Mobile Pokémon has more effort and content then console Pokémon now.
>Go will have more Pokémon then Sword and Shield by next year if not on release
>Masters has Mega Evolutions for Lucario
>Both are constantly updated with new events and Pokémon
This is a first for me. I’m looking forward to mobile shit more then mainline
Mobile Pokémon has more effort and content then console Pokémon now
That meme doesn’t make sense though. There already hired
Is she talking about condoms?
Release fucking when
>p2w mobile games
into the trash it goes
This is some hard contrarianism. You know you can hate something without going this far up your own ass?
They did hire that man
>eng dub
Full teams of little brown girls.
Maybe that's what Pokemon Home is for. A way to get your Pokemon that you've raised over the years out of the mainline games and into something better
Fuck SwSh and fuck Masters. USUM has megas, z-moves, every pokemon and isn't mobile gacha shit. USUM is the ultimate pokemon experience.
I hope so. Last thing I want is another Bank situation where it’s just a hostage situation
100 Lillies
You could throw your life
Soon everything will be p2w in Japan
Getting Impregnated by Me
Please do not talk about my sisters like that
More like they're impregnating you
>USUM has megas, z-moves
These are flaws.
>isn't mobile gacha shit.
>Well, at least it could be worse!
This was false.
God, I fucking hate gachashit
So what's this game? And why do I have a feeling it focuses more on characters than pokemon?
lol too bad nerd
Wasn't that an anime-only guy or am I just forgetful?
Don't forget the chinese bootleg
>And why do I have a feeling it focuses more on characters than pokemon?
>Pokemon Masters™
>literally pitched as "the fun of collecting trainers"
I don't know what gave you that idea.
Oh wow, this delusion. Be glad if you're looking at 50 pokemon on launch. Hell, most of the trainers you saw in the trailer won't even be available on launch; you'll probably be waiting half a year before they all come out. Mega Lucario will probably be a UR 0.1% gacha rate find so good luck rerolling for him. And yes, it will be constantly updated, but it will be constantly updated with boring events that are all the same and where you might see three new pokemon, twice a month.
Source: Playing literally any other gacha and realizing they all do the same thing.
>using condoms
It looks like just another Pokemon Bank to me. Something you can put pokemon in from other games but can only pull them out in SwSh. It's the exact same thing that every other Pokemon generation has done, a method of transferring pokemon from the old generation to the new one with a one-way transfer.
Home has its own sort of gameplay, according to an interview after the dex bombshell.
>more content
Most likely not the case. You'll have nothing else to do beside grinding some garbage ass rare resource in a week after launch.
Pokemon Amie where you can log in once per day and rub some of your pokemon isn't going to change what it fundamentally is.
Play feh!
No thanks. I got all the FEH characters in Dragalia so I'd prefer to just play that. Although really I'll just play neither since they're both terribly dull.
i did for like a year but I got sick of its bullshit. I kinda miss the ultra-hard maps but not enough to re-install.
But Bro... Dragila lost has no content.
That's pretty understandable. This series always was a mobile game just captured by nintendo handhelds. It either should reinvent itself into actual console game or go full mobile.
I'd rather play Dokkan, thanks. Or shit, even F/GO.
Post Unconfirmed trainers you want for Masters
Any version of a character that's distinct in Special from their game counterparts.
I hate Fire Emblem tho, pictures of sexy dragon girls aren't going to change my mind
>pictures of sexy dragon girls aren't going to change my mind
How about some animations?
Neither does feh
this but post them anyway
If I get these two I'll be happy.
>>Go will have more Pokémon then Sword and Shield by next year if not on release
Go also has no content besides walking like an autistic fuck and chucking pokeballs at random shitmons
>not posting the edit
I want Iris to tame and train my dratini!
Is it p2w? did you already played it? Nintendo games as far I could saw weren't pay 2 win neither is famous ones like FGO, they are pay 2 waifu or some shit but its not the same "I cannot win because I didn't whale!"
Maybe more.
>recommending people FEH this late in the game
Fuck no, is already year 3 and any new player will be eternally behind, is not worth the hassle anymore.
When are they adding best boy?
AZ and Colress
>Two incredibly popular waifus
It's only a matter of time.
>>Go will have more Pokémon then Sword and Shield by next year if not on release
If they add all the Pokémon, I might bother downloading it.
>SEAmonkey defending gacha trash
This just in the 2020 competitive Season for Pokemon will continue to use USUM instead of the new games
I also want silver and marley.
Why does best rival never get any love?
>faggot thief
>best rival
>Can't date your waifu in either mobile Pokemon or normal Pokemon
who cares gacha is only good for waifu shit and Pokemon is for 8 year olds so it fails at even that
he's the only one that's genuinely rival like aside from blue and not just a glorified buddy. Blue lost his edge over the years though.
No way, fag.
For a spinoff, they sure did go all out with giving these characters personality in their actions.
Gen 5 kind of gave you a waifu and you could date her and trade Pokemon with her.
how did I miss this?
Because it was one of the most cryptic sidequests in all of Pokemon, requiring you to step on specific tiles without hints like twenty times.
It's very easy to miss since you need to find a certain item and then go stand on 15 specific tiles throughout the entire region.
USUM has Hau, fuck USUM.
I'm hoping it's as f2pbtw friendly as Azur Lane just uhh, not as autistic on the whole grinding thing, please
I have my doubts that Nintendo would launch a gacha game and make it easy to play as a free player, though. Right from the get-go they made their free games as inconvenient as possible for free players as possible.
>Mega Lucario will probably be a UR 0.1% gacha rate
Dragalia rates are 4% and FEH 3%, I can't say for Dr Mario but rates on Nintendo gachas are far from bad. Also most kusoges keep at 1 ish %.
Pokemon Masters please late me date this cutie, we all know (or at least hope) little kids won't be allowed to play gachashit, go all out!
>Azur Lane
>autistic on the whole grinding thing
Have you ever played any other mobage/burage?
The only other ones I've played aren't f2p friendly so only example I came up with that matched the title was AL
I'm assuming garbage like Fate and Granb are worse, though
Are you crazy, FEH still give enough orbs to be comfortable long as you aren't a impusetard and Dragalia handle tickets like candy.
I'm starting to think theyre tanking console pokemon on purpose.
They're clearly switching pokemon over to mobile, and I guess they just want to stop making your usual pokemon games altogether. Instead of just stopping, theyre slowly crashing it until it finally stops selling.
Gamefreak is dumb and fucking up but Nintendo count with pokemon to boost console sales.
One is dead without pokemon money and other would be pissed to lost the golden goose.
Silver's 'rivalry' always seemed incredibly one-sided to me. Your only tie to him is that he stole a Pokemon from a guy you know, it's he who keeps picking fights with you half the times you bump into each other because he's butthurt about losing to you.
Furisode girl Kali
>it's he who keeps picking fights with you
that's usually how it goes in these games though, even with blue and wally
she may be retarded but i still like her a lot
Who is this qt I don't remember her
At least with Blue it's more believable for the competitiveness to be a mutual thing since the player character is supposed to be friends with him. Wally sees the player as someone to look up to rather than an equal 'rival' type.
she did nothing wrong
You won't suppose to point that out...
GameFreak has literally always been like this, they aren't sabotaging anything.
>Dialogue heavily implies she's a young but adult woman who had a child, only for it to die, and she's become obsessed with her Whismur as a surrogate for her lost child.
>"lol nah she's like 14 and the Whismur's named after some old due that taught her"
Fucking christ I was about to almost like her and Pokemon slapped me for daring to think it had a plot.
I don't know why everyone dislikes her, it's one of my favorite pokemon characters. I'd probably play this mobile game if she appears on it.
it was because she was going to gamble the fate of the world in that the meteor was going to destroy another Earth if we used dimensional fuckery to get rid of the meteor guess what, it was actually true going by SM lore
so why exactly Japans hate her so fucking much when they usually have the most abysmal taste in existence and like worse characters?
She wasn't a preachy, unlovable psychic fuck drawn with Hiraiface
>"lol nah she's like 14 and the Whismur's named after some old due that taught her"
And honestly that works really good, the problem with the whole Delta Episode is that she's never shown to actually try to fit her mentor's shoes, the whole time she's condescending and cryptic. Everything about her would have made more sense if the game had shown her as someone actually obsessed with following her dead mentor's steps, reason why her decisions and actions were so precipitated and selfish. The battle against her would have been way better if she had actually challenged you out of jelaousy for stealing her role as the chosen one.
But instead of having a misguided villain who could have gotten some nice redemption, we got this failure of an "anti-hero" despised and eventually forgotten by the fanbase.
Just release already so these threads could finally die
I’m curious if this game will have any crossovers.
Remember, this isn't a Nintendo Mobile game, it's a Pokemon Mobile game
Nice way to ruin a good cast of characters.
yeah except in FEH if you wanna have your unit maxed you need to roll it 10 fucking times
Ton of units have good performance at low merges or +0.
Well, you know what they say about broken clocks
>Masters has Mega Evolutions for Lucario
are you pretending this is a good thing
It is
I love Pokemon and I think sword and shield are gonna be good even gooder than the mobile game especially the art
About as good as any other pokemon game so not that good
Where the fuck is it? They said summer but its almost over.
Mate, summer technically ends late september, "summer" could mean anything from july to 23rd sept, at least by prior experience
>More effort
>When they wasted time on adding worse girl to the game
Just saying, SwSh doesn't have this thot, so they get the bonus points here desu
Non canon to our games.
>Pokemon go will have more pokemon available!!
Have you ever played the game user? There isn't an ounce of depth in it. Legendaries are thrown in weekly welfare boxes, theres only two moves nad the trading feature is just to get more Pokemon candy
>b-but muh ledyba!!!
Seek help or die off
>Masters has Mega Evolutions for Lucario
How is this good? Mega evolution was the biggest mistake in pokemon history..and that says alot considering that Kalos in general happened
>Pokemon GO
>This device, OS, or software is nor compatible with Pokemon GO.
Niantic just doesn't want me to play.
>have to resubscribe to bank for an entire fucking year just to export everything to home
I'm really glad they killed all my interest in buying sword/shield.
Because she was a smug piece of shit who attacked and stole from your friends. She also constantly berated Steven Stone. Because for some reason, someone at GameFreak thought it was a good idea to have a new character to insult one of the most beloved characters in series and expect us to side with her plan.
Isnt it produced by other people that arent Game Freaks?
It gotta be really fucking humiliating, or eye opener, when other devs makes your game better than you.
And dynamax isnt worse? They just upscale the model. Oh my, how impressive! Look, you can catch Charizard! Wow!
I don't think gf will care until nintendo starts to question gf's competency
His Japanese name was Shota
Only the anime version
And what does the one in OP look like to you user?
Sun and moon are fucking garbage tho
>he thinks nintendo is competent to do something their playerbase actually wants
How fucking retarded are you, I really want to know where you think Nintendo is magically going to change how they've done things for one fucking game that they know will sell millions no matter how much they fuck it up.
Was Riley confirmed? Also Curtis and Nancy.
They actually confirmed it's Champion Iris, So it's Game Iris either after BW1 or during BW2
Do you mean Yancy or apparently Rosa (already confirmed)? Nothing so far. I really want to know if they plan to bring in even the side characters in some capacity like Yancy.