fetish, not a lifestyle like the degenerates in the west.
>"wow suddenly I'm a girl now because of magic and I have huge bouncy titties and an insatiable lust for cock"
>i grew up raised by evil space/fantasy nazi parents so I cut off my dick and eloped with an ugly black girl and we dilate together 24/7
god i wish i would wake up looking like that
Doesn't pic related do this but in the "wake up in another person's body" way?
seriously if i was a woman i would no longer have to bare 2 labor extensive jobs and could just play video games online braless and with a tight white shirt for donations
Gender bender has been a thing in japanese media since before you were even born you fucking newfag.
Nah, that is LIBIDO tier.
It's SOUL when it's played for situational comedy and some fun, non masturbatory t&a/cuteness
Don't believe tranny lies,
genderbender will never be comparable to disgusting surgeries and hormone abuse
The Japanese are turbovirgins and have had their minds and concept of sex ruined by their degenerate porn.
Japs have always been degenerate like that
it's not something the nukes did
That's fucking excellent
fella, i'm no stranger to trannies trying to ruin my jack off sessions.
whatever floats your boat
have another
yeah OP I think its just genderbender. Which has been more of a fetish/joke then a real issue in anime for a while. Anyone remember kampfer or Ranma?
Honestly, this. If tranny tech could make into a cute girl, I'd do it.
>mainstream vidya
what's mainstream bout this little shit I've never heard of before
I've been playing Koikatsu since October and I still have no fucking clue how you lock a camera to an object like that.
leave it to trannies to fuck up a fetish i love
I kind of want to see it the other way around. Girl gets turned into a dude and becomes a ruthless pussy slayer.
>wake up as girl
>your genitals are mutilated just like your male ones were
Think closest i've ever read was a female to futa that once she accidentally got a cock, became mind broken and ran around like a feral dog mating and impregnating every chick she could. Close but no cigar
fucking wrecked
I've never ever seen sexual reassignment surgery in any japanese media ever, including doujins. Closest thing is cutting a dick off.
>gender bender
just an odd way to say tomboy
I disagree. It's soul when the man turned chick gets knocked up and has pregnant sex, it's soulless when the chick becomes a dude again and the doujin ends
Same. I blame anime and all those doujins that make the female orgasm seem like the greatest fucking thing in the world
You mean that trash that is not top ranked?
I've seen maybe two doujins like that, one of which has the assignment surgery in detail.
It's one of the few times i've ever lost an erection mid session, Jesus Christ what a fucking awful surprise
Apparently it's nothing like male orgasms and actually sucks half the time
whereas male orgasms are consistently decent
Sounds like women complaining about things as per usual. They're probably just lying to put themselves on a pedestal again
Once again I've been bamboozled by the nips. Guess there's no point to being a girl if you can't even get off consistently
I've had a non-lewd story idea that revolves around gender bender shit for literal years at this point. It's such a fascinating concept, but I'm honestly afraid to do anything public with it at this point. The outcry against it would be awful.
>I've never ever seen sexual reassignment surgery in any japanese media ever, including doujins.
You haven't looked for it I presume.
well i mean, you aren't wrong
>leave it to trannies to make me feel gay for liking trannys
Both are good
Genderbender is not the same as chopping your dick you disgusting tranny
No one cares about your thesis
>be me
>have a big gender bender fetish
>set up network group with friend's PC so I can transfer Wall-E to him
>transfer complete
>shortly afterwards
>look over shoulder to his screen
>Kampfer chapter 1.png
>"O-oh yeah that was something my brother was reading and wanted me to get it for him, idk w-what it is"
I was upset and embarrassed that he was sneaking into my files over network share. I just wanted to share some kino for him...
>Yea Forums discovers gender bender
>implying bowsette wasn't babbys first gender bend
Genderbender is a shit fucking fetish though
Secretly lustful female knight gets reincarnated as a male demon and sets out to end the human-demon war by seducing all the high-ranking female demons
>haha I want to be a woman and/or fuck women that were formerly men
It has always been a shit fetish for gays, rule 63 is one thing but genderbender is straight up faggotry.
>massive tgfag
>bowsette fad started
>told a guy I used to be friends with that it's going to be a golden age of tg doujinshi
>excited as fuck
>literally ONE translated doujin came out of it, and it was written before bowsette
>comments on sad panda are forever ruined with bowsettefags
Sounds like you're well versed, user. Guess all that sucked dick helped you. If it has no cock and can get pregnant then it ain't gay nigga
>this level of fag projection
Sorry your tranny fetish got taken over by trannies maybe try not having a gay fetish next time lmao
>let someone have access to where your sekrit files are
>they see them
you deserve it for being such a retard
Yeah, I was young and didn't understand how to set up Windows home group properly.
I thought the same thing would happen with Your Name and body switching doujin.
>trannies trying to co opt gender bender
>anyone remember ranma
I thought this was a joke but then I realized we're on Yea Forums
haha do you have the link to it haha just wondering
This. You aren't straight if you haven't fapped to atleast 1 gender bender hentai
You do realize that there is literally a game called Trans, right?
Don't even get me started lad. To this day I don't think I've ever seen a Your Name doujin emphasising the TG, and I check the new releases on sad panda every week.
I hate having this trash fetish, at least feetfags and traphomos have a good amount of content coming out while I have to wait and wait for the once in a blue moon dump of some trash no name artists when there's still a fuckton of actually good untranslated shit. AND DON'T EVEN MENTION IMPLIED TG, THAT SHIT IS A WASTE OF AN UPLOAD AND MAKES ME BUTTMAD FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK.
>Mobile game
サービス終了 in 6 months
Is it VR? please, I must know if I can see my boobs in VR for Koikatsu Party.
Koikatsu does have a VR mode, but the WebMs aren't showing that. The game comes with a character poser, and whoever made the WebMs stuck a camera on a girl's face during some canned animations.
Also, I don't know if the Steam version supports VR, since that was added in a post-launch update, and Party is the vanilla release. You'd have to look into it.
that was some good shit
I like this one too
>I want to
no you colossal dumb faggot. just because you like incest doesn't make you want to fuck your mom/sister or liking rape genre makes you a rapist.
so does jacking it to gay porn makes you gay?
this is my fetish ;_;
Thanks for the replies. There is a VR DLC pack for it and I installed it. I believe the game is DRM-free on steam so now I get to refund it, yay! I know there is an HF mod and Special mod, but I am still unsure if those are needed with Koikatsu Party.
no it doesn't make you gay but it is indeed very gay.
>actively searches out men getting genderbent
>b-but I don't want it
Yeah okay gay retard
Does incest pocket dimension fantasies count as actual incest porn?
>Pocket dimension
>Live with impossibly women claiming to be your mom and sister
>Both are very, very friendly and supportive
>Share bad with them and every other hottie in this dimension thinks this is perfectly normie
>Banging them is just considered practice, you know its practice because real sex wouldn't cause their hymen to regenerate.
*impossibly hot
Hey it's alright, you can always go to /d/ and have a fun time shitting on the lazy ass bs fetish content stream that exists, or the shills that constantly show up shilling some fuckers patreon for a shitty 1 page image.
>See new gender bender doujin on sadpanda
>It's another poof I'm a girl and now I'm getting raped 12-20 page doujin
Fuck this fetish. I wish I could masturbate like a normal person.
>TFW can only get off to gender bending, age change, or long winded obscure pocket dimension/heaven fantasies that no one would ever make porn off.
It's weird, I'm degenerate extreme but I almost never actually watch porn.
I can only get off to normal porn if I pretend one of them got turned into a girl.
Have you fags never heard of Ranma?
age change? explain.
If I could run a second save file on life I’d definitely try playing as a cute girl. I’d probably keep my current life as my main save file, but it would be nice to see what life is like on the other side.
Yin-Yang boys where we at? I destroyed my dong to this VN so many times.
Porn where one party gets their age changed, either a kid into an adult or an adult right into a baby/small child. My fantasy goes as
>Smoking MILF pulls up to me on side of street
>Feel compelled to get in her car
>She talks like we're old friends
>Drives towards her house
>Slowly turning into little boy
>She now acts like she's my mom
>Does things to get me off while playing innocent mom like making me sit on her lap with her tits as a pillow as she rubs me or magically makes me slide over to her on a couch for a cuddle
>Has complete dominion over me and does shit like making clothes come to life so her outfit of choice is what I'm wearing.
It's funny when Japan does it.
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.
But ever since /pol/ brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
That was the very first VN i ever played
is this the same series as xchan..... nevermind i just read the rest of the filename. probably but it's been a long time. I should replay these
kys trannie
Aren't there movies about this?
If you're trans prove it.
years late
The Special pack unlocks the Story mode which was left out of the Steam version to sidestep their policies on high-school settings. The HF patch is a mod pack with pretty much everything the community currently uses, though I'm not sure how it works with Koikatsu Party. I bought the Steam release to support the localizers, but I've only ever used the cracked version. Check out the general on /h/ for more information.
Gender bender isn't the same thing as trannies. Until people can magically transform it's not the same shit.
>>Has complete dominion over me and does shit like making clothes come to life so her outfit of choice is what I'm wearing.
sounds pretty hot if she makes you her baby
>really like stories like that
>completely comfortable and happy to be a boy
I don't understand
To lead off that, just finished boku girl the other day. Any recommendations of similar stuff?
so you are saying if trannies could magically change gender you wouldn't have a problem with it? people who fap to gender bender are just trannies with enough perspective to know cutting their dicks off won't make them women.
So uhh... If you can source me that, I would appreciate it
There's also the idea of having her not age while I do so her relationship to me changes while keeping the domination up.
IE, at teen hood, she's my older girlfriend that drives me around, then she's just a normal girlfriend, then she's a younger one, then it's dating one half my age, then the cycle starts again.
What's the problem with someone having XX chromosomes and a functioning pussy?
>gender bending isn't the same as being transgendered because one involves magic
What fucking fantasy world do you live in?
ahhhhhh yes, I remember fapping to all of the selfcest doujins
It's an important distinction, magically gender bent types have real vagina's, look and sound natually like women, and are fertile.
Honestly yeah. If they can get magically reconstructed sure. I refuse to call gaping wounds and fucking thigh and ass skin tubes as "transitioning".
>Implying you’d all stop getting mad of trannies were suddenly granted the magic power to change sex
Yeah I’m sure it’s just the process that bothers you
>do a search for body swap on sadpanda
>half the search results don't even have body swap in the tags
This shit started a few months back and it's driving me nuts.
Once talked to some trans people about that sort of thing. They said it's perfectly fine to be cisgendered heteronormative and enjoy cute things and playing as the girl and all that.
>premise of the game is getting PRANKED
gotta say, I'd be interested in being able to flip a switch and go from being fully male to fully female (or futanari), but I cringe at the idea of hormone treatments and dilation.
>Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people
Please don't lie on the internet. I've talked to enough trannies. Some even fooled me into thinking they could behave as regular people because they were somewhat ok at masking their crazy, but sooner or later it all overflows out of their retarded brain.
Thanks user. Didn't know there was a general
Well yeah cause we'd all join in on the sex change train if it was both effortless, customizable, reversible, and flawless
I'd be mad if they did and I didn't
>people who fap to gender bender must be trannies
Tell that to the normalfags that fapped to Ranma and Bowsette. Calling it "spiritually gay" makes more sense.
imagine waking up one day in a strange and unfamiliar body. your new body comes with a new brain that changes your personality until your original self is unrecognizable. is this kafka's body horror story? no, it's a tranny's dream. I'l tell you to kill yourselves but you're going to end up doing it anyway.
I near-exclusively jack off to genderbender but I don't really like ranma in my porn
I was just referencing the oldest and newest gender benders that normalfags would know about.
>people who on occasion masturbate to gender bender content are trannies
That's not how that works.
Not gonna lie, if i woke up as a female i'm fairly positive i'd at least be a 7.5/10, and as such would proceed to become a mega slut
unless there's also a girl turned into a boy for contrast like Your Name(which is also just bodyswap, NOT TF) I can't say I care much for it because it's 1000% fanservice in a way that doesn't jibe with me in the slightest
can get why others like it, though
you say it's not gay but if it was just a normal girl you wouldn't be interested. it's like people who jack off to futa.
>but if it was just a normal girl you wouldn't be interested.
You'd be wrong on that front.