How do you afford your video game addiction? where does the money come from?

how do you afford your video game addiction? where does the money come from?

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shitty paralegal job that I hate

my job

Minimum wage thrift store job.

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I barely play any of my games. Last few I got were gifts from my GF.

That's not to say I dislike the industry or anything, plenty of games I want to play, but I just don't have the drive to, so I don't take the time to buy them any more, really. This will probably change with time, but I think a lot of users here have this same problem.

Plugging in printers and installing W10 for the local government. Also allows me time to work on my art.

>likes video games
>doesn't dislike the industry
I think you're in the wrong place lad.

I want to fuck that 17 year old

>buying games

My job.

My mom. Jobs are for faggots.

I just don't have the hateboner other people have. EA and Gamefreak their ilk are still never getting a penny out of me, I'm just not worked up over it as much as most people here.

I'm all out of money, it sucks

Shitty Recruitment job that I hate. I should have done a trade like my brother instead of studying Business.

I still play warcraft 3s editor and pirate shit, i will still pay for occasional good games like ror or tabletop sim.

I work as a registrar for a sporting club

Supplementary income.
I only buy games on sale, or older games I can easily pirate. I can put thousands of hours into a game I enjoy. I've put over 6,000 into Garry's Mod, 3,000 into Mount & Blade (Both original and Warband), hundreds in terraria, thousands in Minecraft, etc.

vidya gayms are cheap when you pirate everything

>tfw neet with no income but 4000€ in bank account
>too scared to use it even for games that are less than 10€
there are some games I want to buy but just can't get myself to do it, I feel like this is going to be wasted

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What age are you? Just wondering.


hey me too!

Post more neet idols

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Student loans. Also have cash saved up to survive for a bit for when that well dries up.
To be fair my addiction is only in buying games, I almost never play them.

I only buy like 4 games a year. This year I've bought DMCV and Judgment.

something called work.

Do your parents hep you out or what?

I live with my father so I don't have to pay for food and things like that

Kinda same. I used to waste so much money during PS3 and Xbox 360 generation buying any remotely good game. I have about 150 ps3 games and 100 xbox 360 games. Not to mention steam and portable console games. This gen I started being much more selective. This year I've just bought RE2 remake, DMC5 and Sekiro. Nothing much else interests me for rest of year except maybe that Star Wars fallen order game.

I get a check from the government every month, I get everything I need without having to be in a cage for 8 hours a day.

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Fair enough as long as you arent struggling to survive or anything. Do you have any education? Do you try to look for jobs?

I dropped in middle school, I tried looking for jobs but I can't because of social anxiety

How the fuck do you get autismbux? Is there some trick to it or do you just have to be born a dysfunctional robot?

Ah ok. Have you considered trying out college for something that interests you? Maybe something IT related? You could meet like minded people. Could your father afford to pay for college for you? I only say because at your age I was a neet too and I finally decided to go to college at 26 to study Information Systems. I ended up being good at it after thinking I was a retard my whole life as I did bad in school. I'm 30 now and have a job.

Camera security guard for a private company.
Security cameras nowadays have lasers, heat vision, and are connected to an alarm inside the camera room, where I reside. So I don't actually need to look at the cameras. Instead, this is what I do

Here is my average day
>go to work
>take out my crayons
>practice drawing until I get bored (as a hobby)
>zip my crayons back into my pockets
>take out my diary
>write something, maybe a novel, maybe work on my Dungeons and Dragons campaign I will play with my friends on the weekend (If I don't have work that day that's it)
>zip my pen and paper back into my pockets
>take out phone
>phonepost on Yea Forums for hours (I could literally do this all day but I don't, I like to draw and do other things)
>shift ends
>go back home
>play videogames
>go to sleep

>new day begins
This is what I do, EVERY DAY.

I earn more than working as a wagecuck in an office. Honestly? Best job I have ever gotten. I hope I never lose it.

and that's why he told you to get the fuck out, nigger

Just be yourself

Comfy. How'd you get it?

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Post some drawings!

Inheritance. When I'm out of it, I steal from my wife.

Sounds nice. How come it pays better than an office job? I thought security jobs pay minimum wage? A chad friend of mine does security for a casino and only gets slightly more than minimum wage.

All the games I love are abandonware or free

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Sounds pretty comfy. Have you had any incidents or is it always as cozy?

I can't do that, the reason I dropped from middle school is because of anxiety and it only got worse with time, I can hardly go out unless I'm with some family member

My sister told me about autismbux and that maybe I could get it so I went to the doctor, the doctor said I need a report from a psychiatrist first so he can make a file, so he gave me the name of a psychiatrist and I went there, after 2 appointments that were completely useless I told the psychiatrist that I only come to get a report for my doctor, he then told me he "don't do that", no idea why, and then gave me the name of 2 other psychiatrists...

I ended up spending like 50€ for literally nothing and its pissing me off, it feels like they only do this job for the money and dont care about helping people

I was a wagecuck in the company I'm working. Heard the security manager go "I need to find a kid to stay in a room for 12 hours a day, 4 days a week, and then rest for 4 days until his shift starts again"
I told to count me in, I hated being in an office as a wagecuk anyway. Best decision ever!

There are protocols you have to follow if some faggots try to break in, its just "call the cops and follow them with the cameras", but nothing has happened so far.

I guess it depends on the company or country? I earn 150% the amount I used to make as a wagecuck working from 8AM to 18:30 PM every day doing paperwork and working on excel sheets all day non-stop.

Now I do nothing, get paid more, have 3 days to rest instead of the usual two, and the 12 hours shift don't feel like 12 hours when you got Yea Forums on your side.

That sounds really nice. Too bad I don't have a job yet to get those opportunities.

Man, I wish I was in your shoes now. Hope it the tech doesn't get so advanced that you become obsolete.

You can probably apply to be a watcher of the cameras in your local city. Ask around buddy.

It's not like you're in a hurry, if a spot frees up in the next year or so, you could take it.

>People paying for all their games
The only system I've bought games for in awhile now is PS4 since I can't hack mine

i make a good living but only buy 1 or 2 games a year, my last perchaces were Vermintide 2 on its released date and kenshi a couple of months ago

how many games do you guys buy?

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The money I saved when I was in the Navy

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>Hope it the tech doesn't get so advanced that you become obsolete.
Indeed, that's an actual fear right now.

Since I don't control the security cameras of the building I'm in. It's a central that shows all the perimeters of many facilities of the company. So I don't actually need to physically move anywhere because it would be impossible for me to do so.

I have to stay there, write anyone that comes by, talk to them on the phone "who authorized you to be here at this hour?" "No, you're not authorized to proceed, go back or I call the cops"
So far everything has worked fine but its not like my job is something that can't be automatized. Let's see how long it lasts.

But this kind of job is one I highly recommend to any of us, its a dream job for an average 4channer in my opinion. I have no idea why I didn't think about doing this sooner.

So to anyone here reading, search for private companies with multiple facilities so you aren't expected to actually stand up of your seat in case anything happens. (so yeah don't be a mall security guard)


My studentbux pay just enough for rent and utilities/food, then I just pirate everything.

This chart is the dumbest shit I've seen posted here in months

let me guess, you're a 30+10 champlett with 100hours?

Suck my dick

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pizza delivery

lol git gud

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>Plays Shade and FaX
>Telling others to get good

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I laughed.

I split a steam account with my sister. I get her to talk on mic to people and thirsty fucks give us free stuff. She loves her JRPGs and weeb-trash, and basically nothing that comes out interests me so I don't have to worry about dropping dosh.
Last game a actually bought with my own money was Dusk or Darkwood, I don't recall.

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Based, how do I pimp my neet sister into being an e-prostitute? Do you ever trade items for real cash?

Look at this buyfag here

Video games are free.

I don't really understand it myself. Its not like she acts 'cute' or anything over the mic with the really thirsty ones, sort of the opposite really. She's usually pretty curt and borderline condescending with them and they just fucking eat up and attention she throws their way.

I don't personally trade stuff for cash, but a buddy of mine stockpiled and sold a bunch of those CS:GO stickers and made a bunch of money off of it.

PT job, it's not alot of money cause i only buy like 10 games per year and i pirate them when i'm out of money.

Not really an "addiction" but i work part time and get money here and there from my parents while im in college. I also will use like paypal credit or something and just put $30 a paycheck into it so i'm not flat out spending $60.

On average i'd say i spend like $40 ish dollars a month on games, more if it's a summer month because days are usually boring and i only work 3 times a week

I do this little thing called having a job

Video gaming is an extremely cheap hobby, you retarded NEET.

I don’t actually play games.

I have over 100k and still hesitate to buy anything over $20

I too have crippling social anxiety so I just did college online and have a sysadmin job where I'm mostly by myself. Though I got a lot of motivation from my parents expecting nothing from me and more from my 2 brothers. I hope you can find your motive.

Been working in IT for the last 8 years. Finally at a decent point where I am not relying on contract gigs and making pretty good money.

Plus side? I could pretty much buy any game I want for the entire month with any of my paychecks. Downside? I have next to no time to play them with by the time I get home. I have to be more picky about what I play and see how long it typically takes. I can't just buy a JRPG and plow through it like I used to.

One a month on average. I've been trying to stop my backlog from piling up by being more selective though. Just always curious to get into franchises and genres I'm not familliar with.

please send me some money i am so poor i can barely afford food i've just been eating bread and i just want to play some video games please if you have a soul please

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Streaming Then deposit $10 of what Twitch paid me into lottery to win this

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GIve a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry again. Something along that line. You need income of some sorts bro, video games shouldn't be on the list until you have that sorted out. Also just pirate shit.

Work as a software engineer. Irony is that since I spend so much time in front of a computer at work, when I get home I don't want to play games anymore so I just buy games and never play them, currently I have 136 on my steam backlog and god knows how many in Origin and the free games that Twitch gives to Amazon prime members. Also I bought a PS4 just to play its exclusives and so far I've only played and finished Spider-Man while Bloodborne, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and RDR2 collect dust. Interestingly enough I also bought a Switch and at least I unlocked all Smash characters, beat Mario Odyssey and played a lot of Mario Kart.

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What country? What age?


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Sent :)

Secure a source of money, you need income before you ever dream of thinking about entertainment. You can't engage in escapism until you have something to escape from.

I pirate.

So nobody in Yea Forums is a NEET anymore?

I just wanna play games but grad school is killing me. Fudge.

I am a 26 year old neet.

Not so fast buddy.

20 USA

some side money from Yea Forumsrt

maybe oneday I can live off my art haha

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I invested in bitcoin early. Probably won't need to work another day in my life. I just focus on investments, self-improvement and vidya all day.

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Blessed user.

Do you have any parents?

no hes one of 5 people that came out of a tube

I meant are they still alive.....

Unless you have some sort of crippling mental illness, eventually you get tired of doing nothing all day.

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How do I toughen up and stop feeling sorry for people less fortunate than me? I've always had this drive to help people and I feel really upset when I read about people in bad situations such as this user who said he can barely afford food.

That's called having sympathy and it's not a negative trait.

call him a faggot and tell him to get a job

But I feel like I have too much sympathy. I shouldn't feel sad about some faceless internet person.

i wish there were gibmedats in my country for that crippling mental illness, dealing with people (aka working) fucking sucks

Not same user, but holy shit, I needed to read something like this.

The single most cutting line occurs after working for at least two years wherever I've been":
>"You don't belong here."
and I can fake the charm enough, but I always felt "Retard" or some note of vagrant leaked through somewhere.

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Are they able to help you out?


Why not?

I keep forgetting to respond here they aren't doing well either

I'm not sure how America works but is there some sort of unemployment benefits system that you could be entitled to?

My previous job, until it runs out.

I've been a neet for 8 months

I don't know about all that. I live in the middle of nowhere but I don't think I have any disabilities

Have you tried applying for any local jobs?

I wish I wasn’t, like said, I fucking hate sitting around doing nothing all day. The last time I had a job was 8 months ago, and even then it only lasted 3 months, and I’m still living off that money. I apply for jobs everyday and have had 6 interviews but they’ve all led nowhere. I’m debating just going back to college to get a diploma or something, but at the same time I don’t want to be in debt. I don’t know what to do.

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If you want to talk about it a throwaway email might be easier. I applied to the one place I could but they rejected me

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The only reason I even got a job is because I live at home and my parents were hounding me but I have several thousand dollars worth of uncashed checks and haven't cut my hair since I got my job so I guess I have the mental illness part down pat.

Now I'm depressed AND I have no time to play games it's pretty great.

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I don't have a video game addiction because I browse Yea Forums instead of actually playing vidya.
Besides, paying for vidya is easy as hell when:
1) You never buy vidya at full price.
2) You don't dump any money on anything other than occasional takeout or impulse buy at a grocery store
3) You have roommates that split the bills with you.
4) You have a fucking job.

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i got a security guard licence and tried getting a job but couldnt find one.
probably for the best, since i can barely communicate with people anyway, so im on autismbux anyway.

night shift job=vidya time on laptop
day time=sleep and chores
While I do realize I have it easy, I am getting increasingly paranoid about the long term effects of night "work" over extended periods of time

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4 months too late, I have been a neet for 6 years but alas, it is time to drop the facade and contribute to my family's monthly expenses

>several thousand dollars of uncashed checks
You DO know that most, if not all banks will reject a check that's older than 3-6 months, right?

I'll do it this weekend maybe.

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Even my IRS checks?
They supposed to be good for a year I though.

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