You've got at least 50 platinum trophies, right Yea Forums?
You've got at least 50 platinum trophies, right Yea Forums?
If you collect achievements/trophies you are legitimately retarded.
t. nintennigger
Nintendo has them too you inbred fucking retard, their equivalent is stars or some other shit.
>spend half of your playtime following online guides about collecting 200 bird poops and other crap will never affect the game
uhh no
I remember being 18 and caring about meaningless achievements in video games, fun times.
I don't even have one because I play for fun, I'm not doing retarded tasks in order to have a timewaste medal on my account.
I actually have got one now that I think about it: Gravity Rush's and just because it doesn't have really any requirements other than to beat every mission, it still felt too short even after that
>platinum trophies
I only have 10. Around about 2,000+ total trophies though.
toobie is so cute
I'm at 18 after a decade. I don't really go out of my way for them.
She has to be
I have 9 platinum, and a total of 4,142 trophies.
Is Automata that easy? I think I'm like 60% on it.
lol. Keep telling yourself that. Stay mad. Actually I wasn't actually sure but thanks for confirming.
People who collect videogame "accomplishments", are either underage or mentally deficient, it's a sign that you're a pathetic piece of trash if you don't try to just enjoy a game normally.
I got 3
You know what I recently discovered what achievements are really for? They're like participation trophies. They basically validate the effort you put into playing a video game. It's like a "good job you did a thing!" when you get an achievement simply for playing the first fucking level. That's not a fucking achievement that's a basic requirement of the game. I know for a fact there are achievements out there for firing your gun or walking around, I've seen them. I'm just waiting for the achievements of "kill your first badguy!" "Open your first door!" that kind of shit. So good job, you have 50 platinum trophies which validate that you are a good boy and deserve good boy tendies.
you can literally buy cheevos/trophies in a shop
but yeah they're not that hard anyway
I wanna have a butt like that!!
How can you assume they're not enjoying the game if they go out of their way to get 100%?
Those who get all the 600 Korok seeds must be the lowest trash of them all.
Nintendo doesn't have it in their consoles, but Smash has always had Milestones and Challenges and the Mario games have save file stars and other shit
Imagine being obsessed with gathering all them trophies. Back in my day, you cleared everything in the game for the hell of it. It was fun and a few in-game rewards here and there.
I only play the games in my own terms and only up to when I stop having fun
achievements are only there to round up lazy game development, gameplay should be the award of gameplay, not idiot e-peen trophies for sad completionists
It's a butt for white cocks
I've started to with my steam collection. In fact, I actively avoid games without achievements. Nothing less will satisfy my "gamer's pride".
>Be 34
>Can't play Nintendo games anymore because trophies became a thing since 2008
>Can't even enjoy games anymore that don't have trophies.
>That feeling when you get ultra rare trophy
>People in thread shitting on it
Feels bad
yeah, rewarding a player directly for playing the game. it helps with retention
Because it's not fun.
I used to do this shit on my PS3 but I realized it was a waste of time, I can't imagine getting all the Koroks, I felt my spirit breaking just by getting all the shrines.
In fact, I'd say the best games are ones without this shit, I have no qualms about getting everything in Ocarina of Time, or doing all the sidequests in Chrono Trigger, or finishing the Georama in Dark Cloud.
My butt is for white cocks too!
I don't even have one, because I don't have autism
I also kinda wonder if it isn't used to track players for future game making. "Well NOBODY got that trophy, so clearly people hated that segment."
>their equivalent is stars or some other shit.
Are you retarded?
There are games with achievements for pressing start on the title screen
You're literally projecting you stupid reddit spacing nigger.
Do you even know what projection means?
Read a book you stupid nigger, that's not what projecting is.
>because it's not fun
subjective. i just find it's an easier framework for directly rewarding the player
>i can't imagine getting all the Koroks
and you don't have to. you need a fraction of them to get the max benefits
>OoT/Chrono Trigger/whatever
just the same thing implemented ingame. literally no difference other than stats and shit, which is generally out of the way
i only do it for games i love, and usually just as an excuse to keep playing them.
It's fun. It's an added challenge and I don't really feel like you can truly appreciate a game until you have completed and mastered it to some degree. It is addicting though, I keep thinking about trophies when I purchase games and I am not really sure how to stop. I don't go for easy trophies and shit games though, I mostly go for challenging trophies or ultra rares.
Yes, its when you project your fucking feels onto other people. user literally used to hunt achievements, started to dislike it, and now thinks anyone who hunts achievements is wasting their time and breaking their spirits, his own words. Literally projecting his feelings onto others. Do YOU know what it means, because it really didn't need an explanation here.
It literally is.
Achievement unlocked: MADE YOUR FIRST CHARACTER!
They're totally useless as a metric, because a huge amount of people will play a game once for like an hour and then never touch it again.
For example, only 45% of the people who played Bloodborne beat the first boss
without gamer score i dont see the point
maybe if you leveled up your badges thew achievements i might give a shit
I got platinum in DeS. How many of you casual niggers can say the same?
Everything is useless what the fuck is your point?
You can see how many perfect games there are on the profile page.
i dont want shit dick senpai
Wow, you're a big boy now.
If you don't understand the point of my post, you might want to go back to school
Its subjective. Like for example in Nier Automata they just give it to you for playing through all five routes and beating the secret boss. The game has its check system but suddenly its wrong once the check system also synchronizes with the console's own check system.
This has always made me think twice on achievement haters. Its good when a game does it, but bad when the game adds it to your account. You can turn it off right? So then the games change from
>not fun, needing to obsess over shit
which you accuse them to be, and they become
>wow amazing, I'm going to collect all the Korok seeds now
I can see the psychology. Most anons were born in the "everybody's a winner" generation. The thought of competition or someone having more gamer score or trophies takes the fun away.
And that's why you ought to know you can turn them off, or use cheat engine before you play.
By the way in Automata you can just buy them in the Cheat Shop so yeah, it gives you the solution to your dilemma.
How is that useless? It shows you exactly how many people got how far in a game or beat it on a certain difficulty or did a certain extra challenge/task.
Once you start trophy hunting you realize just how few people actually beat their games, let alone fully complete most or all it has to offer. A platinum with a rarity of 1% (on PS4 globally, not PSNP) is usually really easy, and I have multiple .1% rarity trophies that weren't even particularly difficult or time consuming.
Bloodborne was given with PS+, that always busts the statistics. Most people who actually buy a game actually beat the first boss at least
I have like 2 or 3. One from Telltales Walking Dead, since they literally give you one for playing all the episodes, and the other one from 100% Sly 1 on the Sly Cooper Collection.
You post a cartoon frog you have no room to be saying LOL BIG BOY XD
getting all the achievements for most games is very hard and sometimes requires tones of grinding.
the only game i ever got 1k gamer score on was halo 3 and that took years
>jealous as fuck
I'm 34, college educated and your statement made zero fucking sense to me. What are you even babbling about? Ever think for a second you make zero sense to anyone else but yourself?
Based homo
My boipussy is also for whites only
Not gay though
Little missy, I got all the achieves in DaS1-3. Put DeS on stem and I'll perfect that too. I can see you typing out another infantile response. Look at you scared. Scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I’ll fuck you till you love me, faggot!
I just disable the achievement notifications.
>college educated
Well, I guess that explains why you're so dumb and angry
I hate the concept of trophies.
It always makes it so you have to play like the game wants you to, just for a dumb .png to show up in your profile.
>play multiplayer x times
>clear game in x hours
>do all side quests
>collect every item in the game
At some point it turns into work rather than a game.
>ITT: Kids who can't finish their plate becasue they're too casual and play their interactive movies.
Again, made no sense and you're dodging my previous question. Nice attempt though. You going to actually reply or continue wasting both of our time? I'm giving you one more chance to communicate your beliefs to me before I get bored with you.
>Kids who can't finish their plate
Finishing your plate is a sign of weakness. It shows you need or can't refuse the food.
%10 of people haven't done that
%50 of people haven't completed the first mission
why even buy games
Weakness? Do you even know what the phrase means or are you like 20-something?
why do you equate getting a platinum with killing 1 enemy?
Well, I'm not going to bother, because I know that no matter what I say, you'll tell me I make no sense, because your oh-so-amazing college education left you without the ability to understand basic English
Damn, I didn't know Mike Tyson played DaS.
You should only be 80% full after a meal user.
My guess is either fags who just collect games because they are on sale or people who already played a pirated version and just wanted to give the devs money.
>white cocks
Yeah, cum covered dicks.
No user. I am giving you a chance to elaborate on what you meant. I only brought up age and education because YOU made a statement that was highly inaccurate.
Since you're not going to discuss things like the mature rational adult you claim to be. We're done discussing it then. See ya.
It's a metaphor...
I shouldn't need to elaborate because my first post was perfectly understandable to anyone with more than a 3rd grade level of reading comprehension, you daft fuck
You're a metaphor.
>Someone asks to elaborate something you said
>"NO! You should understand it! I understand it! Therefore everyone should know what I'm trying to say!"
Jesus christ what the fuck is your malfunction?
How dare you talk to me like that you should get up and kneel to me and I'll spare you on the night of the 28th.
explain further
I only get trophies in games if I really like them and they're easy to get
Besides call of duty we could of been friends..
Brothers even..
If they put the same amount of thought into all the trophies, it would be great. However, some just feel like the devs are trying to meet a quota.
>Woo! I walked 1000 steps.
>I clocked in at this many hours.
>I died.
The first post, but also the best post.
>I hate when games want you to thoroughly experience every aspect of them
I get not liking trophies because to each their own, but that's a pretty dumb reason user. Speed running trophies I'll agree with though, those can fuck off.
I don't have 50 games
Yes. Most recent is MGS3.
This, there's a sweet spot between liking the game enough and it not being a pain in the ass to platinum that if it has a sufficient total between those two criteria I'll go for it.
is this game actually good or just fapbait
It was my personal GOTY for 2017.
I have 15. I got a PS3 in 2015, trying to get there while playing games I like. I just did Dragon's Dogma. It was enjoyable.
Nah but I just got another today
Why is Rockstar so adamant about having ridiculously tedious and unfun platinum trophies? The only one I bothered with is the PS4 port of Bully
I remember when it use to be normal to make fun of these idiots fucking useless niggers and their epeen shit
is there a shitpost-free version of this?
Nope. Me and my friends had a competition to see who could get the most just for shits but got bored. Can't see how anyone can unironically go for trophies especially with some of the conditions in most games
I wanna fuck your butt
Compared to what though?
>Actually giving a fuck about trophies and cheevos
>get gud at mahjong by playing tons of Yakuza
>now the fucking thing standing between me and the platinum in Judgment is fucking puyopuyo
Haha woops! You made a mistake! There is a reddit logo on 2Bs ass in this image! Here's the original, friend. :)
user, be nice...
Here you go friend!
Oh look! Another post with an edited troll image! Looks like you didn't see the subtle reddit logos on the bands of the stockings!
Persona 5, Breath of the Wild, Prey, DQXI, Mario Odyssey, Yakuza 0, Horizon, Nioh.
I like getting achievements because theyre like collecting stamps with times attached so i can be like "haha i got that with my bro I remember when we still talked :D".
>search filename
>its the actual sauce
this isn't the desperate "give you's for sauce" user i know
What made your GOTY better than those games? Those are pretty big titles. I heard that the game is really boring and has a huge learning curve?
I bully nerds and as a subtle way to get them to fuck off of this website I redirect them to another site to go jack off to doujins of anime girls getting fucked.
I feel like I have to get trophies. Like I can't even play Nintendo games because I can't prove to anyone I love video games which seems contradicting. Maybe it's a collecting compulsive thing?
Maybe it's the fact that people can search my username and can gauge me? Because normally I didn't care about stuff like that unless it actually gave me something useful in game.
But now I can't stop worrying about trophies. And I'm not those kind of people that play random shit because they heard the trophies are easy, I'm talking about franchises and games I personally like.
>platinum for mgs3
>fun challenges
>can be done in one playthrough
>platinum for mgs2
y tho
I just got my 60th one actually.
i dont have a single plat because im not a zoomer
i got 50
on a yearly basis
I started late. Working on Saints Row IV right now and the side activities are ass.
I don't know what's sadder: me caring about trophies or you using the time I use to get trophies to make people want anime waifus of questionably aged girls.
What does zoomer have to do with anything? I'm in my mid 30's.
aside from the timestamps its most likely also a psychological thing for me. My xbox gamerscore is around 210k over 14 years and im constantly vieing for the top spot each month on that friend list chieve scoreboard.
After playing games for so long it gives the useless hobby a bit more structure behind it.
You're only level 15, I'm not that intimidated.
this is what people bad at video games tell themselves
cope and dilate
I still don't understand why I care about it. I think it's my childhood when people would go "You didn't get all the emeralds?" "You didn't fight the super secret boss?" "You didn't get the true ending?" and I think that mentality kinda got stuck on me. Like I don't know the game until I do what is asked of me.
What a faggot.
Video games is all I really have anything to show for. Let me have my geeky ego in something please.
>he prioritizes his shitty cheevos that nobody care about over anime pussy
You're a massive faggot.
>collecting achievements
>not juggling both
I can jerk off anytime user. I edge myself.
Don't sit there and try to convince anyone that there isn't achievements/trophies out that that do not require skill and a form of commitment
I 100% Nier Automata with one hand. My unoccupied hand was tasked with jamming fingers down my urethra.
zoomers don't even play normal games tho
only boomers care about achievements cause they don't play multiplayer cancer infested with fortnite zoomers, zoomer
>I can jerk off anytime user.
Prove it. Jerk off right now.
No, I edge
cope, if it was so easy you'd have platinum trophies
prove me wrong
Based. Edging is GOAT. I actually edge by stroking though, then waiting for it to die down.
>that image
I don't get it, why is she confused? Is this loss?
Big bazooka problems
>Caring about what platform people play
Are her nipples rock hard or something?
How do you only hit 1 key doing that?
What a stupid image.
I only Platinum Souls games and a few other games that I really like. Usually I dont bother.
nah, i got around 20 or something. Most of the game i have were quite easy for exception of uncharted 2, mafia 2 and borderlands tps.
I am currently working on Horizon Chase Turbo 100%. that game is surprisingly good for an arcade racer although the token collection during races can be a little annoying at times. I am also playing lots of CTR but i dont think i'll get the plat on it any time soon due to the grand prix and because i really hate those crystal collection tokens.
i got it in all 3 regions, i loved that game.
Me. I also have the Old Mage headpiece on all four of my characters, which means I never want to start a new game or I'll lose that forever.
no you didn't
what makes it so hard to believe? it's not harder than any other souls game.
no, I mean that you didn't love that game.
>Plat game
>can finally play at my own leisure with no trophy pressure
Ain't worry, there are games for people like you.
Viva piñata, Minecraft or the entire Switch games should work.
You faggots seriously cant make a SINGLE thread without a lewd drawing.
>implying white dick can even scratch the surface of that ass
lmao this meme is hilarious
You don't even realize this but I really want to cum inside of you.
Waste of time and unfun.
They don't, but that sounds like something they would do for their kindergartner fan base.
Can you be anymoreof an elitist prick? Like seriously man, you're being a dick over fucking nothing.
based, this is the only way to play
Time to go back little buddy.
That answers that question. No wonder why you're here, no one wants your toxic ass anywhere near them in real life.
Cry harder pussy
99% of achievements are just acquired progressing through a game normally.
0.99% of them are acquired through working towards 100% completion in a game.
0.01% of achievements are acquired through skillful feats that most people won't be able to accomplish.
And even then, there are always far more impressive possible feats that no achievement exists for, in every game.
Let's see your stats tough guy.
>99% of achievements are just acquired progressing through a game normally.
Already fucking wrong, won't bother reading the rest.
What stats are you referring to you sick queer?
A few other games 100%ed, but had no plat.
15 perfect games on Steam as well.
I got 89 platinums and I platinum'd all Yakuza games (and 100%ing them) except Kiwami 2
find the nearest bridge, make sure the fall will kill you, and jump off it as soon as humanly possible
We're in a playstation trophy thread
What the fuck do you think I'm asking for in terms of stats retard?
Of course it's wrong it's hyperbole you moron.
What's something that is considered impressive in pretty much every game? Beating all the bosses without taking damage, this is such a common thing, and yet I can't think of a single game that actually has that as an achievement, because only a dozen people would ever get it and devs don't want people to feel all inadequate and left out.
Achievements are completely fucking gay.
That doesnt explain why you hate them. Is it because you can't do it? Or judge others who play a game longer than you?
K. I'll continue to stroke my e-penis while I'm at it.
The Persona Dancing games were pretty chill platinum to get.
>and yet I can't think of a single game that actually has that as an achievement
Have you, I don't know, ever bothered to look?
>Achievements are completely fucking gay.
And yet you're here because...?
>couldn't name 1 game
165. My job has me on site for 48 hours a week, but I spend usually 44 of that playing games and waiting for a call/alert to actually go do anything.
Yea and we were talking about Nintendo, jackass.
based vitachad
Haven't gone trophy hunting since nier atomato. Think that was my 56th. Hardest ones were probably Catherine, got bad Tetris effect from the puzzles, and vanquish because that last challenge made me want to fucking kill myself.
Sonic Generations
And? Where's your stats?
That's hot and sexy m8. Vanquish is hard, id suck you off if you'd allow me to.
I used to care, then I grew up
>play Last Guardian
>mfw trophies
Beating the game in 5 hours sound really hard since getting Trico to do what you want can be quite frustrating. Took me AGES to successfully dive through water with him.
The ones I dislike are
>kill four goblins by knocking them off a tower into a with one stick of dynamite
An exaggeration, but some of them are ridiculous.
I made a separate account to re-plat some games and get shitware trophies off my list. Why Sony doesn't let us delete trophies is beyond science.
I have 41 platinum trophies.
Mine was FFXIV because you had to have done 1000 daily quests, and you can only do 3 per day so it takes 7 months to get that trophy. Did it when I got the game at launch on my PS3
Don't know if this is still applicable since I'm on PC these days
>Sonic Generations
Nope, that's only one boss, try again.
Dead Cells is the only one I can even find through google.
>be top 5% on the leaderboard
>the only ones left playing are no fun allowed speedrunners
And that's why will never 100% Rayman
You can hide the games from everyone else.
>game has 100+ trophies to obtain
>not even a platinum trophy for getting them all
I'm not seriously going to go through THOUSANDS of trophies just to shut you up.
Just leave the thread, you fucking obnoxious asshole
Isn't there a no-death trophy too? Too risky, you'd have to be constantly copying your save file in case the camera/physics work against you
I want to hide them from me. I want a perfect, beautiful list of 100%s.
>unironically caring about trophies
Consolefags are pathetic
They don't exist pal, all bosses no damage is the pinnacle of mastering a game, and Dead Cells is the only game that has it as an achievement.
Achievements are pathetic and for shitters.
How is it any more pathetic than playing the games?
>Isn't there a no-death trophy too?
Yes. It's so easy to die in the game with the camera, controls and Trico being a retard.
I've beaten Bloodborne 8 times and don't have the plat because I don't care. I only need 2 trophies for it but I'm not gonna get them because I'm not a faggot.
It takes a couple minutes to scroll through a massive list, stop being such a faggot.
Then leave the fucking thread fucking christ you're fucking obnoxious
Then you do it then
Steam has had achievements for years.
Which ones? Platinum for Bloodborne is so easy, I find it weird that you played it 8 times and don't have it. Only hard and time consuming one is getting to Yarhnam Queen in Chalice.
Admit you're a baby who gets excited when you see a trophy unlock after viewing a cutscene.
Going out of your way to hate on trophies is some peak shitter cope. Nobody cares that you don't want to 100% the game, but you have an unhealthy preoccupation with us wanting to. Almost as if you feel inferior.
>sad/dramatic scene playing
>breaks immersion/mood completely
Also I was wrong, last one was Spider-Man because it was pretty easy and the game was just super enjoyable.
Any time
Fuck, that reminds me of resistance 2.
When I was in highschool I borrowed a copy from a friend who was a mad shill for the series and spent the entire summer getting 10000 kills in multiplayer and leveling up all the different load outs in co-op, can't believe I did all that mind numbing tedium for a game I wasn't even a fan of. Truthfully, it was because of that guy that I did it for so long, we had a running competition to see who could collect more trophies for the entire time we lived down the street from each other.
He never ended up going back to platinum resistance 2, so too spite me, he let me get to all but one super easy trophies for this Russian fps game with time manipulation mechanics I can't remember the name of at the moment, asked for it back and traded it in.
I'll never forgive you for that, Austyn.
>I played a game eight times and purposely went out of my way of completing all the game has to offer just because fuck trophies!!
You sound like a low functioning autist
I have the notifications turned off because I'm not an idiot?
I can get trophies and have notifications off.
Based and fpbppilled, and this is someone with 20 plats. It's mental illness and I'm glad I don't do it anymore.
No. I have like 14.
I'd have more but most games are fucking stupid with their platinum trophies.
If you care about achievements/trophies, you are a dopamine addicted zombie.
this. Ive literally had this exact thought.
nigger you only need to play up to I think it was very hard IIRC. You never have to touch EE.
Weren't you just fucking here?
>>the only ones left playing are no fun allowed speedrunners
This is why I'm stuck at like 99% on Tales of Vesperia.
The only trophy left is "complete the game in under 16 hours."
Yeah. I can do that, but it's fucking stupid why would you ever speedrun an RPG? Fuck off.
I hope that's the only Tales with a speedrun trophy.
Because it shows mastery
>multiplayer achievements
I've been trying to do DragonBall FighterZ trophy to get BP up to 530,000. I'm currently questioning my sanity.
I think so but the others are just as bad. The only Tales game without retarded trophies is Berseria. The worst one is "reach level 200".
Don't even get me started on Xillia 2, what a fucking shitshow that is.
>Get to number one on the leaderboard!
Whoever makes achievements like this is a dumb fucking cunt.
I paid a couple bucks for My Big Sister, a short and basic game made in Adventure Game Studio (looks like an RPGMaker game), which has a platinum trophy. I don't understand how much more expensive games refuse to have a platinum. Even shallow games that only last 1-2 hours can have platinum trophies. Makes you realize how stupid the trophy system is, to be honest. In my opinion, a platinum trophy should be a signature of completion, the terms defined by the devs. Every game should have it, no matter if it's as simple as just reaching the end credits.
First post AND best post? Incredible!
IIRC it was just getting through Barbatos or whatever his name in a specific time unless they changed it for the definitive version. It's not too bad since with all the grade bonuses fights last milliseconds. Now something like Excalibur II in FFIX on the other hand...
Out of the ones I've played (Sym, Sym 2, Ves, Graces, Xil 1 & 2) the only one I remember being a slog was Sym with its invisible affection system requiring you to constantly keep track of everyone's values over multiple playthroughs for each title.
The other one is "defeat barbatos at level 15 or lower" which is easy if you just set 1/2 EXP gain and avoid every encounter.
Berseria still had some retarded ass grind trophies. Collect 100,000 coins or whatever by grinding minigames, see EVERY arte in the game (including side content and side boss artes), grind everyones cooking to level 20, etc. are abysmal as hell. Also forcing yourself to beat the shitty post-game dungeon on top of that.
>Collect 100,000 coins or whatever by grinding minigames,
Oh right, that one. That one was just time consuming. On my second playthrough I just used Eizen and constantly upped my record every 2-3 levels and I got all the coins, but that was still a stupid trophy.
The post-game dungeon was shitty but it was 90% battles and I loved the battle system so I was having fun as long as I was killing shit.
Only pathetic incel nerds have time for any of that.
Huh must have gotten them mixed up. Still the fact that grade bonuses and the ability to avoid random battles (via Holy Bottles) make it far easier to blaze through than something like the aforementioned FFIX. At least you don't have to keep track of invisible numbers while you're doing it.
But wasting your time posting that you don't like something on Yea Forums is smarter?
I don't even play video games lmao I just come here to laugh at you pathetic corporate cucks and your imaginary virtual good boy points
Oh, ok. Have fun then.
i just took a look at the trophy list for this game and this shit right here is fucking bullshit.
>You unlock the Long Endurance (Endurance 109) by completing Medium Endurance. There are a whopping 109 races that you must play in order; every race in the game. This should take you 4 - 5 hours
I mean you can save between races but you can't fuck up a single time and for some reason some people arent unlocking the trophy due to a bug, so ill have to make save backup somewhere.just in case.
>Long Endurance
I got 3rd once in all the the 109 races and still had a 300~ point lead over second place.
I did restart a few times due to getting dog piled early on in the race and getting shoved off the track.
According to the plat guide, you need to place 5th or higher to unlock the next race, which isn't that hard.
ITT: Someone plays video games for reasons that I don't, and that's bad
This. Achievements are for zoomers.
No, because Im not a fucking pleb.
I've only one for bloodborne
>hack vita
>cheat a bunch of trophies
>never got banned
I can take or leave trophies. I start hunting trophies after I've exhausted everything else I can think of in a game but want a goal to work toward while continuing to play.
There's nothing wrong with it unless you ONLY play for trophies.
Story based cheevos are more about tracking how far players are getting in the game, not that literal boomer rant you posted
More like scrubs with no trophies cry like fags.
this. I only do challenge runs and achievements that I come up with myself that are actual achievements and not boring grinds or "use a guide to find these items" shit
games that include achievements without unlocks are just pure garbage and they are basically just another way to keep you playing their shit game on the off chance you might buy a lootbox. Achievement hunting is just your typical brainless consumer behavior.
This. Old Yea Forums would mock you for being a trophy whore
I have completely mastered Resident Evil Remake. My dominance is unquestionable. I completed invisible Enemy Hard. I was a world record speed run holder for a few months when it was still Cubescusive (you'll probably be able to figure out who I am).
However I dont have the platinum because I refuse to to a tedious playthrough where I pick up EVERY item. It's boring and dumb and my mind is constantly in optimal knife run mode.
>old Yea Forums
>implying older autists compared to younger autists makes a lick of difference.
Don't speak of old Yea Forums unless you were here.
I got exactly one Platinum trophy and it was by accident.
Stop me then, faggot.
Make me make you stop
>unironically defending newfaggotry
I've been here for quite some time you newfag
No one cares how long you've been here kid.
Thanks for sharing.
Came to say this, glad somebody else did before me.
>forcing yourself to play shit games for tropies
No one said anything about playing games you don't want to play for trophies.
There are not 50 good games on the PS4
Have you tried to play 50 games on ps4?
These are the only acceptable reasons to whore achievements
>achievements are actual content and are actually a challenge to achieve
Only one: Bloodborne. And it was an accident.
PS3 and vita also have trophies
>risking a PSN ban for internet points
You don't get banned from PSN, you just get permabanned from every trophy tracking site so nobody cares about your trophies.
>so nobody cares about your trophies.
so... nothing changes?
I mean everyone will know they are fake and there is no satisfaction in cheating them and they make the global percentages inflated so you are really not benefiting in any way.
Trophies in general, or...?