ITT: the best games of their respective series

ITT: the best games of their respective series

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That's not Super Mario 64

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And thats the point.

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Not debatable

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It’s definitely my favorite, but I’d still rank 64 higher.

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So we aren't posting the best games in their series then?

both are great but sunshine is fucking perfect

Yes we are. 64 isnt as good as you remember. Its ok at best.

I played it just last week, so either my memory is really shit or it's better than Mario Sunshine which I played 3 days ago


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oh yeah sure we totally believe you pal

You cunts always say this bullshit. Keep your zoomer gamecube kiddy shit on Reddit

Is it worth it to get 120 shines in this game? I never got it when I was younger but it's been years since I played it and I figure putting on some music and hunting for blue coins might be pretty comfy.

Saints Row 2

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But that's the worst?

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Why the fuck does this go for 50$ minimum while the other two go for 10$

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Not really. It's worth playing for the atmosphere though. There's no other game that screams comfy summer vacation like Sunshine.

I respectfully disagree

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It's just 3 hours of your life user. Give it a go.

Biggest roster and the game play is so similar between the 3 there's no real reason to own 1/2

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The funny part is 90s betas tend to post a lot on reddit. Most genwun pokefags jack off their love on reddit

Honestly, with the better flight control and more individualized movesets, having to go back to 2 hurts.

Technically mario sunshine is the only mario sunshine game

>Original 3 in God Tier with Crystal
>HGSS in Very Good tier
>Let's Go in Decent tier
>B2W2 in Underwhelming tier
>Let's Go has 8 gym leaders, a shitty rival champion, 150 pokemon to catch + a $30 Mew, no post game, soft music
>B2W2 has over 40 gym leaders, 8 champions, a rival who is a bro through and through, 649 pokemon that are easily accessible via action replay; PWT, exploring Unova, seeing N constantly and a fuck ton of other stuff is post game with hidden legendaries all around, Gen 5 sound font with OST's that normies are flooding to nowadays

You're gonna buy SwSh and put it in Amazing tier, aren't you? I'm not even surprised at this point, Pokemon is fucked and it's all thanks to people like you who support mediocrity

I would go on, but forget it. It's not gonna matter.

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Fuck no. You don't get anything, just play until you get bored.

its obvious bait user

>You're gonna buy SwSh and put it in Amazing tier, aren't you?
My estimate is around Good-tier currently. That's just based on what I've seen thus far, mind you. And yes, I am the same faggot who made the chart in question =^-^=

Btw, Black 2 is in Good-tier, while White 2 is in Underwhelming merely due to the inclusion of the Challenge and Easy unlockable campaign modes, respectively. I understand you can transfer the keys to other players with the opposite version, but I judge the games on this list exclusively based on what is offered in the base game with zero external influence. Black 2 provides the Challenge key, while White 2 supplies the Easy key. Why the bloody hell would you wanna play the game again on an EASIER mode if you've already proven your mettle to surpass the Elite 4 on "Normal" mode? Shit makes zero sense.

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Yeah but normies who have no idea what pokemon is are gonna flock to it thinking it's legit

Fucking hell, this whole situation is a dumpster fire

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I actually get your point but even then, you don't have to use the keys at all. It's the same game all around. But if you wanna go around praising a buggy GB game held together with Spit, Glue and Duct Tape as God Tier, be my guest

But I do agree that Crystal is God Tier

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what does pikmin 1 do better than pikmin 3?

wow. imagine spending the time to make this image without knowing how shit your taste is

>But if you wanna go around praising a buggy GB game held together with Spit, Glue and Duct Tape as God Tier, be my guest
There's something about Gen 1 that is very difficult to articulate which makes me love it so much. And no, it's not merely nostalgic attachment. The Gen 1 Pokemon games (particularly Red/Blue/ and Green) have this very weird, "bizarro", almost creepy atmosphere that pervades the entirety of the campaign. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the visuals or the music, or perhaps a combination of these two elements, but it is a very thick atmosphere that hits me even harder than Majora's Mask, for example. I'm guessing the technical limitations had something to do with this weird vibe the games give me. And in no way do I claim for this to be intentional by Game Freak, but it really does make quite a difference in my overall enjoyment of an RPG if the atmosphere of the game is so enthralling that I it keeps me glued to the screen in an almost trancelike state.

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Some of this is good, some isn't. The biggest issue is that the guy that made this is a fag zoomer and never experienced the joy of buying Hey You Pikachu and popping it into your 64 and being blown away that the microphone seemed to work. It was a dumb gimmick, but it was really fun. Same with Snap, it deserves to be higher.

Also, they forgot Pokemon Channel, which was fun as well.

Best character and game in the series

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U wot

Pikmin 3 is great as well. But I think Pikmin 1 acomplished something too hard to make again, and that is to perfectly mix the pressure to be running out of oxygen in 30 days and having to learn everything while getting all the parts with exploring that planet with really a charismatic narrative and serene tone, fighting the enemies and bosses in a natural way, like if they were just part of the planet
I think Pikmin 3 is an amazing game and gets much of what I love in Pikmin right, but I just think the first game is its own thing. Also, I really don't like Pikmin 2 because of caves, that kinda ruin the whole thing... It is great if you really like Pikmin's gameplay, but that's not much why I play Pikmin games

Sinnoh is and was fucking trash

give me 4 reasons why besides the "slow" gameplay

just get the wii version dipshit, its just as good

>Blocks your path

Absolute Kino, unlike your untemepered trash.

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1 You're wrong, although I did like Liberation missions

2 This how I know you're a monkey, you posted the wrong version.

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I agree with your logic, But Proto is just too much of a bitch.

OP said best not worst.

How's it going, Todd?

OP clearly got them confused so it's a moot point.


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I could never choose 1 over 2 or 3. Each has a unique atmosphere that the others don't, but 2 and 3 also have fuck loads of QoL improvements, it's hard to go back to a point where you can't even switch pikmin while holding them.

There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Yea Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.

>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.

>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.

>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.

>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion

You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.

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This thread begins and ends with one name and one name only. The game of the generation, the game for real men that know their right from their left. Dark Souls 2.

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I think you meant to post amazing mirror.

For me it's tied with 64. The Galaxy games have some cool levels but they're too linear so I don't care for them much.

*blocks your path*

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Based and drumpilled, no other dk game has the spectacle and catharsis this game does

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It's comfy as hell user. And it had a pretty awesome evil team

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gib (you)s

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I get what you mean. I feel the same way about SM64.

Pikmin 3 has improved mechanics but it's bloated with cutscenes and the levels and enemies are less well designed than in the first

Do you think it'll be
1 > 3 > 2
3 > 1 > 2

You are correct


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It'll be a close call
You'll always have people saying 1 is the best due to nostalgia but I personally plan on going in with an open mind I don't think they'll beat the atmosphere of 1 though

sunshine is better then 64, and I say that as somebody who started with 64

- Better technical visuals
- Better visual design
- Better audio quality & better music
- More responsive & tighter controls
- More movement options (gives up long jump for spin jump and slide)
- Better atmosphere
- Better consistent themining/making the environments feel like real places

And most importantly, better level design that's more conductive to free-form platforming that actually takes advantages of the sandbox nature of the game design, which 64 utterly failed at. Around half the stages in 64 were explictly linear, such as Tick Tock Clock, Rainbow Ride, the Bowser sections; etc; and even the worlds that were osteibly "open", such as thwomp's fortress and bomb-omb battlefdield, in practice still had a pre-designed linear pathway that all the map's platforming was designed around

By contrast, nearly every stage in sunshine is either truly open, with platoforming distributed around the map and the player being able to design their own pathing through the level geometry, or with multiple paths. For example, Bianco Hills, like Bomb-omb battlfield, has a central path through the stage and then spiralling up a tower, but there's also a large village to the left, a wall section with waterwheels, a park area with trees, and a lake with large poles and tightropes, and you can freeily and creatively platform off of and between all of those parts of the maps; wheras in Bomb-omb there's basically fucking nothing outside of the main pathway

The ONLY reason people say Sunshine has worse level design is because they are brainlets who don't bother to try to come up with optimized, faster pathing and instead just use fludd as a crutch. If Sunshine actually had a system to encnourage people to avoid fludd and optimize their pathing and come up with new paths, say like Sonic Adventure 2's rank mechanic, people would laud it


This is the most retarded tier chart i've ever seen. Generally speaking, each Pokemon gen is better then the last because the formula changes so little, so the only actual differences between each gen are the interative improvements each one makes.

There's little to zero arguement to be made for RBY being better then GSC, or crystal being better then emerald (this is a rare case where it could be argued the preceeding gen had better visuals tho), or emerald being better then platinum, etc. This trend only really ended with gen 6, where XY, ORAS, SM, and USM don't really build on PT/HGSS/BW/BW2's improvements; and even then they are still pretty objectively better then everything prior to that.

>And no, it's not merely nostalgic attachment.
It litterally is.,

the aesheetic of the region being "bad" in your opinon cant possibly outweigh the added moves, physical special split, etc.

how's it play on a controller?

I just really hate the controls in Sunshine.
Never been a fan of inverted cameras. And on top of that having inverted aim with the FLUDD was stupid choice

>- Better technical visuals
no shit, n64 was a premature piece of shit that ran games horribly.
>- Better visual design
far worse actually, every stage looks the same
>- Better audio quality & better music
no shit & god no, every song sounds the fucking same
>- More responsive & tighter controls
made irrelevant by having too few challenges to utilize it and knee-capping it with fludd
>- More movement options (gives up long jump for spin jump and slide)
fludd once again ruins it
>- Better atmosphere
no by virtue of having only one atmosphere that gets incredibly tiring by the second stage, thank god it has the least stages of all 3d marios.
>- Better consistent themining/making the environments feel like real places
at the detriment of game play in every way, abstraction only served sunshine as its best levels are the underground fludd-less stages. unfortunately the last few of those are absolutely horrible because everything in mario sunshine is ass backwards in service of an awful gimmick built for casuals.

Sunshine is an awful game with awful stages, which is the second most important part of the formula for a good 3D platformer, stages which encourage a wide range of use for the most important part of a 3D platformer, the mechanics. Unfortunately everything in mario sunshine is working against making the game fun by having mario given the fastest, snappiest moveset yet, knee capping it with a god awful fludd jetpack system that you're forced to use in these massively empty levels bloated with negative space. It's such a bad game it's remarkable nintendo shipped it. The only people who like it are the kiddies who grew up with the kiddie cube because it's all their poorfuck parents could afford. Gamecube is a shit console and Mario Sunshine is a perfectly shit game to go along with it.

Best character in that game, Melia and XC1 are best in the series.

SUSMUM are the best games.

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