is too short
Is too short
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Quality over quantity my dude.
Yeah, but it was a blast to play and has loads of free bonus levels (which are hard as fuck) and has 4 different routes. The routes are similar but you've gotta do second run at least once,
And boring.
So was the original. The real problem is cool stuff they cut out of an already short game made over 20 years ago.
>They cut the boring stuff!!
Ahh shut up and fuck off
I'm so glad they give us less content then what a team half the size of the new team made on worse hardware with a lower budget! I hope when they remake 1 again they cut those stupid spiders too!
I just recently play RE2 in playstation. What did they cut in the remake?
-G-adult is a common enemy as a compromise for removal of various enemy types
-Chemical plant+Marshalling Yard cut, we got orphanage + unique sewer section for Ada so not that bad
-Every boss re-used for both characters aside from one, no more exclusive bosses to B-scenario
-Ivy's replaced with boring plant zombies not out of creative reasons but to avoid needing to animate an enemy from hand and just use mocap instead
-No more parallel story
In hindsight, they really did announce the game 5 minutes after the pitch meeting which is why it took them 3 years to make something they could show.
as short as your dick, you propably should emphasize
>I'm so glad they give us less content then what a team half the size of the new team made on worse hardware with a lower budget!
What a disingenuous, legitimately retarded redditor reply
>Tsuyoshi Kanda: One thing that sticks in my mind, really, is that… when I think back to my memories of Resident Evil 2, the plant monster that appears was really memorable for me. So there I was, I was thinking ‘oh, how are we going to handle this one…’ but then one day I looked at the planning documents of how we were rethinking the story and it was no longer in it.
>I was kind of like… “what’s happening here?!” [laughs] I talked to the team and they said well, it’s really hard to make a plant monster in a more realistic atmosphere. We just thought we’d skip it. I told them I needed us to make it work, and that led to a back-and-forth on how to do it for about a year – them saying it couldn’t be done and me as producer saying I wanted it in there. As for how it turned out in the end… we’ll leave it for you to see later! But that’s one of the things I really remember butting heads with the team on for quite a while.
Haha, let's just skip this enemy. It needs to be "realistic" now who cares about remaking the game lol?
why doesn’t mr.x just run
>tfw really liked RE2
>Can speedrun it in an hour thirty
>Dont ever wanna touch it again because of Mr.X
I'd probably really like to do one of those randomizer runs but he really does just ruin the whole pace of the game Idgaf what any retard says
The only things they fucked up, in order of importance (from worst fuckup to nitpick):
>Leon and Claire runs are practically identical, they do the exact same shit, fight the exact same bosses (on fucking arenas and setpieces that somehow break and then fix themselves) and somehow don't run into each other in the middle of it all
>You only get to explore a small part of the lab underneath Raccoon, the only parts where you revisit the places from the original are during the escape sequence
>Ada/Sherry sections are fine at first but on repeat playthroughs they just become the equivalent of a fucking walking corridor cutscene, at least in the original they're super short and you get items out of those
>You have to pay for shit like the Classic sounds and some skins instead of that being unlockable as a reward for either beating the game or doing a really good job
>No randomizer options to randomize rooms and or items (if modders can do it, and given how fucking popular it is and helps with prolonging the game, it should've been there day 1 or after a patch)
>Not enough bonus modes and bonus content in general, although what we got as DLC is appreciated if anything
I fucking loved it overall though, it could've been an 11/10 classic but I guess we don't deserve that.
Not enough non-DLC costumes
>cutting out the boring B scenario content makes the game better and that's a good thing
X is unironically one of the best things about the Remake though.
Kanda seems pretty based. Sad that he couldn't get those lazy bastards to make actual plant monsters in the end. Hopefully the fact that nearly everyone was disappointed by the lab shows them that their laziness didn't pay off.
>Idgaf what any retard says
Only a retard who knows they are wrong would say something like this
On the first run yes because of the sense of urgency. But I dont wanna be fucking abusing his A.I because its not fucking fun
Don't abuse it then. I don't even fucking know how to abuse him, aside from running into rooms which he can't enter and hoping to juke his ass on exit.
at least the song is still there
But thats still not fun. Its a fucking chore.
I hope they improve the a.i for nemesis, if they ever remake 3
>too short
B-but I bought it day-one and i've still to clear Leon and Claire second run!
At first I assumed there was some issues with the RE Engine for making non-humanoid enemies but it seems Itsuno's team had no trouble whatsoever.
Yeah, too bad it's for a generic sewer monitor room but I'll take what I can get.
I dunno man, the only time when I was like "this is some fucking bullshit" was when he showed up in a room with a licker in it.
And i got platinum in the first week after release, git gud u casual shid
I save flashbangs for him exclusively. It can be a get out of jail free card if used right.
It's really is sad that they scrapped this section, would've been cool
>Leon and Claire runs are practically identical, they do the exact same shit, fight the exact same bosses (on fucking arenas and setpieces that somehow break and then fix themselves) and somehow don't run into each other in the middle of it all
I'll try to explain that. The game was originally going to be A scenarios for Claire and Leon but since most people that played RE2 never knew about B scenarios they decided to just do the A ones and both would end with fighting G5.
Now E3 happens and people complain about the fact they cut it so they panic, hack together the 2nd runs but it's far too late to make any new cutscenes so you get that whole Annette bullshit. What's funny is they don't edit the dialogue said in the train for the 2nd run character to make sense since it acts like it was something said in the character's A scenario instead.
That's really fucking unfortunate if true, the zapping system was like.. the most important part about the original 2.
Most of these are nitpicks, the only one I’m at all unhappy with is the parallel story
I found a lot of the ideas they had in those roundtable videos weird. Sure some sound pretty cool but others so off the wall. Leon driving around chasing a dog in the forest? Playing hide and seek in the orphanage with some blind weeper monster? This all sounds far beyond a Remake then the more sensible changes they ultimately made.
Not really.
How does the remake stack up to the original?
t. someone who's just getting into RE
Play it yourself and find out!
The labs area should have been expanded on. The dining hall/kitchen area was great. They really should have added in an expanded employee area with more spooks.
Better gameplay, many more variables to consider, also more challenging. Compromises had to be made but you'll likely enjoy it more then the original. How far are you in the series?
both have their strengths and they reveal eachothers weaknesses much more than they would if only one existed
If someone could literally only play one of them for some reason id probably tell them to play the remake simply because it fleshed out and improved all of the main locations to be more complex and has practically the best zombies with the best combat system to deal with those zombies ever in any game (its comparable to dead space but much more complex with much more actual strategy due to the nature of the revolving exploration and how the gore deformation actually works) and mr.X
The things that the original does better are pretty fucking obvious (like the scenario system and the general ambiance/ ost etc etc)
Unfortunately I haven't played the original either. I don't think I could play both the original and the remake back to back, but I'd like to get the most out of my first RE2 playthrough, or at least know pick the better experience for the first playthrough
Finished 7, will go back to its DLC a bit later on, currently downloading RE1 HD. I heard many great things about the original RE2, so I'm just planning ahead, because I think I'll really like this series overall.
Alright, so story and atmosphere is better in the original, but gameplay overall is better in the remake?
>I don't think I could play both the original and the remake back to back
You can beat original RE2 in like 3-4 hours blind, it's not long
Oh shit, really? For some reason I thought it was longer than that. 10-12 hours at least.
I hope you enjoy them. The tank-controls/fixed camera may be hard to adjust to for first-timers.
>so story
>and atmosphere
a non quantifiable meme term but the OST is much more striking in the original and the graphics (art style) are undeniably more vibrant and unique mostly due to PS1 limitations. REmake 2 looks like it fits into the same universe as REmake 1 and RE7 instead which isnt a bad thing but it lost a bit of what people liked about the original RE2 with the bombastic operatic action style mixed with the gore horror
>10-12 hours at least
If you go for all 4 scenarios, then yeah. If you just play Leon A or Claire A, then it won't take you more than several hours
>hey this seems kinda difficult to fix what do we do?
>remove it!
Everything wrong with today's game development.
its either game too long but soulless,
game too short, has lot of content
I'm really hoping that the next RE is done in this style, hopefully longer though.
>hopefully longer though.
How did people not know about the B scenarios?
I love Claire.
When are they going to remake the remake?
Leon is better
Why does she look mentally challenged?
Most people would beat the Claire disc or Leon disc, see the credits and think that's it. All they know about RE2 is that both characters was the same game aside from the supporting cast and the weapons both characters used so that's what Re2make stuck to. Both characters was the same game aside from the supporting cast and the weapons both characters used. At least it was meant to be until the 2nd runs had to be made.
You're a fucking idiot.
>doesn't daydream of filling mentally challenged quadriplegic women with semen 7 times a day
remake 1 in seven years, remake 2 in fifteen years
Mr X is insanely easy to avoid, especially when you know the map. If you can really speedrun it in an hour 30 then Mr X wouldn't be an issue at all
You're full of shit.
should have removed claire and have the game fully focus on leon.
I'm always annoyed at how fucking stupid people are
Claire is so brave
Hopefully soon. Fixed camera angles were never good. Don’t care if it’s contrarian. It’s an annoying handicap for an otherwise enjoyable game
>>so story
Shut the fuck up asshole. The story is definitely better in the original
This user gets it
His coat's too heavy
>should have removed claire and have the game fully focus on leon.
Claire gave it soul desu
Claire is the best part of RE.
Low functioning autism
you're too short
It's the same shitty story. Things just got even more retarded with Leon driving to city because Irons told him to stay home and he found it suspicious and the lab being in the sewers under downtown.
>Leon driving around chasing a dog in the forest?
Any excuse to explore more areas would be nice to be honest.
Exploring the old cabin in the RE1 remake for example. On a technical level that area is completely unnecessary and long, you can clearly tell they added it for the cool factor of actually leaving the mansion and exploring the woods.
>Wesker, Jill, Leon are the pillars of Resident Evil
Please KYS immediately
I love her too
once you get over that tension / fear of him being like a good 5, 6, maybe 7 steps away, he's super easy to avoid
just dont try pissing him off when you get down to that one room after the medallions.
he actually will leap-punch you, depending where he's positioned, just avoid playin chicken with him
No, it's always been Chris, Jill, Leon and Claire. Though Jill hasn't been in a game since 2012, she is getting a solo game of her 24yo self in full RE Engine glory. And I bet Chris (RE7 version) will be in RE8
both are pretty great
play both
This is the same reason why DMC 5 has limited costumes and no Vergil, Trish, and Lady playable content.
Thankfully we were gifted with best girl.
what did they change about him other than showing up a bit more? he's still not really a thing worth talking about i think
>what did they change about him other than showing up a bit more?
Pretty much that. Mr. X is a none threat, but an annoyance who shows up far too much. It's the worst when he pops up when you're trying to move the bookcases in the library. It's pretty much a case of dropping what your doing because the faggot decided to show up.
>those sex moans
Who knew flan could be so hot
I think the length is fine, but the Remake created some flaws that weren't in the original. The biggest being no true B route. Then there's the fact that Leon and Claire don't fucking talk to each other past the intro, or how the enemy variety dropped. The changes to Sherry and Ada's sections while good on the 1st run through, suck on replays especially, Sherry's section as it's essentially an auto-scroller.
The thing about REmake 2 is that it's an actual great game, but it's not a remake of RE2. The game shares half the police station and the characters. You could argue the game is closer to RE4 in most aspects.
>tfw loved RE2 but hated having to constantly evade around Mr. X
>tfw currently playing Alien Isolation and Mr. X is easy mode compared to the Xenomorph
Both solid 9/10s
Compare with based Glen and its clear tiny penis Japs cannot compete with western devs.
>people want me to play RE1-3
>tank controls
You guys.
Yes, yes, well done, RE2. Well done, RE2. HOWEVER