What of the East? I AM the NEW VEGAS THREAD
What of the East? I AM the NEW VEGAS THREAD
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Why are you guys so obsessed with this game?
It’s fun
If you played it you’d know
I just launched the game right now.. Going to finish this playthrough. Any good mods for the next?
>why are you discussing video games?
Haven't played since HH released.
Any mod recommendation pasta?
It's a Bethesda game they are allowed to like.
ok thanks npc.. I bet you love fallout 3 and 4 like the dumb zoomer you are
Is NPC still a thing?
If you want to keep up with the times gramps you should have replied "have sex".
Always glad to help the old timers try to fit in.
Post your couriers.
>organization where only the head of it is intelligent
worst choice in the entire game
even the corrupt as fuck ncr is a better choice
Only the head being intelligent is better than the entire upper management being retarded. Thus, legion still better than ncr.
These are two completely opposite things
if the head dies you will be stuck with a bunch of savages
Ok thanks son.. Now go dilate then kill yourself afterwards
>"Not understanding the gravity of the Legion's imminent takeover of Primm, Sheriff Primm Slim valiantly attempts to resist Caesar's will."
That's the only thing to hurt my heart during my legion playthrough
monster of the east
more like
monster of deceased
Poor Ulysses, he couldn't accept that a complete accident didn't have meaning behind it.
caesar has 4 cha 4 int
>Caesar's Legion is the only hope for the wasteland!!!
>Vulpes Inculta, Lucius, and Lanius are not intelligent
>Dead Sea, Cato Hostilius, and all the other somewhat high ranking Legion members aren't highly capable of completing their objectives.
The real problem is that the Legion has no clear back up after Caesar dies, its leadership is highly capable beyond Caesar himself though.
You may be trolling but you do not fully appreciate just how many tumblr, SJW-types fucking love Ceasar's Legion. The horseshoe theory is real.
Legion oppresses women, promotes slavery, hates degeneracy etc
do they just crave centurion cock?
>that sissy that backs the followers of the apocalypse
Mental gymnastics and fan-fiction.
Caesar knows that’s, it’s one of the reasons why he wants Vegas. Then he can stop being an army on the move, have a real center of government, and establish succession
Bitches love the BLC
You don't want to know.
All the other faction’s tech is scavenged, in some cases they don’t know how it works and no one is making any more of it soon if ever. The Legion is the only group prepared for a future where there’s no tech to scavenge so that’s a point in their favor.
Non stop circle jerk from obsidian shills.
Welcome to Yea Forums
this is exactly what I expected desu
What is the Brotherhood of Steel
Fallout 3 is older than New Vegas you retard.
What are your favorite mods? What are the best mods?
>All the other faction’s tech is scavenged, in some cases they don’t know how it works and no one is making any more of it soon if ever.
Bethesda writer detected
A bunch of inbred tv-hoarding niggers.
And isolationist cult that isn't interested in seeing tech in the hands of common folks
>kill him
>take his helmet and sword
>game ends 2 minutes later
>cant continue after it ends
why let us take his shit if we cant even use it?
Opinions on the Sawyer mod? Worth a playthrough?
It's a good game that sticks with you. Plus it's got a lot of topics to bicker about so it can keep threads going.
Based. Complaining about FO:NV that a few people on Yea Forums consider a cult classic, while being silent about the constant Nintendo dicksucking is clear hypocrisy.
It's a strong pill for a strong shit hole
>but muh democracy
The wasteland doesn't need democracy. Arguably, it needs to be bent into shape forcefully via authoritarian methods if it wants to be civil again.
The gun runners run an advanced weapon factory and they're literally whos
The Enclave invented a new improved power armor back like 100 years ago (they ded now though)
House has a bunch of prewar tech he literally invented
The NCR isn't very advanced but they still make some sweet guns and armor
I'm not strong enough for the legion, that's why I hate them
That's why House is the thinking man's choice.
>b-but muh crucifixion muh slaves
grow up
House posters are equivalent to Pickle Rick!™ toddlers
NCR's Goal:
>Peace and order (through inefficient bureaucracy and good intentions)
BVLL's Goal:
>Peace and order (through public execution using torture and brutal dictatorship)
Courier's Goal:
>Peace and order (Hopefully. and most likely through his own personal strength, connections, and the help of an untrustworthy super AI who controls all his super weapons)
House's goal:
I fucking adored OWB because the insane brain jars were basically caricatures of House's stupid ass
Redpill me on New California.
Thing is the jannies are all virulent nintendogs, why else would retarded nintendo shit get stickied?
horrendously bad unless you dump 7+ into CHR
>NCR flies their president in for a bullshit speech using VTOLs based off of prewar designs
>both the NCR and BoS vying with each other to fix a solar powerplant/deathray, albeit they both employed idiots do so
>random ghouls maintain and eventually utilize rockets to reach space
Nah, Cesar is a fuck House a corpse setting is in shambles I am the vaultman.
Oh, and boomers employ a doomer to help their zoomers fix a bomber so they can boom while they zoom.
Is there any good post-ending mod? I know there are a few of them but are any worth actually using?
Peace and order are such simple things for House to achieve he doesn't really need to fixate on them. He can set his sights on greater things.
i haven't played this in a few years
whats the modding scene like these days? any big new ones i should be aware of?
Boomers should rule new vegas
It's okay.
that one
its got the roleplaying depth of the old crpgs with immersive first person gameplay, its a legendary game
>Decide to try New California again
>update to last patch
>finish main quest
>watch ending, roll to credits
>"Whew, I'm glad that's finally over. Time for a new ga-"
>screen fades to black
>"Whoa, easy there. Easy. You been out cold a couple of days now..."
Fuck me.
its vanilla for less casuals, it doesnt make a huge impact but you shouldnt NOT use it
>New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment.
>The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon.
>What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury... A society of customers.
>With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit.
>100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation.
In the meantime, you'd rule Vegas as some kind of dictator?
>I prefer the term "autocrat."
>I would rule as a chief executive. I would not answer to a board of directors or any other entity.
>Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
What's to keep you from abusing your power?
>My judgement.
>I have no interest in abusing others, just as I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time.
>Nor have I any interest in being worshipped as some kind of machine god messiah. I am impervious to such corrupting ambitions.
>But autocracy? Firm control in the hands of a technological and economic visionary? Yes, that Vegas shall have.
The Great War didnt perma-destroy the ability to make new tech.
Yes, the original mod made by the man himself. Ultimate goes too far
And its a shit fucking game get fucked
House is aautist confirmed
What build should I do on my first run of NV ?
Melee, Barter, Survival
Unarmed explosives
-its fun
-has an engaging story
-much replayability
*meanwhile in Appalachia*