Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Which house are you guys going with?

Personally I'm going to be picking Blue Lions and to be totally frank it's because I like dark 'n' edgy protagonists. I hope Dmitri doesn't mellow out too much if you pick his route.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm going with GD first, even if they truly suck like Polycuck is making them seem.

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I'm going Golden Deer and I think I'm going to recruit Annette

Why are SJW ruining everything?

>no homo options
>Polygon says they're shit
interesting coincidence

>Minority pandering
>SJW force gay pandering and tranny pandering
>Force the company to scrap the idea of fucking lolis

Fuck the world, hope it all burns down and something truly great rises from the ashes

Ega is cute. CUTE!

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going for the /u/ option with Edelgard.

Still sticking with GD first since I like Happy Merchants the most. I suppose I'll find out if they're terrible the hard way.

maleByleth x Edelgard is superior

I’m going to play Black Eagles first since it seems like they are the Hoshido option, and I might as well get that out of the way. Pretty sure my main save file will be the Blue Lions unless there really is a Revelations tier forth option.

He doesn't say they're shit. He loves Claude. It's just that his definition of "good" is that it compares to fucking Fates.

Whichever one has the hottest anime girls

Where do i start with this series?

Blue Lions. I hope Dimitri's route is good. Please be good.

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Byleth revealing himself to be Edelgard's secret nephew and true heir to the throne and Edelgard still wanting to fuck him because it's Fire emblem when?

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Gay representation.

Awakening. If you like that style, then play Fates after. If you think Awakening was not tactical enough, try the Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn games.

If you really like those, then you can try the older Gameboy and NES ones

FE7 is pretty good or Awakening if you're more casual. Three houses is probably fine as well

all those Daenerysfags in love with her on Yea Forums are gonna like this game.

But that could mean anything
It depends on if that writer thinks Fates has good writing or not, and given how well Fates reviewed it could simply mean that most reviewers have abysmal standards of good writing

Majority of fans are lgbtq though how can they not be talked about?!

>Which house are you guys going with?
Black Eagles. Why? Because Edel.

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Playing red>blue>yellow>red with male byleth for all routes except the final run where I go maximum yuri with the empress

I love his design so much.

Why is the Fire Emblem community in particular so much more obnoxious than any other? I used to love this series but the stigma with the trannies and appeasing LGBT freaks is really turning me off from it. I can't read the subreddit anymore, gamefaqs, serenes, anything but here without getting frustrated at how political they're making the game. It makes me feel like the majority of the FE community is very angry trans people and fat whites dudes from San Francisco screeching there arent more MLM and WLW options

I literally asked for one thing, user.

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I see trees of green,
red roses too
I see them bloom
for me and you
And I think to myself
what a wonderful world.......

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Been with Blue Lion ever since the beginning
2019 e3 made me glad I stayed loyal

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maybe one day Japs are gonna figure out how armor in the Middle Ages works

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Oh I'm here already

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That's why it's problematic. Because said Polycuck reviewer in question is Fatesfag and his "praises" of Claude/Deer are questionable because of his shit taste.
The only "reliable" reviewer is Famitsu (Japanese) one, but the main issue with him is that he was the only one out of 3 (who picked BE and BL), that was newfag to FE, so his opinion isn't that much better.

Serene's Forest honestly isn't that bad. There's a containment thread for the fags.

>Byleth of course gets his hand on the Seiros at some point this actually DOES make him the rightful heir of the Andrestian Empire.
>Edelgard is perfectly okay with crests now and attempts “a purely political marriage I assure you”.

Golden Deers. Then Lions, then Ravens.

Thanks for teaching the Blue Lions and protecting my smile, user!

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I gotta say, I hated Daenerys. Then season 8 happened

Well the Awakening and Fates gay mods are absurdly popular despite how bad and unfinished they are so there might be truth to that. I fucking hate the person who made those hacks not because they made them but because they're a horrible person

90% of the site is those fags now. Fates brought in the majority of the new fanbase. It was a comfy site 5 years ago and beyond but it's filled with the tumblr crowd. Tumblr porn ban was a massive mistake

There's also Gamexplain who said Fates' plot was weak but praised 3H. And don't tell me that it only counts for BE because the pre-timeskip part is the fucking same

But have you been a good boy?

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8/10, not anime enough.

That cutie is the first girl I'm stealing as a Black eagle

I prefer his other smile.

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When Claude was confirmed straight there were threads begging that creator to make more. Anyway it absolutely isn't the majority. Reddit and Resetera aren't as big as they think they are. No forum community is. Even if Yea Forums, Resetera, Reddit were to make peace and join in a gigantic site we'd still pale in comparison to the casual fags.

Reddit, trannies and SJWs? Nope. Can't say I like 'em.

Chinese reviewer said that only the Blue Lion's route feels distinct enough and that the other two may as well have been merged into one because of how much of the same plotpoints they repeated

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A forum I frequent for a leather working hobby has a gaming section and there is a zero tolerance policy sitewide for politics and shit. And I mean absolutely zero. I can't imagine how Reshitera would react to that place.

Anywhere except 5, 10, or 12; 1 and 2 can be skipped.

Source or fuck off.

I'm not saying they're a majority just that in terms of the hardcore FE fan base post Awakening has a lot of fags. As someone who's sadly interacted a lot of the fan base I can attest to this.

>yu are muh empres

They do tend to be the loudest yeah but like
user said. We're all nothing to the silent majority.

That's the exact opposite that the Spanish reviewer said. He said that Edelgard and Dimitri had some overlapping.

Just to get it out the way, reminder that:
>otome fans are people who like media aimed at girls with a focus on straight romance (mainly a girl protag going after her pick of boy love interests)
>fujos are people who like media with lots of boys that they can pair together in homosexual pairings
The two can sometimes overlap but they are not mutually interchangeable!!!

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Might as well start with this game. This and most of the games are self-contained and have no relation, plus the mechanics vary wildly as well.

>no source
>no link
>no screenshot either
Nice try.

I want to start with black eagles first but I only really like Edelgard, Petra, and Caspar from that group.
The other factions seem more interesting overall though.

fujos also don't need canon pairings for their fantasies.

Holy Knights seem neat
Might end up making all three lords into mounted classes if bow knights don't end up being shit

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I can't see any reason to pick Eagle other than being an Edelgard waifufag

No one cares about the minutiae of stinky cunt culture

There's a portion of Nintendo fans that generally tend to have a loud self entitlement to things even when they're literally receiving what they asked for since it's never enough.

>holy knight
I know what I’m turning literally every character in to

Otomefans sound kinda based, not gonna lie.

What about dark knights, are they back? They can't remove my edgy knights just when they had actual paladins.

based advice
I would also say maybe not to start with 4 though since it doesn't exactly ease the player into the gameplay or story. it came with a huge Japanese manual and since it was never localized we don't get it

Strange, the Congolese reviewer claimed that it was the Black Eagles only that had 100% unique content and that BL and GD have tones of overlap.

I'm pretty sure the gay options were for the West too. The amount of rage is probably going to make them not bother this time.

for anyone wanting to know heavy story spoilers

Everyone but fujos are based in comparison.

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they're back

fire emblem has been otomepilled since 1995
>oh Deirdre milady that brute was going to assault you... mmm... five seconds later we are married
>that whole drama with Lachesis and her brother
>the manga


Conquerors turn me off.

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And that's why they're called fujos.
I care because I'm tired of anons misusing the terms when fujos are already killing whatever little content otomes already get, especially western fujos.

The manga gave us Ayra fucking, shut up

>sothis is a dragon

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Is he punished?

>only japan gets the otome commercials

Sounds ridiculous enough to be true

From what I see people on that from arn't as bad as reddit and era. Ouside of a few people they seem to be cool with shit like sothis

>the Dragon was bad guy all along
Here we go again with this shitto.

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otome seems no different than regular waifufaggotry
fujos everyone can agree ought to be summarily executed

5ch hardly talks about the supports. It this obsession really just a western thing?

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Based and Ayrapilled

Yes, they really do seem to barely give a fuck if there are gay supports or not, I wonder why devs don't do it more often. Maybe the west is just full of awful people on both sides.

Surely it can't be as bad as Fates again.

>The crests are to blame!

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I hope.

I'm a reviewer and the ending of Claude's route is that the real fire emblem was the friends we made along the way

The west is full of aweful people in general the only things they care about are their own personal pleasures and making people not like them taste hell, they even view corruption and tragicness as scorecards to get one up on their so called enemies, the people who want the west to fail don't have to attack them, they'll kill each other in due time

This sounds realistic enough to be believable

It's by the same staff that gave us Fates. Why would it be better?


FE4 remake with marriage sex scenes, ok nintendo?

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No manga writer too lazy to bother giving their setting's continent a name

My only real issue with bisexual or gay characters is the supports...sort of. Like, I’m honestly fine with having gay shit, I’m just not gonna go for those since it’s not what I want, but with how basic the supports are, if I fight with those characters, the supports will just start to lead to a romantic conclusion instead of broing it up or something


so is she the Azura or the Camilla of this game

There isn't a madman writing this time and IS has no reason to cut most of the script


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Boring. What's Golden Deer route like?

Just don't do the S support dummy

>Why would it be better?
Not making a Frankenstein mess out of a novelists's single work to be spread over 2 games + tip? Learning from the criticism for Fates?

Fateswakening director is on Heroes instead of this

>Ms. Edelgard? Valentines was last month. White day is when boys give their obligation chocolates to girls.
>Okay, just put them next to my pile of... letters on my desk.

Are there more playable characters than what's been announced? The roster seems really low

She is the Brothers.

Post copy as proof.

>No manga writer too lazy to bother giving their setting's continent a name
Just call it Corrinland.

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You kike the other two countries into fighting each other but end up having to defeat the big bad dragon by yourself

Left or right?

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She is definitely Azura “the creator’s pet” expy in this game.

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I wish gay people would just disappear. Society was so much comfier when they kept to themselves and were ignored by the mainstream

How long have you been holding on to this one particular gif?

The Walhart

Gamexplain said in their video the they didn't like Fates' story and that 3H is much better so far.

What's the point of including old used up whores like this when nobody is ever going to pick them over attractive young women in their prime?

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The writer wasn't at fault, it was Nintendo's fault for throwing out almost all of what he wrote for them

To save them from their cakehood, it's a sad existence

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But the Treehouse gameplay was supposed to convince us!

>mfw 5 years later she's not cute anymore

Because some people think it’s awkward to romance your alumni students.

I want to impregnate all of them at the same time. I'm going to cum inside so fucking hard their menopause is going to disappear.

In this case more of it isn't better. The stuff you hated is still in the past script. And apparently that was a flaming hot mess.

Should I buy a Switch now or should I wait for a month to get the newer Switch?

Well I saved it when the show was airing, so about 4 and a half years.

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Is Shamir even that old? I get the impression she's only a couple of years older than Byleth

They're going to be grannies when the timeskip happens

imagine being this fag

how old is Byleth?

Wait to get the newer switch. Resist the temptation for maximum savings when you get better improved product.

Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude: Ryoma, Marx, Takumi and Leo (AKA: the plot relevant siblings, not the irrelevant sisters)
Sothis: kinda Azura but not really

Anyone wanna give me 60 dollariedoos? I can draw you lewds haha

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Old enough

Do you care about portability? Then wait. If not then do whatever.

Who wouldn't want to put their dick in Manuela's bottomless pussy?

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>come back to latest thread
>all of you fell for the reddit bait that was posted the day before as well
Are you fucking idiots? This is clearly intentional derailing

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old enough

Well congrats user. You did it.

His age is: ???

Fuck I wanna know about these three the most desu

Left is a cutie, middle is like a new spellblade class which is neat, and right seems like passable fap material if nothing else

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>Are you fucking idiots?
You're in Yea Forums

>plot relevant

I'm going to serve my empress

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>Edelgard going tyrant was just a bait
>literally dindo nuffin it was the big bad kike dragon all along that made Dimitri sperge and start the entire shit
>the most boring outcome and the end
Just post the other two already. You can't disappoint me at this point with this shit.

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The writer in question was apparently pretty well known so i can't help be feel that Nintendo meddling with the script is the cause of the shitty story rather than the writer himself

Draw Makise Kurisu cuddling a unhappy skeleton in an effort to cheer it up

*teleports you to the next plot location*
heh, your welcome kiddo

Ferdinand's age, it was shown in a preview

Shit, is this a sign to get the fuck out of here?

You could probably get through 4 only knowing that you pair up your units by ending the turn with them adjacent and maybe how to get the Brave Axe and Pursuit Ring. The rest either isn't very important or can be figured out as you go. Still, playing at least one FE game previously would help quite a bit. I imagine someone going in completely blind would have a difficult time figuring out things like recruitable characters (especially Ayra) and Authority.

The non-lite one releasing mid august has much better battery life

>leaving the best house
of course you hit the left button

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Dimitri needs a beard for him to truly be punished.

Just out of curiosity, does there exist any other games that also do the "big old man" gay character like in this game?

>invades and takes over Dimitri's country.
>expecting him to not be pissed about it.
She was clearly in the wrong there.

Isn't it mid-September?

Join me in my suffering, having just bought a Switch last week.

Your fault, this series has 16 games, what did you expect?

My wife

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Metal Gear, Ocelot is a giant homo for Snake

So Edelgard's path is about as boring as FE stories get. Doesn't even try to be unique. Just evil dragon yet again.

But it was the big bad kike dragon that made her people do it and not Edelgard herself, Then Dimitri sperged the fuck and fucked her empire back in return, but since Edelgard dindo nuffin wrong, then Dimitri is clearly evil and needed to be put down, so they got Claude to help them with that and then when they finally killed Dimitri, the big bad kike dragon had undead kill Claude and then Boregard stopped the big bad dragon with sensei.

At least that's what THAT shit says. It's literally Revelation tier of bullshit!

Or you could just have some basic fucking self control and not click the link clearly labeled as spoilers.

She is the Hoshido route after all.

user, all of them will have evil dragons, this is FE

The lite is mid September. The new revision of the "normal" switch with a more efficient SoC is mid August.

Not when the people replying to it put the shit in plain view like

If that thing is true, then yes. It's revelation tier of:
>The big bad dragon was behind everything. Edelgard dindo nuffin and Dimitri became crazy over nothing.

Why would you expect anything else? Even if this is fake it's most likely close to the real plot where some evil entity is behind every thing

>Edelgard does nothing wrong in HER route
Were you guys expecting she to be a villain in her own route ?

remember, war between rival nations is always the fault of some evil dragon manipulating events and not complex political, ethnic, religious and economic reasons.

You should be on this site in the first place if you don't want to be spoiled user.

He's plot relevant, don't you remember this moment:

What did you expect Dimitri to do when they fucking attack him? Shake their hands and say that is ok? Manipulated or not why didn't Edelgard go ask her old school friend what is up instead of trusting strangers over someone she personally knows? Is is clearly in the wrong.

I didn't bother reading it before because I have no interest in her route. That's horrible if it turns out to be real. Hopefully different writers worked on the other routes.

The third game in the series had an old ally being evil except not really it was an evil orb that was given to him by the evil priest under orders of the evil dragon, get over it faggot, FE is never going to change formulas, drop the series.
Storyniggers being retarded as always.

Yes, we wanted to be the bad guys and not Conquest 2.0 Electric Boogaloo.

Why are people acting like this is true. Granted, it's so fucking dumb it is possible that it really is the plot,but why just believe some shit somebody wrote without a source.

The milfs are delicious

Catherine > Manuela > Shamir

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If we're gonna fight evil dragons no matter the house, might as well pick one that keeps things interesting. Edelgard is pretty eh, and seems like the usual fair as far as routes go. I doubt it's gonna be much better in the other houses.

>Conquest 2.0 Electric Boogaloo
You mean Fire emblem 16.0 Electric Boogaloo

Delicious fat Asian Gorl butte...

holy crap

Do we know anything about customizing the teachers like Manuela and Alois? Can we train them in skills other than they teach? Or this isn't even possible?

That's the other routes.

Bigger question is why are people actually believing this?

I pretty much called this ever since the E3 Trailer. Dmitri is clearly in the right and the trailer is just bait to get people going "Wow what an evil house" Despite the fact Black Ravens in all other media are literal tyrannical fuckwits that keep rape clothes on them.

But of course Black Ravens being shitheads wasn't going to be a cautionary tale on how to judge character especially with how the three houses introduce eachother in the recent videos. Dmititri and Claude BOTH makes points about how important friendship and comradery are. Eldegarde only talks about how she is next in line for the throne and how you should pick "for the empire" Its pretty fucking blatant but of course smooth brains and redditors would miss that because "Muh dick"

Skip onwards to the fact that it was just going to be mean scary evil dragon in the end and there you have a Fates 2.0 situation. A good idea that gets derailed because they are to scared to put in an actual villain or have moral dilemmas that might scare away the next 21 year old sweaty neckbeard virgin who couldn't get over the fact his waifu is a bad person. Its like 10 times worse than Sylvanas faggots from Wow.

I guess Dimitri is our only hope left since he's painted as main villain before the dragon shit in Edelgard's route apparently.


I’d argue fucking Elise has more plot relevance than Leo does

Who the fuck are you?

Real leak guys.
[Spoiler]The final boss is a big spooky dragon____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You fags better be making this dragon shit up

Shitposting. Granted, it's absolutely in-line with the sort of retarded shit IS would pull, which is why so many fags are latching onto it.

If anything that just makes her more bland than she already is. Why does the most shilled character always turn out to be the most boring one?

The final bosses for each route are [Inigo Severa and Owain going into another fucking game for no reason]

is this your first FE?

Honestly would be pretty based.

>It's another "Yea Forums falls for fanfiction" episode again

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So what's the whole "Promise me you won't forget me" thing in the trailer all about then

>join Dimitri
>he turns into slime thing in the end because he was too far gone
>Edelgard appears out of nowhere to help you stop him since she's Azura of his game
Is it Conquest enough?

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When has it NOT been dragons?
Demon dude from 8

Anna is Inigo & Severa's child. Owain is the wacky uncle. I forget, was Severa's child in Fates her own mother or something weird like that?

im going golden deer

Why are you so gullible anons

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FE5, new gen.


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why are you in denial user

>The Awakening Trio are just trying to find their way back home now.
That would go into “refuge in audacity” to the point that I would laugh and actually enjoy IS crossing the line twice on me like that.

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Rosalina once again best girl.

FE5's villain was a priest of the dark dragon from 4 because the game takes place in the middle of it and they weren't so retarded as to come up with a SECOND evil dragon

>Tranny pandering
Pls spoonfeed me

Just had sex with Claude, ask me about leakd

Either that is her last words the moment you drive your sword literally and metaphorically into her heart or she witnesses you going back in time to try another route to correct the mistakes in the past.

It can be if you own revelations and pair her up with the guy who's the father of notCordelia.

>believing things with no source at all, just a text document posted only here
>when there's a fag actively trying to derail the threads into negativity about a fucking reddit board
>when blunderfag exists
I'll believe it when I fucking see it

He's got a micropenis, doesn't he

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>FE went from a extremely niche series only loved by hardcore jrpg fan to
>a series loved mainly by people who are obsessed with the waifu culture to
>a series for queers, tumblr and sjws libtards
what the fuck is this shit?

Caeldori is a past incarnation of Cordelia. Just like how Corrin is a past incarnation of Robin.
>Our love is eternal; somehow I just know it. If we cross paths again in a distant future, dear love...promise you'll remember me. Promise...

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Just face facts. You're shitty game is dead before it even arrived.

>the Awakening Trio fighting Nazis in FE17

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The Outrealms fuckery returns. I see that happening.

>just face the facts I made up, your game which isn’t on a system I own is dead

>Giant tits held up with choker.
New fashion fetish obtained.

So where did Corrin gain those extra braincells to give to Robin

I own a switch I just don't waste money on shitty anime games with retarded plots

>All the gay people in FE are twinks and buff men sometimes old even
>All the lesbians in FE are young and have big breast
What did IS mean by this?

>Serena can give birth to her mom's past life, who can then get together with one of Serena's potential father's past life
Why is her life so weird?

>retarded plots
And you know the plot how?

dragon genes

More importantly, when did Corrin decide to wear shoes

This is the most convoluted nonsense I've ever heard
Gotta be bullshit

Corrin is an idiot true, but he/she is a tactical genius according to Chrom and Lissa, and they lament that they don’t have somebody like them to be part of the Shepards, right before they find Robin past out on the ground.

I hate the direction the Shining series went in but at least I don't have to deal with the gays, though I still wish Shining was in the SRPG genre.

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>best house
>best leader
>has the best members
>most interesting lord by far
>gets the best timeskip design
>canonically gets big tiddy sensei
>will probably get the best story too
The Blue CHADS just can't stop WINNING. It's not too late to change sides. It's natural for humans to make mistakes and you can still make your choices right by switching sides as early as possible. Since the Blue CHADS are people brimming with honor, generosity and pride, we will gladly welcome new recruits. Fags not welcome though

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>b-b-b-but no sorse!
kys lmoa

I'm really into Shamir and Manuela

How much does it hurt knowing that half of fates issues could be solved by outright removing Corrin from the plot and having Ryoma/Xander as the leading roles of Birthright/Conquest respectively.

There was a lot less inbreeding in the generations after Corrin. His retard genes were eventually washed out.

You make fun of the retort but why should anyone believe something with no source?

Oh shit, this thread is just barely reaching the edge of when spoilers are going to run wild, I'm fuckin out

That's exactly what he said.

yes i realize that my reading comprehension is shit

Not that I'm doubting it'll eventually happen but does FByleth get any more advertisement with Dimitri than she gets with the other 2?


Im gonna wait report on how the game is on hard more before buying this shit. If it legit baby awakening or FE8 tier easy im am not touching this game at all.

Alright guys calm down, here're the real leaks:

What the fuck is this logic

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The only advertisement we get is the ones we make ourselves, sadly.

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How much inbreeding did Grimeal had to do to get a pure blood vessel for Grima like Robin?

>My primary concern with the game at the moment is the writing (since there's going to be a lot of it).
>How did it hold up, in your experience?
>It seems pretty comparable to Fates in terms of quality, IMO.
Oh no no no...

>War is going on
>Nothing on WHY war is going on
>Blatantly contradicts the paltry amount of information we've learned from the JP overview trailer


Here's a good hint for the validity any story "leaks" that come out: ask why Byleth's hair is green before the timeskip, not after.

I'm picking Golden Deer because I like Merchant stuff and they seem to have a lot of that, Claude feels like the most interesting of the three to me (I like schemers), and Leonie looks like my kind of girl. Hopefully I won't be proven wrong.

You guys realize the game hasn't already leaked, right?

These are just attention seeking faggots trying to rile everyone up because they know everyone is one edge about how good the game will be.

Attached: 1556933782660.jpg (858x511, 60K)

Yes that's what I thought, even though they went the otome angle Manleth still seems to be the one that shows up more.

Should I play male Byleth to self-insert and fuck the girls, or female Byleth to stare at her ass and boobs?

>Removing the main source of conflict between Hoshido and Nohr.
If by improving the story means literally no war or even a plot, then yes.

Attached: __dimitri_alexandre_bladud_and_edelgard_von_hresvelgr_fire_emblem_three_houses_and_etc_drawn_by_ikei (1600x1903, 454K)

No. It's been even pretty much. Dimitri's English trailer only had male Byleth. I don't know where that user is getting that.

The leak is not coming today. The chinks have been lying to you.

Male Byleth and impregnate the girls

If you're even remotely straight, female byleth and fuck the boys who do good in battle, like the cumslut you are

Female byleth to self-insert and fuck the girls, whilst staring at her ass and boobs

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Attached: staymad.png (1530x335, 102K)

Tough question

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There is still PLENTY of reasons for Nohr and Hoshido to go to war. From the fact that every 1000 years the fucking sun rotates around the continent. In fact I could write it up now
>Sun rotates over to Nohr Hoshido being kind of stuck in their cushy cycle go to ask Nohr for resources
>Nohr gets fucking assblasted because they spent years suffering whilst Hoshido did nothing
>Hoshido attempts to steal resources instead
>War starts
Literally that easy and using shit that was told to us IN game.

Because it'd feel lazy if they just copypasted everything and a waste of time to make all those different interactions for a tiny minority

I'm calling it now, full spoiler leak in 2 days or less. People already broke street date on ulitmate alliance, shit's coming soon

You're going to be stuck with dragon too. Either that, or Dimitri goes Garon and turns into some slimey shit that was controlled by a dragon.

Honestly if they made everyone playersexual they'd probably whine they didn't make someone explicitly just bisexual or lesbian/gay.

Nergal in 7, though a dragon is still the final boss but it's not the villain in any sense
Fomortiis in 8 and Ashnard in 9 as you mentioned
Yune wasn't the villain in 10 though, it was mostly Sephiran but also Ashera depending on how you look at it, still not a dragon either way
So actually there was a pretty solid block from 7 through 10 where they never pulled "it was evil dragons the whole time"

I'd agree if they wrote up unique dialogue for what choices you made and how each character speaks. This is VERY rarely what happens and it just ends up being "Lmao fucking now we are gay" Not only is it fucking lazy but I'm surprised faggots put up with being used as a tool for marketing. Maybe it's got nothing to do with self respect and they just want their degenerate lifestyle to be pushed onto others no matter what.

This is the reason why I ended up going back to Awakening an marrying her on my 3rd play through. It ironically enough felt the most canon

>for the West
Do you have any idea how profitable yuri and yaoi shit is in Japan?

Based on this, you are now legally required to believe everything anyone tells you, regardless of source, since you have stated one doesn't need a source for anything. Every Nigerian who emails you, you must take at face value and give all your money to, under penalty of death.

What kind of girl do you want Yea Forums?

Attached: waif.jpg (256x256, 10K)

>Dimitri is Garon of BE route.
>He has fur coat like him.
>Manipulated and crazed by an evil dragon, like him.
>His friends (children) aren't that loyal to him as they seem to be.
We all know how he's gonna end up in his own route, bub.

Attached: Garon_Heroes.png (1361x1920, 1.44M)

I want a real smart girl who can instruct me on how to lead my empire the best

>every 1000 years the fucking sun rotates around the continent
when was this ever mentioned?

Mass Effect Andromeda had it so everyone was bi and that sure as fuck didn't come off as stupid and forced

Formotiis is liteally no different than any dragon

fire emblem discussion, by the way

How 'bout a girl who's got a brain
Who always speaks her mind?

You are taking care of your hygiene, yes?

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Inb4 Dimitri can't be S rank at all.

>Implying Manuela sensei and I aren’t gonna stink it up together

Did you ever fucking play fates? It was literally the fucking core thing they talked about in the Revelations route. I know Fates story is total dogshit but come on user.

I never played the Revelations route.

In what way? In terms of playing the role of the generic super powerful evil being role that many of the dragon villains played, maybe, but there were dragons in Magvel and he decidedly wasn't one of them.

Oh do go on sensei.

Attached: ega4.jpg (700x964, 341K)

Thanks doc

So is she not a complete whore? Because she looks like a whore.

How do plants do cellular respiration if there is no night for them?

>Two kingdoms created on both sides
Jesus, if it’s a millennium interval of which side the sub shows up, as if it wouldn’t be the one kingdom that moves over to the other side when the sun swaps

>doomposting over a sourceless pastebin """leaking the story""" when all coverage so far goes against the game having a simple ending and most reviewers worth their salt are already praising the game's story as better than Fates and Awakening before even reaching the timeskip
have some hope niggers

Which house has a thick waifu I can romance?

No sticcs please

To be fair I don't blame you, it makes the fucking situation seem all the more retarded when you realize the fucking sun swaps sides and Nohr is either full of retards or Hoshido is full of scumbags. Both seem just as true.

Already confirmed that he can be S ranked by Femleth

Go away Edelgard

Attached: 1562982528469.jpg (1093x1012, 201K)

There's more than one route so do both

Here user

Attached: Fire-Emblem-Three-Houses-Raphael-2.jpg (999x562, 69K)

>furry cape
>wants to murder every last one of them
>wants to crush everyone who gets in his own way
Oh, shit! I guess Dimitri will truly become goo monster in his own route in the end.

Attached: F.jpg (1200x1557, 149K)

It may be rare for Yea Forums, but I am not a faggot.

wtf happened

Garon was kind of a hot daddy now that I think about it

That's a very gay thing to say, my dude

Well... Seems like Dimitri is fucked regardless of the route then.

Smashed her own teacup to trigger Dimitri

Attached: 1562984354072.jpg (500x912, 57K)

Thirsty Edelgard might be my favorite part of these threads, she's so fucking crazy I really wanna know what happened in her life to make her like this.

They're also both blond.
At least Garon was most likely blond before going grey, judging by his children.

Lol fags and fujos actually got mad at that game for a male character being straight too

Except bioware actually rolled over and put out a patch that turned Jaal bi and had a cutscene where he sucked the male Ryder's dick

calm down user, it's just newfags. why do you think people keep reposting the reddit/resetera shit every thread despite the controversy on that dying down days ago?

In the same way the story makes any sense at all.

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Anyone got a chart showing which units are in each house?

I'm pretty sure they got mad for essentially the same reason as here: the gay male options were qualitatively and quantitatively worse than the gay female options for no in-game reason.

If you haven't got it memorized yet there's no hope for you.

The straight male options were worse than the gay female options in that game yet they didn't patch in a cock sucking scene for Suvi

It’s sad Nintendo needs subliminal tips like this to tell their player base to wear deodorant

This is true.

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I'm going blue lions and poaching my wife

Attached: Bernadetta_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 728K)

That's true too, but adding a bit of extra dialogue is easier than reinventing the bioware wheel.

didn't realize I was posting on fucking facebook


he could be new here

Attached: 1562341157935.jpg (1442x2268, 789K)

where is spreadsheet with in detail classes, ability unit info we know so far

Attached: ok_retard.jpg (900x728, 101K)

The amount of people I've seen doing this EXACT combo is staggeringly high, me and three friends are doing that and we didn't even discuss it prior

Attached: 1563351485097.jpg (951x1503, 516K)

please don't use my husband for bad posts

Your waifu looks like shit post timeskip

i said spreadsheet not some serenesforest shit

the game is about war it's already pretty "political" lmao

Still looks way better than before the timeskip.

Intense desire to protecc


Shut the FUCK up

Make it yourself you entitled faggot

I have an intense desire to bully her, and drag her outdoors

Attached: D_tLIGSXYAE46Dc.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

That's a spreadsheet you retard

>Game comes out the day after I have an 11 hour flight

Attached: 82D7B400-2DB2-4BD6-817E-DC1D28183A43.jpg (680x442, 26K)

Girls are okay and all, but have you seen Annette's dad anywhere?

Attached: wherethedadsat.png (500x512, 299K)


Attached: angry bernie.jpg (470x491, 42K)

Based Ferdy having literally 0 weaknesses. Why isn't he the emperor again?

I've been out for a few hours, has the GD redemption arc started yet?

She's the best teacher's pet!

Attached: 1563248026032m.jpg (722x1024, 91K)

He'll be once me and Claude raise Adrestria to the ground

nah I found it, it's much better than the serenesforest shit shows base stats, personal skill, crest and proficenty all at once :^)

Time to hack your switch, leak will definitely be out by then

No Authority, No Empire

>Which house are you guys going with?
>non white fag
>cute girl with horn attachments as headgear
There is only one option, and i hate that you gaylords ruined a reasonable srpg series with your shit
Thank god we got a run of games where there weren't excessive homos everywhere for fujo bait and waifu retards, just people fighting wars getting shit done

>raise to the ground
:thinking emoji:

I want to impregnate FemByleth

>always reclass your healers into War Monks
Fuck you got me.

We know, Dimitri.

why are FE fans so obsessed with fags? When you look at the game, do you only see trannies? The discussion around the games was primarily just about the fucking game until twitter sperged for a day and now Yea Forums won't stop repeating itself on loop because of it's obsession with fags

You picked the only fag to follow though?

Worst FE meme, I want it to end this instance.

Good for you user. I'm happy for your success.

Attached: haruhi1.jpg (1920x1080, 78K)

I wonder who could be behind this post...

Attached: what_did_he_mean_by_this.jpg (602x164, 48K)

>game confirmed for Fates 2: Electric Boogaloo
Thanks for saving me $60 bros.

Attached: 1558212995009.png (714x1018, 428K)

I'm playing Black Eagle if only to see Emperor Daenerys go back to being a bright eyed schoolgirl when her Sensei comes back and sides with her

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M!Byleth being a dilf hunter is literally the best meme in recent years.

Should I just go with hero for Byleth in my first playthrough? I know his hidden skill is faith but healers are gay and I don't want to roll holy knight until my third playthrough where he'll fuck archbishop rhea

Edelgard, no

Attached: 1563381304475.jpg (1400x1000, 155K)

>bitches about fags and waifufags
>picks bland boring waifufag bait that is AN UNIRONIC FAG
What did user mean by this?

>Newfag enjoys his first day on Yea Forums; believes that a pastebin filled with text is an automatically confirmed leak

Once High King Dimitri and I liberate the Adrestian Empire from the Tyranny of Edelgard the Terrible, then we install him as the leader if it’s provisional government.

The one on the right looks like Ms. Krabapple from The Simpsons.

so this.... is the power of the enlightened Yea Forumsedditor in fear of homosexuals...

It would be cool if your MU could actually reclass as a Lord.

Women cannot be fags user, I am happy to help educate you. Marth was less of a fucking faggot than modern fe dudes, and people who don't play fe straight up thought that nigga was a girl.

If Male Byleth marries the Emperor, does that make him an Empress?

There will probably be some post-time skip Units

>t. Dimitri
We know you're thirsty. I mean...
>Edelgard, the senpai crazed according to memes needs an extra scenes just to unlock C rank with her.
>Claude needs extra scenes to unlock B rank with him.
>While Dimitri is like "Lets get this shit to max as fast as possible."

Attached: thirsty_hoe.png (514x456, 390K)

>this is your brain on waifushit
user, not everything is or has to be about sex so stop being so shallow. You don't have to be afraid of your own gender. I promise. You won't turn gay if you play as a male or have male friends.

That's because he's the villain, user.

I just like Edelgard cause she's hot.

That just shows how far along the supports are.

>waifubait and creator's pet has extra scenes
>good goy neutral Claude has extra scenes since he's good goy
>crazy blonde kid doesn't get shit because he's designed to be as an antagonist originally
Truly surprising.

Stop caring about the gays and fujos faggot, they don't do anything, and the straight options are and will always be there

Calm down, Dimitri. You need to wait for 5 years

Attached: 1560358409798.jpg (600x834, 131K)

Because Dimitri's extra scenes are at S rank and is locked to femleth

Retards thought he was a girl, user, as you've just proven further.

What's up with Bluefag acting like a victim here?
What's wrong with you?

Attached: 1563332387328.jpg (161x272, 42K)

Shorts or skirt?

Attached: 1563385707770m.jpg (1024x885, 169K)

Not him, but didn't someone said there is no S rank with him at all?

it's so cute........

There should have at least five gay options m!Byleth.

Attached: Bi For Dad.png (1092x655, 450K)

Linnie and the DILFs are more than enough, let the shit-taste SJWs seethe and suffer


Attached: 1553737046513.jpg (1100x841, 72K)

I hope that he doesn't have S rank at all. I don't know. He's the one character for who S rank doesn't seem right to me.

I hope it's true.

We know, Annette

No, thanks.
Gay men are disgusting.

He’s confirmed to not have S rank now by a leaker
Only Female Byleth can S rank Dimitri and Claude. Why do you think fujokeks are seething?


>impregnating the empress and conquering the world

So what's this shit? A physically offensive troubadour?

Nobody wants to fuck either of those grandpas though.

That doesn't make any sense.
Trannies are even worst than faggot imo.

Meh. Boring. Would be better if crazy one wasn't meant for neither.

Yes but it's final tier

Otomes would freak

>Nobody with shit taste
Fixed that for you

Don't worry, user, he's not.
Male Byleth is canon.
Loli is canon option.
Dimitri is canon villain.
Edelgard is canon cuck.
t. end

>talks about fags
>picks the house with the carpet muncher

Attached: 1498950036514.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

ESLfags like you are on the same tier as trannies though.

That's kinda fabulous. I like it

Dunno just got my switch and joined the hype today, Probably golden deer since there are some cute girls there don't remember the name but there is one that I specially want to S there.

But really don't know, my opinion might change mid-playtru

user, it's already bad with fujos losing their minds because they can't buttfuck Claude. We don't need straight otome Staceys burning flags as well because they can't heal-fuck Dimitri.

Doesn't sound too impressive. Unless we get some new dank holy magic

>pretending you're super interested in 50+ year old men
uh huh

As a gayfag, I would have liked at least one of them to be an option.

I guess I can live with Linhardt though. More options would have been nice though.

>pretending to have taste
Men are better than boys any day of the week, sorry fujo

Attached: 1562666725600.jpg (2083x2087, 511K)

>Paladin that can also heal doesn't sound impressive
Wanna know how I can tell you're an onions boy?

No Edelgard, you look very unwell. Probably have dysentery or something.

>He's the one character for who S rank doesn't seem right to me.
>mentally damaged crazy man who probably needs the MCs guidance to recover
If anything he's the one who makes the most sense when it comes to S ranking. Japs love the idea of saving attractive characters who are suffering from mental illness. He's literally the otome route in the game.

Attached: 507723362_preview_2015-08-28_00015.jpg (1026x577, 114K)

I'm extremely convinced that you're not baiting.

Yeah, sure thing professor.
If you like to suck an old man penis so much I'm not gonna stop you. Just know that most people don't like your kind, and wish that you'd stop acting like an autistic child.

But who would otome fags fuck then?

>Just know that most people don't like your kind, and wish that you'd stop acting like an autistic child.
Hallmark of autistic people.

That's it I'm calling your parent

Attached: 1563072242575.jpg (854x751, 194K)

You're indeed correct.

Attached: 1560208380490.png (740x740, 166K)

You bought a Switch now, just when there are 2 new models on the horizon? F for you.

>Paladin that can heal
*Judgral intensifies*

How odd, I'm nearly the opposite, I don't care if Dmitiri was a gay an option or not, but I specifically wanted Claude to not be a romance option at all and stay a shitfy, if sincere trickster to the end and commited to Hilda..
But he'll probably be some misunderstood chucklefuck so who cares.
Even if the three lords weren't options, I'm pretty sure there are at least 3 or 4 boys that fit otome archetypes fairly neatly.

I'll accept judgement from you when you can at least form your sentences properly bro.


>notices that mc has amnesia
>lies to her that he's her bf
>tells he will protect her...
> locking her in the cage for dogs
>treats her like shit through and through
>still gets away with it all and he still gets the pussy in the end
What a CHAD.

Attached: Tomatos.jpg (1680x1050, 428K)

>Even if the three lords weren't options, I'm pretty sure there are at least 3 or 4 boys that fit otome archetypes fairly neatly.
Do you not know how female brain works? Didn't fujos give you a memo? Women can't properly work, unless their romance options is RELEVANT to the plot/setting.

How does she go to the bathroom?

his spear looks like a banana

Just ignore them next time mate.
Fags have been popping up on FE threads a lot lately, plus I think it's time to take a break from FE threads anyway, to avoid spoiler-faggotry and all that.

That's a legitimate criticism for any combination of characters though. All other things being equal, a waifubando who is important to the story will always be preferable to one who isn't simply because you will get more scenes with them, especially in a series like FE where the rank and file barely exist outside supports and a bit of flavor text.

Normally, duh.

Attached: WHAT A CHAD.png (938x456, 639K)

Agreed, ESLfags like you and your friend should fuck off so the threads can be comfy again

Umm, pooky pie, FE threads are ours now. Git, het.

I got it for 140 bucks from some dude, friend gifted me the joycons (guy lost them or something), planning on buying a pro controller tomorrow with my paycheck.

I will probably save money in the long runs since most retailers give you money if you exchange your console, and they probably giving me 50 dollars more than what I paid towards a new model.

>not wanting to fuck old men

Attached: 1563217581298.png (500x500, 287K)

Yeah, I understand if you don't personally care, but how is the fact they want to see the person they romanced actually do things in the story rather than barely be there some kinda woman exclusive thing?

Should I buy a switch if this is the only game I play on it?


No. Never ever buy a console for just one game.

Seems impractical she'll eventually end up shitting herself when he isn't around

Tharja was pretty irrelevant, yet she's the most fagged female in FE series (not counting Lucina).
Camilla also wasn't that relevant and she's faaaaaar more popular than creator's pet Azura that was shoehorned into the plot.
So, no. When it comes to men, it's looks mostly that matter over their relevancy, or even fucking personality. Females don't want to even think about fucking someone who isn't Dimitri and/or THOSE types who are lusting after Claude but can only fuck him as a girl.

It's alright because she gets back at him by putting him in the cage too

Attached: pic_0050.jpg (480x272, 40K)

Did she ever get to fuck Mycen?

No game is worth buying a whole new console, user. Justify it by getting other games as well.

No, wait for emulation and play it for free. Or borrow a switch from your uni and ask them to buy it.

>implying he gives a shit
In one of the endings he literally mind breaks her by raping her daily and never letting her out of chains ever again in the first place.

The common theme here between Tharja and Camilla is that they like the MC...a lot. As long as you have a character that's super in to the mc, and not ugly or something, in a sea of rather indifferent characters, they're gonna be popular

You might have responded to the wrong person. I agree with you. Story relevance is desirable for anyone.
Tharja was also marketed to thirstlords from the beginning, and Camilla is one of her game's story characters. And what are you even trying to say? People wouldn't like Tharja more if she had more to do in the game?

Or maybe women got to see he got an amazing timeskip design and like that? Why does it not work that way user?


how do we even know that the male gay options aren't story relevant? We know so little about the game to start with for one

Is this the Boku No Pico of otome games?
I remember I got sent this otome to me and told to play it because it didn't matter that I was a dude who didn't play otome, and that it was must try. I knew it was the trap since start, but couldn't understand where was the trap? Or what was so bad about it before I got to his route and I finally understood why was this thing recommended to me.

They're just making assumptions so they can be mad.

They're not lords and haven't already been shown to be important like the loli or pope. Unless there's a huge reconfiguration of the character roles post time skip, they're staying irrelevant.

Because according to retards, the only story relevant characters are Byleth, the three lords, and the green bitches.

Well Linhardt seems like a rank and file soldier. Guess we don't know much about the teachers' roles in the story, but I doubt they'll be major characters, certainly not like Edelgarde is.

There's always that one guy who goes insane that gets healed through the power of pussy. It's clear who IS wants to pander to

Attached: re3.jpg (960x544, 135K)

Just compare the most popular romance options from any game that allows women to romance dudes, and the most popular one will always be the most plot-relevant one, or one with the biggest status.

>"Don't make my game political"
>Game is about the politics of war
End your life and get over it. You make mountains out of plains.

but that's retarded logic. With even little bits of news we're finding out more and more shit that ties characters to the main plot, like Ashe's dad throwing a rebellion in a later chapter meaning Ashe will most likely be faced with the dilemma of having to kill his father despite just being another student.
we know so little of the game despite there being a lot more intricately-connected details this time around involving the characters, it's stupid to presume that they won't have plot relevance.

I've seen weirder shit, but Amnesia is one the most popular otomes, so normies will obviously recommend it more to troll others with Tomatoes.

It's a fire emblem game. Most of your fuckers can die permanently, therefore only lords and the like can actually be in the story much.

Nice try, faggot. Crawl back into your hole. Here's a (You)

Well they have been using the cop out of having non-lords just get crippled and not killed, that way they can remain story relevant while not being playable.

I suspect that'll be what happens to teachers, unless the training aspect is completely revamped or gone after the time skip.

>calls user a faggot
>immediately talks about crawling into holes after
Join him why don't you?

No, that's Fire Emblem logic. People think they won't matter because those kinds of characters never matter beyond the usual one or two chapters where they have some connection.

Edelgard is the only one of the three who'd fuck Blythe no matter what gender. Why is she insane? Not even Tarja or cowtits from fates were gay options in their games for Robin and Corrin

You could say the same thing for dating sims with girls too. So again, what is your point? Or do you just have double standards here?

>Is this the Boku No Pico of otome games?
In terms of it got popular due to controversy and others now think that's the worst thing they possibly saw? Yes.
However, it's far cry from the worst shit most otome does. For some reason... stuff targeted for women (be it otome or fujo stuff), always has the most disturbing shit init because the dudes that are your main love interests are always, ALWAYS, abusive cunts.

>fun medieval fantasy politics
>shitty post-2012 Am*r*can politics
>the same thing

>Yander in otome
>no real sex scenes
literally what is the point

Attached: 1446159519309.jpg (960x3218, 589K)

Yeah but Tharja 2.0 was

Does someone have a list of all fuckables? I want to do a faggot and Dyke files

Attached: 1563297737407.png (217x168, 7K)

>Is this the Boku no Pico of otome games?
No, not really. There are otome games that have worser character options out there that it makes Toma look like a fucking baby compared to the rest of them.

Attached: 5 minutes in and we already have a rape scene.jpg (956x544, 173K)

She marries both so that her doesn't lose control over (You).

That's already far more than we got for characters in Awakening and Fates. Even students from other houses seem to have important relationships relating to eachothers' pasts like with Petra, Dedue and Hubert. I'm just saying that we still know very little of the game and just how much it plans on developing itself, for all we know the teachers may play a very big role in the game too

Will Aksys censor this?


Is this the equivalent to anons wanting to be stepped on by their waifu?

I suppose that's a decent enough cop out, but I don't see how someone who gets crippled so badly they can't fight would be able to and allowed to travel with an active army.

Not really. Plenty of characters in those games are relevant for a map or two, as in other FE games. It's the standard treatment of the unimportant units that make up the army. I would love it if they actually spread the development out a bit and gave more characters important things to do over the whole game, but I can't fault anybody assuming they're going to stick to form.

Well, she does get raped in one of her endings with Tomatoes. You don't see the rape, but this is as far as you will get to seeing THAT.
Otomes focus on "romances" for girls and girls prefer no-lewd stuff most of the time.
+18 otomes are rare, and they are not that popular.

Attached: best_end.jpg (1024x576, 143K)

Annette dub confirmed

Yeah but thats boring though

Last time i had this level comfynesss was when fates was leaked like 5 years ago still here shitposting help


>this particular route has certain ends where the guy gets tired of the MC and lets her gang raped by his faceless subordinates
>his bad ends either ends with him killing her, raping her or letting her get raped
>of course the worst piece of shit in the game has to be a chinese mafia boss who's involved with drugs

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Diabolik Lovers.
That's the shit that it got recommended to me when Skype was still a thing and it was recommended to me on a dare to do it when I was drunk. It was literally wife beaters simulator.

post-e3 FE threads for this game have been peak fun and comfy aside from the redditera shitposters. this game and astral chain coming up soon have me hype

Yeah, and you might play other switch games later anyway. It's not worth it for just 1 game honestly, but this is an exclusive and emulation will take 5 years or more. You should look into the switch library some more. At the very least there will be another fe game on switch later one and you might play that.

Claude isn't a goyim, he's one of God's Chosen People.

>Three Houses threads are now full of fags
What went wrong?

Ah shit, here we go again.


>Otomes focus on "romances" for girls and girls prefer no-lewd stuff most of the time.
Bullshit, simply bullshit. It's just so they can put it on consoles and sell more to general audience plus cutting costs, same as not having the heroine voiced. I can't believe men are better at making otome than women.

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Why are people posting Otome shit from other games instead of talking about FETH?

there are more fags complaining about fags than there are fags here though

Is that the one where some dude was saying "the highest form of love for vampires is killing you" or something like that

These are the kinds of people that play Fire Emblem now. I just want to actually play the game.

Ah shit, I thought she said 'fate'

>fates was 5 (FIVE) years ago
Holy fuck, seriously?

Because FE Tree Houses is an otome game?


It's funny

Same here. I knew it was bad, I just wanted to see how bad it was. Especially since someone said that one the guys was fucking his own mother. kek

Manleth is the canon MC though

What other SRPGs are even alive anymore besides fire emblem anyway?

>Evil Grandpa was five years ago
Holy shit

It was 2015 in Japan so 4 years.

I don't know but I'm mildly interested in hearing the fucked up shit that happens in them

For Edeldyke. Femleth is canon choice for Dimitri and Claude which makes the 2 main routes otome routes

You haven't seen the worst. The company is known for making wife beater games

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Femleth is uncanon

what am I looking at in this image?

The fact that Edelgard turned out to be the bisexual one is a shock I'd of thought for sure she'd only chase Blyethe for his dick but turns out she's down with carpet too so long as it's Blyethe but whatever I doubt beyond these shippings in story Blythe's gender won't change much of the scenes or dialogue

Awakening was 8 years ago man

Mars Emblem

Advance Wars 5 hopefully

Wait, nevermind.

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kek what the fuck
Always kind of want to play otomes for all the dumb shit in them but never get around to it

>actually being shocked that the one character who from the start was already portrayed as a massive senseifag would be down with either Byleth

Should I get vouchers for this and another game? probably Link's Awakening or Astral Chain.

With waifus!

that's what I'm doing for this and Astral Chain

I'm willing to bet it's on Tharja's level, where she's less bisexual and more avatarsexual

I wish there are more otome MCs that turn out to be a dominatrix

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Fuck yes, I unironically love these 3

She seemed kind of gay talking to Dorothea in that one screenshot


If you're on the fence about getting the game I'd do the sensible thing and wait and see people's impressions a little bit after release.

If you do. Pick up Ozmafia and go for Manboy's route. It's topkek.

What if Claude and Dimitri aren't romantic options because they're gay for each other?

Here's Joe Zieja confirming that he is voicing Claude:

They can have full fucking h-scenes for all I care just give me my advance wars 5 ffs isis

>Should I save 20 bucks?
Yeah probably user.

Would Jeralt approve of me marrying his former boss?

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I appreciate method acting.

This is about as based as one can get baka desu senpai

Even the Claude voice actor is a chad holy shit

>upside-down claude
>obsessed edelgard
>"kill all fags" Dimitri
>Dad-fucker Byleth
the memes for this game have been comfy

What's his stance on Kickvic, I judge every single fucking english voice actor on wither or not they agree, if they do, fuck'em I won't listen to characters they voice in english, if they don't I won't automatically listen to them but i'll keep a more open mind, they crucified the guy over nonsense so I have to know who to trust and who to wish death upon


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Seems like a fun guy

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