Reading The Silmarillion, wanted to pick this up.
With all Micro-transactions removed now, did they core game improve like BattleFront 2 did? I remember at launch it was ”Grind or Pay cash” halfway through the plot.
Reading The Silmarillion, wanted to pick this up.
With all Micro-transactions removed now, did they core game improve like BattleFront 2 did? I remember at launch it was ”Grind or Pay cash” halfway through the plot.
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run the purists are coming
There's a lot of misinformation about this game. The "grind or pay cash" part of the game you're referring to is actually at the end and is not hard to get past at all, in fact in contains a lot of the best part of the game which are the stronghold sieges.
The combat is still the same brain-dead auto-homing BamHam crap
This game is shit outside of the Nemesis system.
Shadow of Mordor is Demo compared to this game. It is fun to create your army. One of best games i played on PS4.
even without the mtx it's still fucked by it. avoid.
>still no crack of the non-bugged version
ignore this nigger, play it
it's good
play on nemesis difficulty and turn off the combat prompts
Bought it for like $20 and I got a good 50 hours out of it. Granted a lot of that was me just dicking around with the nemesis system and letting orcs fight each other and level up and shit. The nemesis system is seriously fun and I wish more games would use something similar to it.
If you played and liked the first ones gameplay you will like this one. Just don't pay more than $20 for it.
>don't pay more than $20
It's only $1 with Xbox Game Pass. I don't think DLCs are worth it.
Its a fun dude killing game with light stealth and equipment upgrade mechanics. Its not the most challenging game, but sometimes you just want to go and wade through hundreds of orcs and feel like a boss. Then you come across a captain that is immune to tons of sources of damage and you get your shit pushed in. Doesn't happen too often, so its novel when it does. Recruiting orcs, training them, and building your armies can be as simple or in depth as you want to be, depending on how autistic you want to grind for orcs with ideal traits and how well you want to do with the online fortress sieges.
Honestly, if you can grab it on sale its a safe bet for some fun.
I just don't think it's worth more than $20. Maybe if the story and missions were stronger but the only real meat of the game is the nemesis shit. Everything else is just forgettable.
I don't use Windows 10
The conversations between random orcs are some of the best parts of the game.
>come across orcs in a camp talking
>one is trying to convince the other that being a carpenter is like being a warrior, since you are still hitting things with hammers
it's a good game and they nailed the aesthetic of the films in those cutscenes, they might trash the lore or whatever but i don't give a shit
spent a shit ton of time just watching my orcs fight each other but once your brain picks up on the repetitiveness of the nemesis system it goes to shit
I paid like $15 for the Silver Edition and I got 134 hours out of the game...
Good for you but like
Said I picked up on the repetitiveness of the nemesis system around 50 odd hours and stopped playing then.
it's an offline game so just pirate and Cheat Engine it.
I picked up on it as well at some point, that's kind of why you might want to take a few pauses from this game, maybe a few days to a week or so before playing again.
But yeah, it's true, the voice lines start repeating a lot, the voices for orcs themselves start repeating a lot... Even their looks and titles actual start repeating to a certain degree since you start noticing it's more of a randomized creation but with patterns, an orc can look very similar to someone else you previously killed or encountered but the only different thing is their armor type or voice, etc.
It's cool at first but then you do notice the flaws.
Unfortunately it's not a very pirate friendly game. The only cracked version is a version containing some game breaking bugs and insanely long loading times.
the orcs are more relatable than the humans
It's pretty much more of the same as Shadow of Mordor. Traversel is a bit faster, which is fun, but otherwise Mordor was a better game.
You can definitely tell that parts of the game were aimed at microtransactions and that those were cut out, the balance doesn't make much sense.
The story is generic fantasy crap and apparently not consistent with Tolkien lore.
I sort of regret playing it for as long as I did, should have dropped it when it started getting boring.
I got the game right at launch, played a good 30 hours or so, and haven't touched it since. What has changed?
the MTX vendor is gone. any crates that you had you can still open, but you can't buy new shit. its a bit harder to get orders to augment your oprcs, but thats about it.
just play sil instead
or if you're feeling really crazy play furyband
Is that it? I never once touched any of that stuff, so I guess it would still be the same for me.
I never did beat it. I got to the grindy point, and told myself I'd slowly do it over time, and thought I actually would since I spent so damn much time running around just fucking shit up in the first game, but I never did, and eventually uninstalled to free up space.
Ah, forgot something minor. They dropped the levels of enemies to get the "true" ending when they removed the game store. So if you have your save still, it would probably just take some light grinding of replacing your orcs from your early fortresses with new orcs, and you'd be set.
i saw a video where a guy dishonored an orc so many times that the orc literally turned retarded so that might be fun
I am curious to try and finish it, but I'm not 70 gigs worth of download curious.
Yeah there's a random chance of them going full retard or getting significantly stronger.
tfw you realize the micro-transactions were actually a good thing because you could just glitch/dupe orcs and gear into your inventory
>Silmarillion will never be adapted as a series of short films
>we will never see Tulkas the strong wrestle Morgoth the Enemy of the World into submission
>we will never see morgoth and ungoliant attack the two trees
>we will never see the elves, led by Feanor who did nothing wrong, go on a mission of revenge against morgoth
>we will never see the story of Beren and Luthien
>we will never see Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor, battle Morgoth, a literal fucking god, in one on one combat and manage to wound him seven times
>we will never see Fingon the valiant fight a balrog in one on one combat
>we will never see the hidden city of Gondolin
>we will never see Finrod, King of Nargothrond, battle sauron using songs of power, weaving his elven sorcery into his music
You could just listen to some Blind Guardian, and call it a day.
The orc conversations were written by Dan Abnett the guy who who wrote the Eisenhorn novels, and did a bunch of X-Men comics.
>faggot orc that spawns mobs keeps faking his death
>random captain is terrified by everything
>but is also a trickster
>anything you do makes him terrified and runs away
>only immunities are stealth and arrow proof
>does his ninja smoke disappear every time he sees you
guy was annoying, would constantly try to ambush me, see me shank a random grunt, he'd get terrified and run.
About to do the first siege, what am I in for?
I bought it for that. It's not enough to make the game good.
first siege against the NPC fortress, or against another player?
NPC, just started the game
won't be too hard, getting past the defenses will be easy for you, later defenses are really about getting your orcs into a fortress to help draw aggro. just head for the rally point and hang there, killing whatever comes after you until you've captured it, then press on. don't worry if your orcs can't keep up, they'll be right behind you. the first one is a glorified tutorial, so just get an idea of how it works. the fun stuff comes later, like when you completely fill a fortress with your captains and they turn traitor at the last moment, and the warchief gets angrier each time.
>Put captains as spies into a fortress
>There is a chance the warchief will find them out
>You'll get a cinematic of the warchief executing your captain
>Sometimes the warchief will be paranoid and accuse a captain of being a spy, but they aren't
>Warchief kills the captain
>Your orcs go "Wait...was he one of ours?"
>waaaah I hate feeling powerful in video games
have sex
Do it like me. Play on the hardest difficulty using only the starter equipment, sell everything else. Than do the quests in the required recommended level order and you should roll through it easily and have a lot of fun with the game.
God I wish
Recommend buying the longer version of the children of hurin and reading that instead of the chapter of it in the silmarilion, it's extremely good
>no game where you make your own customized orc and rise through the ranks
It hurts.
And it makes sense. Have a path take a few hours, give you customization options to enhance replayability.
what the fuck
>demo is 50gb
downloads assets and the guts of the nemesis system, if you buy you just download the rest of the cutscenes and some more assets for the rest of the areas
Shadow of Mordor/War are not games you play for the lore. In fact they trample all over it.
whats the issue
It's good, but put any "Muh Lore" On the backburner while you play it.
nothin personnel... kid
I never finished Mordor, can I just skip straight to War? The story didn't seem at all worth caring about.
it regularly goes on sale for as low as $10 on the humble store, like the full goty with DLC is $10 right the fuck now
its 20€ on humble monthly for me
9€ with all the DLCs on cdkeys though
>amazon is going to film ar pharazon making sauron his bitch and sailing with the numenorean great armament to assault valinor
>they're going to fuck it all up
It was fun making all my siege captains level 85s with insane immunities, shields and poison spears, though invading similarly stacked fortresses is like pulling teeth, especially in the final battle
Idril is cute and I would've liked it if she was in the game more
Forgot pic
prince charming from shrek?
>Khrosh Slave-Lover
As tolkien intended.
No, it's still a grindy tedious mess that was clearly designed for micro-transactions. I finished this game like 3 months ago and it was so unmemorable that i can't even remember the ending but I remember it was just garbage.
Are the dlcs worth playing? I ended up buying the definitive edition when it was on a psn sale.
She was ugly as hell on top of being BLACKED
You have shit taste.
Nothing about the game is grindy if you just play the missions and game as intended. You tard.
Game was objectively garbage and repetitive as hell you low IQ faggot. And yes it is grindy.
Trying too hard.
As has been said, the most fun you'll have with this game is when you're out on your own fucking shit up, outside of the pretty lackluster and uninspired story missions (save for maybe like a handful of interesting and cool missions).
But those bits outside are really fun that's why I like the series.
But Celebrimbor, I'm trying to take a shit here.
Can I enjoy current Battlefront 2 solo/co-op? Like, can I reasonably unlock and enjoy everything?
The core gameplay of Battlefront 2 is FAR worse than at launch, even though the progression has been detached from microtransactions. Network stability, aim drift, hit box glitches, animation glitches, and all sorts of other annoyances were slowly getting worse as the game got older but the last two patches have made them so much worse that its actually experience ruining, plus hackers have invaded the game all of a sudden and DICE is either unwilling or unable to do a thing about it.
I don't get the blacked autism.
Why does it matter more than a woman just being tainted by another man?
A women being either tainted by another white man or black man doesn't make a difference, in any case she fucked a another man.
Are people from /pol/ cucks in denial? Is cuckoldry fine if it's within the same race?
>played the demo
>touched one button and killed 40 orcs this suppose to be fun?
there's no bots on conquest maps, the only solo modes against bots are the campaign and arcade mode
lmao niggercuck detected
I despise blacked shit and bleached shit, I'm not a cuck enthusiast, unlike you.
Your logic imply that you would raise your wife's son if he's white.
No cuckoldry is possible within race you braindead nigger
its just to trigger people and get a response. like the annoying kid in school that made fart noises and pulled girls hair, any kind of attention, even negative, is better than no attention at all.
You'll never win the hyperbole with that kind of nonsense.
Speaking from personal experience.
which button? i would like to know.
I thoroughly enjoy it, tho it can get tiring after a while.
For a modern game the customization is incredible, and i love how the legendary sets function like legendaries in a diablo style game, changing up abilities and the entire playstyle.
The 2 "story" expansions are also enjoyable, baranor feels great to play and i was extra paranoid since i didn't want to die i never died and elthariel is cool, with her own set of legendary sets and for some reason an over emphasis on Light, light this light this, light everywhere.
Grab it for cheap if you can.
Really weak bamham clone
unironically one of the best songs ever
Post orcs.
I found this random motherfucker with 6 (SIX) fucking immunities. I didn't even know they could ever have that many.
It's more AssCreed than BamHam.
>not arrow proof
shit orc
Well yeah, it's just crazy that they can even have six.
Celebrimbor did nothing wrong.
He was an elf, his very existence was wrong.
>the noldor did nothing wrong
Did they rebalance the game after they got rid of the mtx? I wanted to give it another chance but fuck that if I have to go through that late game grind again.
As far as I understand there are way less sieges required now.
You know they'd fuck it all up
The Silmarillion is just fine how it is; an ancient scholarly text of oral tradition stories and a creation myth. It's like trying to adapt the Bible.
Core game is much improved in the Definitive Edition with no lootbox garbage
And that is what hurts me. They LOVE to make bible movies and tv shows, they love to make greek and roman mythology shows, they love to adapt the bible to whatever bastardized thing they want. But here we have the Silmarillion, with literal movies of stuff, and no one will touch it.
My hope is that the amazon series touches on a lot of the stuff with the fall of numenor in a respectful way at least. I think Tolkien's so deeply rooted in European/Anglo Saxon/Norse culture that it'd be difficult to add all the diversity shit without messing everything up.
Even assuming they don't, it'd be difficult to pull of something that feels genuine with a typical 3-act TV or movie structure. They'd either half to invent characters or plots to follow (which could be good or bad depending on who's writing) or just do it as if it were one of those Biblical documentaries.
My dream is a series focusing on the War of the Jewels, with one big epic climax detailing the War of Wrath. I hope I live to see what Ancalagon the Black looks like on film.
>fought an orc, ended the fight by chopping off his arm
>he comes back with a hook
>kill him again, chopped off one of his legs
>came back with a peg leg
>killed him again, pinned him to the ground with my sword
>came back as a full on fucking cyborg
>kicked my ass
>Gil-Galad, with a silmaril upon his brow, sails the heavens in his boat which survived the voyage from Numenor to the undying lands
>Pierces Ancalagon the Black, greatest of all dragons, through the heart
By the by lads, this is why I love Yea Forums. Normal threads are shit, but once we start talking about other shit we are amazing. Tolkien threads, star trek threads, Artemis Fowl threads, warhammer threads, World of Darkness threads, etc. I love you faggots.
The core game was always fine, it was the endgame that was god awful. And it was definitely improved when they fixed the microtransaction shit.
The game is mindless fun. When the difficulty ramps up, it becomes annoying, but that's much later on.
>blade of galadriel's ending closed pretty much the celembimbo-talion's storyline
>if this game has a sequel 100% the protagonist has to be the mary sue elf
To clarify on the difficulty, basically all the special orcs have weaknesses and strengths. Their weaknesses usually mean bonus damage, and sometimes instant death.
When you hit the later game, the orc captains no longer have any weaknesses at all. Fights become boring battles of attrition where you run around looking for arrows and other hazards to DPS the enemy with.
Counter also stops becoming useful after about halfway through the game. In every encounter, most of the enemies will use un-counterable attacks so you need to just hit and run constantly.
I love when they take on a new persona around the way you kill them.
Why would you pick up a non-LOTR game after reading an LOTR book?
Try different skills. It's pretty easy to tear shit up even on the hardest difficulty.
It really annoys me that you even have to pick and choose skills that you just had in the first game all at once, but what can you do.
> this suppose to be fun? this supposed to be a funny post?
Considering how open a lot of ""writers"" are about how much they despise Tolkien, I doubt it. Also considering the people who write for these corporations don't consider European/Anglo Saxon/ Norse culture as culture, I also doubt it.
They built out the skeleton of it in the desert expansion pack, but we'll have to see if Monolith will get to make another sequel.
devs probably think you would be too OP in the same game late game orcs have no weakness and a shitton of immunities
I just want a Tulkas game where I can play as a giant, mirthful mountain man ripping orcs in half with his bare hands as he gleefully laughs like a child at play.
They could just expand on the Shadow Wars at the end of the game. It's supposed to take place over several decades. It could easily work as a game with no real plot, just constant orc shenanigans until you go full nazgul. The nazgul thing also has a lot of gameplay implications. They could make the wraith mode a full-on transformation instead of glorified Batman vision.
>Implying Shadow of Even More won't go all in on the THRILLING ACTION ROGUELITE memes and let you play as either based blackman or a randomly generated human Captain
Then they put in those absurdly powerful end game perks that just raise things like crit damage and might gain to sky-high levels.
I feel like some of these bad decision came out of a need to push the microtransactions, but hopefully WB learned their fucking lesson. Tghe other thing that suffered was weapon and armor custommization. The rune customization system from SoM was superior to the fixed random enchantments in SoW, but we got what we got because it pushed the microtransactions.
This is what we need, create your own Uruk with you susceptible to all the horrors they are.
I hope they have Orc mode as an option but not make it the main game.
I'd prefer if they just took the system and put it in a different game series. There's no reason to call it "Middle-Earth" at this point, considering how little the series actually had to do with middle-earth outside of name dropping.
Whatever gets it done
If it helps sell the game, then I don't mind. I rather like the Tolkien Orcs above all others.
The Nemesis system does seem to want to catch on. Ass Odyssey sort of did it and Warframe may be trying to do it, and these sorts of gimmicks tend to run like wildfire through the indie circuit for a couple years.
You feel powerful by beating powerful enemies, not paper tigers
I unironically bought the game because of this
the power button
While I agree with you about the off topic threads being awesome, this thread is surprisingly on topic.
i meet these way too often after main game and its pissing me the fuck off, its bad enough there's usually couple other captains there along with 20+ guards
Sometimes the rng just gets to me and i say fuck it
>No way of getting anything like this back in the post game
They could have at least made it a skin or something
Whats been some of the more memorable captains you've murdered/brainwashed Yea Forums? This guy came up early on where I was too low level to enslave him but his blood brother, who got in the way of the fight, was just low enough for me to capture. Came back later to deal with him and I was just experimenting if sending his blood brother after him would change anything. Pleasantly surprised with the outcome and he and his blood brother would be the cornerstones of my conquest in the area.
Well I have this guy who just kept coming back from the dead, more and more deformed each time. He originally in the arena, then came back for revenge, got his head chopped off, came back, got thrown off a cliff, came back, had his face melted off with poison, came back again and gained the power of poison this time. Now he's my overlord of Seregost and hasn't been defeated online.
Last time I played I recruited this deranged retard. His brain damage makes him get enraged by everything, and he's a spear chucking assassin, so he can piss you the fuck off with ranged attacks and if he downs you, you get no chance to get back up. I gave him the great strength trait through training specifically, then upgraded him to legendary for a random trait and he lucked out and got thick skinned, so he's strong and tanky as fuck. It's fucking scary to fight against. The very first siege I took him on, he got angry immediately and killed one of my other captains in a berserker rage.
I haven't played since launch, but doesn't decapitation kill them for good?
No they can come back with their head stitched back on.
I'm about to do the same, I just need to try the demo first to see if I like the game and if it works well on my 2500K
I haven't bought a single-player game in like 5 years
>The combat is still the same
I wish. They changed it way too much from the first and turned it to shit.