wow... I never thought of this...
Wow... I never thought of this
She's not wrong
Who is this and why should I care?
Imagine being annoyed at that. Fucking retarded trannies - THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING PRETTY WOMEN CUNTS
I've played a ton of different racing games and not a single one did this.
user its current year, liking women is sexist as hell and you need to stop. But also have sex.
Does OP just browse random furry message boards for people being outraged about random things?
I'm glad I work in an industry full of normie thots so I can avoid the sjw kind of women.
Yes bro this is definitely some fringe tumblr opinion and not the direction the gaming industry as a whole is taking hehe :)
And then they got flag girls fired from pro racing,much to the dismay of the flag girls who really fucking liked their jobs
>Flag woman/show girls.
I remember there was a big stink about it and people were demanding that position be removed. The actual showgirls were basically fighting tooth and nail trying to keep their jobs and a lot of them were expressing how they loved their job because of all the traveling and sight seeing they got to do.
I guess it was a win-win for the other guys, since race organizations got to save money and fat, ugly bitches got to hurt other people.
trannies and/or furries
these two have the power to destroy any community they touch.
SJWs are so retarded they will try to get rid of cheerleaders and on the same day tweet about how based being a camwhore is
Didn't they sue to get their jobs back?
Why are trannies the only ones bothered by this shit, actual women never cared
they want all cheerleaders to be trannies
glad we're in agreement
How fucking often did that actually happen? I don't think I've played a single racing game with a Flag Girl in it.
Yes, she. All because you are an asshole doesn't make her not a girl
d i l a t e !
Uhh I really only remember them in like Crusin' USA and CTR. Maybe the Rush series?
I only remember it in arcade games and Crash Racing
Furries need to be put in an insane asylum.
Trannies are at best mentally ill people that can't accept their own bodies. That's not even close to being women
>not wrong
Why do ugly women try to drag literally everyone down? They do it to men and attractive women.
the science disagrees but ok
You're the real NPCs spewing the same meaningless shit every time without fail. It's literally a programmed response
cutting your own dick off is not scientifically healthy
>the science disagrees but ok
It doesn't but ok, keep coping mentally ill retard
if you read the article you'd see so but I understand it's hard to read for you
How's it make you feel that the dude on the right is more of a man than you will ever be?
>just read this piece of propaganda full of lies I posted
lmfao, I would rather read /pol/'s garbo
>manlet with a fake dick is manlier than you
The only one i remember.
>Coping by projecting everyone that shits on you with a soiboi "This is You" image.
You're no better than the loser you replied too. This board has really lost all backbone it used to have, which wasn't much to begin with.
How can you say this and have cropped furry porn as your profile picture?
>having the time of my life mocking trannies and their internally inconsistent worldview, and the fact that they'll never be real women
kek cope
This guy needs to have sex
those women were held captive and forced to do that, those other women freed them from not only a physical prison but a mental one as well.
0 self awareness
Aren't videogame women usually portrayed as strong, independent and capable despite the over sexualization they receive from time to time?
Hell, videogame women should be the example all real life women should strive for. Be confident in your abilities and your looks and people will respect you.
>user its current year, liking women that don't look like goblinas is sexist as hell and you need to stop.
Fixed that for you, sweaty
Feminists are slothful jealous vindictive hags, that's exactly why they don't like it.
love is love :)
There were flag girls in lile 8 games combined between PS1 and PS2. 4 Ridge Racer games, 3 Need for Speed games amd Crasy Team Racing's furry bait. That's literally it. I recall none of the dozens of other series ever having flag girls.
This is just some tranny whore whining about something "she" knows nothing about, in a desperate (and obvious) attempt to get attention.
>triggered mentally inept tranny spamming a shit bait thread with garbage
how did Nintendo get away with this blatant sexism, I'm literally shaking
Xey're right though.
Shouldn't a snake lady like being warm since they'd be cold blooded?
>called him a man
looks like he got you
Imagine being unable to identify Resetera, the most significant mecca for game discussion.
Those women were not "held captive". They could quit the job whenever they wanted.
Fuck off back to resetera
(user was banned for downplaying transphobia)
Reminder that plastic surgeons don't take the hippocratic oath and see your self-image problems as a paycheck :)
Do you know what the difference is, though? He put some fucking effort in it and passes, unlike 99.9% of resetera posters.
Nah. Love exists as a way to let the human species reproduce. If gayness spread it would lead to alot of issues in the future.
Resetera is fucking cancer
only her bottom half is cold blooded
You are paying a doctor a lot of money to never look anything remotely like a girl.
Oh and also, there are a bunch of actual pedos on that site
Even the most beta male of Yea Forums would also look like that if they were on as much test as she is
it works both ways
they regulate their temperature with their surroundings
Can they make a fucking child inside themselves? No?
Then those things aren't women. Fuck off
I've literally seen your exact literal nothing arguments posted verbatim before you mentally ill abomination, and you're accusing others of being "programmed"
you're a fucking joke of a human at best and a walking suicide statistic at worse, fuck off
And lose the ability to go back to being a man altogether. Gee I wonder why tranny suicide rates are so big
what nigga. people play racing games to race. the flag women are a treat for winning
>trannies no longer being classified as mentaly ill means they no longer get subsidized meds
Quite the sneaky move WHO
Best case scenario, they pass temporarily. Time doesn't give a shit about mental delusions, and keep on ticking mercilessly. Probably why so many trannies kill themselves before hitting 30.
I still don't understand what trans rights means. It seems like some kind of excuse to dismiss earning respect.
The muslims that sjws love so much need to come and take over so the trannies get stoned to death already.
It's pretty much the same with all that "progressive" shit. A lot of weak-minded faggots trying to get respect for simply existing. Life doesn't work that way.
never played road rash eh?
They think they're entitled to have other people pay for their dipshit fantasies and meds.
>wanting the population to keep increasing
user we're like 4 billion people overcrowded as it is.
Then take one for the team and kys.
No, lust exists as a way for humans to reproduce, love exists as way to keep a family or tribe cohesive and to help integrate new members(rape victims picked up while raiding another tribe). It also has the benefit of incentivizing nepotism by making a parent want to confer their own rank(or better) within the tribe to their child.
Not really, we're just incredibly inefficient.
If a leftist is chanting something there's a 95% chance >she doesn't even know what it means.
>jaiden is actually a man
huh who would have ever known
I'm just going to go to sleep and not think about stupid people.
i think road rash on ps1 had em could be wrong. but yes, these are games women rarely touch and its another invasion and bitching about a boys club they had no interest in the first place
All the more reason to find an ancient alien race, go to war with them, lose, and have them kill off half our population.
Boom. Problem solved.
There's good money in the booming mental illness consumer markets.
Men compete for women, that's never gonna stop. If a woman is not getting any attention because of her physical assets, she's got to play the system somehow.
Can't doctors just say "No, fuck off?"
These wouldn't be issues at all if they just refused service to idiots attempting to meme themselves into unhealthy life choices.
They could, but that would mean they don't get those sweet shekels.
>feminine penis shitposts become reality
>all those downvotes
>when even Reddit thinks you're too liberal
what, they weren't happy with nu-battlefront 2s fucking protag?
Snakes can get too hot. Using a fan would be needed or finding some other way to escape the heat to cool down.
>"cis nonsense"
Common sense becomes nonsense when your brain is damaged; hope Jesus can save you someday user
>complains about a work position that hires and respects the beauty of the female body where the employees get to travel and be on camera while being protected
>decides to destroy it in a pit of jealousy because they can't ever compete
good job retards
I mostly remember playing Burnout, NFS and Gran Turismo and don't recall any animated people outside of the cars
>the science disagrees but ok
...actually, no, the science typically finds that transgenders tend to co-present with body dysmorphia disorder. Which is a mental illness.
You're ruining your own chances at finding mainstream acceptance. I'll remind you it took gay white men 60 years to overcome. Y'all want it in 6 weeks or less.
Literally on steroids. Anyone can look like that on steroids. Steroids are crazy.
It's an ignorance I truly miss having
They were until they found out that actual protag was based Del Meeko. They changed it to Iden a few months before they released.
>game lets you run over the flag girls
>Site supports censorship
>Ask why it censors
>Get censored
Boy, what a shitty ass site. If nothing else, at least Yea Forums is anti-censorship.
Bitch, just drive the car.
theres just no pleasing these people. hope they are happy because the game fucking blew ass, female protag or not.
Imagine thinking sex doesn't sell and that these women don't exist today.
Atractive women got paid for being atractive reeee...Sounds like a butthurt or ugo
By mecca you mean safe space bubble?
>the science disagrees but ok
Statistics are science. Bullshit inclusiveness policies to safeguard feelings aren't science.
at what point does the waiter have a moral obligation to poison the food?
goddamn nigger, learn to identify satire
Right like everyone else has to pay for their HRT drugs.
its the tentative treatment for a reason
I felt it was worth the $5.63 I spent on it. I feel bad for anyone who paid full price for any EA game.
>triggered trannies
On topic, fuck your shitty skewed perceptions. I want attractive females in my media. It's a shame creators are so cucked they'd believe it's harmful to sexualize a fictional fucking character.
>draws an O instead of a 0
based retard
>implying i care either way
I just like to sit back and watch it burn.
All the world's a circus and you're the main attractions.
That still happens in [Current Year] in real life racing and it's not bad at all. Fuck these spineless niggers.
That's a very masculine act of aggression in the bottom panel.
If companies just made games for fun and didn't worry about offending certain groups of people so much like they use to, they'd actually make shit loads of money again.
these ''people'' are always actively looking for something to get upset at
Where do you think we are?
Women were a mistake. When will we be able to artificially reproduce so we can end them while turning all skinny and feminine men into sex slaves to replace women.
this but unironically
get thots out of sports