Take a primarily Multi-platform series and make it 1 Console Exclusive

>take a primarily Multi-platform series and make it 1 Console Exclusive


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Other urls found in this thread:


It's another case of "If this publisher didn't pay for the game than it wouldn't have happened."
I didn't see Sony or Microsoft paying for it to being made?


Its timed.


Tick tock

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Just like Bayonetta 2 right?

No, its timed

They were thinking "wow, this series doesnt sell well, I wonder if any console makers would like to throw in to help develop the next entry. Sony? Microsoft? No takers? Oh, Nintendo, you want to help pay for the development, okay, thanks"


Attached: [Erai-raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 10 [720p][Multiple Subtitle] 080.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

What does this mean?

>characters don't have multiple costumes it's just recolours
It's failed before it even released.

Yeah just like Bayo 2. It's no longer a WiiU exclusive is it retard


Nintendo is publishing it though. This isn't a TSA thing.

Haven't been able to find proof either way this. This was a big draw of the the X-men and UA games for me

Your night sweats

>hear complaints about the game looking like a trash mobile game
>haha it's timed exclusive
>everyone else will get it later

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>bokuben fags post on Yea Forums
Good make your shit generals here from now on.

Nintendo probably paid for it
Kind of like Bayonetta despite asking Nintendo dead last because everyone else said no?

yeah it's a WiiU AND Switch exclusive. NINTENDO WINS AGAIN BABY


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Its exclusive, for a certain amount of tick tocks

Its simply this. Dunno why people are so butt hurt. Sony and Microsoft want big budget games like the square enix one.


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True. It's Nintendo exclusive though.

rent free

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>tfw ANTS isn't playable

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Well it’s published by Nintendo...

The major evidence apparently comes from a panel they just did and they side stepped the question about costumes hard which doesn't make any sense. As you said costumes are pretty important because people usually want to play as their favourite versions of the characters. Not being able to use Black Suit Spider-Man, Mayday for Gwen, X-Men movie Mystique, and so on is a fucking joke to me to the point where I cancelled my order.

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who cares, is this series even good, because the game looked like trash to me at e3?

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It's a timed exclusive. It is being made by Team Ninja and published by Tecmo-Koei. It will be on PS4 and PC in 6 months.

And I'm buying a switch light to play it user. September cant come soon enough

Until the publishing rights expire.

Tick Tock

I dont understand tho!?? Marvel has tons of m00lah and Capeshit is very popular at the theaters right now, a new game should easily have come eventually without Nintendo's help. This is not like that literally who Bayonetta that has no presence outside of gaming and actually needed the handout!!!!

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>kids like Marvel, so let's put the marvel game on the console that kids actually play on
this is probably what happened.

Marvel's non movie endeavors are handled by a giant kike named Ike and he has no faith in vidya for some reason. Sony had to basically force them to hand over the game rights when they loaned Disney the movie rights.

Leak when

Tick tock

The main demo of switch owners is 20-30 year olds. Kids just play fortnite on ps4.

The Ultimate Alliance games are niche.

Capeshit fans want that shitty Avengers game that looks like generic AAA trash instead.

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>Marvel has tons of m00lah and Capeshit is very popular at the theaters right now, a new game should easily have come eventually without Nintendo's help.
Sure but another company paying to develop and publish a game based on their IPs is just free money.

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is it true there's no gear?

No they aren't you complete fucking retard.

Nintendo are the producers behind the game, not happening.

that has a different JP publisher though, UA3 doesn't have any other pubishers in other regions

Are you seriously comparing a sony console exclusive with a Nintendo exclusive? You played yourself.

Night sweats

Isn't it being made by team ninja, I'd assume all of thier spare money is going into Nioh 2 right now. I know the circumstances were talked about in one of the game informers my brother got, I'll go reread it later.


There’s gear. Whoever told you that is full of shit.

Marvel didn't fund Spider-man on PS4. Sony did that.


Timed, tick tock

How the fuck did this not leak yet its out in like 12 hours

Exactly why marvel disney wont ever need to lift a finger, they just have to wait for the big names to come and want the rights.

And Koei Tecmo in japan. where it was made.
They just asked Sony to fund the Localization costs.

Please be excited

Sony publishes non-PlayStation games. Have you retards never heard of Planetside?

The only Nintendo-published games that aren't on Nintendo systems are on mobile.

If it's not niche then why did they have to go to Nintendo to finance the game?

While I agree he's an idiot, in the end, you will have the black eye. Lol

hoes mad lmao

>all these people who don’t own switches jumping through hoops to make it look like the game will come out on other consoles


Enjoy that black eye

If team ninja would have wanted it multiplat they could have asked literally anyone else to publish.

I have a Switch, I'm buying it Friday, and it absolutely is a time exclusive that will go multiplat. I guarantee and promise you that.

Tick tock, timer-kun, your watch is gonna run forever until you move goalposts when MUA3 comes out on the nintendo console two gens from now.

a better audience for a 4 player multiplayer couch game is the console that people who already like 4 player multiplayer couch games?

>getting this worked up over a capeshit brawler

At least get mad about Astral Chain. It looks like it will at least be better than mediocre

>black eye
Is this a 3rd world country figure of speech? I don't get it

I think he's just retarded.

New meme for the youngsters.

Modern kids arent like how we were mate. Modern kids just play free to play games with loot boxes

it's fun.

Switchfags actually getting the game, post teams

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You make it sound like it wasn't Nintendo that went to Team Ninja to make the game.

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That makes it even less likely for it to go multiplat.

I don't feel like going to the actual website

Ghost Rider
Thor (Loki if he's in)
Iron Fist

Marvel doesn’t fund any video games
Probably a group of devs bugging everyone for funding and Nintendo said yes
Remember they recently loaned out the Legend of Zelda IP to a literal who indie team

>Loki if he's in
Good news, user

About that exclusivity you're talking about...

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Don't even care if I seem like an edgelord
Villains in these games always play the best for some reason, they spend a little extra time on them it feels like
In Marvel Heroes my mains were Ghost Rider/Juggernaut/Mags

If there's any muggas in the thread they can probably guess my old username

Team Black Attack

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It's on nintendo so it's ok. Is not capeshit.

Just like I told them in another thread, either give me mods that can include new characters into the game like the original Ultimate Alliance or don't bother.

emulator is still shit

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>No blade
Damn it
I wanted my boy back

He will 100% be dlc, though i'm not sure why
Why not make someone relatively popular into DLC?

Give it a few months


Is it worth $59,99? It looks like an indie game.

>not popular

The game is financed and wouldn't be made possible by Nintendo, just like Bayonetta and that Wonder Red game when they were desperate for Wii U games.

>j-just wait!
it's been 5 months and this 2004 flash game still won't boot. "just wait" my ass, it's going to take years at this rate

>Not having all the founding Avengers as playable

Exactly. Because it won't.
Nintendo published and funded this game.

I can't think of a single character i am not at least slightly interested, but this are my most hyped.

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No one under 20 knows who he is, let's at least admit that

Marvel does not make the games, they license them to publishers/studios.

Who gives a fuck about anyone under fucking 30 let alone 20.

>diversity being pushed the harder it ever has been
>nobody wants to reboot blade
I don't get it.

The Ultimate Alliance series never offered graphical masterpieces if that's what you want.

It's just a good ol' beat 'em up with Marvel superheroes and RPG elements stacked in it.

If you like that, give it try; if you don't, go look for something else.

I think nintendo is producing it.

>no sound
>needs a Switch, and a hackable one at that, for it to work

I mostly play on PC and this doesn't look viable until a couple of years.

I want alternate costumes that not only change character passives but change available Team bonuses.
Like Spider-man and Dead pool in X-men suits and working together with the X-men team bonus and shit.

The gameplay is a 7/10, fairly fun but nothing spectacular. The real fun is playing with friends and beating up baddies together

Videogame developers...
Even though they're making a shitload of new movie franchises, it's good to make as many new ones that haven't been movie-fied (as much as possible, at least).
So, instead of Blade, we got Thor, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel, all of which have done very well at the box office.

Diversity is being pushed because it makes money. If it's diverse, but not making money, why bother?

And developers know that their fanbase is more than just a bunch of zoomers who think the entirety of marvel is in the cinema only. Blade is still popular and deserves to be in.

I'm still confused why they have Wasp with no Ant-Man

The TSA situation still confuses me. Suda flat out said in the Momocon panel that Nintendo requested he make changes to cutscenes let's not get into a censorship thing, if it bothered Suda that much NMHIII would have been multiplat from the get go and they handled distribution as well as advertising in NA and EU

pretty hyped

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You guys are so desperate for new games you'll except Nintendo's pan scrapings. Pathetic. Just buy a switch.

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Nioh is the same case as Octopath. Nintendo was in charge of publishing internationally but not in Japan, so squeenix released a PC port. Nintendo didn't fund Octopath, same with Nioh, Sony didn't fund it.
MUA3 is both published and funded by Nintendo, it's really not going anywhere

It’s about whether Disney thinks it’s worth their money to make a game


>able to run BOTW in 8K

Fucking schizo.

My only question.
Why is Elektra back? Who in the fuck was actually looking forward to Elecktra?

Most of what you mentioned wouldn’t have happened anyways(pretty much just black suit) so yeah, you had some interesting expectations

>able to run BOTW in 8K
Isn't that CEMU?

>can't boot the most basic of basic shit

Me. Tiddy ninjas are cool.

Got to keep them high, saves money on games that don't meet them and respect for the games/devs that do.


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Game looks awful. Look at gameplay vids from UA 1 and 2 then look at this garbage. No reason games from a previous generation should mop the floor with a current gem game. UA3 looks bland as shit, it looks like those shitty mobile games they show commercials for during jeopardy.

Team Ninja.


Yeah but Mayday never actually gets into console games iirc and there was never any chance for marvel to literally have a fox x-men costume in the game

>look at UA1 which has the same 2-3 movesets splattered across the entire roster then look at UA3 which gave everyone unique movesets
Now there’s shit to complain about in UA3 but mechanically speaking it’s 10x better than the older games

Mayday has been appearing recently in the comics, even if it's her non-canon self, and Disney owns the Fox stuff now so having the costumes from the movie wouldn't be an issue.

He is too big

Its publish by nintendo retard

It isn’t really about ownership, marvel just is never gonna willingly acknowledge foxshit.


Catholic superheroes are way edgier than one would imagine.

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As was NG3:RE.

m8 wat

It is not, the only games that have been timed are octopath traveler, and that other bombean game, but Nintendo never said they were exclusive, same with Daemon x Mavhina and that Town game from game freak, in this case just like Bayonetta they specifically said it will be only in Nintendo switch.

>look at MUA2
>dogshit faces and models
MUA3 looks better than MUA2 mechanically and visually, what are you smoking

if nintendo at least kept the franchises they money hat alive. I would be fine. but every franchise they money hat dies because their playerbase ignores or just don't like the game. they money hat shit to get people to buy their console. people will not buy their console for a singke game and their library don't attract the type of people that likes the franchise they monet hat.
it is a vicious cycle.
gotta wait for the next multiplat capeshit offline RPG

Had to make a stretch for him, since Cap does come from Irish catholics.

Too bad Kaine Parker is not in the game, otherwise I would swap Steve for him.


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Hey now, Nightcrawler only looks edgy. He's one of the least dickish X-men. Good thing he got spared from the shitty writing by being dead.

Idk if it's ever explicitly said since I don't read his comics but Miles might pass. Mom seemed to wear the pants in Spiderverse

What happened to him? Did someone choose Jean?

Replace Cap with Kamala for extreme crusading.

>Only hidden character is (probably) Loki
Where's my obligatory Fury unlock
Where's my leaks
Where's my Link/Samus you missed out on a golden opportunity to fix the mistakes of old

Loki isn't hidden, he's on the reverse cover.

Why did they think color swaps were a good idea?

Fisted through the chest by a super duper Sentinel from the future and transporting Hope, back when she was important, from one side of the US to the other.

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>old man and his harem

just like in my doujins

People shit the bed over EGS do it, but when nintendo does it, total silence. Hilarity.
anyway ultimate alliance was a mediocre series, and this one looks to be more of the same, so if people want it, good on them, not for me though.

Why do they kill Nightcrawler so often

>nintendo published it so it's not a timed release

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Little bit of a difference between a console exclusive and a fucking storefront exclusive, bugman.

Who gives a shit about you


Because he's one of those rare characters that most readers like, but isn't a big enough name that they can't afford to kill him.

Strange having a different taunt for ladies in Marvel 3 was pretty nice.

Because the motherfucker can just teleport out of heaven if he feels like it.

You could not have used a worse example.

Devil's Third is bad example regardless of the point you're trying to make, only the multi-player mode came out on PC.

People don't complain about first party games being distributed on a first person platform, and only rarely do people complain about games being only available on steam due to the accessibility of keys elsewhere.
Fortnite can 100% stay on their launcher, just like Blizzard can have their games roster on theirs, but bribing publishers away from their competition is scummy at best, and highly anti-consumer at worst.

Other than the game's quality I don't see what makes it different to MUA3's situation


I would rather have the older more unique looking designs than this fortnight looking shit. Oh nevermind you are literally a shill. Replying twice to one post.

Well you're retarded as well so now it makes sense.

The full game is still Wii U exclusive.

Timed exclusive

Objectively this

He’s not dead anymore, hasn’t been dead for quite a while


Objectively false.

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Does it have proper couch co-op using only one cartridge?

Fuck 'em. They shoulda known better.


>more unique
They were fucking unique alright

Yeah. Here is a difference.
Epic bought out a Publisher so that they release thier game only on thier launcher even those Epic didn't fund the development of the game at all.

While Nintendo. They were the only reason MUA3 even exists. They funded the games development by employing Team Ninja to make it. It's sold only on their console because they funded it's development.
Metro is on Epic. Because Epic payed off a publisher last min. to keep it off of competition.

Good, then I'll pick it up.

I’m not sure of this is nostalgia or delusion. I’ve yet to meet any serious fan of this series pretend that MUA2 is worth fucking anything

It has Iron Fist and Cable
That counts for something right

>I’ve yet to meet any serious fan of this series pretend that MUA2 is worth fucking anything
Not him but while its a downgrade from the 1st it's still worth a play.

Iron Fist is in this game, and Cable may join the roster through DLC (which isn't any different from UA2).

Only because of the few roster entries that are neat. But then they decided people really wanted to play as Nick Fury but with nanites
Otherwise it goes against everything established since XML1
MUA3 actually has more rpg and gameplay improvements

Not in Japan

>serious fan of the series
Oh boy here we go. So you hanging out with your co-workers talking abo about UA? Lmao no you're talking about faggots on the internet. Lol autocorrect wanted to change faggots to fanboys.

Tecmo Koei isn't making it, its just Team Ninja and Nintendo

Im not sure if i'll keep Gamora. I dont see a reason to play either of the Spidey clones either.

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so was Octopath

I wonder what the thought process was to decide that Team Ninja would be the developer, seems pretty random.

>Marvel doesn't have a development team
>Team Ninja is just a development team, can't publish anything
>Koei Tecmo has nothing to do with it
>Activision lost the rights back in 2015
If its timed, who's gonna fucking port it?

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is the camera going to be an issue? It looks like it pans way the fuck back in some parts of the level.

Nobody. It might get ported to whatever the next Nintendo console is lmfao.

According to Marvel, Nintendo chose them
>We had always been looking for a way to work with them on a project together, and Nintendo already had a fantastic relationship there.”

>“They are able to deliver that quick response and high fidelity that people want to feel from our heroes. You want Wolverine to feel different from Hulk, and each of them to feel different from all others.”

real reason it's switch exclusive: because the originals were awesome for couch co-op and the current systems aren't really known for being very good for that

You can change the camera to action view

Who's gonna port it?

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Unironically explain to me why you don't understand the simple concept of "This company paid for this to exist, therefore they get to keep it all to themselves".

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>the publisher doesn't want money

Only in america, the game was originally published be Squenix.

>The only incomplete teams in the E3 demo were "Villains" and "Gods and demons"
>Loki fits those two perfectly
Suddenly, the inclusion makes more sense in retrospective.

I hope there's more hidden characters, or at least, that the DLC packs include five instead of just four. 49 is such an incomplete number it hurts my autism.

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>nintendo pays studio to make a game
>retard op wonders why nintendo doesn't want the game they paid to make be ported to ps4 and xb1

Will we be able to use the more zoomed in camera in online co op for instance?

The publish is Nintendo.
They know they will get money because it's only on Nintendo.
They know they would get less money if it was on everything else.

Is that fucking CRYSTAL?

Is the DLC day-of?

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I think so. Seems like the way to go if everyone else has their own hero.

Crystal is base roster

So Spider-man is niche because they had to go to Sony?

They will 100% charge you extra for different costumes

And my dumbass will buy them all

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No doubt. They probably have all kinds of packs planned be it movie packs, silver age, ultimate, and so on.

absolutely fucking based btfo weebshits

>game is nintendo exclusive
that's all the reason it needs to make people buttmad

Never played one of these. What am I in for if I do get this. Does it have depth or is it just button mashing?

Mostly masjing but the RPG stuff is pretty decent. You can equip ISO-8 that boosts stats and there is a tree to upgrade shit.

Mashing won’t get you through infinity trials

>that one guy who never blocks and always dies

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Ant man better be dlc my fucking god

Hope there will be more waifus.

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The first two games had depth and soul, this game is just button mashing soulless trash like all Jap games.

>this game
games not even out yet. must be seething s*nygger

They are all beat em ups. Who are you trying to fool nigga.

Wish I could have had Ant Man instead of Venom. Hopefully I can replace Venom with DOOM down the line I guess, even though Doom was supposed to replace magneto for science + magic team

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user, I've got some real bad news for you...

Who is the Jew-est Marvel heroes and will he be DLC?

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might switch hulk out every now and then

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>Ant-man is a founding avenger
>His character in MCU has become a fan favorite after Endgame
>Is one of the 5 candidates (Ant-man, Spidey, nu Wolverine, Reed Richards, and Strange) that will take the top 2 leader slots at some point in phase 4/5 to replace cap and Tony

>Relegated to a single cutscene

The biggest Jew in game is a toss up between rocket and Tony

Too bad they're also shillcapes too. Thanks for the answer, fampai

>>Ant-man is a founding avenger
>>His character in MCU has become a fan favorite after Endgame
Except those are literally different characters.

He fights in the background of a boss fight.

I mean it's still 'ant-man'
Part of MCU Scott is Hank, he's basically the Ant-Man beyond Bruce Wayne in the MCU, Scott is just the expert electrical engineer

Ant-Man is a mantle and besides they could put the og suit as a skin

>Enjoy that black eye
Enjoy that black GUY

But MCU Scott isn't a founding avenger, and MCU Hank wasn't a fan favorite in end game. Even using just the MCU what was said doesn't fit.

>Scott is just the expert electrical engineer
>Welcome to Baskin Robbin's. Would you like to try our mango fruit blast?
As an engineer, this hurts too much

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Unironically Moon Knight.

Can't sell that Marvel Knights DLC without the Knight himself.

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Who the hell types like this.


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Good luck getting an electrical engineering job at any company with sensitive information after committing a felony for purposefully leaking sensitive information to the public
He's a genius and is smart enough to get a job anywhere in his field, he's just barred from doing so in the MCU. It's unfortunate they play him off as a doofus a bit too much in the films while barely highlighting the fact that no shit he's a genius based on the shit he did and can do

The character of Ant-Man is more popular than he has ever been in history post end game and is taken seriously as one of the A list avengers instead of a B list hero.
There's no reason fro Wasp to get in over Hank or Scott

>Moon Knight
Pretty top tier Marvel Knights desu

>they play him off as a doofus a bit too much in the films
Did the Wasp movie turn him more into an idiot as well?

crystal is base game also i think she interacts with lockjaw

He's still goofy in the sequel

Ant-Man 3 when?

None of OP's picture is DLC.

Ms Marvel
Star Lord

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Sorta kinda
They start by playing it off as him losing the suit and being an idiot, but in reality he just hid the suit, but he was still an idiot about it.
Ant-Man 2 doesn't feel like a proper Ant-Man story as much as a Wasp originish story. Fortunately Marvel is separating them for each next independent movie

It makes sense from a character/move-set differentiation standpoint, and also in that they would have to confirm which Ant-Man it is, and either would alienate potential fans.
>Hank Pym? The old guy?
>Scott Lang? Why not the original Avenger?
Meanwhile, Wasp has less overlap with Kamala Khan due to flight and her Stingers.

Phase 4

Who do you guys feel will be the villains of phase 4/5/6?
I'm guessing Kang to segway into cosmos stuff for phase 4, with an intro into the fantastic 4 at the end.
Then Galactus to raise the stake for phase 5, where DOOM portrays himself a hero to harvest the Galactus energy that remains
DOOM becomes a twist villain and is the big bad of part 2 (phase 6)

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I don't know how the fuck secret wars will work with current MCU canon. If they'll even do it


Nintendo doesn't own the rights to Marvel or X-men, they can release it on any platform they want after the switch ;)

Who the fuck is Elsa Bloodstone?

Without getting into it she's Buffy Croft Tombslayer

Very true, Nintendo can publish the game on whatever platform the want, like the 3DS, WiiU and VirtualBoy.

Is not that he is a real idiot or that he is dumb, he just sounds like that because he talks goofy and he acts kind of silly, add to that that he is a true everyman in a team with geniuses, soldiers, aliens and gods, that makes other characters around him wrongly assume that he is an idiot, when in reality he is competent at what he does and his plans almost always work.

He truly is Ant-Man because others not only underestimate the hero but also the person behind the mask. Even in the sequel with a malfunctioning suit he was keeping up with the Wasp and Ghost, to the point that he actually saved Hope multiple times.

Is she actually cool or cringey shit like nu Captain Marvel?

Nintendo payed for the rights to make a Marvel Game.
Marvel can't do shit other than revoke their licence to resell it.

She's like Van Hellsings great great great great grand daughter or something.
She fighting super natural shit. She's blade with a shotgun. She's Ash.

Reminder that while Scott is smart, he isn't even the smartest active MCU Avenger, as Peter is vastly smarter than him.

She's pretty cool. Hyper sexualized in her original run for comedic effect and Lara Croft nods. Nowadays she's a British stereotype played up to 11. Pretty based.

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Where is she?

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Here's the original

Attached: 77604-37726-elsa-bloodstone.jpg (400x650, 124K)

Might actually use her then. Her description got me interested since I dig gunslinging girls

It'll be Cloak and Dagger to shill their show or maybe Tasky through some technicality to shill the black widow movie

Whats wrong with her face?

They decided to drop the series after the second game and Nintendo chose to fund a new sequel in its entirety. Literally the same deal as with Bayonetta.

"Nintendo doesn't own the right to Bayonetta :)"

If this game gets more than 60 on metacritic I'll get it
I'm giving it a ton of leeway because Ultimate Alliance games aren't deep at all but I managed to like even 2.

they own the rights to this specific game though, if it does get released on other consoles, nintendo will probably get a cut of the sales

But they own the right to distribute Bayonetta 2. ;)

MUA4, friend

It's getting at least a 60 on meta-critic because it's got the Marvel brand name on it.
It could be a dumpster fire and still skip past 60.

Reference to a retarded moment from the Ultimates.

Attached: 01-bryan-hitch.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg (598x738, 171K)

This was a kekworthy panel

Her publication history is pretty small too so if you're ever interested in getting to know the character you can knock it out over lunch. Just a handful of mini series

Attached: NextwaveEllie2.png (960x365, 769K)

Same logic than with Spider Man on PS4 to be honest... all the Spider Man until that point where multi-platform after all.

The game is very much on Nintendo's hands, they just decide to call Team Ninja to develop it for them.