What was your most heated gamer moment and what caused it?

what was your most heated gamer moment and what caused it?

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When I was really young I was playing THUG and I couldn't get past the part where you hold onto the back of the car to ramp over the cops and I got so mad that I slammed the controller on the ground and the screw on the PS2 controller popped out and the handle never fit back into place after that

When I was around 6 years old I attempted to strangle my mom because she didn't want to rent me a video game for the weekend like she usually did

When I played Carmageddon 2 I couldn't do the special mission on the ship carrier so I turned off my pc because of that and went on to do something else.

I was playing some new PoE league on hardcore and massive desync caused my level 86 character to die
Almost broke my hand on the wall

I did the same thing because my mom snapped my hulk ultimate destruction disc, fucking bitch, I would've beaten her within an inch of her life if it got me that game back

broke my hand on the table when banjo got confirmed

Getting the Lightweight Pro perk in Black Ops 1


>Be white
>4-player Smash 64 with the lads years ago
>2 of whom were black
>we all stop and look at each other
>black friend says 'heat of the moment?' while grinning
>we all laugh and resume playing

One time I was angry so I threw my water bottle against the wall and it made a small bulp in it.
This wall is made of shit, not concrete tho.

>you aight white boy

>not punching the wall

I remember my brother really pissed me off so I threw a nail clipper at him and it hit our Playstation instead. Something inside got slightly fucked up because the screen would occasionally get darker and you'd have to jostle the cords and move the console to get it back to normal.

If I did that the wall would have a huge hole in it, so I'm actually glad I didn't.

Jesus fuck I hated that part so much as a kid, and I still do.

I called my black friend a nigger cunt during an especially bad game of CS:GO

When I was 12 some guy focused me with hacks nonstop on a GTA IV online map enough to the point where I bit off part of the joystick and threw the controller against the wall so hard it almost split in half.

I was a very troubled child desu

Do you even drywall repair kit

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I had sex with a woman

Are you still friends with him?

That part is honestly what keeps me from playing it again. And it's so early in the game so I can't just trick myself into thinking that I'll get bored before I get to that part

No, he jumped off a bridge recently.

Poor fella's had such a shit childhood.

Well you shouldn't let something silly like a bridge keep you from being friends with someone

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>going to play dota
>friend says he wants to add one of his other friends to the stack
>sure, whatever
>fast forward 45 minutes later
>getting close to losing
>new guy decides to afk in spawn
>already getting pretty triggered
>point blank ask if he's just gonna give up like that
>he actually says yes

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No, but as time went on our moderately sized group of friends split into smaller groups and we eventually stopped hanging out.

doing some burning lap on burnout revenge

I beat my brother to death playing Wild Guns on SNES. Did my time as a juvenile and got out when I turned 18. I'd honestly do it again if given the chance.

Quitters are the worst type of players in Dota. Ragers get a lot of shit but at least most of them play through until the game ends, while quitters will stop playing seriously or just afk entirely when they get solo'ed mid

playing valkyria chronicles and the absolute bulltshit that comes with that game

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Somewhat related by genre
>Skate 2
>GIRL sponsor challenge involves beating Eric Koston and Mike Carroll
>get so pissed off at it I throw the controller, which is enough to yank my 360 off my desk
>red ring and disc scratched to hell
FUCK Eric Koston, FUCK Mike Carroll, and FUCK laser flips.

I dont get it. Is it to save their egos? What the fuck compels someone to just give up

Just put the bench in their way retard.

It's called the cuck response in psychology and it has something to do with being a repressed latent homosexual.

I've inhaled sharply and quit the game a couple of times. Never in an online game, though. I wait for those to finish.

Ah, of course I understand completely now

Yeah I learned about that trick later on, after I got a new 360 from warranty and another copy of the game from a friend.

That shit was too unfair, I cheated all them fools. And perhaps... myself?

You have a wall made of shit?

I made it myself and jack off on it to keep it sealed yea.

one time i got reawwy mad and called someone the n-word hahsahha it so fcked up but that wht get for shot me

People typing "gg" at the end of a game that's only average or worse. I get slightly peeved for nanoseconds every time.

>The forest mortars
>The big ass tank in the desert
>Stopping the armored car to save the princess

Farming those side ops is really your only option if you want to actually enjoy that game.

overwatch years ago
>1 win away from ranking up
>symmetra one trick on my team
it wasnt my last ever game, but it changed my perspective on multiplayer games.

Nah fuck em all. I hated doing those S.K.A.T.E. challenges.

Fighting this bitch in Nioh. Lost at least 20 times and when I finally won I screamed in victory and woke up the entire house.

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I was 1 kill away from a nuke in mw2 and I got killed from a random grenade thrown from their fuckin spawn so I went and chopped my controller in half with an axe.

Overwatch made me hate competitive team based games.

I envy the people who have never felt this way, since it bespeaks a naivety I've since lost. In dota, the game often progresses to a point where the match is a foregone conclusion (barring repeated failures from the dominant side). In games typically played 1-on-1 e.g. Starcraft, the losing player can type 'gg' and concede, the same way a chess player would topple his own king; this is not a problem. However, in a pub match of dota, there will be disagreements among the team as to whether the game is in a salvageable state; person who fed mid has incomplete information and a skewed perception compared to those in other lanes. It could also be the other way around, where the other lanes are unaware of just how much mid fed, or mid lane himself is overly optimistic, etc., and this could apply without loss of generality to the other lanes as well. What matters is that this conflict has made it feel really bad for those who are unconvinced of their team's defeat while someone else on their team is a defeatist. Some players with strong will are willing to play to the bitter end and find joy in the gameplay itself, but some players are willing to accept the loss and would much rather start a new game. This is the exact opposite of 'saving their egos' as says since quitters feel no shame in running away.
tl;dr: quitters are simply doing it because playing a hopeless game is pointless and not fun
>t. quitter

One time I got so angry at a video game that I stopped playing it for a couple hours.
Another time I got so angry at a game that for a brief moment I considered lightly throwing my controller at a cushion on the couch.
Having anger issues sucks my dudes, I really wish I could control these impulses better.

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i used cheats only then could i really enjoy the game

you're one pretentious faggot my man

Sounds like you're just gay and love sucking on hard black dicks.

Playing Gears of War online when I was like 17 and threw my headset across the room, smashed the actual mount and had to use a hat to keep it on my head.

feel bad about this one guys. i accidentally said the n word. gamer moment

>playing on Nostalrius
>had like a weeks work of rested exp
>decided to grind on some elite dragonflight in comfy Azshara
>spend a bunch of gold on elixirs and get the world buff so my character is completely maxed out and ready to grind
>riding through the backwoods of Azshara getting to my comfy spot
>see a 60 Tauren on a kodo heading my way
>the moment he gets near me he leaps off his kodo and roots me
>I try to blink to get away but he kills me
>all my elixirs and my world buff are gone
>absolutely furious so I ride over to Ashenvale and go on a lowbie killing rampage
>kill a bunch of quest givers and NPCs in Splintertree Post
>was considering rolling horde come Classic next month but now that I remember that incident I'm rolling alliance with the sole purpose of griefing every horde i find

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>played gears of war 1 when he was 17
wow, an ancient gamer, in the flesh

Beating Katana ZERO on Hard mode after 1,996 deaths.

vice city remote copter mission
to this day I havent finished it

Broke both my mouse and my laptop because online games tend to bring out my inner raging autist

Duel in EVE Online.
Caracal (me) vs Rupture.
We engaged each other, I've overheated all my modules, and we exchanged volleys. He managed to kill me first, but my missiles flew out and destroyed my adversary. I literally screamed in exhilaration, and other people asked "what's wrong with you?". But they could never understand the epicness of truly gamer moment.

note before i write this, yes i have brain problems I guess

>playing phantasy star online
>playing a custom quest on a server
>get to a part where 4 Delbiters spawn (anyone that plays this game knows what a pain these are)
>manage to kill 2, one actually drops a rare that im hunting
>lay my last freeze trap and make a run for it
>game freezes
>stand up in disbelief and accidentally tip over my table
>save my pc tower but everything else falls
>everything falls but is ok except my monitor, which is done
>drop kick controller into wall, the bitch shatters

all of this because a 1/12,000 chance item dropped and because sonic team cant code to save their chink lives. I was so angry i had to leave the house for a few hours.

>was top of the score board on 2fort playing battle engie with some friends
>one of my friends gets mad because my sentry is a mini and that i'm not helping the team
>tell him politely i'm on the top of the score board so he should start actually fighting back instead of being a fucking waste of a player number
>he continues to get mad from it and switches to engie himself
>switch off and wreck all the people who were killing him before as soldier because ez class against scunts
>he gets pissed because i'm getting all the kills and his sentry isn't
I yelled at him that night and told him I wasn't going to play TF2 with him again if he was that retarded.

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Did you fuck his tight craphole as the last of his doo doo sputtered out of his body?

Not me but when I was 8 I was at my fat friends playing wwf games, his mom cane in and told us it was time to go but he didn't want to leave and crushed her in the doorway pushing the door against her and they both looked at me smiling for some reason... next thing his mum screamed in pain and managed to escape through the door, the gran took us all to the hospital and turns out my fat friend had broken his mom's wrist

i hope you're not talking about the demolition mission because then i'd have to call you a fucking scrub.

PSO so chill you can just ask for that item and someone would have it, why you haf to be mad

Was playin solo mate

I know higher difficulties will make me lose my shit but I wanted to try at God of War III. That fucking scorpion made my blood boil.

Haven't finished the game. Said I was, but laziness is nice.

You're not alone user, I started GoW3 on hard thinking the first two games were a little too tame and it wrecked my fucking shit. There were at least two other sections later in the game that made me want to quit but I somehow managed to perservere.
It's a great game though, it's definitely worth playing through it.


I feel you. Still tilt hard in a lot of multiplayer games, but mobas bring out this "never surrender" attitude in me. Probably helps that I almost always support.

I hope you're still friends, sounds like a top lad


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Steve not getting into smash
I actually made a copypasta about it

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when I first got into UMVC3 I went online and got my shit tossed and got taunted on
slammed my hands into the couch and screeched but i've still never thrown my controllers or broken any of my peripherals because that's retarded

Story? Even if fake, make up something entertaining...

I've broken about 5/6 PS2 controllers, 1 Razer DeathStalker keyboard and Razer Kraken Headphones. I usually just slam my fist agains the wall or on the table. I bled many times because I used to be an explosive motherfucker. I'm not that kind of psycho anymore. Now I've calmed down and now I just want to cry every time I feel inferior for being bad at something. I don't know which is worse honestly. Worst one was when I slammed my fist against the wall repeatedly and it a lot of the skin peeled off from hitting so hard. Keep in mind it's not an american "wall" it was concrete. It was almost always caused by competitive games. Not much else to cause it since it's 99% the games I played. CSGO made me rage the worst followed by Dota 2 and Trackmania. Team-based games were the worst since you lost even when you didn't deserve it and you just wasted an hour of your life.

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>be me
>playing overwatch not too long after release
>getting absolutely bodied by a tracer
>screaming at the top of my lungs and slamming my mouse and kb, in true gamer fashion
>brother tells me to shut the fuck up
>i tell him shut the fuck up im gaming
>he throws something heavy right at me
>absolutely stunned that he would interrupt my intense gaming sesh
>activate winston ult irl
>rip off headphones and barrel across the room to him
>see lamp
>grab lamp
>slam dunk it onto brothers desk
>lamp is kill
>keys flew off his keyboard in protest of the lampslam
>ult runs out
>turn around, return to desk
>put my headphones back on and continue gaming

simpler times.

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>His negress sister walks in
>"He cute!

And that black friend's name? Albert Einstein.

When I finished a visual novel and realized how pathetic my life is, causing me to spiral into a self hatred filled alcohol binge.

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Almost broke my brothers finger playing Halo 2 in custom games with just swords. He was using a wired controller and I had some pelican wireless one with delay that I didn't realize at the time and he kept killing me until he got an unfreakingbelievable and he came over and started taking the controller away or something and I grabbed his fingers like a vice

one time the original Doom got me and a buddy so pissed off we shot up a high school in colorado

For some reason when I was a little kid I remember crying over Genra in doa 3