Seemingly doomed Kickstarter game turns out to be one of the best games of the year

>seemingly doomed Kickstarter game turns out to be one of the best games of the year

How does Iga do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Having actual talent helps. Fuck Inafune.

No one but tortanic brainlets thought it would fail after the CotM. Funny how they avoid Bloodstained threads now

Only seemed doomed because of Kickstarter doomposters blowing every little change out of proportion.

can she be barefoot in this game?

They don't. They come into ever thread to yell at people about how the game aesthetically looks bad.

waifufags praise shit games

I need a playable Dominique

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With the nude mod, yes. I think they have a version with nothing else changed but the shoes but I'm not a footfag so I'm not sure.

See what I mean?

based opinion. This game is shit the gameplay is absolute trash tier

Mostly big tiddies

>one of the best games of the year
You can't be serious

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Like your favorite, huh user?

same as Nintendo
by feeding into peoples nostalgia even tho the games are 65-70% at best

Never played Castlevania in my life and I loved Bloodstained

Attached: BloodstainedRotN.jpg (1920x1080, 513K)

It's about time you correct that.

Listen to constructive criticism. Not everyone who says negative things is a “hater”


Hey, you might be cute and all, but don't say stupid shit.

Maybe in the future.

Only other good games have been REmake 2, DMC5, and AC7

I wanna smell Miriam's sweaty bush.

If you loved Bloodstained, you really have no more excuses left.

She’s shaved, how a woman should be.

i want to pet her mound and lay my head on top of her womb

Play AoS on a ROM at the very least.

What the fuck when did armored core 6 even come out???

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Ace Combat.

Help! I used a waystone in the oriental laboratory and saved without thinking. Now I can't warp back and it looks like I can't use the train again either.

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it was a joke lad

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I NEED her thighs around my face

You can ride the train however many times you want. It's like a doorway when you run close enough up to the train.

Well, this aged badly

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I need a playable Bloodless

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Oriental Lab is accessed from above the starting areas Cathedral IIRC

>implying Sekiro wasn't goty tier

>No one but tortanic brainlets thought it would fail after the retro spinoff

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Not really into pixel shit, sorry.

Wish her voice acting was better.

Found it. Thank you!
I didn't see the arrow before.

She's perfect in japanese.
>tfw she reminds you of Miyu Matsuki

>parry spam: the game

I'd be upset by your shit taste, but it's literally your loss. You're going to miss out on amazing games because you're an unabashed zoomer. Oh well.

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Plenty of people were saying RotN could bomb and the kickstarter would still be worth it for CotM alone.

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>didn't play the game
>judges game

I said this. I am still of that opinion, but now RotN proved itself to be splendid too.
I really did get more than twice of what I was expecting out of this kickstarter. I am not disappointed in the slightest.

I platinum'd it in 10 hours

sure you did.

Hand it over. That thing, your Bloodstained pictures…

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>two best games to release this year so far have been a fucking MMO and a kikestarter game that was delayed indefinitely and made massive promises
2019 is a bizarre year so far.

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This is what happens when you try to emulate granny without having her superhuman metabolism.

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>lost their butt stomp attack from CotM
Easily my biggest disappointment with RotN.

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>only have 99.70% of the map

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>not the hair version
thank you user

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i love miriam

I just save pictures, user

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It's pretty obvious that Inti Creates was only given a picture of ROTN's characters/monsters and a vague description to go off of.
They just happened to nail it.

>no mod that recolors Miriam, Zang, Al or Geb to be simplistic pastel-colored versions that match their COTM coloration

>It's pretty obvious that Inti Creates was only given a picture of ROTN's characters/monsters
I think they designed many of these since they were the original developers.

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Okay ladyboy.

Don't mind me, just posting facts

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I feel like Great and Good tier got swapped around somehow, but I mostly agree so it's all good.

>posting the same hair style in God tier and Elder God tier

statistically speaking it was doomed to fail considering how shit the other jap game kickstarters are.

Need version with Dominique's leggings/ full body stocking.

I just realized that one is supposed to be the standard one but wet, that's why you find it in the rain. That's why it's darker and without curls.

Nah, they're different options in the game. One is slightly blacker and the ends of their hair sit differently around their shoulders if you look closer.

Is it me or does this game feel a lot more obtuse than most other Metroidvanias. I seem to be having a lot of trouble figuring out where to go and I'm not sure why.

Wrong background color. Fixed for you.

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The game does look bad.
Still loads of fun though.

post your map

I know. But that's all the Doom posters do now. The game came out so that put a wrench into their plans and they are trying to say it's a flop but people fucking love it so all they have to say now is "It looks bad" which is all just subjective.

Miriam is so cute

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Forgot to mark one

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Thanks, anons. Have a picture of my favorite manga girl

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You're welcome.

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>all those filler expanded rooms and long ass corridors
>"Iga's biggest castle"

What a shitty move

Having waifus doesn't make a game good, silly incel.

The project had major problems, and Iga did his best to salvage it. First by firing Inti-Creates, getting them to do a side game to generate revenue, then hiring other teams including Way Forward.

The game is a dumpster fire on the technical side but it's enjoyable.

>Hand it over. That thing, your Bloodstained pictures…

Japanese artwork makes me think this game did well in Glorious Nippon. I want this game to be a big success all over the world.

This game may have already hit the 1 million mark. Just imagine how much this game is gonna sell when they cut the price to 20 dollars and have it for 10 dollar steam sales? I can see this game generating steady revenue for YEARS.

Can you play as a dude?

>No one but tortanic brainlets thought it would fail after the CotM.
The ones that actually knows IGA beyond the "muh timeline guy that retconned my favorite game and was only an assitant director" already knew he would deliver a solid game since day one.

Eventually you will be able to play as 3 different dudes and a set of Shovel armor.

Nah, you can leave Yooka-Layle there with Miriam, they got a new game/spin off that seems like an actual DK Country 4

i've never played a castlevania game will i like this?
i am desperate for something new to play

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Have you played a Metroidvania before?

fuck you, short hair is great tier, not just good.



Do you know how to emulate GBA? You could try Aria of Sorrow for some minutes to see what is like.

Give it a try, or emulate something like Symphony of the Night or the GBA and NDS Castlevanias first

Is there even a point to upgrading Alchemical Bounty? By the time you can even farm the materials to max it out you don't even fucking need it.

yeah, I've abused the hell out of it.

My personal recommendation is Order of Ecclesia for it’s focus on challenge and it’s cool endurance system (kinda like Dark Souls)

I'm so used to Miriam's default look already, anything else just feels wrong.

Jesus how fucking long did this take?

For the record, I love Bloodstained, and I even got the Switch version so I'm willing to overlook the crashing and miserable graphics on handheld mode.

>Great combat
>Alchemy is a welcome addition
>Cooking is fun
>Sidequests are entertaining
>Monsters are varied and creative
>Lots and LOTS of secrets!
>Customization is great
>Bunny costume is awesome
>Miriam is Waifu material
>Lots to try and do with more still to come.

But the reason it will never be held in the same echelon of Castlevania is due to one disappointing fact.

>Not ONE piece of memorable music.

And that was something I was really hoping for....

Just opened that savefile to check, took me 45 hours, but there is considering it was on NG+ and I wasn't rushing to 100% it, I took my time enjoying the game.

Twin Dragons Tower music is very memorable because it sounds like a rejected Ys track.

I like some tracks like Cursed Orphan and Silent Howling a lot, but it's okay if you dislike the OST yourself, user.

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>Not ONE piece of memorable music.
Voyage of Promise
Luxurious Overture
Gears of Fortune
Ritual of the Night
Cursed Orphan
The Executioners
Silent Howling

That's some of the best ones. Listen again. You can like past Castlevania musics more, of course, but don't dish Yamane's work on this game cause it's also very good.

>Could never beat Castlevania 1 as a kid
>Decide to pick it up again last year
>Beat it in an afternoon

God DAMN did it feel good

>Voyage of Promise
>Luxurious Overture
>Holy Wisdom
>Gears of Fortune
Dude, please. It may not be Yamame and company's best work, but it's still solid. Definitely a step up from that odd period with Harmony of Dissonance's soundtrack.

How do I get to the guy stuck under the bridge in the oriental labs?

Dimension Shift

Come back later. You'll know when you can get it.

Dissonance had some OK music in spots, but Yamane failed to realize how shitty the GBA sound was and didn't compensate for it.


Never played a metroidvania before this but got hooked and 100% it. Any reccs for other's in the genre?

>arise myself and my shadow

Why does she say this every time when I want to use welcome company

It’s getting on my nerves, I swear. I wish it would just persist through screens

Anything on the DS.


It has the opposite affect on me, Miriam's voice gives me a boner

>tfw doing repeating kicks just to hear her count


Every Castlevania game during and post SotN.
The Metroid series.
If you like megaman there is ZX and ZX Advent.
There is the PS2 Castlevania games which were just 3d version of SotN. Those are give or take for alot of people. I personally like them.
Hollow knight so you can join the rest of the people whack it to bugs for some reason.

What are the best spells for spamming at range in your opinion?


More like Shitstained.

This one sucked, as did MN9's demo, unlike with Bloodstained in both cases.

Full ranked and graded 8-bit skull.

What's the best BGM in the game?
I'm split between Voyage of Promise and Holy Wisdom. Luxurious Overture is growing on me too.

>Takes a few seconds for another hit to register so it's better to just tap them with it
I hate it. beams shouldn't be like this.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm partial to Gears of Fortune, partly because it reminds me of Empty Tome.

I thought Riga Dohin was good a majority of the game because it stays in place and enemies take damage for entering its zone.

Mighty Gunvolt is alright, it was supposed to be just a free game for people who bought Gunvolt on 3DS. Mighty Gunvolt Burst is great though.

>it was supposed to be just a free game for people who bought Gunvolt on 3DS
And it fucking shows.

>Mighty Gunvolt Burst is great though.
I know, but we're talking about the first one.

is the switch ver. fixed yet?

Dumbass lmao

True Arrow, because any enemy that's a threat also has an Xboxhueg hitbox.

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DQB2 gud

Guys, I want Miriam a lot

>slow as fuck
>shit 3d
>shitty self insert boss
>no new innovations, game plays like a game from the 90's
it's shit

Who is this semen demon

2016 is back there, user, you’re too late

No and it never will be, now go vote on their paid cosmetic DLC survey, you fucking paypig.

Fuck off, if game was half as good as hollow knight it could have been special

I really like Holy Wisdom, Goliath and Cursed Orphan

whoa dude... take a chill pill

I totally disagree, I’ve been whistling Luxurious Welcome and Cursed Orphan

when do you get the freaking lazer beam?

>DQB2 gud
is that worth looking into as someone who likes DQ but didn't care for Minecraft since you are given zero direction?

Lost Garden is comfy and upbeat, and I don't get why nobody likes it

Fuck off, retard.

Need more of these three girls.

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If you don’t like Forgotten Jade, you can get out

I’ve never played minecraft in my live because it felt empty and unfinished when I saw other people playing it. DQB does not have that problem. You are given objectives but also an immense amount of freedom, and NPCs will interact with stuff you build even if it’s not scripted. I’ll sound like a shill but based on your post it sounds like exactly what you’d want.

It's very comfy, but it doesn't stand out as something iconic. It's just a generic Yamane stage BGM.

And so far DQB2 does an even better job of giving you structure and interaction than DQB1 did. I’m enamored with the game.

For me it's Luxurious Overture and Autumn's Desolation

Is it good? trailers seemed sluggish like old castlevanias
I only like agile castlevanias like SotN and AoS

>You reek of sorcery, Shardbinder!

Pretty sure that's just lack of bathing, don't think that was common back then.

>P-pillage my shelves as you please

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It has the exact 1:1 same move speed as SOTN, it just appears slower because the game is in widescreen.
Eventually you gain enough equipment and abilities to outrun Sonic, Juste and Captain Falcon though.


Good. Dont play the igavania games you'd stain a great series with your shit taste you fucking underage faggot

If Yea Forums can guess how many viewers I will have on Tonight's Twitch Stream of Bloodstained. I will give a copy to one lucky individual in this thread.

No the Answer cannot be between 0 and 10
And yes the answer needs to be between 11 and 100.

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>bloodstained really makes me wanna play OoE
>find my decade old dsi xl
>haven't booted it up in many years
>still works
>all my favorite games are there, handpicked to fit on the small SD card
I missed you old buddy

>game lets you customize Miriam's appearance
>all the fanart only ever uses her default

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I'm sorry guys, but if you turned on English voices, then you're just a plain weeaboo. I'm serious. The English voice acting is actually good in this one. I would normally suggest turning on Japanese if English acting is bad. But not this time. All you Japanese language Bloodstained players are either weeaboos, or you never gave the English voices a chance in the first place. You just assumed it sucked from the very beginning. Which makes you a snobby cunt.

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If you're going to do fanart of a custom Miriam, you might as well just draw whoever you were dressing her up as. Especially since Miriam's default outfit is hideous.

Good, her original design is the best.

ok thank you i will enjoy the japanese voice acting

Chiyo from Ane Naru Mono
Also known as Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young

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Can you tell which area is which and where are the bosses by just looking at a map, Yea Forums?

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People don't like the English VO? It's fucking great, not to mention it has based Robert Belgrade.

Not even him but get baited *dabs*

Is this CotM

I have no idea what this game is but my gut is telling me that some rooms are boss rooms.

Namely dead end rooms near red (Save) rooms and the one at the very top.

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in the base game or with mods?
didn't see anything on nexus


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This game was worth it for Bunnymorphosis alone.

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What did he mean by this

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fuck I saw this mod and thought it was just tits
thank you

why they make gam so ugly? thought better of japanese artists.... :/

What a faggot.

This game is so fucking good Yea Forums, I'm so addicted to grinding shards. Help me.

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>Sidequests are entertaining
>Not ONE piece of memorable music.

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The only thing stopping my turbo autism from getting 9 of each shard is Kunekune

the game it's pretty lame easy i got literally sleepy and the music is pretty bad for yamane standards

He wants to be stepped on by Miriam.
But yes, I don't even remember any songs either.

What's your favorite red shard? I'm tired of using Welcome Company.

Any tips on how to beat Gremory? Her "scythes" keep hitting me and she takes a while to die.

you do realize that's Yea Forums right. people who want to actually talk about the game are outnumbered by the shitters that just like to stir up arguments or are actually autistic enough to unironically argue about games which often pushes the former community away.

infrequent game threads are usually pretty nice tho, like rain world threads are often full of newbies and friendly people that try not to spoil and help the newbies.

>can't fight him multiple times per train run
>annoying to fight in the first place
>takes several minutes to summon
>low drop rate
What were they thinking?
I enjoy Tis Raiff and Insatiable a lot

How bad is your memory? I remember most of the songs. Sure they aren't "Wood Carving Partita" but they're still good of their own merit. It's still Yamane after all.

Could be worse. They could be the 8 bit lord shard to get 9 of.

I swear, everytime I almost beat him without taking damage, he just runs into me. Still, he dies fast enough to not be as annoying as Kunekune

I don't care about the switch version, but the sooner they get it the sooner the rest of us gets more content

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>>seemingly doomed Kickstarter game
People who played the demos didn't think that, it was dumb bitches who kept falseflagging with Night of Revenge and the castlevania show saying IGA will go the way of Inafune.

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funny to see my hamburger edit

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Miriam's personality is too different, plus Alucard's VA had a very limited role compared to others

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Holy Wisdom, Silent Howling and Twin Dragon's tower are kino, plus it has the comfiest underwater music out of any Castlevania game

>Alucard's VA had a very limited role compared to others
Of course it does. He's literally only there as a Easter Egg for SotN veterans and is most likely not coming back next game now that the reference has been spent.

yeah, so English VA is not as good as JP.

Nah, user, it's more like...
Tis Ro-
Tis Ro-
Tis Ro-
Tis Ro-
Tis Rozai-
Tis Ro-
Tis Ro-
Tis Rosaiin

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this girl is very cute :)

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I wish there's a higher res version of pic related, but sadly life is not kind to us.

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The second announcement is that the game will no longer launch on PlayStation Vita. This decision is largely due to Sony’s plans to discontinue the Vita console, ending production of physical copies and stopping certain online store support features.

They missed the opportunity for making this giant bug a boss in a room that looked like a save room
Kinda like when you fight the Succubus in SotN

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I fully expected him to be a trap boss like the succubus in SotN
>Enter a save room
>Moon is red in the background
>Turns out it's a trap and you're sent to a different dimensions
>Finally fight that nigga and get a new item or shard
Disappointed tbqh

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If you're using a directional beam attack, just use 360 spins every time you use it to keep the room clear of projectiles.

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Have they add outfits yet?

>the cat room wasn't a save room with a cat modeled after the donator's cat walking around on the couch and sitting on miriam's lap

I'm glad I'm not the only to think this when I TIS ROZAIN

2019 was fantastic for jap games

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release order motherfucker

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Jap games are so much better than west games
everything nintendo
its just
so good
and aside from rare witcher stuff from eu
the west suck

I unironically enjoyed Bloodstained more than Combo Sim5

well poland IS a eastern european country

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I'm excited for Code Vein

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too many good games this year
is like 2013
i can make 5 diferent lists of generic fps games from 2013 alone

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I’m still upset the Twins lost their WOOOOOOO.

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He still can be an Advisor or merchant for future titles. He does not have to be playable.

Nigger we're halfway through.

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it WAS fantastic SO FAR

Please tell me the PC version has a mod that replaces her bloomers with panties, bonus points if the change colors with her customization.

If not, someone get started on it

Out of curiosity, is the final boss Dracula? I imagine Capcom can't exactly copyright him, so I have to wonder.

Siege suprised me for going to a fanservicey route with Ela. Every other girl aside from Dokkaebi at least tries to look tacticool, but Ela straight up has booty shots in her bundle packs and such

Considering the success of Bloodstained, and Konami seemingly trying to go back to video games instead of straight up pachinko, do you think there's any chance of them asking Iga back to do another proper Castlevania game?

or a crossover between Bloodstained and Castlevania?

there was a good amount of people skeptical at itl. Espeically with yooka and MN9 being kickstarter failures.

Am I dumb or is there something wrong on my part? I can't get my controller to work in this game.

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Are you playing on Steam? Try going to your game list, right Click Bloodstained and go to Properties, and turn "Steam Input Per-Game Setting" to Forced On.

>featuring Mobius 1 the ace combat series
Lost it

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Who even is that thing?

What if I pirated it?

Then you're ineligible for tech support.

Fair enough I suppose.

It looks like it's meant to be Beelzebub.

At least you had it on your XL. I tried it on my ancient DS Lite and the screen was just to small to enjoy it. After that I just bought a cartridge and played it on my 3DS.

Fuck that crab and fuck the Merman Meat.

Like the game, but at a certain point if you're putting the proper autist levels of effort into shards and alchemy you will straight up bust the game wide open. All the books/permanent passives/ infinite wealth/laser spam.


bloodstained is still dogshit

>infinite wealth
I haven't figured this out. How do I get easy money? I feel like there's some kind of crafting/selling exploit that I haven't found yet.

>the Merman Meat.
Sidequests in OoE are fucking terrible, except for the photography ones. But there's only like three of those.
The rest are either "kill 30 of this enemy" or "grind this item with a literal 2% drop chance." The pirate hat also only boosts you by like 1%.

>Get the luck boosting shard and level it.
>You'll be able to craft the gold shard with alchemic gold.
>Level it all the way to 9, and there will be a permanent switch added to your stats to boost gold, like the double jump or high jump.
>Get the accelerator shard.
>Find a hallway with candles and just boost back and forth as you get pretty much infinite gold.
>Oh, and drink all the different drinks you can craft in order to keep your MP filled, otherwise all you get is fucking flowers.


For money, after you get Accelerator and Augment Gold, you just run in and out of rooms running into candles. The less MP loss you have while running the better.
And once you have a maxed out Alchemic Bounty you can get a chance at +4 items on every craft. Combine a fat wallet, a shop full of Alkahest, and a bunch of extra crafted items you can dismantle.

I don't want to give him back his fucking books

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Directional shield

I mean you're probably right but why is Beelzebub in the save room holding a tub of flowers?

Hit him Until he dies.

The lower left corner appears to be safe if you crouch during ZA WARUDO
Or you could just spam 8-bit fireballs and max up Directional Shield

I give you a pity bump. I pirated the game and I'm debating between buying it now or buying it when it's on sale.
My spic salary can't support full price games. But I kinda want to try with this one.

Have they fixed the switch version yet?

Just because you're a big fruit fly doesn't mean you can't help people record progress or practice gardening.
Hell, maybe he had his gameboy die once on him, and maybe he practices gardening to eat more fruit.

>tfw nobody answered this question when I asked and I played through the entire game with sh*es on.
Lucky user. Remember to get the backer portraits replaced while you're there. You have to have an account at the modding site to see the mod btw.

What monster drop said shield?

Stopp posting iggys shitty art

I have no nostalgia whatsoever and I fucking love bloodstained (but I'm playing through aria of sorrow now and I fucking love it way more; easily one of my all time favorites)

is there a complete new ending in nightmare???

I have the 8bit coin gun with spreadshot with recycle hat and shredding the enemies in nightmare, way better than the crissaegrim. anyway, I don't see any point in continuing if the ending is still the same in nightmare

I agree.
Haha. No.

Gee, what monsters have really big shields?

The EEEE OOOO guys with shields drop the Directional Shield shard. It's pretty easy to enhance too
There's one outside the warp room at the Tower of the Twin Dragons

Neat. Because I've using Heretic Grinder the whole game, but it is no longer doing crazy damage against someone so fast like him.

Love when brainlets throw this around at every expected flop. No, idiot, what defined tortanic was being "too big to fail," same as the prequels. A fucking indie kikestarter game is not tortanic, especially when the expectations were tempered in the first place.

Finished the game finally the other day. Really scratched that Castlevania itch I've had for a few years, but I hope Iga can get a bigger budget for the next one now that this one is a success. I think the visuals were pretty good actually, but the animation work was janky as all fuck and pretty bad in a lot of places. Still a pretty solid 8/10 for me, although I also wish the final area was a bit more grandiose.

I want to dive into Miriam's crotch

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I hope the next game has more costumes...

Gimme uncensored pls

That's another thing too. I liked that the hats/scarves/accessories changed, but I wish they could have also done the armor. Also, would've been nice if you could save specific hairstyles/colors to shortcuts. I would try and coordinate her hair/costume colors with the builds I was putting together, but what worked for one looked kinda shit with another whenever I needed to switch.

At least it's historically accurate.

Fuck I hate the giant land. It's like everything that's bad in this game condensed into single area.

I just beat him after 4 tries. Directional shield and Teps Salendra did it for me. Teps Salendra+Encrypted Orchid=stunlock for days. The Silver Knight jumping in makes it funny too.

I recommend bringing as much food and potions as you can. I fought him after beating the game and he's easily the hardest boss.

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>I fought him after beating the game and he's easily the hardest boss.
So I guess it's time to give him back his books in order to complete the game.
I just can't go back to my low speed again.

Learn to jump cancel all your attacks and just shit out damage with one of the end game weapons and he goes down fairly easy. Hits like a truck though.

I played through it on English but I'll still say JP Miriam is 100 times cuter. Especially when cooking and eating.

I watch your cartoons in your original language. I don't watch your dubs. I don't know why americans show have god tier VA in their native cartoons/videogames but shit tier with dubs.

Is it generally better to double up on Optimizer or a Weapon Expertise shard?

Double Optimizer

You can always beat the game and then fight him on the same save file. That's what I did.

When you get 99% map completion he'll have a new book. If you have it on you he will spawn as a boss in the ice area right outside the teleport room. Otherwise it looks like an empty room.

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I hate to say it but the game has a lot of bugs. Very unpolished. It is a feature complete game but it needed a few more months of QA for sure.

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dude I've had the ship tune in my head non stop for days it's amazing and only the beginning of the game.

This would be great, the world needs more of this.

You don't have to return his book in order to fight him.

I get bored just dashing back and forth.

I might not understand what they're saying, but when Japanese VAs play a dumb character they make them sound Really dumb. Like clinically identifiable birth defects kind of dumb. Todd and the Coachman both fall into this category. Sword familiar's annoying to listen to as well.

literally killed him within 3 seconds no damage, use summon hellhound, 8bit fireball, skull necklace, there you just won.

You can afk on top of the train with Rank 9 Detective Eye and Spike Armor, but those lanterns don't get affected by Augment Gold so the payoff doesn't scale.

What? Do lanterns respawn on the train or something?

There are passing lamp posts you can break from the rooftops.

>nintendo's garbage hardware is literally holding all versions back on updates
an anime company gets set on fire but not nintendo...

How about Augment Luck?

>blames nintendo
>not the company that did the awful port

Sekiro isn't goty at all.

or nintendo could stop making underpowered last gen hardware all the time?

>health and MP share the same bar
>the bar doesn't seem to have an upper limit
>strength increases with health & MP

Attached: MORE POWER.gif (1200x1315, 1.97M)

invert. it turns nearly every boss into a joke

miriam needs to smile more often its like she's tired of seeing small penises everywhere.

That kind of depression is probably what drove her to get a girlfriend.

If you're trying to get the medal on nightmare difficulty, your best bet is to hang out in either the right or left corner and use anything with good range on him. Oracle Blade is a decent choice for weapon to do this. Have on directional shield, and be using it when he does... basically anything really, so the shield will be out at the ready when he ZA WOURDOs you. Also try to be jumping when he poofs out or if he ends up too close, to make sure he doesn't grab you and fuck up your medal attempt. After that, it's just a matter of paranoia and a bit of RNG. Honestly, the second-to-last boss' medal is probably more of a pain in the ass because it bounces around like a monkey on crack.

If you're not trying to get the medal, you have all the healing items you could possibly want through cooking. How is anything killing you?

76. I'm a backer though, so instead try to find a way to gift it to Inafune and attach a note being smug at him.

Why are Japanese games so much better than Westernshit?

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Okay, I just can't play speed run mode. Every time the game loads a save file there's a chance that it'll instead kick me to the main menu and forget that I unlocked anything despite having three cleared game saves and a NG+.

>Why are Japanese games so much better than Westernshit?


So what's the deal with the music box room? Is it just there to listen to music, stare at a cat photo, and sit with a ghostly double?

No one's really found anything else so far.

Far as I can figure for now that's about it. Might be hiding an Easter egg or maybe used for future DLC but that's just me being optimistic.

>Celeste is the third playable character

>I'm serious.
This is Yea Forums, of course I'm a weeaboo, it ain't that serious dawg.

I'll have to disagree with you on DOA6, the new engine is objectively inferior to the Soft Engine when it comes to the PLOT.
Not to mention the disastrous marketing campaign or the severe lack of lewd costumes in general.

It was a little short, and the final boss was a bit underwhelming, but it was a lot of fun. Hope they make more.

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Funny oversight
>have shadow clone shard equipped, but don't activate it
>trucidating gyre

Somebody needs to draw this with Miriam telling Zangetsu "I shot Gebel in the face."

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So who are going to be the playable characters?

We don't know. Miriam and Zangetsu and then possibly Dominique or someone else entirely.

I had zero interest in this game until I finally played through SotN when it was added to Games with gold earlier this month, and then I immediately rushed to buy this Ritual of the night, what an excellent experience playing those two games back to back.

>Game has garbage level design and mechanics, but it has waifu material so it's not a shit game
>Half of the thread filled with softcore porn to prove my point

These are the same retards that will complain about the video game industry being shit

What does she say when you summon the paintings? Sorry my english is shit

at least try SotN. emulate that shit if you have to

No game perfect. Paraphrasing you - your statement can be applied to any game:
> game has shit X
> but has great Y and Z that redeems her

whole reason Memesouls so praised

confirmed beta

confirmed roastie fag

The final "character" will be the KILL THOSE MURDERERS DEAD lady punching the demons with her bare hands, but she can't kill them just weaken them, but to finish them off, Susie will swoop in and devour enemies that are stunned.

"Arise, myself and my shadow"

Is there a shard like Alfred’s freeze attack in the Curse game? I thought that was pretty kewl.

Not quite, but you can turn enemies to stone, and there's still a really good ice spell that you have to craft.

it sure does, to get the true ending you have to notice the moon in "final" boss room which can be beaten in seconds changes colour when boss is near death and you can slash it with specific weapon out of hundreds you have collected

Helps the char is fap worthy now if she can only have high heels make it 20 times better

Fuck it, let's include all of the village NPCs. Benjamin is capable of getting into secret areas, farmer guy now grows unique hybrid produce, what else?


I'll get it when they add another character. Don't care for notshanoa.

I want to have sex with Miriam.

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Err she will spread her crystal curse on your dick dude and the only thing that keeps that in check are those glyphs on her lol

Not a problem, I'm already shard.

Rollin, scramblin, diving
Rollin, scrambli- DOIN IT AGAIN!

>wanting used goods

Alchemychads rise up.

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Both Bloodstained and Yooka Lee gave exactly what they promised for, then why yooka lee failed?

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Because Banjo was never a good game.

Is the contrary, it lacked the charm of Banjo-Kazooie characters, the new ones were trying to be like them instead of creating their own identity.

>every time a new shard stabs Miriam

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Autumn's Desolation and Cursed Orphan are definitely my favorites — although for some reason, I find the overall soundtrack to not be as memorable as Castlevania games. Whenever I played a Castlevania game, I would usually be enthralled by the music for most of the game; but for Bloodstained, whenever I enter a new area and hear the music, I just think "yeah, that's decent music, I guess."

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collectathon platformers are garbage.

Explain hat in time.

Some people like garbage.

It didn't fail because it was a kickstarter for a team with proven talent for making decent games in the past and not some eclectic mix of nobodies who haven't even met in person or ever produced anything in their life.

>it has the comfiest underwater music out of any Castlevania game
Shanoa's game begs to differ.

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I don't understand why every female in the game minus miriam has breast physics. It just seems silly.

Forgot to post a link like a retard:

Because raging feminists and leftcucks

>Miriam'd shard absorb scream when she's underwater

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For me it's
Though I don't remember if LoI had an underwater section or not.

for u

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lefty politics

Why did her splatter her with tattoos? Miriam is 10/10 design but the tattoos ruin her. At first I thought they'd be related to her powers but it's apparently just something she has for looks.

should have paid attention to the lore spilled in dialogues

Miriam is pure

You are wrong my man

*Death noises*

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Dominique boss theme sounds like something out of Skullgirls, its like a Blood Mary/Church of the Holy Trinity alt theme

It looks too much like those full body latex suits.

Because it is. Her shard markings aren't actually on her skin at all.

>when you gaze deep into the cleavage, the cleavage stares back at you

Don't make so on the nose, dude

Just got the Solomon's ring.
This shit allow me to get shards faster, right?

She can have lots of eyeballs between there

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Miriam is so cute and I love her

yes, significantly faster
high luck also hepls(i think)

fuck order of ecclesia, its linear shit maps and its fucking endless water levels

And the shit gimmick filled bosses

I love her japanese voice during the last OD talk.
Ami knows how to be incredible adorable.
Meanwhile, Erica can die in her own feces.

Speaking of Ecclesia, how the fuck Iga dropped the ball so down with the villagers?
No dialogues with them, shitty sidequests and the farmer literally just use 3 seeds the whole game and no quests about him.

What the fuck Iga?

Curse is not like STDs buddy

and what made me drop the controller
Gigpsy lady:"you should smile more! men will line up to you"
Boring Bitch: "I DON'T SMILE"

also, the absolute worst familiar mechanic ever implemented. Really nigga? the familiar actually have to have the LAST HIT? I will not grind lvls absorbing glyphs.

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post hairy version


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based reverse psychology never lets me down

>body hair

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I love Miriam too, user.

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I needed music like this in my Bloodstained game.

I thought you had to because familiars only get 1 EXP per kill no matter what they kill while glyphs are worth 100, and it's I think 1,600 EXP to level up

fucking gross dude.

>nightmare mode on a fresh save file
Just fuck my shit up

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I expected her to be like shanoa
thank god she wasn't

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I hope the next game has atmospheric tracks like Lament of Innocences.

thank god, even Iga knows it

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One of them is not a failure

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>NPCs in OoE talk about working on their newspaper, or how their cats are brave, or the gypsy gets super flirty with Shanoa
>NPCs in Bloodstained: pic related

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>Tfw can't spend too much time customizing Miriam because I get a boner whenever there's a close-up shot of her

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You guys went and gave me a bone, now what am I supposed to do about this?

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I just wanted the game to be longer, everything after you get the Zangetsuto feels kinda rushed.

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Granny with bottomless stomach >>> Retarded chef who can't even get his own salt

Face ruins it, I hate western artists because of that.

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dem feet

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more costumes wen

I was stuck for the longest time on him, not figuring out how to access the rest of the game, only because I damaged him faster than the moon could turn red.

Stop shilling that shitty porn game

cry me a river baby

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He means Night of Revenge


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the other one dummy

Vepar is difficult!

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Can I use the DualShock 3 on this game?

I did. On PC anyway.

do i play this with controller

Vepar makes me ve-hard!

On steam? I downloaded the gog version.

A fucking filler enemy should not be allowed to have more attacks than some early bosses.
Fuck the Narutos.

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Should be no difference. You just need drivers that works. Be it PSNow's official PC drivers for DS3s, or Steam's since you can use them on non-Steam games too.

Dude install counterstrike source

Nice. Thanks~

>Find invert power
>Cool now I can get into the top left corner of the map finally
>Actually need to revisit an old boss room to find an item tucked away in the corner first

This was the worst thing in the game

Why do some of the female monsters look like Miriam, did Alfred clone her or something?

>Find invert power
>Cool now I can finally explore the two top corners of the twin tower!
>Wow this item is awesome! I am sure it'll help me progress!
>It does!

This was the best thing in the game

how do you get to the upper right corner?

I managed to get to the upper left corner where the armor is

The issue was the many team shifts. Like 4 companies worked on the game at different stages, all messing around with the base code.
I'm happy it's a great game, but let's not kid ourselves. There was a reason to be worried

Why can't Japanese devs stay away from waifus?

They throw "cute girls" in everything, from AAA to indie titles.

Because it's the only thing that sells anymore.

Because cute girls improve everything. God Himself knew this.

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Would the game have been better if Aegis wasn't necessary at all? Just getting an item that ignores an obstacle isn't really all that creative of a solution.

Nightmare mode on a fresh save file is making me git gudder just like Dark Souls bros, Imma fuck Zangetsu right now

Are new areas and enemies feasible from a modding standpoint?
Does the engine for this game seem flexible enough to support that?
There are a lot of environments and enemy-types that I'd like to play around with in this game engine.

Ps4 version wins again

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Waifus have and will always sell because waifus are good. Admiring idealizations of the human form has been the case forever. Fifty millennia ago, fifty millennia from now.

While I agree with your sentiment, I feel like there is no getting good against Zangetsu. He has too many attacks with no clear countermeasures unless you're using some kind of shield. And at that point in the game the only options are katana parries or spending an 8-bit coin.

because humans have always loved the idealized form of the human body. this is why all the statues of greece and rome featured absolutely ripped men with negative body fat. people like looking at beautiful people, it's not fucking science.

FUCK why does Miriam have the most perfect thighs ever conceived. I need to bury my face in that white skin down there

>western artists in charge of drawing feet

Kys rugga

Did you paint the hand? Black skin does not look that way, especially at fingers

>Ywn bury your face between Miriam's thighs while your cheeks feel the shards on her skin

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>Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
woah woah woah
why I wasn't informed of THIS?
I'm really liking what they are selling me here, DKC country games are my shit, this seems comfy enough

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>DKC country games
>Donkey Kong Country Country games
I agree that Impossible Lair looks much more promising than the first Yooka-Laylee. The side-scroller format should eliminate the problem of boringly oversized levels.

AHAHAHA what a faggot. Wait is this that ultra bloom and contrast one? Let me laugh some more.

I think half of that is due to the good ending in SotN being tied to exploring near 100% of the castle and, when you got Richter fight early, you knew you still had about X% to go, in RotN you do not have that clear cut number (is there another sector to go or what?), especially if you get possession end.

>seemingly doomed Kickstarter
You mean a bunch of 14 year olds crying about alpha graphics?

>implying shed let you do anything other than lick her butt-hole

For comparison's sake, when I fought Gebel
early knowing that it was gonna be a bad ending because of IGA tradition, my map was at 26%.
I think you can't even challenge Richter until you're at least about 60% in SOTN.

I heard the DS igavania games love to fuck around with the touch screen.
Are they mandatory that it's unplayable on emulation?
Or should I just play it in an actual DS

>Are they mandatory that it's unplayable on emulation?
Are you retarded?
GBA and DSvanias all were playable 10 years ago already

His moves aren't too hard to call, he does have tells for most of them. Try to always be jumping away from or over him when he approaches. It's the speed that'll get ya. Staying at midrange and only hitting him in passing works best, you can't get greedy at all. The biggest problem is his second phase, because the huge explosion that he lets out with a ground slam will absolutely catch you if you aren't well away from where he's going to be ahead of time. It's the #1 thing that fucked me up going for the nightmare medal.

With that said there are a couple tricks you can use even on a clean nightmare run. The first and most obvious is farming grade 9 dullahammer head so you get five heads attacking shit. His guards and parries remove them from play for a bit, but here's what most people don't know/do. After he explodes all your heads, instead of waiting 20-30 seconds for them to start respawning, jump into the menu and disable the familiar, unpause, then go back in and re-enable it. They'll regenerate instantly. The other big thing is to get heretical grinder. When he goes into a parry stance, if you're standing a bit away from him and angle the grinder so just the tip touches his foot, you'll avoid his parry hitbox and can sit there chainsawing his ass. Combining these two things will hopefully reduce his HP enough that he won't have time to shit on your medal during the second phase.

Where do I learn swimming? I need to get down the blood fountain, but the fish in the caverns zone just drop something unrelated

You have to get through the blood fountain first. You get your swimming shard from some monsters similar to the squids you fought at the start of the game.

The issue is that the NPCs are supposed to guide you to your next destination/give you tips for boss battles.
Thing is, there is no "talk" option in their menus and all that stuff is said once and ONLY once at the start of a conversation with no way of repeating it.
If you are the type that thinks most of the dialogue in the game is just additional, poorly written fluff that you don't need to listen to then you're shit out of luck.

It's only a part of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow's main game and there's a romhack that fixes it (and fixes the buggy luck stat too).
In the later DS games it's only relevant to unlockable bonus modes that I personally never messed with.
If you do play Dawn of Sorrow, make sure you play the GBA's Aria of Sorrow first, as Dawn is a direct sequel.

The only touchscreen-heavy DS game is Dawn of Sorrow, and you can patch that to remove the touchscreen parts if you absolutely must.

I would play them on an actual DS if possible, though.

SotN went up to 200% map completion. You needed something like 196.5% map completion to get the best ending in SotN.


Thanks. I was just wondering how bad the seal drawings will be in DoS if I just emulated it.
But right, I forgot aria comes before that so I'll play that first.

>the best month of the year for videogames also turns out to be the absolute worst month for anime
I am at a complete loss right now.

All because of one autist who didn't want his favorite train-related song put into an anime.

>didn't want his favorite train-related song put into an anime
Is that what happened?

Is that in the official police record? Because I've seen a whole bunch of rumored reasons for his actions by now and all of them are pure speculation.

Yeah. Euphonium had a cover of an old song, that due to a previous cover from some old game had attained meme status among train otaku. This particular train otaku however hated anime and he apparently found it unforgivable how the song was used in the anime. Even though it's an old classic that was famous way before it became a train otaku meme.
He also ranted about how Kyoani brought in tourists that'd occupy and shit up good trainspotting locations.

Assuming the rants online were indeed from him, but it seems like they were.
It's insane.

That's right, the total was a decimal. Was the necessary map completion for the best ending 196% or 198%?

I had english on for half the game. Zangetsu was a treasure. But, that awful singing for the fairy ultimately made me change it to japanese.

i know incels like to fetishize body hair because they've never touched a woman and only know the hairy texture of their own skin, but it's fucking disgusting and undesirable even on the most beautiful woman.

>Holy Wisdom
I love me some Bach.

Attached: 1543849596822.jpg (224x271, 12K)

>eternal blue
fuck yeah. make her chocolate and give her a long brown ponytail and that's my miriam

>thigh bounce
Holy fuck

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You can't reason with Yea Forumsirgins and waifufags.
People will fetishize anything that they have zero real life experience with.

I actually thought we'd get a power up that lets you destroy the spikes, like the giant fist. I agree it's pretty lame to just equip an item and walk through them.

If I beat the game on nightmare mode do I get a free bj from miriam

People largely don't believe in "cool" anymore, so now it must be "cute"

The bar is set so low, anyone who puts in any effort could succeed.

Sent from my iPad

shut the FUCK UP waifufag

thank you for your time have a great day


[email protected]

Nike Distribution Department
1 Weird Trick That "Forces" Your Eye To 20/20 Vision -Try It

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user, Jeremy Remming is a pillar of this community, don't pretend you don't know him.

>Instant startup on fire pillar attack
>Backflips behind u

this, developers where more focused in political shit and they forgot to make good characters,
collecting shit in banjoo and kazooie was tedious as fuck but the charn of the characters could make it bearable

I just beat the final boss. There is more than one ending, right? This one felt anticlimatic for some reason. The villagers are not even in the final part of the story and I'm right crop field.

Will he ever stop sucking his own cock holy shit this is getting annoying.
You released an half decent game at best you don't deserve much praise at all, and half of it comes from waifu bait

I'd suck my own cock too if I made a successful game after so many years.

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OP is close, it is the game of the year. Nothing I've played in 2019 comes close. Iga didn't tread any new ground in this one, because he knew not to fix what wasn't broken. He made a perfect blend of the 3 DS titles and it's a masterpiece.

Why in the fuck are Castlevania/Bloodstained threads always good?

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BATs Everywhere


Cute girls.

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I wish that with spears and rapier style weapons you could use the rightstick aim to thrust in that direction.
Spears are cool but they suck in these games due to poor angles of attack

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Flying Dagger. It shreds bosses.

Also, here’s something nobody seems to have realized: when you equip the Ambivalence 8-bit whip, some spells, mostly Dagger and arrow-related ones, get its current elect as well. Add that on top of your Flying Dagger and it gets real nasty.

Miriam’s adorable personality is totally ruined in the dub.


pls respond

Have you played SotN?

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Unironically no, I never did. (too poorfag to own a ps1 back in the day)
I did play every Castlevania on Nintendo consoles (even the one with the wolf and kid)

What does Miriam's hair smell like

So you played Aria, then, correct?

Yes, I did.

Miriam's head and hair smell the same as Aradia's shirt and boobs.
Nobody knows why.

Did you beat it?
Did you REALLY beat it?

God, trying to get money in this game is a pain in the ass.

Should I try and farm that Millionaire's Bane boss for the gold to buy the shop discount card?

If by final boss you mean Gebel, then he's not the final boss. You need to explore more.