How can other vidya girls even compete?

How can other vidya girls even compete?

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Be Asian!

By not being repugnant

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dios mios
la goblina...

She looks pretty repulsive here but I can't put my finger on it. Is she half black or something?

it also helps that shes in a good game. probably wouldnt have happened if it was developed by the West



>itsuno inserts his fetish into the game

>Is she half black
is that even a question lmao

When she was first revealed everyone hated her and the goblina posting was through the roof. What happened?

I love Reisen!

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yea it is, its pretty great actually

Her concept art looks infinitely better.

Attached: black Nico.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

I use Reisen as my daily cum dump!

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Attached: Nicoletta Goldstein_04.webm (578x488, 2.68M)

Hi ResetEra

Don't be rude

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-16-17-38-09.png (1280x720, 658K)

It's criminal that sfms of her slowed down

you're an anti-semite

I'm sorry but no.

Yeah because she actually has muscle tone here.

nobody is asking you to marry this videogame girl who doesn't exist you dumb incel

>ooops, looks like I drew Sheva again
she's half Malaysian half English

It was literally one shot when she opens the van that she looks like those horrible goofy cosplayers. Other than that she looks cute and has just the right amount of dorkiness

Just because she's not real doesn't make tattoos attractive you mong.

based cropposter

easy, she is disgusting, nice bait for such a board btw

Blizzard Porn Mafia Strikes back, when something good pops up, the massive influx of overwatch and WoW R34 SUDDENLY increases out of nowhere.

I like Nico, but come on, man.

Attached: Nicoletta Goldstein_05.webm (456x336, 2.16M)

claire is better

I like how dorky she is

Where would I even look for sfm porn. I just mostly use sankaku but I'll see ads on porn sights and wonder where the hell they're from


you are saying that like it's a bad thing

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She's ugly and Jewish so no.

Sexiest tummy in vidya

Attached: Nicoletta Goldstein_01.webm (562x478, 2.41M)

there are weekly compilations of SFM and blender porn weekly at pornhub and NaighjtyM, and isn't easy to notice that the AMMOUNTS of Overwatch and WoW porn increases when other stuff pops up.

As one user said in the past, blizzard PR pays artists to do porn, because it sells and brings more players, and keeps the herd still playing.

After the Nelo Angelo Gang when she gets super flustered after Nero leaves, was she excited about Nero kind of flirting with her or because she almost ran over him?

I love Fuuka!

Don't use Fuuka images to shitpost!

Attached: Fuuka's Swing.webm (960x544, 2.56M)

Rule34hentai and stick Animated as a search tag. Owner is a brainlet though and slow to fix things, think you still have to alt+click to open shit in another tab.

boomer here
where is a good place to fap to SFM? please don't say /gif/

>Just because she's not real

Imagine being so publicly-educated that you get mad at cartoons that nobody is forcing you to jerk off to

Nothing to see here

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-17-16-28-05.png (1280x720, 623K)

just google "rule34 [insert videogame whore here]" you dumb boomer

>please don't say /gif/
/gif/ is only good for tranny and cuck porn now.

not even that
>392 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to reply.

by not having...
>terrible hairstyle
>awful accent
>smoke BO
>bad manners
>black hair
>bad genes

have sex


Now your asking for trouble

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>this board is terrible!
>it's only good for [the porn that I personally masturbate to]

Sounds like you're doing fine.

Hello fellow patrician

By not being an abhorrent pile of trash that doesn't look like it has every STD know to both humans and animals.

I seriously cannot believe DMCfags not only defend this design but try and fool themselves it looks good.

Good luck finding anything you like on /gif/. Surely it's there somewhere buried under the 30+ threads about nigger dick

>has a problem with any color of hair
>doesn't like freckles
>doesn't like glasses
shit taste, also there is nothing wrong with her face structure

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I'll tell you have sex but I don't think even a hooker would do you.

>Good luck finding anything you like on /gif/.

I don't go to /gif/ because it's overrun with people like you, the people who love nigger dick


Would kiss

Attached: devil_may_cry_5_nico.jpg (1280x771, 77K)

I gotta ask, is it even ironic any more. I'm pretty sure in past 4 years I've seen and heard more white guys talking about nigger cock than anyone fucking else. Shits annoying and weirding me out.

the only people who talk about nigger cock are skinny white guys under the age of 30

it's like their main jerkoff material at this point

>blonde nico

It seems user was not pleased with Nico.
The art of the direction which he likes was prepared

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Something about pretending to be idiots and then becoming surrounded by idiots.

r*ddit is becoming better than Yea Forums when it comes to fapping purposes.

>if you don't like this objectively bad character design you're gay

Cope harder

Good shoe defending imagine characters did knight. Surely your well deserved pussy for defending a non-existent maidens honor is on the way.

Blame Jewish and Leftist indoctrination of an entire generation.

>tfw schizo gf who will go to the ends of the earth to save my soul

Attached: Senua.jpg (1600x900, 96K)

>not a SJW
>not once says how awesome she is for being a woman
>does not say shit about men
>is cute
She is clearly a japanese character.

>I jerk off to nigger cock 7 days a week because of the JEWS


doo doo game

>make a realistic looking trashy whore attractive
I could meme about western vs eastern aesthetics, but in this case I'm simply impressed.

By actually being attractive and showing off their big tits

huh, she vaguely looks like bayonetta in the concept art.

Funny how accurate that image is.

Her voice actor kills the boner for me.

just so im not spending my whole life on this, is this jump possible?

Attached: goofy.png (907x878, 875K)

Stinger you mook.

>is cute

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>unironically thinking the origin of her design is the reason people like it

She looks exactly like your average western vidya goblina, but because she's from a jap game suddenly her hideous design is "cute", proving that peoples jap biases are real. You are literally the hypocritical retard being made fun of in that pic.

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you da manon

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Is this the DMC thread?

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>Skullgirls threads have fatfags
>DMC threads just have fags
The DMC men are pretty aesthetic. Just post in-game. No need to dress them up like queers.

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I Didnt beat it in DMD twice for nothing bro.

Too bad they used a sloppy skinnyfat tumblr thot at the end

Tattoos are still disgusting tho

there's not enough sheva desu

I enjoy men in cute outfits.

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>imagine being this incapable of distinguishing aesthetics

Spread em

>imagine being in this much denial
She looks ugly.

i never liked how her tattoos suddenly end where they do
either you go more (like in the concept) or you do a little less or you dont do it at all
still a great recolor palette tho

They made a big breast mod (with physics) to Claire Redfield. Why can't they make one for Nico? Why? Why life is pain?

To you, yes. That's my point.