Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3


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Other urls found in this thread:

Why that's Stinky Steel, a man who farts in his own suit to give himself superpowers. Didn't you know?

No I mean Loki, why is he playable?

Appears to be Loki in which case it makes sense. In the mcu he’s basically just an emo kid gone good guy. Unless you’re saying that’s someone else?

Loki. It's Loki.
for the same reason Venom and Magneto is playable.
You fuck them up in their boss fights and they join you.

I mean I don't see him in the full roster before, why is he part of the roster in the boxart? How will they fit a 36th character?

Doesn't he have a kill count of 300+ innocent people?

Idk user but I’m thinking it’s implying these are all the characters which is okay, but could have been a lot better. Thanks for posting this

Only 3 villains? What the fuck. Still, Loki is alright, might switch him in cause I like the trickster style.

He probably did more damage to NYC than 9/11...

As all the avengers tend to have done. Hell, in the last movie, Clint was literally a villain until they tell him what they plan to do

>no ANTS
Worst timeline

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All of the Avengers are killers. You heard Ultron, nigga

You ask that but the game has 3 DLC's that add more characters form X-Men, The Fantastic Four, and Marvel Knights.
And we didn't know if that "full roster" we saw was in fact the full roster.
Also you fight Venom, Magneto, and Loki in the game and Venom and Magneto are confirmed playable so Loki being a playable character isn't remotely out of nowhere.

Loki playable over him is slightly surprising

He killed non-nigger criminals so he's actually just like a shitty version of Castle, and Castle is not a bad guy. Still nu-Shane-Castle is kinda a cuck as well...

Laughable post. The avengers did enough damage with Ultron alone but there are several points where the movies rightly pin damage caused on them. If Loki would’ve survived he probably would’ve been in the lineup in avengers. Nobody cares

Apparently only about 200 people died.

They probably couldn't get a character who had to be tiny all the time to work. Wasp has the blasters and wings, so she can have specific moves that will just animate her shrinking as she zips around then goes back to normal. Doing something like that for Ant-Man, but grounded with no weapons, would have been pretty unsatisfying. I would want to play the whole level tiny, which they'd never let me do.

>Dyke Marvel
>Wasp, but no Ant-Man
>no F4
>no Cyclops

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Isn't Wasp able to just turn small and normal size? Having Antman without the ability to be XBhueg is stupid.

They prob though he was to similar to wasp,im fine with it this is the hottest wasp has ever looked

>>no F4
>>no Cyclops
DLC, nigga.

lol I like how they separated the spider-men characters so people didn't catch on to that fact that you'll be paying for Cyclops and Beast DLC

>couldn't give him shrinking powers and ant summons
Wasted potential

So that's it, no other hidden characters?

>but still no Ant-Man

>He killed non-nigger criminals so he's actually just like a shitty version of Castle
What the fuck does this even mean?

He can just fly on an ant
Have a group of flying ants circle him and when he shrinks, the whole swarm follows like a trailer

Loki has fangirls

>Not Thanos
Why save him for last?

Reminder that Wasp covers the shrinking mechanic, has easy to implement ranged attacks, and flight, while Giant-Man is covered by Kamala Khan, who is infinitely more flexible in her size manipulation anyway.

36 characters total and loki was the 35th
Evidences point towards thanos being the last character

I'm just thankful for Ghost Rider and who I believe is Elsa Bloodstone in the center bottom row of the right page.

It is.
Elsa is quite the pull but I would rather have a pull then putting Elektra in again for virtually no reason.

Apparently someone at Team Ninja likes Miller's Daredevil
They mention the influence on The Hand stage during an E3 stream

Shit roster. Make a new roster, Yea Forums. 36 characters.

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>They probably couldn't get a character who had to be tiny all the time to work.

Please don't be this dumb.

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You guys think this game will outsell Nioh? I think it will obviously outsell FE:Warriors and the DOA series.

Except all Wasp can do is shrink and fly.
Ant man can shrink and enlarge at will.

He's been one of the most popular MCU characters for years

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Probably. Simply because every normie fuck's infatuation with cape shit.

>Ant man can shrink and enlarge at will.
Which is covered by Kamala Khan

Then why use Kamala?

Kamala can slightly enlarge portions of her body.
She's a wonky mix of Reed Richards and Antman.

>Which is covered by Kamala Khan
Kamala is stretchy too

She can stretch her whole body.

Red Ghost and his Super Apes (all as individual characters)

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She can and has enlarged her entire body. I'm reading through Ms. Marvel now, and am in the middle of the Civil War II stuff. In fact one of her most common fighting styles is embiggening herself to roughly twice normal size and even larger fists.

Gotta say, despite no ANTS and both the F4 and more X-Men being relegated to DLC, its pretty much the best MUA roster so far.

Moon Knight, but 36 times.

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We got 4 spider-men.

Which is why it makes sense for Reed to be DLC, and not base roster. Redundant powers can be made more unique in their implementation with additional time and resources that post-release development provides.
Popular new character that also resonates or panders to if you want to be unfavorable with a new group of readers. Minority, girl, non-christian religious, with actual character development is a boon.

This Was for these

Loki was obvious but who was the last guy?


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Nova voiced by Troy Baker

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not exactly since he's an even more popular character and is another villain they could include

Aren't the only similar ones Spidey and Gwen? Miles would have zap powers at least

Why do they hate ANTS?

36 different Ghost Riders

The real Cull Obsidian

Her book has historically done relatively well for a newcomer, especially since the name they were cashing in on was anything but a draw.

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I want to fuck Storm

Her original run is good though

I'm in full COPE mode and hoping he's free DLC, or something

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Post em

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Imagine actually trying to interact with comicsgate retards, let them live in their bubble where nothing but jawbreakers sells any copies at all

why does this roster still seem so much smaller than MUA2 despite the roster being technically bigger

>Elsa and Johnny in shit tier
Didn't even bother looking at the rest after that

>Elsa and GR in shit tier
You go to hell and you die.

1. Captain America
2. Ironman
3. Hulk
4. Black Widow
5. Hawkeye
6. Thor
7. Loki
8. Sif
9. Rocket Raccoon
10. Dr. Strange
11. She Hulk
12. Mr. Fantastic
13. Invisible Woman
14. Human Torch
15. Thing
16. Dr. Doom
17. Spider-Man
18. Miles Morales
19. Green Goblin
20. Anti-Venom
21. Antman
22. Captain Marvel
23. Daredevil
24. Punisher
25. Luke Cage
26. Iron Fist
27. Black Panther
28. Deadpool
29. Wolverine
30. Storm
31. Cyclops
32. Jubilee
33. Elsa Bloodstone
34. Ghost Rider
35. Blade
36. Warwolf
37. Nick Fury

went with something semi realistic hence all the shilling.

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This, the issue with wolverine was fantastic. Frankly, i wish they'd kept that art style going forward, but the change stopped bothering me after a while/

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Could you be a bigger faggot?

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Fuck this shit, i wanted Winter soldier

I really dislike that Wolverine outfit

Fair, but Kamala's outfit never looks better.

That's true

I accept this list. Everyone pack it up and go home. We've got a race to watch.

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Play MvC Infinite then.
Punisher should be the gun guy in Marvel games, and I say this as a big Bucky fan.

>given free license
>does the most dull thing imaginable to the point it's mostly the actual real roster anyway

You're right, I was being unfair. Ghost Rider isn't nearly as bad as those in the shit tier

>that fucking filename

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Wait. You guys think Thanos will be playable? Why? I thought there were rumors of thanoatos or whatever the fuck his name is being in, which is lame don’t get me wrong.

Hell yeah

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Wrong picture

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>Too similar to Wasp
Bullshit, if they somehow can think of a lot of unique ways to throw spider jizz that they need to make multiple Spider-Men then they can figure out ways to differentiate Pym Particles users.

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>Elsa still in shit tier
Still a fagit


>Black widow
>Iron Man
>Captain America

>Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
>Black Cat

>Iron FIst
>Luke Cage
>Dr. Strange

>Invisible woman
>Mr Fantastic
>Human Flamer

>Jean Grey


>Spider-woman (Jessica Drew)

>Black Panther
>Scarlet Witch
>Emma Frost


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Difference is that they actually give a fuck about Spider-Men


Honestly, it's easier to distinguish Wasp and Ant-Man/Giant-Man than it is to distinguish him from Ms. Marvel.

She can make her body parts bigger like her tits

>Kamala says dorky shit like wowsers
She is breaking my /pol/ programming...

What will the marvel s0yb0y manchildren audience buy, Marvel Ultimate Alliance or that one Square Enix's Avengers game?


She's a polymorph. At first she could also turn herself into other people and objects, but they rolled that back into variable size manipulation.
She's also an in-universe Avenger's, and specifically Captain Marvel, fangirl.

> if they somehow can think of a lot of unique ways to throw spider jizz that they need to make multiple Spider-Men
But they don't. The only decent one aside from Peter (which is questionable these days) is Scarlet Spider. The rest are garbage and made to cash in on diversbux and nothing more. None of them add anything new, unique, or interesting to the mix It's just a token color/ gender/ sexual orientation thrown in a spider themed costume and nothing more.

why would that help with buoyancy?

Tits help you float

In all honesty, I think the complete lack of F4, Moon Knight, Man-Thing, and Cyclops really soils my overall opinion of the roster.

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Larger surface area, reduced density, increased buoyancy.

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Ultimate Alliance. Avengers looks like shitty cinematic garbage.

God Kamala is so adorable

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Squeenix Avengers is looking like shit, and they confirmed it to be a live service game, so you have to wait a long time to get the hero you want.

to be fair, most people liked UA when they were kids.
Have you recently played the other two? It's basically a warriors game with even less depth, if that is even possible.

I think it'll be kind of like a tomb raider in terms of gameplay, probably very restrictive depending the character you use.

Sometimes you just wanna bash button and beat up a nigga or two. I don't ask for much.

Giant ants summons and his giant transformation is different.

Extremely, reading volume one got me hooked, and while it went downhill i still am enjoying it.

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So is there any actual "end game" content in this game or do you just replay the same 10 hour game over and over again?

Elsa is cool

Summons sure, that'd be cool, but Kamala can embiggen pretty damned big too. Big enough that regular play as any larger wouldn't work well.

Hydra Cap
Superior Ironman
Ronin Hawkeye
The Maker
Old Man Logan
Zombie-cyborg Wasp
Spider-Man 2099
Punisher 2099
She Hulk
Man Thing
Elsa Bloodstone
Vampire Jubilee
Rocket Raccoon
Dr. Doom
Dr. Strange
Shuma Gorath
Black Panther
Iron Hammer
Ghost Panther
Kamala Khan

if they releasse a demo, it'll probably be it.

Shoulda gave him one growing Special, one shrinking Special, and two Ant related specials.

There's literally 3 Spider-Men in the game.

I wish they would’ve added more characters rather than repeat guys even though I like Gwen. Where the fuck is War Machine?

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To be clear, i am in no way against Ant-Man being playable, just voicing my opinion that Kamala/Ant-Man is less distinct in gameplay variety than Wasp/Ant-Man.
Hell, have him riding around on an ant and jousting for all i care.

>Iron Man



>Ant Man
>Dr. Strange

>Spider Man
>Black Cat

>Power Man
>Iron Fist
>Moon Knight
>Ghost Rider

>Star Lord
>Rocket & Groot

>Kamala Khan
>Squirrel Girl
>Black Widow

>Green Goblin

Spidey. Black spidey. Blacker spidey. SJW Spidy Justice Woman

>complains about similar characters
>wants War Machine, a character that could literally just be Iron Man in one of his variant suits.

>never touching
get the fuck off my board and never post here again

>no Ant-Man to ride a giant ant as his quick moving like the fliers or Spiders

There's Ultimate Trials that you do for different colored costumes.

>my whole team without Wolverine is in the bottom

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I only see Spidey, Black Spidey and Blacked™ Spidey.

>Ant-Man died for this

Well ... I'd say the reason is because those three are pretty much the prime examples of villains turned good guys in Marvel.
The only one they're missing are Juggernaut and Songbird.

>Ant-Man died for this

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Spider-man, Miles, Gwen, Venom.

You forgot Ninja Spider-Man

>no Ant-Man
>yet Wasp is in
What the fuck!? How did that happen!? 4 spiders and the whole GOTG crew makes it in but not Ant-Man?

>Squirrel Girl
BASED! She was my main in Marvel Heroes and I actually read and enjoyed Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

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>that spoiler
How did you even read that without losing your lunch?

You have good taste, sir.

why is wesker in the game?

He has no connection to spider-man outside of people mistaking him for spider-man.

fite me cunts

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That's the shitty joke. I'm sorry.

Based on how they help the roster. This roster isn’t so bad but some characters they just shouldn’t have put in the game. Fuck the defenders honestly, I barely like electra and she’s not as qt as Gamora or the others. Nebula should look better and be playable. Beast and friends should have been included from the start.

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I'll always main Wolverine. Fug you.

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Dick Rider or bust.

>Ugh you like *popular* characters? Let me tell you about mai waifu.

Terrible, atrocious taste.

Netflix Defenders or OG Defenders?

Sign me UP BABBY


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You're a faggot even if I want one of those characters too

>that Wolverine and Venom
What the fuck is your issue mate?

I just think they’re rather weak, and if we’re going to be facing space enemies bring the big guns, not lousy street heroes, save a few like spidey. Would’ve put marvel and a few others higher if they were more aesthetically pleasing. The defenders bore me.

Its a perfectly cromulant word.

Well Yea Forums, what do you guys think?

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Personally, I love street heroes.

I think you're a shitposter

>street heroes
In terms of his day to day, sure, but Spider-Man is a vastly higher than street level super. One of the smartest men on the planet, strong enough to contest the Hulk, and bullet-dodging reflexes combined with one of the most impressive powers around, Spidersense.

Dude ... Iron Fist and Psylocke are white

Anyone who makes tier lists is instantly a faggot.

Some interesting things from the prerelease stuff
>X Mansion is one of the hubs in the game
>Magneto unlockable via rifts
>more slots on the menu imply there are a few more hidden characters
>the more popular MCU characters actually aren't as useful as the less popular ones to try and get people to use something out of their comfort zone
>characters can be upgraded with ISO to raise their stats, you can upgrade their special moves, and later there is a grid that lets you upgrade your entire team at once

Hope there are hubs per act like in 1

>Wolverine is gonna suck


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God I wish that was me

Yes they are.

Where's Dazzler? I'm not paying a dime until I get Dazzler.

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Wolverine is actually too good since he just heals up over time, its characters like Cap, Iron Man, and Marvel that people are saying suck.

>They prob though he was to similar to wasp,im fine with it this is the hottest wasp has ever looked
my nigga

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>He heals up over time

God that takes me back

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So everyone that's been in a Avengers movie will suck?
So Miles, Gwen, Elsa, Psylock, Wolverine, and Crystal will be 10/10 characters.

No please. He's my favorite of the main Avengers.

Do other characters with healing factors do the same?

Mister Fantastic
Invisible Woman
Human Torch
Captain America
Thor (Beta Ray Bill costume)
Iron Man
Dr. Strange
Ghost Rider
Adam Warlock
Jean Grey
Moon Knight
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Star Lord
Rocket Racoon
White Nick Fury
We don't really need villains, when the roster is so small. Fight me.

Is there a video/link informing us who's good and who sucks?

Hulk and Venom are forever cursed to lack healing factors in everything for balancing reasons.

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is moon knight not playable? has he ever been playable?

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>is moon knight not playable? has he ever been playable?

He was in the first game

>Iron Man
>Black Panther
>Star Lord
>Captain America
>Rocket and Groot
>Scarlet Witch
>Doctor Strange
>Luke Cage
>Crystal or Blackbolt
>Iron Fist
>Captain Marvel
>Ghost Rider
>Gamorra or Drax (not both)

>War Machine
>Adam Warlock

Fantastic 4 dlc pack:
>Ben Grimm
>Doctor Doom
>Johnny Storm
>Silver Surfer

Marvel Knights dlc pack:
>Moon Knight
>Cloak and Dagger

X-Men dlc pack:
>Jubilee or Jean Grey
>Cable or Colossus

let me guess, dlc along with taskmaster
this roster screams mcu and its the reason i fucking hated mvci.
i am NOT picking any niggers or any of those faggots that were in the movies

>still no best Marvel character

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>become instantly a faggot
Nice try, faggot.

Doesn't really scream MCU since mostly everyone her was in the first game, son









Omega Sentinel
Sebastian Shaw

Well my prediction was 1 off then, the placement of vision in some scenes is a bit confusing, I was dead on about Loki though, it was obvious with him being in the villains trailer and the only no Black Order Villain that wasn't playable shown in it.

Slated for DLC.

Psylocke x 6
Dazzler x 6
Rogue x 6
Storm x 6
Black Cat x 6
She-Hulk x 6

>Marvel game with no Cyclops

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i am not touching
>nick cage
>captain dyke
i might grow on the others since they aren't straight mcu variants like thor and strange

he was the reason i enjoyed xmen legends :^(

Good. He's the worst X-men.

It's hurts man. How you gonna have the X-men without their fucking leader. Makes no goddamn sense. I'm actually a little more afraid they're going to add the Phoenix in to push sales of that awful movie that just released instead of Cyclops.

DLC, roster too big, Scarlett Witch is the only worse Xmen character in the roster.

>I'm actually a little more afraid they're going to add the Phoenix in to push sales of that awful movie that just released instead of Cyclops.
They aren't.

Wanda isn't an X-character. She's an avenger cumdump

>Wanda isn't an X-character. She's an avenger cumdump
She's so much both that her and quicksilver both were shared between the MCU and FOX.

>this roster screams mcu
It really doesn't.

I can't wait. I finally have a reason to play my switch again.

Man I hate how they haven't said if this game will be unlocked digitally tonight at midnight or tomorrow morning. About an hour and a half from midnight my time so I guess I will have to wait and see.

That was just Fox getting a good deal. Quicksilver is an X-character because of his more numerous stories with Magneto and his time in X-factor. If you're getting Quicksilver and Magneto (back when he was still their father) you might as well get Wanda.

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I thought it was out on Friday

If nothing else, she's still literally a mutant, making her X-adjacent.

It is. I'm hoping though that they release it at 9:00 PM on the west coast though.

I want gwenpool but I know they'll fuck her character up like they've done before.

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>she's still literally a mutant,


I've only ever read that Doujin of hers, is her book any good? If so, i'll read it after i finish Ms. Marvel.

Well fuck it then, i can't take anything for granted anymore with this shit. Too many retcons for me to care about anything i'm not currently reading i guess.

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Gwen should do the tutorials

Finally some gets it. Punchclops is top tier in every game

Yeah I forgot thought it came out Thursday but that is because I was thinking of staying up late to play it on thursday that I tricked myself.

The original Hastings run was good. Every other version of her in every other possible media (with the exception of Venom Gwen) is shit and is so different from the actual character it could even be considered a totally different character.

It's a good read if you like characters that are self-aware they're in a comic book in a way that isn't modern Deadpool.

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She's a mutant, that's what's important.

She did the secret/extra maps in Lego Marvel. And I couldn't stand her "lol valley girl" personality.

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>gay retcon
Whatever senpai

Nono, the gay retcon is Iceman and Jean.

Is Spidey's best suit in?

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>retcons don't count unless they happened before I knew anything about the characters

Don't know. Only suits we know of that is in right now are Dead pool in a chef hat and apron and the same costume except deadpool in his X-men suit.

He has Spider Armor

The question is. Does the Retcon still count? They've reboot the whole fucking universe like 5 times since then at least.

Possibly no alt costumes in base game, the devs squirmed when asked about it.

can we just get a rider racing game?

reskin or model change?

That's just one of the many gay retcons.
Scarlet Witch is shit anyway, but Quicksilver is legitimate kino, he's what happens when someone does the Flash but really really well.

I watched X-men the Animated Series, so I already knew about that bitch, unless that was retconned before that show

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It actually goes Spidey, black Spidey, and real Spidey's sloppy snapped neck seconds Fuck Quesada, fuck Latour, fuck Slott, fuck Bendis

All outfits are just alternate colors.

Reskin, sadly

Spider-Armor isn't Felicia's suit.
That's shitty and Team Ninja should commit sudoku.

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I'll take my brown and tan Wolverine, thank you very much.

>I watched X-men the Animated Series, so I already knew about that bitch, unless that was retconned before that show

The first retcon is them being Magneto's kids. That happened in 1979. Then in 2015 they retconned it again so they weren't his kids and weren't mutants (MCU pandering).

You made the right choice, this is unacceptable considering previous games, even though there's a significant leap in visual fidelity.

Yeah sure some of the recolors will work but a lot require straight up model changes. There won't be any beta ray bills standing in for Thor

I can't verify because you didn't post 2099.

>doctor doom
>i dont care about the rest

More blah

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So yes to alt costumes?

Is it time?

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>alt costumes
It's just a paint job.

>Hulk then
>Hulk now

Fixit ain't hard to do

>not based Devil Hulk

Gray Hulk/The Professor has always been calmer than Savage Hulk.

Just getting into this thread but thank you for your genius

It's supposed to be an alliance. Why would villains work with them? Other than the three there and maybe Dr Doom they probably wouldn't agree to it.

She shoots "Wasp stings" from her wrists and can fly.

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W-would Yea Forums pay for the season pass for year two if you can play as pic related and the rest of her team?

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>oogga booga batman in diversity tier
fuck you nigger

>no gambit


>Those statues are like $600 each.

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Terrible Eye is cute but we already have a Sorcerer Supreme

Why the FUCK did they put Elsa Bloodstone into this game?

Are you some sort of faggot?

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He is not strong enough to contest the Hulk. he is in the 10-12 ton range. Hulk can lift 100+ tons without even being in rage mode.

>No ants
No buy.

>Not Kid Loki
I sleep.

The probable reason: Muh diversity, Mahvel might be pushing her in the future
Team Ninja's reason: Dude tits lmao
Not that I'm complaining

>Popular new character

Because she's cool and MCUbois don't get the whole roster for themselves, save that for the SE game

The marvel side of this plus Moon Knight, Elsa Bloodstone, Machine Man, Zemo, Silver Surfer, Taskmaster

Attached: MvC.jpg (3670x1530, 1.31M)

Attached: Terrible Eye.jpg (900x460, 107K)

Remove Miles, Gwen, Captain Marvel, Psylocke, Crystal, replace them by Ant-Man, Gwenpoole, Captain Marvel (Monica), Cyclops and Punisher.

>Why would they include a foul-mouthed big-tiddy British redhead Doomguy?

Attached: 1547924337473.png (1280x1828, 925K)

>meanwhile, in the ant kingdom

Attached: 1519704340127.jpg (54x63, 4K)

>ctrl+f Link &/or Samus
>0 results

I want my Marvel

>Team Ninja's reason: Dude tits lmao
She doesn't have big tits though

Fine with all of these except keep Psylocke and forget Captain Marvel in general.

I refuse to believe they wouldn't capitalize on the fact that they almost got into one of the games considering it's a fucking Switch exclusive

Still pretty suckable

>That roster

Exquisite taste user.

Attached: ridley.png (400x400, 325K)

Who's the guy between Songbird and Daredevil?

thanks fellow ridleybro

Imagine if normies take to this like Smash, Nintendo/KT can just get away with a $30 season pass every year. Next year they can do some obscure shit like the Acolytes, then people will be like WTF. But then Nintendo will add like Link or Samus into the mix and Nintendodrones will jizz their pants. These levels are cheap as fuck to make, the game looks like a mobile game but if the end results is fun I don't mind it.

Graviton, he was the uniting villain of the Avengers in Earth's Mightiest Heroes. He's also been a recurring villain for the Thunderbolts.

Same roster but remove Ghost Rider

You're going to unlock my costume first right?

Attached: 20190717_232413.jpg (1214x838, 408K)

So does anyone have footage, screenshots or any information as to if Loki is playable? You'd think by the number of people who have the game early, this would have been established.

Fuck these "costumes"

>No Samus or Link
Why even fucking bother?

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Attached: 20190717_204728.jpg (1146x1142, 506K)

Is Thanos unlockable?

Here's your Zero Suit Samus, bro

Are these the Infinity Trials or whatever they're calling them?

These costumes are a huge dent in this game so far.

>ms Marvel.

I get being a fan of Moon Night but actually complaining he isn't in baffles me as if he isn't a fucking D Lister with zero reason to be included.

>It's like Samus but if she weren't as hot and a lesbian

You're a fucking retard if you think Elsa is a diversity pick

Attached: 77604-37726-elsa-bloodstone.jpg (400x650, 124K)

She's probably Team Ninja's equivalent of Capcom choosing Shuma-Gorath or the Batman Ninja director shoe horning Gorilla Grodd just because he's his favorite DC villain

To these lunatics having another woman added is a diversity pick.

Yes. There's 4 of these nodes, but we haven't seen the 4th node yet.

Four (4) Spider characters
Can someone tell me why the fuck they added Miles and Gwen and how they're going to be different from Peter play style wise?

Miles has invisibility and shock powers, Gwen is literally just girl spiderman.

Miles is black therefore has lightning powers, no idea what they're doing with Gwen

>but also frank face
top tier~

these reminds me of Adventure Mode for Hyrule Warrior, and that's a good fucking thing.

It's such a strangely specific trope.

I hear Gwen does portal stuff

Spider-Man has been around since the 60s is your brain so small that you really don't think there's enough potential in his power set to make up what like 12 abilities?

Songbird is a fucking nobody compared to all those other guys. If you were going to put every villain who turned to the side of angels you have to include Sandman, Taskmaster, Doctor Doom, Superior Spider-Man, Ronan the Accuser, et al.

Hell, anything that isn't a white man is a "diversity pick" to Yea Forums.

Wasp can embiggen, she just never feels like it

I'd take any of the Annihilators, but sadly a Bill skin was my last real hope.

Attached: Alpha Plus.png (1288x1687, 3.41M)

Iron Man
Duh ever loving blue eyed Thing
Mr. Fantastic
Invisible Woman
Human Torch
Captain Carol
Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
Emma Frost
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Frank fucking Castle
Dr. Strange
Ghost Rider
Elsa Bloodstone
Star Lord/Rocket
Adam Warlock
Nick Fury
Scarlet Witch

It's pretty ironic considering what a shitposters dream Elsa is. She ranges from Lara Croft sex doll to British gunslinger in heels that says shit and cunt a lot

>Ronan and Cosmo in the same league as Silver Surfer and Quasar
explain this

I imagine like any Musou like game, this'll probably have a typical tier list of who's good and who isn't. If it's anything like fighting games, the DLC will be the really broken characters to encourage buying.

Cosmo is essentially the Xavier of the group, thanks to his telepathy. Ronan is straight up mocked by the Ikon, Spaceknight for being weaker than the rest, but with his weapon he's probably a bigger threat than she is anyway.
The Annihilators were a group formed by Star Lord to seek out and totally eradicate galactic+ level threats, instead of letting it get too far like it always does before a suitable response happens.

Attached: Ronan.jpg (1988x3056, 1.59M)

That file name, good shit lol

I've said this in a past thread but I'll say it again, if this were a DC game The Atom would 100% be playable

Even if nothing else, Annihilators was great for Bill

Attached: Bill 1.jpg (1988x3056, 1.54M)

If there was a DC game you would only get the Justice league and the game would be hot fucking feces

Attached: Bill 2.jpg (1988x3056, 1.08M)

>implying there'd be space for the Atom with Batman and his 101 variants

If this was a DC game it would be on mobile and there wouldn't be a thread on Yea Forums talking about it.

1. Captain America
2. Iron Man
3. Thor
4. Hulk
5. Spider-Man
6. Deadpool
7. Wolverine
8. Cyclops
9. Jean Grey
10. Magneto
11. Doom
12. Loki
13. Nightcrawler
14. Iceman
15. Wasp
16. Black Panther
17. Agent Venom
18. Elektra
19. Daredevil
20. Iron Fist
21. Luke Cage
22. Scarlet Witch
23. Nova
24. Psylocke
25. Mr. Fantastic
26. Invisible Woman
27. Human Torch
28. The Thing
29. She-Hulk
30. Storm
31. Dr. Strange
32. Punisher
33. Ghost Rider
34. Quicksilver
35. Hawkeye
36. Taskmaster

DLC1: Cosmic Pack
37. Silver Surfer
38. Star-Lord
39. Adam Warlock
40. Groot
41. Rocket Raccoon
42. Phyla-Vell

DLC2: Magic Pack
43. Man-Thing
44. Brother Voodoo
45. Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
46. Beta Ray Bill
47. Elsa Bloodstone
48. Daimon Hellstorm

DLC3: Inhuman Pack
49. Black Bolt
50. Medusa
51. Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur
52. Ms. Marvel
53. Ronan the Accuser
54. Crystal

DLC4: Dimensional Visitors
55. Ka-Zar
56. Valkyrie
57. Hyperion
58. Miles Morales
59. Howard the Duck
60. Spider-Man 2099

Because Tumblr loves him and in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance games some villains always join the heroes to defeat the bigger evil.

And that's a good thing, he's lame as fuck

Old cosmic marvel was better than it had any right to be

Absolute fucking masterpiece

Some of the best material comes from the creative freedom you get when no one really gives a fuck what you do as long as its awesome.

Cap'n America
Iron Man
Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
Spiderman (Peter, Gwen, and Miles)
Nick Fury

>The Defenders
Luke Cage
Iron Fist


>Brotherhood of Mutants

>Fantastic Four
Mr Fantastic
The Thing
Human Torch
Doc Doom

Star Lord
Rocket Racoon

Ms Marvel
Ghost Rider
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange

Little over 36 but that's the best of all worlds

Oh, and just because i've always found the OP nature of MCU Carol funny, pic related.

Attached: Ronan V Captain Marvel.png (915x1383, 2.78M)

I know, linking to RetardEra.

But these guys have been keeping a track on spoilers, and apparently:

Thanos is not the actual final boss, but rather his son Thane. Thanos himself even assists you to fight him, which may lead to him being the last playable character.

>tfw Bill will never be in an Alliance game

surprised people still even care about thane desu

I held out hope until that interview where they skirted the alt skins issue.
If they release an alt model Thor, i'd gladly pay a couple bucks though, even if that does make me a sucker.

Attached: Beta Ray Bill.png (800x494, 703K)

I love when Beta Ray tries to emote with his stupid horse face like in the second panel

How much are we willing to pay for a costume or costume pack? I personally think 10-15 dollars for a pack of 4-6 is pretty fair

Pretty much the best way to use alt skins in these types of games is to have different characters appear, even if they're just skins and a different VA.

But Bill was in MUA1

why did they keep loki such a secret to this point?

Like what Injustice 2 did, yeah? That was honestly a good idea, it just sucks they'll always hide that shit behind a paywall.

He was?

Exactly, and yeah it is a shit practice.

Maybe Nintendo was holding him back for a release trailer tomorrow.

The worst is artists who try and just jam his facial features onto a normal head shape.

Attached: Bill after hitting himself with Stormbreaker.jpg (2063x3131, 1.38M)

How many characters doe that even work for
>Hawkeye into Hawkeye
>Nova into Nova Jr.
>Hulk into Thing
>Thor into Bill
>Spider-Man into Spider-Punk or something

>game is a button masher where every character plays exactly the same just with different model and particle effects
>can't unlock villains in ng+
i can't cope with this

Depending on how they implemented Kamala, she could be either Ant-Man or Mr. Fantastic, Carol is an easy swap with any other generic beam+flight+strong combo, Kallark is the first to come to mind.

You're also forgetting all the nobody characters no one gives a shit about, Cap can turn into USAgent or Danielle Cage, Janet coukd become Nadia Pym

Shit ugly art. The artist drew EARS on the Silver Surfer.

Have you actually played the past two entries? They weren't any better on that regard.

At least everyone here looks unique.

>no Scott
Hah get fucked.
>no F4
No one fucking cares about F4, they should have just put super skrull in instead.

The costumes are just colors? Well, in the trash it goes.

Spider-man can be listed under Avengers, X-men, and Fantastic four as well.

Why do people dig Moon Knight so much? Sell me on him.

Where's my boy Juggernaut? Surely he's playable, right?

Attached: 756.jpg (463x345, 104K)

Deemed too violent, so he was changed into a nicer softer character, Huggernaut.

Attached: 553.jpg (647x768, 229K)

And put Loki in want to play tier

Attached: marv.png (1240x518, 838K)

so pure

Why does everyone shit in Captain Marvel?

She is a thoroughly terrible and bland character, her most interesting character trait was being in a coma, and the MCU tried to hype her up ridiculously hard only for it to fall flat.

>less than a day
Here we all are now, all the lads

Attached: todd.png (440x438, 116K)

Best list here desu

The problem is she's barely a B tier character that they thrusted into the lime light, but they didn't really do much to make her a decent character to begin with. She has some moments where she played off others decently, like Peter, but she was never able to stand on her on laurels through the power of her own character being interesting. This is well before all the feminism and whatever else she is now, she's just a horribly underused/utilized. She's done nothing to earn her spot at the top of Marvel, but that's where she is now.
They never made her work for her power, which is constantly on the flux of how purely powerful she is, and it's the only method modern Marvel can do to make someone more important than the fan favorites. You just make whoever you hoisted onto the stage, you make them show up the classic heroes, and you move the classic ones to the background while having them support the new ones 100% and mention how much better they are. It's a pattern that they've been doing for years, and won't stop.
Comic sales are in the shitter, and comic book stores do not want to bother with them anymore. This is for Marvel and DC.



BASED Koei Tecmo

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-00-30-43-1.png (318x364, 137K)


BASED Nintendo

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-08-49-1.png (193x366, 107K)

looks pretty fun


Reminder that this was leaked still no clue of he's playable or not but God I hope so

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-10-15-1.png (499x679, 294K)

I miss Marvel Heroes, but before that Omega update shit.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-17-55-1.png (414x630, 287K)


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Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-22-50-1.png (829x558, 646K)

Would you buy an Infinity Warps DLC Pack?

>DD, Iron Fist at the bottom
you don't deserve war machine


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18-01-22-53-1.png (495x701, 467K)

Iron Fist is more powerful than you think, he can play with the big bois

I wonder how much DLC it will have considering Nintendo wants to do more games.

calm yourself incel

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Attached: 1234.jpg (828x852, 119K)

Sounds more like a problem with the fans, since the majority only care about a certain few characters and Marvel simply doesn't feel like making nonstop material featuring only three or four characters.

who is shotgun girl, anyway?

Elsa Bloodstone, Monster Hunter

Attached: 6680851-rco024_1468993615.jpg (1055x1600, 517K)

>NC alongside Black widow and drax

Attached: 1534835701507.gif (178x188, 152K)

She's gonna be filler fodder isn't she?

Got to keep that MCU synergy up!

imagine being this much of a fag

Attached: 1555204887425.jpg (468x895, 85K)

Team Ninja had too many ideas for one Spider
As Ant-Man they even gave the "turn small stuff huge" shit for Wasp

They chose the wrong synergy

Attached: 1q19Fj1E6W-4.png (300x250, 22K)

>One Angry Incel

Iron Man
War Machine
Captain America
Beta Ray Bill
Black Widow
Doctor Octopus
Squirrel Girl
Moon Boy & Devil Dinosaur
Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
Mister Fantastic
Super Skrull
Doctor Doom
Howard the Duck
Kang the Conqueror
Silver Surfer

Never heard of her


How is he angry and why is pointing out that a game has sexy women so bad, especially after SJWs have run rampant in most other games?

Loki has tagged along with Thor and pals as an ally since the fucking eddas nearly a thousand years ago, what are you guys smoking?

the guy is called one angry nerd, also have sex

iron man and Wasp are together now right? why they gotta do Hank dirty like that?

>one angry gamer

Attached: obi wan nope.gif (500x213, 748K)

this has to be bait

Attached: 1511255312924.jpg (800x437, 96K)

Imagine being so pathetic you’re discussing kids comic book heroes on the internet

Fucking neck yourself you fat fuck

This has to be the most brainless meme Yea Forums has stolen from other sites and parroted nonstop. I thought you people prided yourselves on NOT being like all the other websites you hate.

>posts on Yea Forums

I don't follow autistic eceleb nonsense, what's the joke here?

Attached: 1516186716271.jpg (619x619, 38K)

the name of the guy you posted his website is one angry gamer you fool

Attached: 1549566286436.jpg (1043x9999, 2.74M)

They said for some reason they are willing to do a comic series similar to what happened with Injustice
I don't see how that works since MUA universe isn't that drastic to the MU

>they never made an Avengers Academy comic

VenomChads, where you at?
>Knock knock, let the devil in
>V E N O M

Attached: MV5BNzAwNzUzNjY4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTQ5MzM0NjM@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 139K)

Well, unless people find more characters, the final line-up is this:
>Captain America
>Iron Man
>Black Widow
>Scarlet Witch
>Black Panther
>Captain Marvel
>Ms. Marvel
>Rocket & Groot
>Ghost Rider
>Dr. Strange
>Elsa Bloodstone
>Luke Cage
>Iron Fist

>Winter Soldier
>Jessica Jones
As NPCs.

What's your final verdict, Yea Forums?


So is it true there are no costumes in the game, only recolours?

>you posted
I commented on the post, dipshit, who is he and why should I care?

Magik would be a godly addition, but highly improbable.

marvel batman
schizo lunatic with a ketamine addiction
merc with a mouth but not too much
Also did I mention he has multiple personalities

100 percent confirmed. People will defend this.

Loki has been a villain, hero and anti hero in the comic. He went from god of mischief to God of stories

Too bad he will never come back

Attached: 1447041762190.jpg (500x328, 35K)

>people bitching about why you can play as loki
>Last Character was just shown off in a spoiler post above

Yeah, Loki has more of a reason to be playable wew lad.


DLC is adding some but I think you've guessed the base game. I'll find out in 16hrs when I get it.

This one's equally retarded.

I kinda hope they will add the NPC characters as playable at some point, like a fourth surprise character pack or something. How often do Team Ninja listen to fan requests and such?

Hank Pym hit that.

What are the chances we get Best Girl? Because it seems like she's been dead since UMvC3.

Attached: 0 She-Hulk-02.jpg (526x792, 55K)

Pretty decent since we got Thanos

I know we have 3 DLC bundles. X-Men, FF, and Marvel Knights. Do we know how many characters her pack? 3? 4? 5?

I assume Daredevil, Punisher, and the like fall under Knights. She-Hulk doesn't really fit.

Will she be included with the FF and have blue costume as the alt?

Either way, I just hope she makes it.

Attached: She-Hulk-01.jpg (300x455, 32K)

Hopefully , We will have more information drop with their comic con panel.

But, anything is possible at this point imo.

I really enjoyed that run despite the cringe. She is for sure one of the best doubles. Mainly because she is nothing like Carol.

how long until the panel?

can I read this run not knowing much about carol? it seems cute


I'd rather have Pymtron than Ant-Man anyway.

Attached: 19092610_1467782109946445_225645831519651685_o.jpg (1075x595, 130K)

100% yes. Kamala is a fangirl, and you don't really need to know anything else until Civil War II.

thanks I'll read up until civil war 2 then?

I mean, you can keep going if you are into it at that point, but it kinda boils down to Carol supporting minority report precrime and Kamala being really uncertain about it but going along anyway because Carol is her hero.

36th character confirmed

Attached: 20190718_093156.png (1668x1152, 2.33M)

Yeah, okay, but why?

>no iron man
>not on ps4 but the prequels on ps store
Just why?

>no iron man

as soon as we saw loki on the "full" roster you'd be stupid not to know thanos would be the secret 36th character

Cause MCU

Thanos is the final boss right? If that's so then I don't know why him being the final character should surprise anyone; the super secret special awesome final character in 2 was the final boss, and 1 eventually added the final boss via dlc iirc. They always eventually make the final boss playable.

Full F4, Dr Doom, Spidey, core X-Men team from the 90's plus the likes of Madrox, Guido and Wolfsbane, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, nu-muties from Morrison's run, Nick Fury, original Guardians of the Galaxy and DnA team, all the Ghost Riders, Frank, Daredevil.

because people are retarded

>dr strange has a goatee in the comics and movies
>does not give him a goatee in the game

Why are retards allowed to design characters

There's like half a dozen characters whose only "power" is being really good at fighting, redundant and boring.

>why do indiefags keep calling us capeshitters?!?!

The more price he looks the better.

>Thanos is the final boss right?
It's actually Thane.

>3 different spideys
>No war machine


too bad he is not as sexy as the mcu but purple daddy will always make me happy.

Into the Spiderverse? shit's confusing as fuck, should have given us Green Goblin instead of redundant spidey characters, Give us someone like Gambit or Nova before Warmachine.


>can't give us ant man because he will be in a background scene fighting someone else
>can give us thanos so you can fight thanos as thanos as well as the black order as thanos
Should have gone full ultimate and just given us everyone in game.

Captain America
She Hulk
Emma Frost
Black Widow
Cordelia Frost
Spider Gwen
Wonder Loli
Silver Fox
Jill Valentine
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Marvel Girl
Kitty Pryde
Silver Sable
Ace the Bat-Hound
Iron Man
Captain America (P2 color scheme)
Squirrel Girl

Attached: Do1hl3fUYAEZRJF.jpg (1200x960, 176K)

It's at 1:30 PST

As characters in a story they're fine and unique enough, but put them all together in a fighting game and there's just way too much overlap with abilities.

1. Iron Man
2. Hulk
3. Thor
4. Captain America
5. Wasp
6. Yellow Jacket

>Fantastic Four
7. The Thing
8. Mr. Fantastc
9. Human Torch
10. Invisible Woman

11. Cyclops
12. Wolverine
13. Storm
14. Sunfire
15. Colossus
16. Nightcrawler

17. Spider-Man
18. Venom
19. Luke Cage
20. Iron Fist
21. Songbird
22. Ghost Rider
23. The Punisher
24. Moon Knight
25. Silver Surfer
26. Howard The Duck
27. The Sentry
28. Hyperion
29. Black Cat
30. Juggernaut
31. Magneto
32. Doctor Octopus
33. The Shocker
34. Doctor Doom
35. Gwenpool
36. Toad

>Iron Fist
Why the fuck did we have to wait so long?

Attached: Venomrwinrar.png (332x282, 201K)

what do you mean

Why did we have to wait so long for them to be in a Marvel game? I've wanted Daredevil since the original Marvel vs Capcom. WE HAVE TWO FUCKING WOLVERINES IN MvC2 BUT NO DD!
And shit now we have like 3 Spider-(wo)men.

they were both in MUA2 and Iron Fist was in UMvC3

>was going to get a Switch today to play this.
>revision with better battery announced
thank god but also JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP

ok my mistake it's been a while and my brain is a potato now. I still want more games with Daredevil and Iron Fist though.

word, my two favourite marvel heroes

I thought the battery was supposed to be good on the switch

its just battery, you get like 2-4 hours anyway.


Attached: laughing rangas.gif (200x200, 742K)

People asking for Gwenpool didn't buy her comic and won't buy this game.

Attached: mehsuzu.png (177x152, 31K)

Nebula and Gamora looking real thicc....

Also forgot pic.

Game real good so far.

Attached: 2019071811022200-EEF8E9558A0946A299305EE281E121B4.jpg (1280x720, 241K)

god yes my copy arrived

fuck you, post proof.
stick it up your butt with time stamp.

>wont get mine for another 13 hours

Oh shit

Attached: real shit.png (1439x1314, 2.97M)

i would be fine with that
who should make it tough?

Attached: rdu3rFC.png (941x604, 1.48M)

not him but DarkUmbra is full of xci/nsp dumps. people posting proof even on reddit

Nigga it got leaked like an hour ago

Attached: 2019071811093900-EEF8E9558A0946A299305EE281E121B4.jpg (1280x720, 236K)

saw a youtube video yesterday where they said you need to beat those trials to unlock Magneto.
I really hope not.

damn would download it to try the game for a bit but amazon has shipped mine and will arrive tomorrow, might as well just pace my self.

Who /switchvoucher/ here?'s the game?


More importantly, how does it run on 4 player? What are the FPS drops like?

He's in.

Attached: z.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

I did, Mario Maker 2 + MUA3

Captain America
Iron Man
Scarlet Witch
Doctor Strange
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Ghost Rider
Captain Marvel
Rocket Raccoon
Moon Knight
Black Panther
Mr. Fantastic
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Dr. Doom
Winter Soldier
Squirrel Girl
Stan Lee

Attached: tendies.jpg (540x538, 79K)


Attached: lassalle-gj.jpg (500x498, 24K)

/pol/ seething aside, she's one of the only diversity quota characters they made that is actually interesting

Miles got better aswell.

Miles was better under anyone that wasn't named Brian Michael Bendis

I want Sunfire in the X-men DLC

Attached: Sunfire.jpg (401x422, 50K)

nah physical for me, my biggest regret with my switch collection is buying xenoblade in digital form.

the team up with wolverine was great


Will Nintendo ban me for playing the game early with the internet on?

if you use a CFW, yes
if you got an early physical copy, no

Considering what happened three years ago with Pokémon Sun and Moon, I'd recommend you to not play online, even though this game comes out in just hours, so there wouldn't be any point in banning early buyers like that.

No, Nintendo hasn't banned anyone for a long time now. Only bans were those retards who put porn as their profile icon.

this game better have a Joe Fixit skin

Attached: MyUltimateTeam-desk1920x1200.png (1920x1200, 3.84M)

since all the alternate skins are just color swaps we'll hopefully get Grey and Red Hulk.

ah shit has this been confirmed


the only alts we've seen so far we're color swaps
I do hope there's more, but I highly doubt it.

He was my XML2 main. Has he been in any other games since that?

Last I heard as well he was depowered and I haven't followed up with comics on a while. Did he get his powers back?

They're probably gonna be DLC. Fuck em

The ONLY alternate costume that isn't a color swap so far is the chef deadpool one.

not really.
it just says alternate color chef outfit. it's an X-Force one. when you meet Deadpool in the story he wears a chef costume over his red/black suit.
I think we'll only get the color swap for his normal suit and the plain /red/black/chef costume is an alternate already in the game. so I'm guessing the expansion pass skin is just a color swap of one that's already in the game.

Attached: Marvel-Ultimate-Alliance-3-Deadpool-Costume-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 83K)

because it was digital and the box art is really nice, just like this game.