Reminder same white women who do porn for 300 euro also promote diversity, anti-patriarchy and anti-christianity

Reminder same white women who do porn for 300 euro also promote diversity, anti-patriarchy and anti-christianity

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they also raise children with emotional issues due do their instability

Sauce on all the videos?

public agent I think. Definitely fake but occasionally a good video.

I don't see how there's any correlation between that, but it sounds legit because I hate women like I'm told I'm supposed to. Rise up!

Based. Fuck OP and fuck people who read too much into porn for anything more than a good fap


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>being this fucking gullible
I bet you think the other guy actually drives a taxi, don't you

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I want to think OP is joking and doesn't actually think these videos are real but nothing surprises me anymore

>white women invite muslims
>Muslims destroy everything
>White women sell themselves to muslim because their way to survive
>a-at least we got rid of christianity!

If only that meant pro-European religion, too bad it means pro-atheism

Anything like this but real?

>Walk around and find some chick who will fuck for money
>Go to jail
>Throw in a camera
>Don't go to jail

Why is this

>Ad "1k for a porn video" Call Numer _____
>Hey let's meet somewhere
>Give cash
>Girl go to apartment and fuck AIDS infected turk
>Definitely fake

Because it's an actor you dumb stupid retard

what does this have to do with cash cab

>the pornography industry is run almost entirely by a certain you-know-whoish people
>being surprised when the laws bend around them

Probably nasty, low quality amateur stuff.

Most decent-quality porn is all screened and staged. Watching random real people actually fuck isn’t that arousing.

>white women invite muslims
Says who?
>White women sell themselves to muslim because their way to survive
Did someone force roasties to do this?

Europe becoming "Muslim" in terms of religion is the same as Europe staying "Christian", both are degenerate sand religions that should be kicked back to Jewrusalem.


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Everyone knows prostitution is okay if you're just acting.

>Watching random real people actually fuck isn’t that arousing.
It is if you're hiding in their closet.

>pro-European religion
No such thing

For a different reason of course.

Only 20% of the women actually identify themselves as feminists

>No such thing

>European religion? Stop LARPing and go to church, idiot

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Some E-celeb related to vidya saying something: THIS ISN’T VIDEOGAMES
A porn post that have nothing to do with videogames: This is fine

No shit it's fake, but how the fuck do you think they find the women in the first place?

>Pagans lose 30% of european territory to muslims from the year 900 to 1492
>Christians conquer the land back
>500 years later pagans lose the territory to muslims again

>Every race is sub-human except mine

Sadly, that's why we need to bring back paganism and ruve out the merchant religion and it's two beta versions

From agencies

Are you bitching that porn is taking up time better spent talking about Twitter screencaps?

Nazis are just commies, just replace “jews” with “big corporations”

>subscribing to slave morality

Attached: too altruistic for me.jpg (224x224, 10K)

Make Women Ribs Again.

>Pagans lose 30% of european territory to muslims from the year 900 to 1492
And how much of pagan Europe at that time had been lost to Jews? I think it was only Scandinavia and the very East of Europe that was still pagan, so maybe 80% of Europe was cuckstian-jewish then? Very based!

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Name one.
Hardmode: Name one that is practiceable in accordance with its actual tradition through preserved rituals and/or scripture

I’m bitching about hypocrisy. Instead of saying “VIDEOGAMES” everytime there is a e-celeb thread just be honest and say “I don’t care” and report

>And how much of pagan Europe at that time had been lost to Jews?
First bank in Netherlands and England happened during the protestant rule when the monarchs asked jews to return there after a 700 year ban
And protestantism is german paganism spin-off christianity

it's fake

Why would anyone cares what a fucking porn actress thinks when it comes to fucking politics? Who actually cares about this kind of shit?

>Name one.
There is no name for it, the same way that there wasn't a name for it back when it was the only religion in Europe.
No single religion today follows what you wrote, good one though.

>And protestantism is german paganism spin-off christianity
Stop LARPing as a kike, you insufferable faggot.

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aowhs abaht you give us a flash of ya tits luv?

This lil nigga never heard of the Northern Crusades.

who dis

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this is what happens when people who dont know fuck all about political theory start to think they are hot shit because they watched some stefan molyneux