CTR Nitro Fueled

>Switch still unpatched

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Did the patch hit on ps4? Did they nerf clock and ball torture?

Wait so the patch is coming out today?

>got N.Tropy
>lose all interest
sorry guys, idk if I can press on

When is the patch scheduled for Switch? I’m thirsty for those faster load times

I'm unsure if OP just means the watermelon patch

My friends and I have a running joke I feel like you guys would enjoy

In the cinematics for CNK, we always joke about Velo having the worst garlic breath

In the beginning when he goes "do you accept my challenge? OUT WITH IT" we joke that Crash has to plug his nose before giving him the thumbs up

It's a funny mental image to imagine Velo biting off a chunk of garlic bread before he laughs, and when he does a bunch of crumbs fall out of his mouth

Also, when you finally race him, a little mouth peice comes up that he breathes into that blows his breath out of the turbines on his kart to distract you during the race

We also joke at the end when he goes "a rematch? But there are rules to follow.. first you must earn all of my thyme garlics" (the original line is time relics)

That's all. I hope somebody laughed at that

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Who even is Velo? This is my first crash game and I’m confused about why there is a character named “Real Velo”. Is there a fake Velo? What’s a Velo?

some emperor who needs to have races to entertain people. hes just a green goblin motherfucker


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I appreciate your efforts, user.

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Space emperor who loves racing. In the true ending it's revealed that the Velo you've seen and raced against was just a robot suit piloted by the smaller, real Velo.

Swackhammers kart-racing obsessed relative

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I don't get maintaining SF.
Every time I try to airbrake, i immediately lose all reserves.
If I don't airbrake, I slam into the outer curve and lose my reserves.
Jump turning would work but if I have USF I lose control of the kart too easily when I try that, or even just airbraking.
What am I doing wrong?

She's in.

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Posting before 404

The watermelon patch will be included with the boost mode patch for switch for sure

caddicarus brought that up when reviewing CNK

>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock

>5 more months until Velo
I can not believe that Rilla FUCKING Roo is going to be playable before Emperor Velo is.

/vg/ is inactive as shit because all the real discussion is happening in some circle jerk discord group. Give me some actual protips for Thunder Struck. How do you guys handle that track?

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Those are some nice boots

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190717144055.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

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dude fuck off with this racist shit make a new thread

some user asked earlier for more proof that different classes of characters have different speeds when boosted, seems pretty much undeliable at yellow/red fire so i'm not sure why it wouldn't apply to blue fire

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190717162143.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

ps4 hasn't gotten a patch 2 days before that announcement


Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190717230943.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Can't wait for Emperor Velo

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I just want the Iridescent Orange paint job for my kart

Sometimes you just have to sacrifice a boost for a jump

You could've easily drifted around the corners with Liz

What in God’s name is this? It’s laughing like Cortex

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The Cocofags true form


vg is garbage, if the mods holocaust us here, it's a death knell for discussion. The fact that it already revolves around a d*scord server just shows how fucked it would be if it was the only place to post

mods are fags

>do time trial for quick challenge
>beat oxide's time by .7 seconds
>didn't select ghost beforehand
Man I'll never be able to beat that time again