Is the first one still worth playing after 2 is released?

Is the first one still worth playing after 2 is released?

Attached: H2x1_NSwitch_DragonQuestBuilders_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 310K)

Yes, but it's Japan only.

What do you mean?

Builders 1 got an english release on ps4 and switch, user

>Yes, but it's Japan only.

no it's not

I played DQB on PS4 until last world but then I lost my save because it bricked. I never complete it ever again. But I play DQB2 right now and it's good. The first one is worth.

I only played the demo of 1, but I think the QOL changes in 2 would make 1 hard to go back to.

just how bad in the framerate in 2? is it only when you have a huge town?


That's what I've heard. If you don't go crazy and make some ginormous cityscape (and I think it's also because of the more shiny looking blocks) then you ought to be alright and not suffer much dip.

Only the PS3 version of the game is Jap only, and even then, there's an english patch based off the Vita version.

How come I have a day one english copy on PS4 then?

I can't get over the fact that this shit is basically Minecraft but in a Dragon Quest setting

There are quests, bosses and NPCs with dialogue, it's minecraft as a cutesy JRPG.

And? It's a pretty great combination that manages to be incredibly engaging.

you forgot vita

First game never got deleted off my HDD because it's only 1GB of greatness. Waiting to finish a few other games before buying second game though.

Can't wait, but it's for the better.

Wonder how the inevitable third game will play out, given DQ3 was a prequel. My only guess is maybe have you rebuild the world the game mostly takes place in, or, you play a builder who helped established the world of Alefgard, maybe even meeting Rubiss before she became a goddess.

I think it's way too limiting at the beginning, it's not engaging, it's just been 3 hours of glorified tutorials that a toddler could have figured out in 20 minutes

DQB2, that is

On the Switch, the frame rate noticeably dips when there is too much on screen, like a small forest, or when it renders something large in the distance, which is quite a bit.

Gonna have to disagree there. While it might not give you quite as much freedom from the get go, you still have plenty of things to do like search for hidden items like the Rat signpost and the mini medals.

Bummer, last chapter is pretty fun since the world is the most hostile there.

DQB2 is so much better that I started hating the first.

I am legit enjoying DQB2, or as I like to call it, Pooping Simulator 2019.

Has something Minecraft does
Actually direction