you know what to do,put game genres on the curve based on the "intelligence" required to play them.

Attached: 960px-IQ_curve.svg.png (960x768, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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fucking hate this "strategy = high IQ" meme
memorizing builds isn't difficult


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>high iq
oh nonono hahahahahaha
I play and 100% the most obscure of rpgs - srpgs and I'm a complete idiot

these threads are a mystery treat
i can never understand if people here unironically don't know how to read a bell curve, or it's just one giant bait

thanks for the input

Very few games require even average intelligence to play them. To be excellent at them or work at a very high level of play, perhaps, but not just to play them.
If you were asking about the average intelligence of the those who enjoy a genre, that might be a better question.
If I was taking a guess I'd say 4X games, RTSs, Immersive Sims, and stuff like Factorio would be on the upper end.

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>graph only represents 3% of the population
that's just dumb

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red pilled

thanks for your wise words,schizo-sama.

>median IQ that represents the average person
>'high IQ"
You really are fucking stupid.

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you just got tricked

fightans > action > stealth > mobas > strategy > FPS > RPG > adventure > open world

you know it's true

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Thanks, doc

>fightans > action >
Have you not seen who plays these games?

Based high in autism games.

the only black people with +100 iq

Regular Shmups > Rhythm > Puzzle >>powergap>> Fighters > Action > Strategy > RPG > Platformers > Le bullet hell Shmups

>“The magnitude of white/ black IQ differences on Wechsler subtests at any given time is correlated with the g loadings of the subtests; the magnitude of IQ gains over time on subtests is not usually so correlated; the causes of the two phenomena are not the same.” – Flynn 2013
The things people score higher on are the things that aren't g-loaded, which means they're things you can study for, which means no one actually cares about them.

You actually think SonicFox has an IQ over 100?

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fighting games don't require any intelligence only muscle memory, you retard

You clearly don't know much about racing games.

t. 150 IQ unironically

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.t brainlet

good luck trying to memorize every single player in your muscles

MOBAs are only played by the high IQ populations, so it being around 90 doesn't make sense. 90 is where casual games that sell a ton go, like character action games.

You don't need to memorize every single player, because player options are limited.

>MOBAs are only played by the high IQ populations
How? It's literally just the "micro" aspect of RTSs turned into it's own genre.

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