Fan of Jrpgs

>fan of Jrpgs
>one of the few reviewers who liked Earthbound
>one of the few reviewers who realized how great doom 64 is
>makes söyboys mad with his brilliant ideas about giving Lara Croft breast cancer
>which Kojima ripped off for MGS4
>shat on Final Fantasy VII so hard he got tons of hate mail from fanboys, then made a new segment shitting on the game again and on his fans.
>made a game show for kids where the winners get to see his ass.
Is George Wood/NAVGTR/Gaming in the Clinton Years the most based game journalist of all time?

Attached: I am the final fantasy.jpg (300x300, 11K)

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I wouldn't want to be on that game show.

He also gave legit good games like panzer dragoon orta or wild arms. You bet your ass you'd want to be there

we could've had part 2 if you voted for hillary

We need gaming in the Trump years. I bet George would love David Cage games.

he was one of the original trolls

>liked earthbound

His opinion is shit

But user it's a great game! You can even play it with one hand and eat pizza with the other!

Attached: George enjoys EB with pizza.gif (320x240, 1.22M)

What is he up to today? Does he still play games?

>liked earthbound as a joke

nvm good opinion

I really dislike Earthbound, its fucking boring and the only reasons it got popular in the first place was for a few reasons

1. Smash
2. Being the most expensive Nintendo game for collectors

Mother 3 is a waaaaaaay better video game experience.

Last good president desu


>rode the lolita express 14 times to rape underaged girls on Jeffrey Epstein's loli island
>no one is talking about Clinton but just about dumb shit like area 51

Memory wipe.

Do you have the original video and not just the rebuttal?
He makes good points about innovation and I'm interested to hear more.
I don't think it's enough to rate a game on though, but perhaps you can criticize it for it.

I >AM< the final fantasy... 7

>literal devil worshipper
>good president

Attached: s-sure.jpg (300x210, 10K)

>being this basic
The last good president was Calvin Coolidge

Probably because fucking kids was the least of his crimes? The dude sold his soul

sounds like my kind of guy
fuck god