Ss13 Thread
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>stupid anime/fapbait/waifu/insert_template_here threads = GOOD
>anything else = BAD
/vg/ or /tg/?
literally any servers better then /vg/
Nobody gives a fuck about /vg/ and it shows.
Pomf doesnt care
The headmins don't care
The admins are power tripping faggots
Admins would rather admin a person who has played the game a day ago, then someone who has played the game for years and knows the community because "being not known is better then being known!"
It's an awful cesspool, fuck /vg/, and fuck the trannies that run it.
Would clowns become less hated if they were cute clowngirls instead?
Hydro is the best department!
t. banned shitter
>tfw jaded /tg/ veteran who can't enjoy the game anymore. Shits just not the same anymore.
why is there no engine that can do an atmospherics simulator as well as byond?
>literally any servers better then /vg/
Woah there buddy.
Even if you hate /vg/ with a passion for some reason, nothing can possibly be as bad as Bay or Citadel.
yes user
Does she have space lube?
Hahaha, what? Every server that's not /vg/, baystation, or goonstation are massive furfaggot circlejerks, goonstation is filled with sjw faggots, and baystatikn is fucking baystation. /vg/station is literally the only good server
Stationeers is a'ight.
if you dont give her lube she will break in and take the chemmaster
TG cut ties with /tg/ like, a decade ago, and in the years since then has deteriorated greatly, largely due to going public and having literal redditors take over the staff. There's also been some really retarded design decisions like the massive mining powercreep.
It's a borderline deathmatch server these days and every round ends in thirty minutes.
>Admins would rather admin a person who has played the game a day ago, then someone who has played the game for years and knows the community because "being not known is better then being known!"
Meanwhile in reality, latest admin additions
>Plosky - joined 2013
>Misterstab - joined 2013
>Ancientpower - Joined 2014
>Karkov - joined 2015
>not a massive furfag circlejerk
Granted, it's more just scalies these days because the cats miraculously got purged, but it's definitely still there.
Baystation liggers are amazingly broken, too. They regenerate everything including severed limbs and damaged internal organs, get a strong-ass punch, can wear insulated gloves, have spacesuit-resizers littered all over the place, an exclusive security hardsuit, and a 20% natural resistance to all brute damage that stacks with armor.
>playing ss13
>when lifeweb exists
SS13 is tic tac toe in comparison
"I wish this game would leave the shitty byond launcher"
>Becomes epic store exclusive and better in every way
Atmos is what makes the game unplayable.
Completely fucking pointless addition that is used for almost nothing and lags the game to shit.
I'd take that deal with the devil desu.
>People still acting like Lifeweb is anything besides an autism simulator.
>Doesn't know atmos chads are gods of the game
Lifeweb sucks.
It's SS13 without all the stupid shit, an actual word with lore, and 10 times the content and features.
But I don't hold it against you for being too stupid to play it.
>People bitch about Bay
>Bay's fine.
>People bitch about /tg/
>/tg/'s fine.
>People bitch about /vg/
>/vg/'s fine.
I will never understand the bitching. Everything's still fun.
I still prefer CM the most, but current CM is a bit of a shitshow.
>TG or bay
Lmao, at least they're not paradise or citadel I guess
People still play SS13? I thought everyone moved on to LW.
Why's that, user?
>without all the stupid shit
>have to piss and drink constantly
I've played ss13 since Yea Forums station, and I don't know who any of those people are user, my point still stands.
Not banned, but grew tired of /vg/station being a redditors paradise where the owner himself doesnt do anything because hes too afraid of confrontation so admins run wild.
t. /vg/station discord faggot
>Once every 30 minutes
You either never played the game or are meming.
Most rounds I eat once or twice, just like you do in SS13 if you don't wanna go slow as fuck.
They removed the stuff with kids.
I would too user
Name a server that isn't /vg/station that even approaches being playable
Yogstation was fun when I played 3 years ago.
Do not play Lifeweb.
spotted the retard
he who controls the atmos controls the station. everyone else is just living there.
>muh secret club
That's a good thing.
Did all the remakes of this game fail?
You're a retard.
Draining oxy/starting fires was never fun or interesting.
Stay in your pipe autism fort and pretend you're relevant, dumb cunt.
colonial marines
Some are still in the process of failing, but otherwise yes.
Also depends on whether you consider Barotrauma to be a "remake".
>I've played ss13 since Yea Forums station, and I don't know who any of those people are user, my point still stands.
The server history (/vg) only goes back to 2013. You're throwing a tantrum because admins aren't from a time before /vg/ station who may or may not exist. I know of atleast two admins who are pre-2013 SS13 players as well. Give me some ckeys. I know you can't because I know you don't have them.
let me guess, an alpha atmos gigachad ruined your perfect furry ERP? just use a fire suit and internals lmao do we really need to hold your hand through every single social interaction in your life?
Didn't the game start as a pure atmospherics simulator and all the other shit is just tacked on because people thought it was neat?
I haven't played in a while whats a good low/mid rp server to play around on.
>moving a game made and broken by user generated content onto a platform with zero mod support of any kind
>better in every way
you're mistaken
there are only five servers anyone is actually playing on. three of them are furry/sex/vore servers.
it shouldn't be this difficult for you to figure out which one to click. it really should not be challenging at all. why is this a hard decision for you?
Getting the station plasmaflooded is only fun so many times if you are on the receiving end of it.
It's always
>Doing your job while being modestly prepared becuase some people tator and sec bashed someones skull in. Ok whatever
>Oh look purple clouds
At this point it is already to late and over and any plans you had for anything go in the bin.
Did you get banned because no one thought opening a plasma tank in the bar was a good prank?
Well there's tg, vg, goon, and hippie.
>no one thought opening a plasma tank in the bar was a good prank
I refuse to play on servers that don't consider this to be top tier RP
I really don't understand how people like you even exist
first of all, it's a videogame. it doesn't matter what happens. secondly, it is not even a videogame where you get points or anything, so there is no way to track your "progress" (which means nothing in SS13). third, every job task in the game can be completed in five minutes. do you really expect the rest of us to accept that your day was ruined because you logged on, spent five minutes clicking three objects, and then died in a game where dying does not matter? if so you are the weakest pussy little fag shit in the world. you are the sort of person that the kids who got bullied in school would bully after school. I don't understand how you think the rest of us can feel any sympathy for you. do you feel emotion for pond scum or dried leaves? that is how the rest of us view you.
Goddamn, you are confirmed for not knowing SHIT about how atmos works. There are dozens of ways to fuck over a station with it. Especially if you are Virologist.
I'd play more of it but I'm antag banned on almost every server at this point
Learning how to play SS13 was the most fun I've had in a video game in years.
Fuck off sseth zoomer
>tfw grabbed CM's source when it leaked.
>made own CM frigate for small squad ops.
>just play with big group of buddies on discord, to avoid all the stupid CM server faggotry.
>avoiding CM faggotry
For what purpose? That's the only reason to play CM in the first place.
Because? Shit's pretty fun when you got 10 marines in one discord channel, and 6-7 aliums in another.
/tg/ is leddit paridise
CM isn't fun unless it's a giant shitshow with a whole battalion of marines shooting and dying
What's a good server
>tfw no new servers that aren't complete shit or not deadpop all the time
The fuck is lifeweb? I've been meaning to try this ss13, closed thing I could properly compare it to that I've played is barotrauma I guess, but in space and seemingly more autistic.
>tfw tried banevading from lifeweb in 2016
>tfw fucked up and got caught by all the servers I go on ban evasion detectors
>tfw will finally get to play ss13 again
That actually sounds incredibly boring unless RP and meta are rigorously enforced.
Russian guy with very customized code that he hosts only on weekends. Asks people for IRL money for in-game items iirc.
He means lifeweb
Thanks man. I wrote that guide a few weeks ago. If you have any questions or find a new method of doing something, feel free to email me.
Delta best CM marine squad.
Get fucked deltard
Bravo is best squad
I was minding my own buisness.
Just mining my own ore.
Then there he was.
>Then there he was.
That motherfucker
What a tool
>FOB babbys
>best squad
Have fun sucking each other off calling down more metal while Delta wins the round
>he actually stays at the FOB when deployed as Bravo
That's not how you win a medal!
Excuse me for liking rounds to go longer then half an hour.
There are people out there who don't ghost when they diddn't roll antag or do nothing but valid hunt.
>There are people out there who don't ghost when they diddn't roll antag or do nothing but valid hunt.
and those people are wrong.
What does Yea Forums think of Barotrauma
>Ice Colony
drop your money here faggots
I'd rather literally burn my money instead of figuratively burn it
oh boy it's another "random group of nobodies promises to steal fanmade assets and crudely recreate this 2D game in a 3D engine in a way which does not respect any of the things which made the original good"! this is only the third such attempt this year! I'd better get my credit card
Retard submarine crashing sim
>admin drama
>admin drama
>admin drama
>"it's an awful cesspool"
sounds like you spend too much time reading the cancerous thread and not enough time just playing the damn game, my dude.
/vg/'s got the least lag, furries are kill on sight and Yea Forums memes and light RP. Heavy RP servers are cancer as are Non-RP servers like Hippie and TG.
The only thing I dont like about /vg/ is how they removed Changeling because newfags arent robust.
>these atmos cucks thinking they're relevant
p4p saddest role on the station
Antag engineer is always fun, as long as it's not just singuloose any% speedruns
isnt there a server literally removed from BYOND and on Steam?
I mean, you're both wrong. But that's okay. Our group has fun.
posters that hate atmos are like skinny white guys who talk about BBC
it is already understood by everyone near them that they are jealous and homosexual
Space station 13 but easier to grasp and underwater.
It's pretty easy to bait desperate nerds into throwing patreon donations at you for a remake.
So the last 4 or 5 "remakes" have been people posting a couple of video mock-ups of their "progress", collecting $10k in donations and vanishing into the ether.
>w-we have fun!
>w-we have so much fun that it is VERY IMPORTANT TO ME that some anonymous strangers on the internet know this!
>give me attention! now!
Please stop doing this. We do not care.
That's like your opinion, man.
Only playing for antagging and murderboning is at least for me no fun.
>sperging out because someone's having fun
Don't you have some other thread to shit up?
It's okay to be bitter. You guys can bitch about codebases and all the shits that gum up the works and get admin/head coder when they don't have experience.
We'll be over here having fun. :^)
An offshoot of baystation that basically reworks the entire game to make it a post-apoc/sci-fi/medieval/russian-simulator. It's incredibly autistic to Dwarf Fortress levels, RP-enforced (but no admins) and servers are only up on weekends. You need a byond account older than a certain date to even get in, or pay 15 bucks for access.
If you haven't learned SS13 first, don't even bother trying to play this. It's 100 times more complicated.
It's not important to me.
No one said it was? You're really having a sperg-gasm over there, buddy. Everything okay with mom and dad?
anyone else play ss13 to get comfy?
>pick deaf and mute as traits
>pick janitor
>quietly mop up the station
>people are running around punching each other, on fire, blood everywhere
>i dont know whats going on or care, quietly mopping up the station oblivious to their bullshit, nibbling snacks sipping beers and watching a movie in RL
good shit bros
Paramedic, Botany and Robotics are good for this too.
Antag engineer is the most abusable shit ever. Just cut some wires here and there and place some dead mice around the place and nobody will be the wiser.
it's not
/vg/ - it's the only server that isn't a transexual infested hellscape (beyond CM)
Post SS13 Tips and tricks
>implying CM hasn't had its share
Yeah just like me. But playing as janny gets boring quick. Cargo and mining is where fun is for me.
SS13 is the "main" game, servers like Colonial Marines are a spinoff, Lifeweb is one of them.
tl;dr lifeweb lore: basically bad shit happened and then colony shit happened and now you have midevil shit now instead of spaceshit
Lifeweb's controls are much more difficult than normal SS13's, you gotta manage shit like water, using the shitter, and any addictions your character has. The game is also very dark, like holy shit turn on a light dark. It has it's moments, but it's still more difficult than regular ss13.
I do not involve myself in the server politics - I merely abuse the alien and promote the clown.
based ss13 player
Holy shit, you legitimately must have a neurological condition. He didn't even say anything about it this time.
this is the objectively correct attitude to have
The true patrician.
>being this mad about someones private server
>on an underwater mongolian basket-weaving forum
this is the part where you realize I do not care and no amount of autistic screeching is going to convince me
you can keep replying to try and have the last word if you want but I still will not care
>be traitor scientist with robot arm
>make some bombs on the asteroid because thats where the map had the mixing station
>as I get back on the shuttle, some other antag gets off the shuttle, lets me be
>get on the shuttle
>as soon as i get off, sec comes running in and shoots me
>apparently they thought I was the guy who just got off
>they dont find the bombs and emag in my bag, they send me to med, heal me up and send me off
>as i take my emag out to put it in a better spot, arm malfunctions and I drop it
>as i pick it up, two sec come in and my arm instantly malfunctions again and I drop the emag right in front of the two officers
>Manage to get out a 'Well shit' before my head gets blown off by a security officer
Was pretty funny, not gonna lie
here's my best antag story:
>Start round as chef
>Turns out I'm an antag and I have to kill a guy
>Buy the sleepy pen from my PDA, wait for prey to wander by
>He walks past the kitchen, I follow him to robotics, and jab him as he's asking to be borged
>Dude falls over, unconscious. I say "Oh no! I must get this man to medical!"
>drag him past robotics
>drag him past medical
>drag him into the freezer in the kitchen
>decapitate him and put his body in the meat locker
>wash my clothes in the sink and continue the round as if nothing happened
Chemistry and botany are comfy
/vg/ is great, I just wish they didn't powergame so hard. Maybe I just play at bad times but games don't feel as fun and natural when everyones in an arms race at the word go. I remember when only robotics were the faggots.
>pot calling the kettle a nigger.
Is /vg/station dead again, or have some of the Ssethtide/Oneytide players stuck around?
Any of you guys playing colonial marines? What the fuck was up with that "event"?
I don't even have to be playing the round to tell you that any time the admins attempt an event in CM is a waste of everyone involved's hours of time
>literally an "event" where admins spawned in deathsquads and WY PMCs and predator aliens
Well you're right
t. Charlie
right, except the HvH rounds
Fuck Pomf
Fuck Mr_Tranny
Fuck Veers
Fuck Sawbones
Fuck Maipai
Fuck the /vg/ admin team
Pomf needs to off himself and go suck his boyfriends canadian cock already and get us a new host cause he's done no favors to the server.
>inb4 /vg/ discord trannies defend pomf and his god awful ability to step up when needed
Please, give me your best excuses as to why /vg/ isn't shit, i'll wait.
Sawbones got deadminned
It's more than that, but that's a lot of the reason SS13 is so much more fun.
Lifeweb's biggest problem is that in its attempt for superiority, it becomes impossible to actually get shit done in a timely manner.
SS13's jobs are really only there as a distraction from dicking around. Lifeweb doesn't understand that. It doesn't understand that most people rush their job so they can go exploring on the station. No one actually likes doing work in these kinds of games.
goonstation still any good? i havent played in like 7 years.
5 years too god damn late, let me guess. He got deadminned off of a meme? Because thats all Pomf is good for, is changing the server for memes and sucking cock.
>No one actually likes doing work in these kinds of games.
I do
I mean, I like RP'ing while I work. the busywork gives me structure to my RP. "oh gosh wow this man is lacking a head" - "oh geez oh pete she has a case of the beingcompletelyonfuckingfire, wow" - "so you seen any good porno lately?"
if you don't embrace the gameplay as an opportunity to RP you are simply not doing it correctly
how long until tg's codebase is wrenched away from the coders
not soon enough
I haven't played in about a year and a half. I heard one of the coders went full retard and started yanking features because he felt they weren't "realistic"?
>removal of autocloning and pre-scan
/tg/ coders added they/them pronouns
TGstation's code base is the worst case of "no executive control" I have ever seen.
Pain, Sawbons and Maipai aren't admins anymore.
Except for the fact that Pain STILL is in the forums and is acting like an admin despite saying, "I'm gonna leave this community" a year ago.
Nobody likes Pain yet hes still here, you know why? Cause nobody has the balls to tell him to get the fuck out already and kill himself.
He can act how he wants, he's deadminned. Just ignore him, or tell him to fuck off yourself. What's the problem?
yeah cargo is great.
perfect for autism projects on quiet, lowpop rounds.
when there's only 5 people on the server everyone has all access, so it's good for doing shit in cargo like botany, medbay, building a supermatter engine or whatever autism experimentation you wanna do without risking ruining any other departments in the process.
>Played a little bit back in the day
>It was really chill and a few of my friends played with me
>Still don't know wtf to do in that game or how to really play
>Played the game yesterday
>All servers are full of furries or people killing each other at dock with no one stopping them from just smashing your head in
>Got into a low pop server and had a dude run at me and inject me before i could walk
>Turned into a monkey
>Another medium size server
>AI is a winy faggot that is watching everyone so hard that if you aren't just standing still it's instantly whispering you asking you wtf you are doing and if you didn't answer in 1 min he would ban you from server
What happened to this game? I want to see a better version of it actually get made but these players are as cunty as it gets.
Play /vg/. Only one of your issues there is potentially the AI, and half the time there is no AI.
you mean some discord tranny added it and to avoid controversy the mantainers merged it and forgot about it?
big problem with /vg/ is just time of day you play.
if you play in EU/US prime-time it's 60 pop shitter safari with powergaming, valids, shitters and bans.
lowpop and deadpop is the best though. 3~10 bros, everyone knows each other, everyone has all access, comfy autism time on 2~5 hour rounds with a bit of survival horror mixed in when suddenly comms is dead and you havent seen anyone else in 30 minutes.
Haven't played ss13 in months. I stick to fallout 13 for that sweet sweet fallout rp
I'm banned from /vg/.
play tg you stupid fuck
Anyone find the midi / tab for the swingy theme yet?
it's literally Yea Forums audience, the tg crowd died long time ago
based admin banning trannies and faggots
i don't like fun hating catgirls
I'm banned from /tg/.
they removed the option of picking them some time ago but yeah I agree they're fucking garbage
nothing wrong with a cute catgirl, the problem is their players, all fucking mentally challenged trannies
anyways there arent as many now
but are there faggots who lynch anyone who tries to do a fun gimmick
I have no idea what you consider a fun gimmick so dunno, maybe?
just dont be a nigger and you'll be fine desu
Bullshit the other day I was part of Star Wars play with lava and everything.
Bay's fine their staff is shit
CM is shit and their staff is shit
Aurora is shit but their staff are fine
THEY WHAT? Fuck I was already pissed at them for reducing move speed to a crawl and nerfing slips to uselessness, WHY WOULD THEY KEEP REMOVING SHIT?
>name is Madoka Magica
why ask the obvious
You mean the COMPLETE REMOVAL of cloning.
Wait, they got that far?
has /vg/ added cybernetics yet
Nothing wrong with that.
Yes, but they shortly realized of their fuckup and restored it the following day.
>ss13 should be all deaths final
just fucking destroy the corpse if you're so paranoid of them reviving
Yes, coders.
on something like fucking baystation, sure, but on an All Random Deathmatch server like TG? yeah that's stupid
when did you find out oranges was actually goofball all along
Or they could actually some effort into making a revival machine that makes sense and effort to use
When's the most scared you've ever been of a Clown?
fuck off back to /vg/ with your dead game
ss13 general trannies
our scp threads got fucking nuked off of Yea Forums so your trash isn't welcome
>tfw introduced karkov to ss13
nobody cares about trying to make it reasonable
the merger of lavaland should be a clue
It's the curse of this fucking game.
>you need a permit to build in the caves
>5 people minimum to migrate
its shit
post epic shit guys
I ported a bug detector thing from some other server to /vg/station one time. It was the only thing I ever coded for the game and I just copied most of it. I wonder if people actually use it.
TG is nice, but the admins keep giving traitor to a faggot they ERP with all the time.
>removed singularity and tesla from default
Not SS13 but
>Autists make a tiny thread on Yea Forums about some other obscure byond game
>Fuck around a bit
>Don't know shit but it doesn't seem that hard to learn
>Finally spawn as an antagonist or something
>Other player is my master
>Spend 10 minutes looking for them
>Have literally zero idea how to communicate with them
>Finally meet them
>Mindhacks my body and brings me to the opposing team to openly declare my kill-on-sight status before having a very shit-tier battle
>Basically just runs away before keeping me still so they could kick my ass
>Start complaining OOC
>Get laughed at
>Called salty
>Continued laughing about opening up the salt mines commences
>Realize that the person who's making fun of me is the same fucking person who was on my team and got me killed
Fucking lethal levels of saline, here.
revivng people in medbay by operating on them and fixing all the issues they have one by one and then defibbing them is so much fun though
too bad because they nerfed defibs first
good thing I don't touch the cancer that is TG
Go to bay. It's a 100x better then the cancer that is the MRP servers
>military RP
Ew, no.
Play EC if you don't want to properly milsim, that's what fleet is for. no one expects EC to do anything
A clown was going for a pretty cool horror deal on a low pop round by doing axe murder "pranks" on people, but occaisonally actually killing them. Was pretty short lived though since he got combo cafe'd.
Is bay HRP?
same old same old: good content, bad admins
if you can navigate their faggotry it's a good station.
there are at least 5 servers that people play on which aren't some kind of ERP hellhole
/tg/, /vg/, goon, bay, and CM spring to mind. They all have their own variety of horrible problems and it's mostly down to which specific problems you can tolerate easily.
TG is a deathmatch and CM has 30-minute startups where nothing happens every round. Don't know about the rest
>there's people who hate long extended rounds
Why even play the game then?
Everyone who cared about the quality of /vg/ gave up because they were ignored in favor of the shitters for too long. They chose to become the worst server.
FUCK metal box and FUCK skyfire
This post has been made by spitter gang
>join server late
>notice a faggot with a Jojo name standing around, playing an instrument
>shove him, take the instrument and start running towards security
>wait for the Jojo faggot to start shooting beanslugs at me
>sec brigs him
>Jojofag goes SSD
Oh yeah? Tell me more about your catbeasts and circlejerks about statics on /vg/.
TG is basically a deathmatch, goon has SJW admins, bay is H I G H R P, vg has terrible code and CM is not actually space station 13
Bay is actually HRP
Aurora is filled with pretentious retards that don't know how worldbuilding works and Polaris is filled with SJWs
>vg has terrible code
vg is like 40-50 people around prime time
Name a more kino map
they do not exist
i never know what im doing
i either bumblefuck my way through robotics or whatever
or i trip over myself nigging around as an assistant, ive accidentally killed myself with a rail gun whilst trying to figure out how to fire it, after spending like all game making it
I'd give it that is better except it's bay.
its way better then the lrp/mrp garbage
It always seems to happen, I join a serb full of autists who are joyous and the serb dies due to inactivity or shitty administration. I just want to play SS13.
>he's so autistic he can't even handle med rp
I'm a paradise veteran, it's turned me from touching that trash every again
In what kind of way would anyone want to play on Paradise, let alone long enough to be considered a veteran?
I played for a year, the only reason is because I was new and it was the top server the first time I played.
I forced myself to leave to aurora before I went insane
Reminder that /tg/ is a lost cause.
yeah no LMAO this game is shit
Welcome to byond faggot
Changeling was removed after 2 of them teamed up during a no security deadpop round and proceded to silently depop the entire station over the course of 3-4 fucking hours. Unless you have active security staff, it's very unfun.
based fag
>not box station
Lawful good ss13 player here
i prefer misuterii high d e s u
>Box baby
I bet you play a bird, too.
Should I play SS13? And if yes, what's a good server to play on?
play on /vg/station, the serb has a general on /vg/. It's the only non-reddit infested server.
Box has the best engineering tho
This thread is still alive, nice.
I second /vg/.
Yeah I'll concede that. It's just fucking boring as shit after playing this awful game since 2010.
If you play on high pop get ready for validz and greytide shittery
If you want comfy rounds wait till later on in the night or early day
>still don’t know how the fuck to do genetics
>playing since 2014
How interested would you be in a generic fantasy ss13 with fantasy races? What would you want to see (mostly jobs in the town)
I bet you're really good at roleplaying
Yeah I'm getting sick of the ss13 we needed to drop nanotrasen a decade ago.
I am when I'm not on a Ethiopian Basket weaving board
do ethiopians even do anything besides dying and raping
not really
As long as you ignore Lepi TG-Terry is fine.
I hate this stupid cunt, but I live in Europe and get shitty ping on the other servers.
>jokingly wrote an adult fanfiction about two spessman on my server to put in the library
>got really aroused writing it
>get a boner every time I see them in game
>had a dream about them last night
What the fuck is going on?
Post it
space magic
Everyone arguing about anything in this thread should know that you're all equally retarded and that the true SS13 experience is when you slowly play the game with maybe 10-15 people in REAL rounds that last an entire evening and not partake in a robusting circus in 20 minute rounds where the station is somehow ripped apart every time.
Never cared much for /vg/ and /tg/ is filled with trannies and redditors. I mainly play on other servers.
Y-yeah I hate Lepi too, haha
Lifeweb is better.
Yeah rounds that last hours are really fun unless you are a shit job like miner that is only really fun on rounds that last like a single hour.
don't play tg, they have nothing to do with /tg/
lifeweb is too autistic.
>lifeweb is too autistic.
Nah, it's a ruse brought by some idiots.
Honestly I've been in the same boat, only with most jobs in general since the game is best played casually.
Do you have one about Kobe aswell?
This game is such a shitshow
TG's code is being ruined by oranges the faggot
Paradise is run by gay furfags
High RP is fucking boring
/vg/ has shitty code (inb4 ss13g fags defend its lack of features) and all the good coders like PJB left
The only decent highpop server is Citadel which is an ERP server. Its the only server where admins dont have sticks up their asses and get off on banning "shitters"
Hold the phone.
I thought this is the main point of the game that you are playing with 10-15 for a long as fuck time. How do you even play it for 20 minutes?
I've played it once for a 4 hour round, what can you do in 20 minutes?
>impossible to get done in a timely manner
I have to disagree with that. It's only really slow if you're inexperience with the map and fate, And I appreciate Lifeweb's approach over SS13's since most of the jobs actually have a pretty big significance in the game that if left unaccomplished will lead to everyone getting fucked some way or another. So much of the interesting interactions of the game come from how people accomplishing their respective roles get into or solve conflict with each other and the antags of the round. In SS13 like 70% of the people just choose a role for the access it gives you and then go around do their own solo retarded adventure
No, this is the only one I've written so far
Would you like to anyone else in these?
a faggot who gets traitor 80% of the time and pretends to be a catgirl
Corporate Mercenary was here
Colonial Marines is a loser
>How do you even play it for 20 minutes?
Plasmaflood/ fuck everything up and force an evac
Wut, I've never had an interaction, but one of my colleagues is part of Goons in EVE and I get the impression that it's quite the opposite of SJW culture.
Is EVE good? Planning on playing it, but I am not sure cause some people said it has p2w shit in it
Why do I end up being the HoP almost every round?
He's referring to high pop low RP servers like /tg/station that have game modes like Nuke Ops and Wizard. In those kind of rounds the round ends usually with the antags death and if not the damage they inflict is usually enough to call shuttle early. And then there's conversion game modes where the entire station is dragged into the conflict and it's a case of either wipe them all out or be wiped out.
SA has been ruined by SJWs for years my dude.
I better not answer this.
And then there are devils, that openly over comms offer powers that half the crew accepts more then willing- and openly only to wonder why the archdevil is killing everyone now.
Thank God devil is gone, it's a shit game mode by design. The devil didn't even need skill to win or loss, it was all decided based on if the general population was either tiders who will go out of their way to sell their souls for All Access, or valid hunters who will kill the devil roundstart at first offer. Shit should only serve as a reminder on why not to have an RP antag on a low RP server.
God damn i didn't actually think the tranny admin would be based
Lavaland fucking SUCKS
To be fair I had a fun experience.
The warden was a devil and had the task to get my soul. So he gets me on the wanted list and sec gets me.
In the tourture room he tries to force me to sign it. I call out over coms but he takes my radio, noone came though. So when he uncuffed me I activated the microphone in the wall and he spoke of the contract, yet everyone still was too retarded to come to my help. I then died because I still refused.
That's your mistake for thinking anyone reads the radio outside of their own department radio, and even then that's only a maybe unless they are sec.
>sec as antagonist
>The admins are power tripping faggots
>"being not known is better then being known!"
/vg/ suffers tremendously from metafag circlejerking but unlike other servers at least the admins acknowledge it. Whether they actually act on it is another story.
This is the sort of man all spacemen should strive to be.
I've played /tg/ a bit but prefer /vg/.
That being said I haven't played in months and don't plan to for a long time.
I've been playing since 2012 so most of the magic is gone for me.
You ever what happened to good friends you've made along the way?
also dumping webms
The warden was a devil. I don't know if he only became warden due to HoP, but that's how it was.
>Geneticist game
>Spend whole time trying to uncover hulk gene
>uncover hulk gene
>game ends instantly
Next round:
>Geneticist round
>uncover hulk gene halfway through
>become hulk
>do nothing
Anyone has any tips on maximizing the fun out of a Geneticist? And how to speed up the gene research?
There should be a retro virus of sorts where virologist and geneticist can work together to create a virus that mutates certain traits.
Edgar Poop
Tips for newfag to ss13?
read the wiki and pick a real job instead of assistant
Play as a lawyer while you fumble your way around. It helps to be half decent at roleplaying, though.
Isn't assistant there so new players can focus on learning the controls and not have to worry about doing shit?
It's supposed to, but the truth is that you won't learn anything and will be lost without an actual job. It's better to do something like cook, janitor or bartender because you will learn a lot without doing any harm if you are new at them.
Is that TG?
Ah, okay. I understand. Thanks user. Might join and play a janitor or something.
no, it's /vg/ TG looks a lot worse than that
/vg/ featuring ported content from paradise(?) I believe.
/tg/ is already reddit in the first place
Good choice, Janitor is arguably the most important job on the station.
>Janitor is arguably the most important job on the station.
Wait, what? How so?
Ever heard "a healthy body is a healthy mind"? Same with a clean station.
People tend to act better on a tidy station.
best server for newb?
So what's the point of it now?
>be female mime
>find out I'm antag
>sit in the bar for a bit "entertaining" people
>target walks in, starts watching
>use mime powers of persuasion to get him to follow me
>lead him into a vent, seal the doors, stab him to death with a screwdriver and leave
>no-one suspects the mime
Give me a quick rundown of underground ERP communities. Are they real?
No clue. I guess the idiots who spent money for special classes still have a reason to play.
Am I gonna get banned if I space corpses of retards who dab themselves to death?
>trying to play Dungeons and Dragons in the library
>antag comes in and kills us just after we start
>it wasn't an antag at all
Holy shit this thread is still up i didnt think it would catch on let alone stay up overnight
>What are you doing
Speedrun hijacks with no bombs or plasma floods are the most fun thing in ss13 though.
honk bump
This game’s controls are too clunky.
gtfo milsimtards
This thread reeks of redditards.
oh boy antag killed me with his super laser sword in the maintenance near cargo, 3 minutes into the round. how creative
Lifeweb shitters like to harass anything closely related to their themes.
based hippie.
Could have been popular at the $10 dollar mark but asking $30 is bullshit.
What kind of entertaining we talking
They're fine, you're just retarded.
Started playing in about 2012 and stopped in maybe 2016. Thinking of coming back or should i not bother?
It's still the same old game you love and hate at it's core.Why not try a few shifts again?
kys wojakposter