Team Sonic Racing thread

Sonicbros UNITE let's talk about it!

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Why? It's incredibly disappointing.



Attached: jYlTi8N_d.jpg (236x177, 7K)

Attached: mods gonna freak.png (149x81, 34K)

Shadow is badass! BADASS!

Attached: TSR_Web_TeamShadow1920x963_3.jpg (1920x963, 1.3M)


Anybody else have a thanks doc car?


Highjacking this shit thread
Do you like City Escape? Do you think it's the pinnacle Sonic level design?

I don't. It's a linearly straight line and feels like a Sonic Advance 2 tier level, which fucking sucks dick.

the game is utter shit compared to crash or mario

Sonic R remake/remaster when?

Was planning to play it for a month while waiting for ctr. Played less than a week since the online didn't, and still doesn't, work.

Time trials are hard as fuck, but I'm also not using Zavok so that's probably why

I genuinely wish they had just ported Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed over making a new game. This is terrible.

I didn't think it was terrible, but part of me does wish they basically did a remaster of both games which included the 21 tracks from the first game that weren't in Transformed as well as every character from both games plus some additions. Basically combine the two All Stars Racing games into one, but with more characters added in, essentially the same thing as Nitro Fueled did

Why is it so different?

I own all three of the Sumo Digital cart racers and this one feels like it's greatly lacking, but I can't place my hand on it. I don't think it's the lack of other SEGA characters, it can't be the tracks because some of them are recycled or remixed.

Has Sumo changed certain key members or something?

This game was handled by a new branch of the studio. They had the devs from both games on standby to ask for tips, though.
I really just think that they should have been given a more lenient budget and more creative freedom over the roster and track amount as a result, I honestly think that's the issue here. The games have always been clear budget titles but this one suffers the most because the others made the most of it in the process, and while this game does that as well, it doesn't feel like it was worth it in the end.

psshhh...nothin personell....kid....

I like the game but it has been released at the worst time alongside CTR and the team mechanics are nowhere near interesting enough to compete with Transformed. The extra modes in the campaign are also a lot weaker in TSR, which sucks because they were one of my favourite things about the first 2 games.

They probably could have built on the team idea more by giving different items to different classes and having items that only work with your team mates. Maybe like a beam that connects between you and your team mates if you're close enough to each other or maybe even something like Crash Tag Team Racing had.

Ah, that clears it up. Thanks user.

This and the online being literally broken and still not fixed.

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I'm pretty sure it got patched a couple weeks ago.
It's just that no one's playing it anymore.

>different items to different classes
They did that
>items that only work with your teammates
Great idea honestly

>they did that
Now that I think about it, I only ever plat speed class so I wouldn't have actually known

I can't beat daredevil on Ice Mountain for some reason, I don't even understand why, it doesn't seem that hard but I just keep fucking it up and start hitting the poles or just missing them completely.

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But item transferring could give you any item, even if none of your teammates are from that character class. Since doing anything other than spamming item transfer is detrimental class-specific items never mattered.

>3 characters as team mechanic, but have a roster of like 15 characters
>say that there isnt any dlc planned

That's another way of killing a game, more when its competitors have or had dlc planned

It can give you access to certain type exclusive items though

>got it on xbox
>its dead
>get it on switch
>its dead

Thats the biggest stain this game has and will never be able to escape. The launch was battlefield 4 tier. On xbox, my game kept crashing. A ton of network errors. It takes fucking forever to start a match. Got all the achievements and havent played since. Its sad because the few matches i did play were fun as fuck and the team mechanic works well.

Hopefully it drops to at least 50% off during the Christmas sale.

When it worked the few races I had on pc were fun, but having 2 DCs for every actual race and the absurdly long results screen made the fun not worth the constant waiting to play.

Thats it mang. Even when it works, you have to wait 5 minutes between every round. Havent these stupid assholes played the main competitor, mario kart 8? And seen how snappy it is going from match to match? Sometimes i dont have enough time to pee between mk8 rounds (this was on wii u, maybe its different on switch). It was slow on transformed too but nowhere near this bad

>Excluded Cream the rabbit from the main series.
>Excluded Cream the rabbit from the spin-offs.
>Excluded Cream the rabbit from a racing game with fucking TEAM ROSE! on it.
I'm glad CTR outsold TSR already, they deserve this for excluding Cream and replacing her with Omochao.

Attached: That's what SEGA gets for replacing Cream with Omochao.jpg (1074x930, 187K)