Why are you not playing Yakuza?
Why are you not playing Yakuza?
I just started Kiwami after spending over 100 hours in zero
Bit tired of the series at the moment. Giving it a while before I get into Judgment
I'm currently Chapter 7 in Zero.
God fucking damn it that forest scene in chapter 6 was heavy. Especially considering i have played the PS2 games beforehand
Just started on Kiwami 2 and holy fuck I like the upgrade coming from 0 and Kiwami. The cities are fun to explore again and look gorgeous. Also a bigger fan of the combat without the stances.
Judgment is terrible. More mundane tasks then any other Yakuza game, even more so than Yakuza 3.
>Want to progress in the story? Nope, let's throw the player more side content to pad out the main story.
Just watch it on youtube.
I only played Yakuza 6 and I didn't regret it. Had lots of fun with it. What should be my next Yakuza game?
because its uninteresting weeb garbage
Kiwami 2.
The side content is literally the reason to play Yakuza games, so that’s a good thing.
Yeah, as a first timer to Yakuza series, the stakes were set really really high from the very start. Until the end I had no idea how this was going to wrap up for Kiryu. One side of me thought that he can and will get out of this mess, but the other side looked at things a bit realistically and I honestly had no idea how things would wrap up.
Wasn’t it confusing when you jumped into such a late installment?
But I would go 0 > Kiwami > Kiwami 2 and then wait for the remasters of the rest.
I'm playing Judgement right now. Just got to Chapter 4 and I'm happy to have more of the same with a different protagonist.
It's hilarious that they give Yagami a key ring with all the keys that he finds over the course of the game attached to it. Even if there's a cheap skill that lets you pick the right key every time, it's fun to try and remember which key opens which door.
>japanese "______"
What was this dude’s problem?
Does the ps3 emulator run yakuza 3 well? I'm really tired of waiting for another port and just want to play more yakuza
Not really, especially since there is a section where you can read up on the plot of the previous games to get caught up
kiwami 2 killed my interest in the franchise so hard I didn't even finish hokuto ga gotoku and didn't even buy judgment
sorry nagoshi but the same shit this many times has done it for me
Kiwami 2 is by far my favorite of the games
kiwami 2 felt like the defilement of a well-loved family member, but I guess that's your call
Waiting for Kiwami 3
How so?
I think 3 would just get a re-release, not sure if it would be super Kiwami
However, Kenzan Kiwami might be on the way
Sadly no Kiwami remake of 3, just a remaster.
Rubber Bullets
That's a problem until chapter 5 o 6.
because I enjoyed Yakuza 2 so much, and still do to this day. A large number of the design decisions taken with kiwami 2 ranging from the music choices (in regards to cutting out all but four tracks from Yakuza 2) to the simple aesthetic (that ugly fucking filter and kiryu's face looking plastic) turned me off so much that I didn't even bother finishing hokuto ga gotoku (I think I got to around chapter 7)
It doesn't seem as fun as 3D GTA
I'll take what I can get.
Kiwami is fucking awful compared to 0
Yeah hopefully they’ll release 3,4 and 5 in a single collection
Core game play is as stale as Dynasty Warriors at this point. Constantly recycled locations and content make playing through the series a slog.
Why the fuck is Kiryu such a stupid virgin? What is wrong with him?
I don't like it. The main stories feel like slogs with all the walking you have to do from point A to point B just for a cutscene to get you to go back to point A for another cutscene, and occasionally a boss fight. There's lots of minigames but those are distractions from the actual game, which is mediocre at best and not deep enough. I wouldn't say it's a bad game, just not worth full price. $20 seems like a pretty good price, which is probably why it dropped to that after a couple months for most games.
Because one of the higher ups finds it funny to have a beyond human tier Chad be a virgin.
Kiryu is too pure for this world
Can't you get him laid in 0? I at least think I got him laid. Girl starts groping him, screen fades to black, they end up near a hotel looking place. I always thought that the game alluded to him having sex. All around though he does seem very uninterested in sex. Probably because his life is on the line 90% of time.
I played the 3&4 back when they came out, thought they were alright at the time. Played 0 recently and maybe it's a weird complaint but I was expecting more to have changed after all this time? the most meaningful new addition was just that you can run faster in towns now and that you have different fighting styles (most of the styles weren't that fun to use though in my opinion), basically just felt like the same game as what I played before otherwise
It fades to black for some pants on cuddling.
well thats fucking gay
too many cutscenes
>Can't you get him laid in 0? I at least think I got him laid. Girl starts groping him, screen fades to black
All the games have always had this
He doesn't need a woman when he has Haruka.
Aside from being Asian Nosferatu?
>Side content.
>Tail the person around a quarter of Kamurocho.
>Get to location.
>Chase sequence initiated.
>Restricted linear path QTE chase sequence.
That's like 80% of the side missions in Judgment. It's not fun if you are considering a NG+ playthrough.
Let's not forget.
>Kim's message every fucking chapter regarding Keihen gang.
I already beat 0 and it seems like anything else will be a downgrade from what I hear in these threads usually
0 is the only Yakuza game I played so far
Fags who started with 0 aren't welcome in Yakuza threads.
Kiwami feels like an expansion to 0 and Kiwami 2 is just better than 0 imo
>Bouncer missions.
>Let's repeat the same mission two more times.
Cabaret was better in Kiwami 2 though.
>tfw you now know a movie was made
dumb frogposter
no console to play it
Cabaret was such a shitty minigame. It's a big part of why 0 sucks.
where are the english remasters bros...
What is it with this series and characters looking really weird when you use faceapp on them?
I saw the movie before I ever played the games since I watch most of Miike's movies.
Next year, Yakuza 5 remastered came out in Japan last month so I figure Sega will bundle them for the West.
I am going to finish Yakuza 3 tonight, I believe I am right at the last chapter.
Can't wait for 4, I've been hyping it up a lot and I miss Mahjong, fucking 3 not having it.
>he's only learning about this now
imagine when you find out about the theatre play
6, Kiwami 2, and Judgment use a new engine if you want to give one of those a shot.
I'm just starting 0 after spending 80 hours in Kiwami.
>Majima wearing a shirt
it's shit
Lmao what the hell, I would go watch this even though I don’t understand any of it.
Because I already beat 0, Kiwami 1&2 and I can't find a copy of 3 to continue the series, when the fuck is SEGA announcing the localised 3 remaster?
The Japanese version had mahjong, but the English release of 3 was completely raped with cut content.
"KIRYU-CHAN" is a universally understood phrase
Is there a complete list of cut content?
You should youtube.com
Also a reminder that Akiyama should have been the mc after Kiryu
Ichiban is being marketed as Akiyama 2.0 anyway. Actually Akiyama isn't a dragon and so wouldn't fir the title.
it's pretty decent
the best jokes are yuuya constantly shilling to the audience and kiryu pausing the game to use a staminan X to heal against jingu
oh whoops I meant this one
>kiryu pausing the game to use a staminan X to heal
That's fucking great.
Already finished all the PC ports.
Played it long ago, you zero babby
Mahjong, shogi, a history trivia minigame, massage parlor minigame, hostess club management, and 22 substories.
>Ichiban is 40 years old
Literally why?
Yeah so far it's underwhelming
>kiryu pausing the game to use a staminan X to heal against jingu
Do you have a webm of that?
That's too bad about everything else, but I honestly wouldn't shed any tears over mahjong and shogi being gone.
The story is good but the gameplay is boring as fuck
Maybe so they can reuse 15 years worth of dialogue of street punks calling you ojiisan.
When the fuck are 3-5 releasing on PS4? I don't want to buy a ps3 just for them.
Next year
soon prease understand !
I beat all the ones SEGA ported to PC. Now I'm just waiting for the rest.
Doesn't get me any views on Twitch when Dead by Daylight gets me 10 Viewers at most.
Kiryu has women constantly pining for his loving embrace 24/7. He leads them on to give them meaning to their life, but he'll forever be waiting for the one that he could consider his equal.
What the hell kind of woman would be Kiryu's equal?
>yfw you realize he has early onset Alzheimer's
Dead Souls is a good game.
Goromi of course
Kiryu with long hair and lipstick.
>looks like a spas 12
>has an assault rifle mag
I fucking hope so, it's ridiculous that they haven't said shit about releasing the ports in the West
But if it results in a physical collection then I won't be too mad I guess
That is one of the best parts of 0, getting to see Kiryu and Nishiki be best bros working thru so much bullshit together knowing how it all goes down in the first game. Gives it that deeper feeling.
Is it a bad idea to start with Kiwami 2? I don't have a lot of time for vidya and looks like it's more or less the best one.
>this is exclusive for the zombie game
Why. This is the best karaoke
Yes, it’s a bad idea. Storywise it assumes you already played 1 and gameplaywise it assumes you already played 6.
he was ready to dick sayama but she fucking left
>tfw Mahjong finally clicks
Alright boys how do I stop being a brainlet at mahjong and shogi
he was monster mash and wanted to invite you to the graveyard smash
>yfw kenzan kiwami
For mahjong, you become an old housewife.
For shogi, you become a chess nerd.
Buff brown girl.
So you're saying it'll never happen and I'll never complete all the friend events in Judgment
>tfw this won't be in the remaster
>hearing that install for like 20 minutes
This was worse than a drug. I hope they add it in the menu/options a 4 minute version
Mahjong is literally poker that focuses more on pairs and straights than anything else. Keep your hands hidden until you can get an entire line of pairs and straights for the maximum amount of points. Only start stealing from other players if you feel like you're starting to lose.
Shogi sucks. Don't bother learning it. Just gain points by exploiting them from the practice scenarios.