What's your favorite group of white guys to listen to?

Mario Maker streams are comfy. Ben and Blood play too slow.

Attached: Easy Allies.png (1920x480, 45K)

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Has Ian confirmed that he is indeed gay?

He is too special for labels or some shit
Yeah one of those crazy people, I dont think he is going to transition or anything though


where is it blood?

If Bloodworth is in the thread, can you post some proof so we know it is you?

Thanks pal!

Thanks for the proof and reading my mind Blood.

3 guests with no Brandon means more chance of Damiani.

Attached: 1473347903049.gif (245x263, 2.75M)

Danke Herr

Attached: 234234423423.jpg (168x207, 7K)

Thanks, Blood. Got any cuppas?


Wait a minute...

Attached: 1562726153090.gif (288x188, 2.36M)

Ignore that guy

Funhaus !

Good lookin' out, Jonesy.

Dont expect much though, he mainly writes answers now. due to babby

Right here *unzips dick*

That's alright, I just need my fix on that sweet sweet voice.

He's talked about girlfriends in the past and he's never talked about boyfriends or anything. I don't think he's gay, I think he's just flamboyant.

Which is to say he's frustrated about the luck he's had with women and "becoming" one is just his way of dealing with it. Still, Ian and Kyle are very funny together and the guy is clearly putting more work into EZA than the guys other than Jones and Blood.

This. Ian can identify as whatever the fuck he wants if he's gonna be one of the most valuable members of the production side of things. He gets shit done.