>launch day questing felt alive
>literally the next day completely dead questing zones no players in all the new zones
>level 80 is just afk in town and do a 4 boss raid and 3 dungeons that take literally 0 effort to do
>combat is still as slidy as it was on launch day
>removed abilities and dumbed down classes EVEN FURTHER SOMEHOW
>MSQ overstays its welcome and introduces pointless fetch quests back and forth just to talk to some NPC who has a name you won't remember 30 minutes afterwards
Im fucking bored already this game is dry as hell. Is this all we have to look forward to for MMORPGs?
Man fuck this game
FFXIV and mmos in general are complete trash. This is common knowledge here. Classic is the only good MMORPG on the market. Be honest what else are we even going to play? Star citizen? Thats literally a pipe dream.
I just want .Hack to be a real game. Thats all I want. The ideas people had in the 2000s the MMO frontier it was amazing. If an MMO could be what people imagined them to be we'd be fine. Instead we get this fucking trash heap that is made for special ed somalis to be able to pick up and play. FFXIV has to be the most boring combat in a game that you can experience. I had more fun wasting time playing Dauntless then I did this shit.
>Classic is the only good MMORPG on the market
You're delusional
just not the game for you because I still have plenty of things to do
>dont really enjoy XIV, play during heavensward and get to end game content before quitting
>see that they released byakko as a primal or something
>vietnam-style flashbacks of being a kid 15 years ago, being the first NA players on the server to get to the cat motherfucker and proceeding to get our shit kicked in
I'm tempted to resub just to have the satisfaction of ending that bastard, but I know it just won't be the same.
What should I do today?
Level up MCH (level 50)
Level up ARC (level 20)
Level up BLM (Level 41)
Wait till they add baldesian arsenal type content.
56m raid
Classic mmo style level grinding
Eureka Hydatos was lit
I can't decide what race to be.
level up FSH
>>literally the next day completely dead questing zones no players in all the new zones
I still see people gathering and doing fates, at least on Hyperion
It's at level 41 and I heard it's such a pain in the fucking ass after level 50.
I don't have that much inventory space either and I'll need to wait a couple of days to hand in some levekits.
56m raid was only good in theory, japanese did it with random people, while in the western shit countries you had to sign up at some tranny discord and get in queue like a good goy just to get an attempt at BA. Either that or snipe portal and be blacklisted by everyone on the data center, and possibly banned.
>the MMO that killed the genre is the only good one
Hyur, you'll get tired of the gimmicks that the other races have 20 hours in
That's a problem with NA.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with us to be honest.
That sounds like shit, why did the community gate BA like that in the west?
Circlejerking raid trannies. Literally.
iirc Hyperion is the least populated server on Primal
Imagine shilling for blizzard totally for free. I suppose you're used to it being a janny and all, but still.
>video game thread about a video game gets deleted
>thread about Twitch streamers has been up for 2 1/2 hours and is almost at bumpcap
Glad the mods of this shithole have their priorities straight
VIDEO GAMES?! IN MY Yea Forums?!
Because they're evil.
I'm pretty sure Famfrit, Lamia and Behemoth are more lower pop.
level yourself up nigger
welcome to Yea Forums, they are like this on Yea Forums as well
Did we get fucking autosage'd again?
>muh endgame
seriously, is there ONE single mmo where end game isnt fucking shit? Because I've never seen one. This complaint has been thrown around in every mmo community for as long as mmos have existed
No because nobody can produce endgame content faster than people can consume it.
Closest you will get is something like the CoX Architect system where you can sic the players on the problem.
What the hell is his problem?
>Titania EX
>"Position at waymark"
>nobody moves
The primary complaint from the "muh endgame" crowd is that the game doesn't force or expect them to spend all day grinding for tiny benefits, because MMOfags only play their one game
Not yet, but one can only wonder how much such a diligent and dedicated individual is paid for his work.
I can't make a Hyur I like. It's either too pretty boy or too rough looking.
Ahhh, I can feel it... A dark presence in my board!
Ah! It's them! The incels who would post XIV in my WoW paradise! Autosage their threads! I command you, autosaaaaaage!
Only retards think endgame is raiding
real endgame is crafting, glamming, and furnishing your mansion which never ends
>no further secrets lie between us
>right back to keeping secrets with eden
What a cunt
He got hooked after japing the Ascians
Are you still enjoying the game anons?
>muh ebil discord
all you had to do was look in there for their pf passwords and you were in. didn't have to sit around in their dumb voice chat or talk to anyone.
the real problem with running BA in NA was dealing with the braindead playerbase and hoping they wouldn't get themselves killed by easily avoidable shit.
2 weeks until I drop nin
.hack would be amazing. Where would you AFK? Mac Anu here.
>FFXIV and mmos in general are complete trash.
>Classic is the only good MMORPG on the market.
No Im about to uninstall and unsub. There are surprisingly a lot of good games coming out and besides the major release for mmos is next month anyway.
I can't fathom gearing a job you don't enjoy anymore and isn't performing well. I threw the towel in for AST ages ago.
post proof
>Classic is the only good MMORPG on the market.
That will suffer from the same issues the only difference is you know there is a next phase coming.
So who is getting nerfed in the savage patch?
These are a given, but anyone else?
Did anyone manage to grab a screenshot of NeoTitan's face?
Yes. Savage is very shortly and then the Nier raid is right after. Plenty of fun with shitters to be had!
>the MMO that killed the genre and made every retarded dev chase after the big casual bucks is the only good MMO
Fucking YIKES my dude.
None. They will just buff BLM, Sam, and DNC.
Dol Dauna
You had to fight with the rest of the lowly plebeians over a couple open spots in the raid, whereas members of the circlejerk would get invited before they even gave out the passwords, these fucking pigs.
Nah SQEX got a lot of feedback about that. I don’t expect something like that to happen again.
SQEX is notorious for botching the first iteration and then making the second god tier
>anyone getting nerfed
They are just going to buff jobs.
why would PLD get nerfed you stupid casual. their 7m HG is already a wrought-iron cockcage they must bear at all times
I can wait to reprise my role as major antagonist in Shadowbringers!
>WoW in any capacity
everquest for mouthbreathers ruined mmos
DRG a fun
Are you implying Star Citizen is not going to change the entire future of the genre permanently? You are in for a wild ride. You AND I both know that game is the game of generations, itll outlive communism.
>literally the next day completely dead questing zones no players in all new zones
Hyperboles such as this take all your credibility away. Here's your (you)
WAR and SCH get buffed
DRG, against all reason and good sense, will also get buffed
NIN and AST will be ignored
SAM will get a shoha potency buff and nothing else.
MNK will get the Anatman opener removed (Anatman will only sustain your stacks rather than building them) but they'll also get nothing to replace it.
Does anyone else load in very weirdly when you log in the game from the character screen? It happens randomly. Like the camera is at some weird locked position and you can only see the loading icon in the bottom right and everything takes a moment to load it. Is it a personal computer issue?
I am, because unlike the "muh endgame" retards, I take breaks and play other games sometimes
nier raid is in october
NieR raid when?
i'm on primal and that was never a thing over here. it was a struggle to get the parties filled in the first place because nobody wanted to run the pfs.
How is RDM? I need a ranged DPS to try
Ok never mind unsubbing after savage
Star Citizen will be the final nail in the coffin of the MMORPG
Which is less faggy, Miqo'te or Lalafell?
boring and gay
heh, nothing personnel kid
>major antagonist
Varis was never anything more than a bit player
Incredibly simple and fun at first but then the shallowness, low DPS and realisation that you are basically just a rezbot sinks in. I'd recommend Dancer instead if you'd like a streamlined and fun ranged dps with mobility but some actual use instead.
DNC is exactly the same except you realize you're just a buffbot rather than a rezbot.
Don't, play BLM instead
It was his grand plan all along. He'll be like Emperor Mateus. Rules both the 1st and 13th
Buffbot brings a lot more to the table than maybe getting to rez someone.
Popoto by far. They range from inoffensive to memelord.
ffxi had more end game content in one expansion than ffxiv has had in it's entire lifespan
What's the best way to go about leveling Miner? It seems mind-numbing as fuck to just cycle between nodes to level. Are Leves faster? I've never once done them, new player btw
>Overcapping darkside ensures crit in Flood and Edge of Shadow, Dark Arts makes it Direct crit
>Abyssal drain becomes DRKs Bloodbath
>Walking dead gives AD effect and no longer has the 100% health condition
>Blood Weapon gets haste again and extended duration
>Delirium has haste but it cannot be overlapped with Blood Weapon
Primal must be more based than the other Data Centers in that case, because on mine all the FCs who took part in organizing these runs and the eureka discords would always fill their raids up with members of their own before even asking outsiders to join in and fill up the remaining roles, which heavily limited your options as somebody who just wanted to enjoy that 56 man open raid dungeon for what it was meant to be/didn't play heal or tank.
Fuck Eureka for that. I hope they never bring that shit back.
fun but low dps,
I don't understand the obsession with endgame content, like, just play a different game if this one runs out of content
name a more meaningless buff to maintain than darkside on DRK
oh wait you can't because they fucking ruined this job
Leves to 50, collectables from 51-80.
grug need endless treadmill
grug need necklace juice grind
Do you know what antagonist means? He was never an antagonist.
Gaius was an antagonist.
Lahabrea was an antagonist.
Thordan was an antagonist.
Nidhogg was an antagonist.
Elidibus is an antagonist.
Zenos is an antagonist.
Emet-Selch was an antagonist.
Varis was never the person we were actively opposing. Even for the short moment at the end of Stormblood, the actual threat was still Zenos (Elidibus version)
Say hi to Ion!
Is it reasonable leaving a clear party after two wipes in a row?
Continuation needs more bass
its okay, he'll be resurrected via allagan cloning tech as Jenova
We were fighting his forces in Ghimlyt Dark, and in Azys Lla.
This is the best I got.
Hot shot in 4.x was quite bad.
How many wipes before I can leave?
It was awful before. I kept thinking I was hitting an Invulnerable enemy because of it.
if theyre dying to stupid shit like knockback brambles in titania, yeah.
after dealing with shit clear groups for 3 hours straight i got into one that cleared it on the first pull. just keep trying!
Oh okay, another question if you don't mind. When manually mining for EXP, is it better to mine the higher level items in the current level tier? I haven't really seen much of an EXP gain difference.
>t. earlet
you're the first person i've ever seen make this comment what the fuck is wrong with you
It's shit, it needs way more bass and big gunshot sounds
old DRG flank buff
would not surprise me at all if Varis is resurrected
>FFXIV and mmos in general are complete trash. This is common knowledge here
>Classic is the only good MMORPG on the market.
>No it's also trash, and responsible for the decline of modern MMOs. Classic won't save the genre.
Be honest what else are we even going to play? Star citizen? Thats literally a pipe dream.
OSRS. Although, reddit's done a good job in ruining it as well.
>MUH we're going home
if you wipe before giant adds on titania twice leave
if you die before or during the laser into the south stars in innocence twice leave
maybe you are retarded and hit your buttons uncomboed
I already cleared. I'm just looking for a good solid party to "farm" with. I don't mind helping out people clear as long as they have a good solid understand and been to enrage.
Yet they still keep wiping to at the big adds phase. One time they wiped because they didn't go to the puddles in the third phase.
is this dps acceptable at level 74 on summoner bros?
i will once i get my titania weapon
im too deep in now to back out
Will Eden be like Omega with savage adding another phase to the fourth fights? I want Titan to become even more ridiculous.
Have two friends already on MCH and BLM which leaves me SMN, RDM, BRD or DNC
>parsing on leveling dungeons
who cares
You'll have to best him at rainbow road after the ATV phase.
>not wanting to see why packs take 2 minutes to kill
kys greylet
>reddit ruining OSRS
weren't they the people memeing on that gay pride event the most like the images of people trading people wearing the gay pendant thing chairs and ropes
>just carry me dumb fucks
Of couse. Why stop at a car let's turn him into a train and plane too
Irrelevant difference in exp
Thats the best
He can lie to me all he wants, he always means well.
Should I lvl MNK (71) or MCH (63) next?
>needing ACT to spot the guy doing single target
that's weird because that's exactly how i feel about the new sounds
just look at the emnity list, if someone is doing that bad you'd be able to tell without a parser
Can anyone provide me with the new PLD opener/rotation for ShB? I've even been looking around r*ddit and still can't find shit.
I feel silly defending my hearing, but it's pretty good. The sound effects sometimes were so lackluster and hollow-sounding that I didn't know what else it was supposed to be. The only vaguely nosimilar thing was invincible enemies.
Why would that affect the noises? It didn't affect my performance anyway, I would just be slapping Innocence and then wondering why it sounds like my weapon was bouncing off of him for a moment.
the worst part is you cant even call out these trash tier sub 4k dps players without getting banned.
And XIV just carries on WoW's legacy. 2 cancers that continue the stagnant nature of modern MMOs. They're only slightly better than KMMOs.
is dancer hard?
Thanks, first time actually trying to mess with the grouppose stuff and it's a lot more easier than I thought.
Nah it is just REALLY bad at damage. Check FFlogs. Kinda remarkable how poor their damage is.
If it's taking so long to kill things in leveling dungeons that you can feel it, it's going to be extremely easy to tell who isn't pulling their weight just by looking.
why are there so many fucking trash tier players in this game who cant even do a basic rotation?
So does it matter which egi you have out as summoner? I thought you'd be cycling through them, like Garuda for Bahamut, then ifrit for Pheonix, but it seems they don't matter for the trances.
They said that there won't be essentially a new boss at the end in Savage this time, but there will definitely be a new phase
I'm starting to put Viera players on the same rank as Miqo'te players
You're just being elitist user. You only need 2k to clear the new raids.
The most highly-skilled, second only to lalas?
>7.6k on Innocence
Bruh, you better have died at least 4 times.
Maybe they left that one noise and I just didn't notice because I only did Titania once to help a friend clear before I had to go do other things.
Stop running the Twinning, you fucks. I'm so sick of getting it every time I run roulette.
Have had better luck with Miqote this Expansion. Hrothgar seem to be the shitters on Primal going off my own experience so far.
Sweaty morbidly obese neckbeards pretending to be girls and throwing bitchfits over fucking nothing.
>needing expert roulette still
Stop running roulette. Tomes are useless right now anyway.
Hard Truth:
No MMO will ever be back to being good, ever.
Every ounce of data is available online in text or video, making exploration useless.
big MOBS have to be designed around dancing contests instead of teamwork and class knowledge since you can pick up BiS, rotation, and gear location in approx. 12 seconds online.
The only thing they can bring back is incredibly insular communities where being a shitter is socially punished, that's it. And even still, you'll always find a group that just "doesn't know yet"
Want proof? Look at the Everquest progression servers when they launched. Absolute original code from EQ1 and you had guilds clearing endgame content in 2 weeks.
lalas arent skilled they just have high clear rates
I wish I would get Twinning. I get Akaedemia every time I tank expert and have to hope the healer isn't watching netflix and can heal me through the first wall-to-wall.
>Get BLM in Twinning
>Only uses Flare and Blizzard 4
>Ask him why he doesn't use Fire
>The number is smaller
>His only 80 job is BLM
>His next highest is SAM at 65
These people actually exist
>shadowbringers expansion
>using lightbringer title
I did. Healers didn't top me off after mechanics because they kept dying and have no mp to heal.
That's female Miqotes, male Miqotes tend to be shit with Hrothgar proving to be the same. Are male cats cursed to be shit at this game? Also why are Lalas the only consistent base between the genders anyways?
Egi Assaults are different depending on your pet.
Ifrit is better on single target, Garuda is better for multiple enemies
Yes, so just kill yourself now so you don't have to deal with it.
I'm gearing up my secondary jobs.
Savage is going to go backwards. Titan will be first and Eden Prime will be last. Screenshot this post.
>not loving that eScape mix
>not loving locus
>not loving flanborgs and REVERSE ENGINEERED ALEXANDER
>900 DPS AST in Titania
>hit enrage
>complains every party they join has trouble with enrage
they are relevant once a day when weekly tomes come out :)
Bring back 8 man dungeons.
Then what makes a skilled player then user? If they're pulling the most clears of ask recess then they're doing something right unlike the rest.
Ah, I figured it must be something like that.
>tfw no Savage dungeons
Shitters gravitated toward their respective fetish representative race, shameless sluts for vieras and barafags for Hrothgar, and thinned down catfags.
It's no surprises.
Why does this webm make the jannies so mad?
t. au'ra tranny
>being anti-miqote in a post- au ra world
Your memes are stale, user.
What do I do for gear? I just finished HW main and about to hit the post expansion content before SB. Should I buy the Shire armor?
>Female miqotes
>Most highly-skilled players
In what fucking world
Make more 8 man dungeons for the MS roulette I'm tired of running Preatorium/Castrum
>Nightmare dungeons where every mob has it's own mechanic
y not both
It's hit i430 and be done with it. A whopping 4-500 tomes per class (belt and like 1 acc, maybe 2). You'll get that just on farming Titania weapons for them.
>literally the next day completely dead questing zones no players in all the new zones
>level 80 is just afk in town and do a 4 boss raid and 3 dungeons that take literally 0 effort to do
Isn't anyone doing the Fates for the new rewards?
Star Citizen is never going to come out, does that mean MMOs will be around forever?
>literally the next day completely dead questing zones no players in all the new zones
thats a lie
so... im gonna admit to being a newfag here. First time max level in ffxiv, only started a few months ago. How do i get unlock and then find group for the extreme raids/eden and then should i be watching videos for them?
Will people want me along if i'm a DRG
i just kinda feel lost desu.
How can someone willingly fall in love with a lalafell?
Why are Hien and Aymeric leagues better than any of the other rulers other than raubahn?
>extreme level 80 dungeons
>weekly lockout
>gear comparable to normal raid
>the west will make it WHM/BLM/DNC/PLD only in obnoxious PF
It's true, it's fucked up
Every shitter i've run into so far is a hrothgar, i had 2 today that tried to two of the adds together on titania and them promptly fall off from the knockback. I left immediately after that
>You'll get that just on farming Titania weapons for them.
Not on EU.
Default male hyur actually, I'm boring like that.
>>gear comparable to normal raid
kek no one will ever do them
They are men.
>completely dead questing zones no players in all the new zones
>level 80 is just afk in town
This is my biggest problem with the game and has been since Heavensward. In ARR it wasn't nearly as bad, people did Fates and Hunts all the time. Stop focusing on pissy 8 man "raids" for autists and give reason to be out in the world doing stuff. There's no reason why they can't do some Eureka type of content out in the zones. Stop making instanced shit that nobody will touch after the xpac is over, Diadem, Eureka,etc.
You are so cute.
Where did you think I was? Even with the French menace it's no problem.
one posts dilate one posts seethe
two-ton janny does it for free
three threads pruned ten moved to /vg/
four wowfugees whine gcd
one posts dilate one posts seethe
more raid bitching, everyone cries
Weekly lockouts, unsubbing time
Just do everything blind. Videos are an absolute cancer, and if you're more intelligent than your picture suggests, you should be able to manage a clear eventually. If you're not, then a video won't help you anyway.
And yeah, DRG is great. Look for level 80 quests with the plus sign attached and it'll probably be content unlocks.
Fuck you. Go back to wow for your heroic/mythic shit.
>In ARR it wasn't nearly as bad, people did Fates and Hunts all the time
people still do fates and hunts all the time
>tfw no Lalafell wife
>Classic is the only good MMORPG on the market
Why do you faggots ruin bait by selling yourself out?
For raids they're not called Extreme, they're called Savage. And Savage Eden Raids aren't out for two weeks.
But we like shameless sluts and bara barbs
t au ra
this could be your gf right now
why is it a bad thing?
>time to do my gc deliveries for exp
>lack 1 almandine
>every fucking one selling in stacks of 99
If you do this, go fuck yourself.
This, my server look like this at any time, any zone. You retards are either lying or playing on dead worlds.
there's a bunch of people doing fates in order to unlock orchestrations
you are wrong. i have been leveling a dps alt while in queue im out doing fates in the new zones with 8-10 people at a time.
What's the best way to get materia VIII?
They aren't filthy potato Jews or literal pirates
Relative to clear rates female Miqotes are second only the Lalafells, and that's both male and female Lalas. Regardless ask the races really have a lot of catching up to do compared to the jew midgets.
just gather it then
no one dances with me
Raubahn sucks and is mega gay. You know how Bahamut blew shit up with Mega Flare? Imagine that but with Raubahn and instead of Flares he's shooting out gay. It's that bad. Fuck that guy.
It's a time node, that's why i'm annoyed.
Get lucky in hunts I think?
hunts. join a hunt linkshell on your server. play either tank or healer do roulettes when there is a role in need. sitting on 30 stellaclusters not even trying to farm them
Suck a lot of dick
midlander male chads rise up
>Join Titania Ex Farm
>PL puts waymark to put position
>DRG asks what's that for?
>We explain it's for confirming positions
>"Oh I never seen that before."
Who wants to bet this is going to be a wipe?
is that hat a mod?
>two-ton janny does it for free
In ten chi jin what's the optimal thing to do? I'm seeing a ton of conflicting rotations
I was going to post Kan-e Senna giving you the finger but I just realized I don't have it saved.
>people did Fates and Hunts all the time
Nigga they still do, now that they have those gemstones.
>After over 20 runs I finally got the Shoebill minion
Sorry great Serpent but it's Shoebill time.
Because people love cute things.
Kan-E-Senna is alright
if you see any dancer partnering either you or the healer you should tell them to stop being a fucking retard and partner the dps, tank-kun.
>can't even grow a beard
I wonder if the WoL told khloe about that half eaten miqo'te couple they found in their travels. I'm sure t'kebbe will love to listen to that story.
i want to breed a miqote, viera, and au ra
I cant even walk around Limsa without seeing this
only because yoshi-p is a hack
Your taste is horrible. Raubhan's actions in the ending of 2.55 single-handedly redeemed the ARR story.
The primal mounts this xpac suck.
Try not being a NEET who plays for 12 hours a day faggot. Did you even level everything to 80? I'd bet no
>Gunshot sounds
GNB doesn't even shoot anything you dumbo
Never set foot there unless you have to
Same, but with Lalafell and Elezen instead
At least kan-e-senna knows how aggro works.
>using markers and planned tether rotations
And people wonder why pugs are such shit. OT takes 3, heal, heal random deeps.
Puddles arrange themselves, with melee priority for centre.
Far too much babysitting in PF, you've raised a bunch of incompetent shitters.
Boy I sure am glad I'm a good christian xiv player and have zero idea what this kind of reply to my post might mean.
Good armor to go with the mt. gulag weapons for a tank?
Quests with blue markers unlock stuff.
Look for them in Crystarium and Eulmore (outside the tower), and you'll get all you need.
You can do normal mode raids blind through Duty Finder.
People don't really do Extreme Trials and Savage Raids through Duty Finder, so you need to use Party Finder.
The comments in the party listings will say what you need beforehand. If it's a kill/clear party, you're expected to have personally experiences pretty much the whole fight.
So first you should join a learning party. If it the listing says "watch a guide / know what to do", you should read/watch a guide beforehand. If it's a "blind learning party" or something like that, then you don't need to know anything at all.
If you don't see a party that you'd like join in Party Finder, remember that you can always create your own.
In short:
No guide needed for dungeons and normal mode trials/raids.
You probably need a guide for Extreme Trials and Savage Raids
We aren't in HW my guy, tanks generate so much fucking aggro that everyone except them has like 1 pixel of aggro; the only thing that bar is going to tell you is whos in second place.
>BLM dps so low they can't outdo a tank's 3 button AOE spam
Nah, I'll keep it sometimes.
why did Y'shtola cuck us for cat chads bros..
So once you do the 4 new raids and get the rewards for the week, is there a need to do them again or just wait until reset?
shes a whooooore
how the fuck do i join a hunt linkshell?
Shut up SHUT UP
What's the most fun ranged DPS to play? I played BRD to 50 back in 2.0 but got bored of it and never really looked back at ranged DPS. I hear MCH is BLM lite now with BRD not too far behind. I've heard mixed opinions on DNC though.
user, the nutank stance generates inordinate amounts of aggro. You can't pull shit no matter how hard you dps now.
Not unless you want the minion/orchestrion roll.
she needed someone to suck on her toes when we werent around
just wait til reset
just because your mind is warped by anime doesn't make the truth bait
wow was so fucking good it literally killed every other mmo because every other dev was too goddamn stupid to pull off the incredible game blizzard did.
Meanwhile ffxiv is a pile of shit, literally a glorified vn but with more erp degenerates
LF > Static to clear Ala Mhigo
No flame if wipe.
The secret to MMOs is varying what you play. I play both XIV and Guild Wars 2, switching from one to the other when I get bored.
>What is context?
You should be less retarded, friendo.
They've always been tacky garbage. Jesus fuck those unicorns. XIV is awful with mounts, though I guess most MMOs are
Legacy chocobo is still the best looking mount in the game
Not when you have Alphinaud lusting over your big tank dick
Well all I can tell you is unlike the other two, with DNC you're gonna have to bob in and out between range bands since Stanard/Technical Finish is a close range attack and is a pretty big source of damage. Obviously also take opinions from people other than me since I've only played DNC this expac, but it's pretty simple and decently fun.
thank you user, this thread is full of actual fucking subhuman garbage that doesn't know good games from bad. So much fucking trash. MMOs fucking suck WoW is the only one that got the genre right for man.
this game has no content so autists make a game out of autistically nitpicking the same shitter dungeons theyve been running for years
Im getting alot of deathflag vibes from this, i hope im wrong
I miss Lyse
Are you on crystal? You can breed my catslut.
>Mfw I still use my company chocobo after all this time
90% of the mounts look so fucking retarded.
>content is leveling every fucking class to max level
oh no no no no
Imagine going back to the source taking a nap and finding out that a year has passed in the first.
classic wow more like dead in a month lmao
>pvp BLM
>deleting niggas with the foul>xeno wombo combo
this feels slightly overpowered
I think what makes it sad is no other company except blizzard managed to make a non shit mmo and now even blizz is throwing it all down the toilet.
The genre is fucking doomed
>alphinaud lusting for us
He's lusting for estinien spear shaft. Who wants the WoL is alisaie.
Ilbros where we at?
I mostly use pvp horses, arhiman, witch broom,and t rex
This is your wife tonight.
>doesn't do all the stuff in the game
>bitches that there's nothing to do
Sorry you're a one-trick pony who can't fathom learning multiple classes
How do i get gil?
I've tried starting Guild Wars 2 multiple times, but the combat feels so simplistic, and every map is essensially the very same with a different skin.
Are the expansions much better than the base game, or is it just not for my tastes?
>just described ShB
>it hasnt even been a month
d i l a t e
Draw your own art instead of stealing Alisaie's, Alphie.
Stop ruining my fantasies you asshole.
>fuck a bitch in the first
>go back to the source
>have a sandwich, take a dump, hangout with your bros for a couple hours
>go back to the first and you have teenage kid
The lanners were good.
on aether, too bad for me
no this is
>the only thing there is to do is to level multiple jobs to be a full 80 autist
>the French menace
Oh, thank God, this is an actual thing and not just me being biased then. Fuck the French.
Fuck your fantasies.
What element calamity was Bahamut?
how do I pvp blm senpai, pvp blm just feels so wrong and ugly to the rotation I know and love.
.hack fragment is the closest to an actual .hack MMO we had, it was Japan only though and was originally planned to have the servers stay online for like a year, and got a tiny extension on its life before its final demise.
It was basically just like playing the original .hack game but online with real players, although it did have an offline mode.
I'm Belgian, meaning I'm bootleg French or a bootleg Dutch depending on how you see things and even I hate them.
Can the Force Your Way orchestrion roll drop from both E1 and E2?
The problem is that MMOs cost a lot of money to maintain so they need to appeal to a mass market
Why don't we have a mount orchestrion yet so I can use the mount music I farmed for on mounts that don't look like ass
Probably something dumb like rage.
13 elements is a bit hard to classify one by one.
thank you so much!
Turret and blow people up, Ice/Fire on the run to keep stacks and chase peoople down and then swift something big at them.
Why must you torment me so?
is this a pose or part of an attack
Go into shout chat in Eulmore or Crystarium, find yourself in a fate train, or special fate and go into shout chat. Make a PF asking for an inv to some
>i-it doesn't count if I don't wanna do it waah
>Did 1 Holminster Switch with Trusts.
>2,5/13.8mil exp
Are they fucking insane? That's 6 runs just for 1 level for 3 characters. The runs all take like 35+ minutes too.
>one of few sub games remaining
>full blown cash shop still
>rehashes old bosses in ddr themepark rides
>self described end game is dress up and decoration
This shit is just a cash siphon for Sqeenix to stay alive by abusing weebs and trannies
Why'd you remind me you nigger?
So does Rielle actually have a ladyboner for Sid? That’s kinda hot.
Camel bird > horsebird
It's just a shame it's such a pain to get.
>you will never experience this
why live
Yeah, I didn't even bother.
It seemed to be dark according to Exarch's presentation, but then there's the fact that the world destroyed by the flood of dark didn't rejoin.
It's a bit confusing, probably simply because the whole concept of rejoining and especially elemental calamities wasn't there yet in 1.0
That would actually be pretty fun. Also I did find it weird that Eden Prime was the first boss.
>definition of content is running the same shit ad nauseum except this time the three button rotation flashes different colors
absolute smoothbrain
Does anyone use the camera lock on? Or do you just zoom all the way out and run around like a chicken? I've never used it before but I've seen it in a view videos. Looks like it's kind of stifling and would get in the way
How do I DRG without killing myself? Is it just genetic?
Monk, beating the shit out of all the big bads with your fists is always the best
let me fuck yuigiri
exactly and if i see a dps at 4 and a sch then i know they're bad
Can they solo single pulls? I mean you can technically AFK doing them if they can...
Can be useful, mostly isn't.
Of all the options, we get autistic, spyro tier dragons.
I would've literally taken anything else.
>Doman refugees
>Adopt Eorzean heritage while keeping their own close
>Work jobs to survive
>Thanks their hosts for all their help before leaving
>Ala Mhigan refugees
>Refuses to work and demands money
>Steals, rapes and murders
>Fucks off to Ala Mhigo without saying shit
>Keeps yelling MUH ALA MHIGO
They can as long as there arent any big aoes that target you
Its all over when you bite it
FFXIV is the best rendition of WoW available. Classic will only entertain nostalgiafags and private server fags who will quit in a month.
>hey i'm making plenty of gil just buy leveling and shit
>i guess i'll buy an apartment
AAAAAAAND i'm destitute again between chocobo painting and cheap furnishings
>treat them as you would your [beautiful branch]
Well yeah it's called playing the game.
Classes are lenses to experience content, content in of itself.
What's their endgame?
>whm 2.4k
>sch 4.7k
How do you get it?
>Airship is finding every fucking sector besides 8
Pissing me off apparently
The void was the acians' first blind flailing to try and redress the abject horror of a fate their world went through. They didn't know about the source's relation to the shards and how aetheric imbalance could tilt them, they only guessed well enough to know that they had to overwhelm the world with an aspected element. So when they juiced up the dark on the thirteenth shard, the aether had nowhere to go without a calamity to weaken the source and let it back in. So it stagnated and turned the shard into a useless void of darkness.
Thus, the world of darkness had no equivalent calamity.
To make me cum inside them. And I will.
What are you talking about user?
I see nothing wrong here.
Dps checks are designed around the healer doing 0 dps.
>Get Orbonne Monastery in alliance roulette
>Immediately 5 people leave
>Vote abandon
Why does this happen every time?
First step is to let me DRG my balls across your face
>Part of me wants to make a Highlander with fat tits
>The other part of me just wants to make a cute Lala
The duality of man
You'd be wrong.
I want to level them up for future alt job. But there's almost no point when doing FATEs while waiting for queues is better. Eventually we'll have deep dungeons. I hope they lower exp needed
got omega weapon for my raid roulette today. Wiped 5 times and abandoned. Fuck koji and fuck larboard.
I use lockon occasionally, like if I really need to beeline to a target, or if I need to stay looking that way for whatever reason. But I usually toggle it back off as soon as possible.
It's a art contest reward. Whenever they have contests for armor designs or housing or what have you, the winners get that hat plus other glamour items and a barding.
Amaros are genuinely a fantasic design
Yoshida own words. They simply do not factor healer dps when calculating the dps needed to clear dps checks.
God, I miss ArcheAge.
Melee combo getting 2 dots into the fight or flight window then your holy spam combo finishing with the big sword acolytes after 4 Holy's. Then 2 none buffed melee combo before fight or flight is ready again. Then repeat.
Cba remember ability names but the combo is pretty obvious for anyone with half a brain
Nobody knows what Rielle and Sid talked about on what was undoubtedly an exciting introspective adventure, but at least we know that one guy from that one quest turned out okay. And in knowing that all the Warrior of Light's emotional problems are solved.
level 80 all jobs
There's a fuckton more Ala Mhigan refugees, and most of them behaved completely fine
>Tank only uses TBN like one time on first buster
>Keeps dying to damage and mechanics
>Keeps provoking each time he's back up
>says that I should be tank swapping with him after tank busters, nevermind that I've already solo tanked the fight a few times
Was slightly frustrating.
About to level something starting with the free trial. Had a 60 bard before and stopped playing. Don't want to use that account anymore so I'm starting fresh.
I'm thinking of going bard again. Any bards in here to chime in on the job at 80?
I have never hammered the screenshot button harder than during that quest, I must have taken at least 20 shots.
Big sword ability* apologies, phone posting
Archeage was good for like a week.
>swift something big at them
hardcasting foul into one of your xenos is your biggest dickest hit now. usually chunks healers for at least 75% hp.
Oh cool, I do that anyway. Thought it was gonna be some bullshit like whatever it is that needs you do mentor roulette like a million times.
Yeah I know, that's why I said it's strange that Bahamut seemed to be a dark aspected calamity in crystal cat's 3d power point
I was wondering that. Her anger could be construed as she's gained a crush on him and he's clueless, or maybe she just thinks he's dense.
I hate it when tanks fight for aggro. It makes healing just slightly more annoying.
Why not just do the tank swap? What do you lose?
The thing I like about that fight is that you don't really need anyone else to survive, aside from a healer. I usually play healer, so I haven't had a wipe since the first time we all got surprised by massive landslide or whatever.
Damn user, I didn't know your server had constant A/S Hunts popping Tell me where you are so I can abuse this
It was Astral, aka Darkness.
How far did you get when you gave it a go? The locales in the game tend to be grouped into sort of biomes which means that there are several zones that are grouped together with a similar theme, so to someone who has not ventured very far, those zones can seem samey. The combat gets more involved the further you get and the real fun begins when you have all of the specializations maxed and all abilities unlocked and can mix and match to your heart's content. The expansions also quite literally make the game at this point. Without them, you are missing out on gliding, mounts, a big chunk of the game world (still have the entirety of Central Tyria with just the base game, though), raids and a slew of other features including all the living story content.
The mounts especially shit all over anything other mmos have done with the concept.
when the fuck are we getting something new to spend wolf marks on?
wait until they give us an easier to get version, but with a slightly different saddle
Doesnt the whole fight have tank swapping? It's not fighting for aggro if they have vulnerability and physical defence down debuffs.
I tank swapped with my tank every other stonecrush
Just play GNB, you'll out aggro every other tank if they're trying to be cockbags.
It's quite literally the easiest DPS in the game and is simpler than most other jobs lvl50 rotation. You have a literal 2 button rotation and you pop every oGCD on cooldown.
post em
Why is DRG considered OP now ? I'm a scrub and also DRG is the class I have less knowledge about in the game. Redpill me
high damage, great raid utility.
Probably just the fact that he's a big honkin primal. Primals are inherently dark aligned since they are big aether drains.
I generally feel its ettiquette that if you die as MT, don't instantly provoke when you get back up unless the other tank has said they don't wanna MT on normal content.
There is a debuff on stonecrush, but it honestly isn't a big enough debuff to matter. I know the previous fights I solo tanked, I never got close to dying as far as I could tell. On Ex and savage stuff, sure tank swaps are mandatory since those debuffs are strong. But on normal tier, they are more of an annoyance.
Play EVE online. It's literally the only good MMO there is and will ever be.
It's literally the same thing except replace one royal authority combo with three atonements and replace the last holy spirit in your requiscat phase with confiteor.
They don't account for maximising healer dps but they also don't account for healers doing zero dps.
It's not a huge amount they account for but it's significantly more than 0.
They're looking at around 4-6k combined accounted for in 8man atm.
They simplified healer dps this expac so it's not the main focus and is firmly in the 'I have nothing else important to do' category. That alone is about 2.5k right now. They do not account for people being completely idle outside of specific transitions.
I watched that live letter, the actual translation was "We don't account for much healer dps in the checks"
>t. coatlet
You're supposed to keep your feathers at 3/4 and dump them when your technical step/devilment buff windows are up, not use them on CD.
It's still simple though.
>unless the other tank has said they don't wanna MT on normal content.
That's when you kick the "offtank" who just wants to play blue dps.
And he was lying.
No shit. Did you miss the 'chase people down' part?
>Probably just the fact that he's a big honkin primal. Primals are inherently dark aligned since they are big aether drains.
Yeah, in addition to sucking up shitloads of aether, he also sent the aether of Eorzea into overdrive. The weather went nuts, animals were randomly growing fucking huge and violent, pools of water were appearing and disappearing all over the game. It even rained for a week straight IRL time in Drybone. That's all purely Astral.
The checks are so low there's no way they consider healer dps
you still don't need to swift when night wing exists
Decided to make a practice party for Titania and i'm worse than I thought. Barely reached the adds and that where I completely lose it, I dont know what the fuck to do at the big adds as a MT. Not to mention I get disoriented, at least I know not to try anymore.
you really want to be animation locked in a game that has all these fucking aoes
It doesn't even matter because the potency on your feathers is hilariously small.
The problem with hitting an enrage hasn't involved the healer since Gordias. It's the rdm doing 2k dps and the dragoon doing backflips off the stage so he permanently has two stacks of rez sickness. Once everyone is competent and the healers are also maximizing dps you get unintended fights where you are just skipping mechanics because they weren't designed around that much dps.
How goes the eden minion farm? Got the sucker after 7 runs.
Who has the best videos for extreme primals?
You do if they're running away, you realise they're gonna be running to a healer right? Best no to give that healer the chance to heal them and fuck it all up. Save the wing and throw it at the healer, they're next in line.
Cute lala, I wanna fuck it
Might as well post the whole comment
>Yoshida: Yes. Since all DPS jobs will be increasing up through level 60, it makes sense to have the white mage's DPS extend by a proportional amount as well. For development, such as with Bahamut's Coils, the development team assumes what the item level should be for general equipment on players when they clear a raid. They sum up the basic DPS for four DPS and tanks at that assumed item level and cut that by about 10-15% for the minimum clear DPS. Healer DPS is not taken into account when this is set.
>Certainly for people who are at world's first level, their goal is to clear it at as low an item level as possible, lower than the one assumed during development. So if you look at the fight and figure out that if it's not numerically possible to clear with four DPS and tanks, you'll need to make up the gap with DPS from healers. Then when those publish clear videos and other people see the healers DPSing, they might think that healers need to be DPSing even though its a situation that only arose because their clear would have otherwise been impossible. While we could take this into account, and assume a different item level in the next update which would then make it impossible to clear even with the healer DPS, we'd eliminate this type of play for highly skilled players who use communication, items, and a high level of understanding to come up with those last second clears. That would be a tough decision to make, so I still think it should be up to each party's own plans.
>This is also one of the reasons we decided to implement both a normal and savage version of Alexander. Once again, healer DPS was not included in the development team's calculation as it was for other jobs, so you should just think of healer DPS as a last way to get your overall party's DPS up to where it needs to be.
>Farming a minion that's going to be an uncontested roll in a week
why would you ever farm for a minion
Just flip a coin to pick one, then make the other a retainer.
>MCH is only 2% above GNB
dios mio...
>The problem with hitting an enrage hasn't involved the healer since Gordias.
Ultimates and post-doorboss fight prog would like to have a word with you.
Do innocence, its piss easy as a tank all you need to do is dodge aoes and tank swap
Why wait? Plus I like to get minions as soon as I can.
I actually don't mind leveling my DPSes this way.
Thancred is gonna get a lot of love.
For the current stuff? Fox. Straight to the point, no fluff, proceeds linearly.
It made perfect sense why is was the first boss, skipper.
Chosen Hopeless Nothingness
And the one I stated has been a clarification since that point. Dude's said this shit multiple times now. Stop bringing up the oldest and most irrelevant one.
I actually played to max level the last time I tried the game and unlocked most abilities (as Engineer). I think I didn't like the combat because I don't care about customization and look more for complex execution, and to me the gameplay felt really barebones, or "spammy", all the way through. It works well in PvP, but I don't like it for PvE.
I noticed the biomes, but the real reason I think the maps are monotonous is that you can just blindly run from point of interest to another to complete all of them, and the process and content is almost exactly the same every time. The only map I completed that was noticeably different was one that was almost completely underwater, but it just made it slower.
I think the mounts seem really interesting though, and the raids seem fun too, but I just didn't like the game enough to get to them
Is this a FFXI food?
He means everyone is going to have it in a week anyway so you will most likely just get it, you wasted your time doing 7 runs
I wish MMOs had traits again.
Fuck it, I just want XI back
you may not
Are you fucking stupid? Big adds is the easiest part.
Tank Puck, Avoid Yellow AoEs.
Once tethers come up follow the group as close as you can to the middle but not hitting the circle. Get the knockback and wait in a safe zone. (You can DPS yours or the other add depending what's closer).
What are you specifically having issues with?
I just wanted the weapon. Also, aren't his accessories kinda obsolete now?
Who the fuck started this retarded practice of calling party buffs utility? Shit is fucking dumb as hell
I'm sure you'll be able to provide source for that comment then.
10 minute videos is no fluff?
as if it wasn't outstandingly apparent that she craved au ra dick over the course of the job quests prior
yea pretty pointless, no one farmed the omega minion
everyone has that shit
I'm so sick of wiping on ex tit. Why can no one fucking do the lightning tether
XIV doesn't have actual utility in job design so this is their way of sounding complex and deep
>tfw no Satasha (Extreme), Satasha (Savage), Satasha (Ultimate)
what goes on in the devs mind when they make healer gear with spell speed and piety?
>The Hole (savage)
His own words out of a live letter. What number? Fuck knows. I just watch them.
>>Spineshatter dive
>Double the cooldown of High Jump
>Double the animation lock of High Jump
>Nearly half the damage of High Jump
>No longer gives eyes
Theres no way this thing survives 6.0
Why would they be? Same ilvl, from what I recall.
Piety makes them get mp back faster and spell speed to cast spells faster? What would you want them to have ?
"stop getting gear from a single source nigger"
There's so much that can happen to a pirate rape cave, but even then Yoshida will just make a tale out of it.
you should tank swapping retard
They also removed the stun on it for some reason. No idea why it’s has so much low damage and double the cooldown.
Fuck Ascians
Fuck Beast Niggers
Fuck Mhiggers
Fuck Eorzea
piety is absolute trash and does almost nothing
XI isn't gone user, you can still play it. Heck, I just started the free trial in an attempt to understand just what it is and what it's like.
No, because
>You would need to burn an entire weeks worth of Eden drops to fill your right side
>You need an Innocence ring anyways because rings are unique
>Potentially better substats than Eden accs
Late HW, early SB PLL. Best I can do for you.
It's not like they throw out transcripts to review.
Pipe down, nigga, you fuckin dead bruh
He was an antagonist when he decisively shit on every single eorzean leader in that diplomatic debate. The entire point of an antagonist is to challenge the protagonists’ point of view, which is what he did.
The increased crit from devilment alone makes it worth holding onto.
>What are you specifically having issues with?
As I said I get disoriented for some reason and end up running to the wrong spot. It could be a matter of practice, I only got to fight her for 30 minutes and saw the big adds once. I mean, I had "trouble" with E4 last night but today I solo tanked it with 0 issues.
I just feel bad wasting everyone's time.
Modern XI isn't remotely the same thing it used to be. Might as well be a different game
>But on normal tier, they are more of an annoyance.
I guess its personal prefence, if you told him to stop and he continues then its a problem
He had two vulnerabilities and a phys debuff and he only swapped when i had the same problem.
>needing more than a week's worth of Eden drops
>doing more than 1 run of Eden Pleb Tier
Stop playing AST.
Oh ok, guess I'll go for them, thanks anons.
i did. im playing chadmage now
What's different?
I have it at 44 and I wanna do the healer role quest, I am not starting as a fucking level 1 thaumaturge for that.
>I am not starting as a fucking level 1 thaumaturge for that.
Good, because that's not a healer
I mean it would take at least 4 weeks to get max ilvl right now.
And there's one more week before savage drops, making those 4 weeks irrelevant.
Honestly THM should have turned into WHM.
>religion focuses around the balance of light/dark and life/death
>were support mages in 1.0
Yes but I'm still finishing the MSQ in SB before jumping into ShB. Once I'm caught up entirely I will probably quit until the next expansion.
>double AST is horrible to play with
>makes it so unappealing to play that the chances of double AST is astronomically low
Thanks YoshiP.
>tanking first ShB dungeon
>do a big pull
>use all CDs correctly
>DPS properly AoEing
>AST simply couldn't keep up with the healing even though he was clearly doing his best
felt kinda bad ngl
No, it's more fun than WHM and if they just buff potencies then it's fine.
Unlike the snoozeville that is SCH.
XI was a party reliant game where just leveling was a big part of the experience itself. You could play for a year and never reach endgame. Now you can solo to cap in a week, and tons of QoL features have neutered the slow paced, exploration focus of the game.
It's still an okay game is endgame is still grindy as ever but it's not nearly the same. You missed the bus a long time ago
I meant Conjurer. My apologies, I'm very tired at the moment.
>he's STILL playing AST
The fight is 10min long, thus the vid is 10min long. What did you not understand about 'proceeds linearly'.
AST can solo heal all current 80 content. The game has never been hard enough to worry about balance outside of week 1 savage clears
Well at least wait til the end of the month before you decide, because all the potencies will be reworked anyway when savage hits.
max ilvl is irrelevant right now
Savage drops and it's straight to 460 anyway.
I haven't touched it since I first saw the ability list for ShB. Thanks for letting me know ahead of time Yoshi.
>AST can solo heal all current 80 content.
So can both SCH and WHM while providing far more DPS of their own. That's the problem. If they're going to keep AST as fucking clunky as it is along with its current personal dps, they're going to have to buff those cards from 3/6% & 4/8% to at least 4/8 & 8/16%.
>healer dps is more important than the healing itself in this game
no one else have a problem with this shit? seems like it would make balancing them a nightmare
>Using full crafted despite potentially shit substats
>In a post Vit-meld/overmeld nerf world
Never gonna make it
It just means prog will not even consider AST and WHM will make the SCH and Tanks their bitch. Once content has been cleared for a while, everyone will be back to roll AST + 1.
ast once again now has worse versions of better spells save for earthly star I guess and cards do not make up for anything.
All jobs are designed to heal content, what makes or breaks a healer is their dps.
>Farming the admittedly cute minion, instead of farming the Landslide Orchestration role.
No, I need to be jamin in my house 24/7 to this banger.
Good luck. And remember that for the adds on Titania, your most important job is to just stay alive, no worries about cleaving the party. Maybe hop in their shared stack to help healers. The only thing you need to really worry about is the knockback with vines, and once you do that the didn't is just a repeat of mechanics, occasionally putting two together. You've almost got it, user.
I don't think you're listening to me. It doesn't matter because the game isn't hard enough to warrant it. XIV is an easy PvE game
Doesn't mean AST isn't undertuned because it is, and doesn't mean they shouldn't fix it, but there's no reason to worry about playing a suboptimal job because you can clear the content without much hassle either way. This isn't esports or whatever
>tfw people are still playing MNK
Not really because it should be that.
WHM should provide the highest personal DPS while also having strong reactive healing.
SCH should be inbetween WHM personal DPS And AST raid DPS and also strong proactive healing.
AST should have the lowest personal DPS but the highest raid DPS with the ability to choose between proactive or reactive healing.
I don't understand why Squeenix doesn't just stick to this formula.
>fflogs introduces a way to see if someone has been padded
>suddenly AST cards are worth nothing
Wow, really makes you think.
They tried to make healing more demanding, but it was not enough
Goddammit I should expect as much. I'll never be able to see the game in its heyday, I just want a fraction of the magic, a tiny bit of the spirit of exploration someone would've gotten from playing it way back when. I want to go on an adventure in a fantasy world.
>overmeld nerf
Literally wasn't nerfed. VIIIs to first overmeld, VII the rest.
>Under the weight remixed as like dubstep
>An official game track
I never thought I'd see the day. I can't imagine what they'll do for Thunder Rolls, that's not quite as bangin as any of the other primal themes from ARR, aside from moggle mog and ifrit.
It's still a beautiful game and gigantic world full of countless things to discover. Just go play through and enjoy the world and story.
>Aurum Vale (Ultimate)
which classes are the least and most complex?
Diabolos is filled with people try that Server.
The only way i'll stop is if they remove the job.
>Tfw you go full retard and forgot to put on your stance
>You already pulled a huge ass group
toto rak ultimate would be worse, having the green slowing shit throughout the entire instance
I was thinking of farming that too. Seen it a few times. Plus I like the fight.
i want a footjob from a miqote girl
>it's exactly the same but scaled to current level
>people still shit the bed
She could have asked me.
so put it on and use 1 (one) aoe ability
>do a dungeon
>tank forgot stance
>big dick pull
>losses aggro and kills the DPS
>ego so bruised they did baby pulls the rest of the dungeon
How doth one receive thine "Lali-Ho" emote?
Are there still players around I could seek out? Even if they're all disinterested in a scrub like me and seeking high-level content it would be comforting to know there are other people in the world.
Just because you can clear something doesn't mean you're not a liability to the average group, barring being a godly player.
It's okay user. The road to improvement is persistence. Don't give up.
Do the questline that starts with the aether current quest in the dwarf village where you help an awkward teenager learn to say it.
Savage is harder than Ex right?
Tomra sidequests
What's Remember1?
What datacenter are you on?
>tfw you're retarded and forget ranged DPS auto-attack and pull the boss
Doesn't WHM have Rescue?
>user figures out how to break through time and space purely to suck on Y'sthola's toes
absolute madman
just practice, ive been running this stupid fight for totems for the past 4 days and theres plenty of clowns that fuck up at that point
Yes. Savage raids are the highest difficulty of content the game offers, besides the ultimate raids that we are getting two of every expansion starting with stormblood.
Yeah, and they're usually thrilled to see new people. Go to Asura server. That's where most of the veterans have consolidated.
Put a where your spot is and you never have to worry about it. I started doing this since O3S and it always helped.
>tfw can't HB+GCD within WF
MCH is too fun but fuck my ping, would be good if there's some kind of marker indicating how many GCD's I was able to cram into the WF duration.
All healers do, its a role action
I tried rescuing someone's Fray summon and was very disappointed when it didn't work. But not surprised.
NIN is probably most complex
RDM/DNC are least complex
>tfw you are edging forward so you can use your ranged grab as tank to start the fight, but edge forward too much and enter the boss's agro radius about 10 seconds before the countdown is over.
I keep doing it this expac and I don't know why
your ping isnt the reason you cant parse 70+
oh okay
This is a dumb argument. Even at its most broken in 2.0 WAR could still clear anything if everyone in the group handicapped themselves to put up with it. Doesn't mean that they should have to do that.
AST needs to be brought up in line with the others or there's no reason to play it.
Oh no she's hot.
Does Fray take damage?
It's true that the combat can feel spammy due to abilities rarely having cooldowns longer than 10 seconds, with most weapon abilities that are not autoattacks hovering between three to eight seconds. Personally I find that it makes the combat much more fast paced and it means that there's no windows of opportunity created by popping cooldowns that you need to wait for to recharge to be able to blow your load again. It's a consistently fast pace, which I enjoy a lot more than the usual MMO fare.
However, I do get how someone might not like that, and if that's your problem with the game then it probably isn't for you. It's odd that you didn't like engineer though, since it can be by far the most complex class in the game to play if you so desire.
Elidibus should've been a woman.
female main villain when
God fucking help the people who didn't get to play Eden release day, no one's doing this shit now
Good to know, won't even try.
Which tank is more fun in SHB: Gunbreaker or Dark Knight?
I'm progressing through 3.x content right now and can't decide whether to switch to GNB or stick with DRK as I have been through the Heavensward story, both aesthetics reallly appeal to me.
Neither does any fairy, summon, or mch turret
????? people will do it every single week though..you are forgetting just how many casuals play the game i feel and its basically free gear while they fill in the rest with weekly tome shit
GNB by a mile
All of them
People are going to be doing it every week though, just do it on reset.
GNB is the most fun tank, and does the most damage
>AST needs to be brought up in line with the others or there's no reason to play it.
The only reason you need to play a job is because you enjoy it, Because again balance doesn't really matter in XIV because it's an easy PvE game
I like how you ignored that I said they should fix it in my post. Of course they should. I just think you're kind of dumb if you think it's unplayable or that's it's too bad to play. It's not
I would be far more concerned over how they made cards boring as fuck than about how good/bad the job is in content
>Landslide and Force Your Way dropped on my first run
>Won them both
feels good man
Crafter/gatherer fags
what's good melds
Unless you struggle with EXes, you might as well try. But it's up to you, the rewards for beating savage are dyable versions of the normal mode raid that also share the highest ilvl with upgraded tomestone gear. Also the 4th boss drops a unique mount each tier.
Thank you for your advice user. I'll do just that.
>ex primals
Just max CP/GP. Nothing warrants overmelds as of yet.
You did mark N and S with
A and B right?
It's not even a big deal if you get disoriented. Just look for your ad and hit him. I don't know why you're having issues dude. You have a mental disorder or something?
Battle gear will, that's what i care about
Should I unlock raids/dungeons/stuff from side quests while leveling up or just bother with it after I get to max level?
Everything is still there for you to enjoy, it's just that you won't get the "enjoyment" of using it as a glorified chatroom because you no longer need to grind trash mobs with other players for 400 hours to level. Not that that was a good thing, it was shit.
They're not THAT hard, for the most part it's the same kind of mechanics you'll see in normal mode, just with less telegraph, more punish, and less time for execution. Clearing the entire tier is going to take some doing, but just about anyone who has a couple brain cells to rub together can clear the first floor or two.
Unlock them and there's always the chance to get them in your roulettes for extra exp.
Do it now, for fun. You'll get synced down anyways.
Why are people so trash this week in party finder?
Starting from monday, I wasn't having this much trouble farming Titania Ex. Is there a week off in the states as a holiday or something?
None of them are complex, every expansion they keep pruning and changing for the sake of this retarded playerbase.
Is it clearable entirely by pugs? I don't have any problems with ex trials, have my weapon and accessories, but I don't have (or want) an FC
all the good players have cleared shit 2 weeks ago and finished farming
That's essentially what I've been doing, except I start a Goring Blade combo after the 2nd Atonement and then use the 3rd one after the GB dot is on so I can always have it up.
My DPS has been tightly matched with all the other tanks in my farm parties, at least.
BLM for both
My buddys been complaining about getting nothing but shit players today, even vote abandoning a normal dungeon. Could be just the retards are out in full force today
yes, but you will get aids from floor 3 and 4 trying to pug them
Please...I just want to complete them...
>I don't know why you're having issues dude. You have a mental disorder or something?
If I try it again I'll probably get it, as I said only reached the big adds once. I should probably get checked just in case though.
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
>in queue for 24 seconds and complaining about queue time
And there'll be new crafter gear with that same update.
look up hi im fox and watch his shit on the new machinist
I just need 2 more clears for my last tank weapon. Fuck, I should've farmed it last week.
I honestly don't know what's going on. I had a DRG change the mark of someone in the middle of the run and it fucked up tethers. The same DRG who decided to stack with the stack marker with the "get the fuck away from me" marker. I'm so fucking done with this shit. I NEED TWO FUCKING RUNS. I'VE SPENT TWO HOURS AND ONLY GOT ONE CLEAR.
Yeah, they are puggable, though the quality of pugs varies as it always does.
Savage tends to require more teamwork than ex and below though, or at the very least is content where one player's fuckup can wipe the party no questions asked.
Omega savage for instance has a mechanic about 2 minutes in where you get magnet tethered to another player semi-randomly, and you have to figure out where you stand and get there in about 6 seconds, and if anyone is out of position, the party wipes.
Go queue heals then.
Well engineer is complex for sure, but the way abilities work isn't enjoyable to me. I actually like to have a sort of rotation as a base, which GW2 makes the completely fine decision to omit.
It just isn't what I personally like
I mean just grinding at all feels weird, I never played any classic MMOs so the "move in, autoattack and wait for it to die" of level 1 combat is interesting compared to XIV where even at level 1 you've got a skill you need to hit every two and a bit seconds. Even just moving around and moving the camera feel weird, it's a very strange and interesting experience.
Guys, I can't decide. Should I level Monk from 70 to 80 or DNC from 60-80. I know monk is objectively in a better place right now, but DNC seems fun and they'll rejigger the numbers shortly anyway.
Just looking at the vid, its depressing that this guy seems to be the only competent FFXIV 'content creator'.
Just do both
>except I start a Goring Blade combo after the 2nd Atonement and then use the 3rd one after the GB dot is on so I can always have it up.
Hmm something sounds wrong with that. You shouldn't have any problems keeping goring blade up using your standard rotation, and shouldn't need to interrupt your atonment spam to do it. When I play PLD it works out perfectly so that goring blade refeshes just as it falls off (after 3 atonements) and then I go right into my requiscat phase.
>DNC seems fun
I'm sorry to hear about your brain damage
No there wont? Crafter gear is odd patches
Monk. You aren't gay, right user?
I mean I will eventually, more just deciding which to do first.
I am but I do like monk
all my retainers are femlezen with whore makeup
Bros what do I do. I cannot for the life of me clear titty ex. Yes I have my meters up and I'm not lacking dps, I'm telling everyone their mistakes and no improvement is made. I even tried to make my own and fill people as they come but it just doesn't work.
Find friends because pugs will let you down every time.
What if in Eden Savage, you do the fights backwards ending with Eden Prime?
what job do you play and what dps do you do. dont like to me. also what datacenter?
just finished the 3 crystal tower wings because i was told to do it for
>muh lore
and jesus fucking christ raids in this game consistently feel like an absolute clusterfuck even with player particle settings at medium or whatever it's called, every single ability is a bright flashing like that spans 10 character lengths, i'm failing boss mechanics that i just watched a video on because i cannot fucking see when they're happening, that eyeball boss in the last wing was especially awful
Dancer is fun though. Easy concept doesn't mean it can't be fun. It's one of the most mobile jobs in the game, and you have to weave into melee range for a good chuck of it's toolkit which feels really good when you get three back to back gap closers
>Want to level my GNB in dungeons
>Queue is bigger than DPS
Ah yes, the true end game
Wait until you see lakshmi
Might be due to east coast ping. I'll go beat on a dummy and see if I can work it in consistently.
BLM, and I average 10-11k, dips a bit when screw ups happen.
Also Primal
I played through all the story content XI pretty recently.
I also thought it was fascinating how different the game is from current norms, but I'd say most of it can be seen as pretty abysmal gameplay.
It is a fantastic context for social play though, and even though the glory days are gone, I got to experience some of that when looking for players to complete the tougher fights with. Also, I often avoided guides and asked tips from other players on how to progress
just gotta wait for the adventurer in need bonus to pop for tank, for each roulette
that's how I leveled GNB
sometimes the queuetime for tanks isn't bad either if healer is on the bonus
No, it's the shitters. There's so many fucking shitters.
Even in farm parties.
I'm so fucking done.
Even today there are still "veterans" that get fucked up by him.
if i cant meld CRIT into gear as a WHM, what do i meld?
I would help you, but I'm away from my computer for a week because of a wedding. Which server, out of curiosity?
>rolled another 1 on Eden Minor
turn off battle effects user, just leave yours on
They'll be gone in a month once the expansion-pack luster wears off.
Who is Erebos?
Some voidsent
Ultros, I appreciate the gesture but I just needed to vent for a bit
>failing crystal tower due to mechanics
nani the fuck
eyeball and amon are probably the only bosses that have mechanics that can't just healed/dpsd through
>got eden minor, the orchestrion roll AND the piece i wanted
>all first try
Using up all your good luck
>RDM has the brainlet player reputation
>actually enjoy playing RDM because I like rezzing people right away and the general aesthetic
it hurts
>got eden minor
call the police
Distinguish yourself by being the best of the best
who cares