Why do JRPGs consistently filter so many people?

Why do JRPGs consistently filter so many people?

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jrpgfags are below average intelligence

normies can't into long games

becus a lot of them are boring as shit fetch quest marathons with filler moments that kill the experience and a shit fanbase that turns people off?

> Pokemon (100 Billion Dollars Grossed)
> Final Fantasy (26 Billion Dollars Grossed)
> Dragon Quest (12 Billlion Dollars Grossed
> Lineage (9 Billion Dollars Grossed)
JRPGs are literally the most successful gaming genre of all time

Because people of any substance can't get into them.

Also this. The OP is a lying fuck.

Too long, pretty females, slow. JRPGs are one of the most antinormalfag genres.

>slow is a good thing
So should we all get together and marathon the anime One Piece?

Every JRPG becomes ten times better with a speedup button, if they all came standard they would appeal to normies

They're story-based games which consistently fail to have even marginally interesting stories.

Because they're boring and shallow with bad writing.

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t. westaboo

try again



Says the frogfucker.

Every jrpg retard i know in real life is too stupid for any other genre, the only thing it's filtering is people with IQs above 80 and no major social issues

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>gacha system in a single player game
XC2 was garbage

Its just about priorities.

Like how important is a solid story with well written characters to you? For me its the most important thing, while girls with big ol titties would be at the bottom for me.

For a lot of fans of this genre its the other way around.


Because JRPGs are the ultimate pleb filter.

He said slow not braindead.

normalfags with shit taste shouldn't touch my favorite genre anyway

JRPGs got popular. Same reason people are now rushing to hate anime.

Most people are ADD brainlets with no patience for reading or thinking and just want to mash buttons. Same reason CRPGs are dead.