>game series’s spinoffs that are better than the main games
I’ll start
Game series’s spinoffs that are better than the main games
>T. only game in series he has played, possibly played MGSV
actually, redditor, MGRR is literally mouthbreather babbys first buttonmasher QTE 4 hour piece of shit entry level epic meme game that loses out to its direct competitor, the fucking original release of DmC:DMC, let alone any actual hack and slash game or the proper metal gear solid games. Go back to /r/rulesofnature
Touhou 9.5
>loses to DmC:DMC
Everything you say is irrelevant now.
DmC has not a single good boss, every single boss is garbage in DmC and then there's one average boss at the very end, otherwise it's pure garbage from beginning to end
Meanwhile MGR is known for god-tier boss fights.
>DmC has not a single good boss,
and MGRR doesnt have a single good one, all of them are beaten by mashing light attack, completing QTE's when they pop up on screen (includes zandatsu) and literally mashing out block which can be done by flicking the stick forward while mashing those light attacks out
Meanwhile DmC has actual combat mechanics with multiple weapons that you can cycle through in real time, timing related mechanics, launches into long aerial combos etc etc. Even if DmC had less depth than DMC1 (which it doesnt in mechanics) it would curbstomp MGRR
Hmm a game so shit most people forget it ever existed vs a genuinely fun game with great boss fights and is regularly talked about here.
P4D is ass
P4AU is the goat
Also, Naoto is flat
paper mario
>not persona Q2
Pokemon mistery dungeon
I have a hard time believing you played through the MGS games and still stand by that opinion.
And if you haven't, you probably haven't played any great action games like Devil may cry 3 or God hand.
Also, Metal gear rising manages to tap into the Metal gear solid SOUL. So if you enjoyed MGR that by default means you enjoy Metal gear solid to an extent.
He might have only played MGSV. This is definitely better than that, at least. V doesn't even have the soul to fall back on either
Just played through Ground Zeroes again.
Where did we go wrong.
At least Metal gear solid 1-3 have all aged like fine wine imo
I legitimately think MGR is better than every other MGS game except 3. It's highs are higher and its lows are also higher. I've played better action games, but MGR is consistently enjoyable, which is more than can be said for most Metal Gear games
Fair enough, fair enough.
>actual hack and slash game
>it's a "muh hack and slash is very very very difficult and super serious guise okay!!" autist
Unironically this, Kojima is a hack and has never made a good game.
>baby's first hack and slash
There's a reason all you remember as the songs.
It's been 4 years and you people are still posting the same shit.
God, the MGS fanbase is almost as melodramatic as the franchise of movie games they claim to love.
Also no, MGS1, 2 and 3 are some of the worst stealth games ever made, infamous for their atrocious gameplay.
play more video games my 14 year old redditor "friend"
what do i win?
That's an alright opinion. I don't share it though.
I play through the MGS games yearly and they function perfectly.
Damn even MGSV had some stellar controls aswell.
3/4 genies
Pokemon, obviously
Pokemon mystery dungeon