Based Ubisoft did it again

based Ubisoft did it again

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did anynody even like the first division? I seem to recall nobody even caring about it

literally never heard anyone talk about it ever since its release.

There's a group of people at work who play a lot of multiplayer games together, they poured plenty of time into Division 1 and all but one had pre-ordered Division 2. So there was some demand I can imagine.

>this is you brain on Yea Forums

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fuck off. ubisoft is known to lie about their figures. look up what bullshit they said about rhat dumb knights vs barbarians vs asian samurais game that was supposedly the biggest online game but not even a week later it was dead.

I thought that was MK11? Wha Happan?

yes reporting fake numbers to inventors is completely legal
here take this, you obviously need it

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These numbers don't even come from investors, they're estimates from third party analysts.

To bad the player drop off was just as bad as the first games

Yes, because major companies lying to their investors has never happened before

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Thst, or its just from NPD, which is one region of the globe. People are fucking retarded.

hello summerfags

the reports of publicly traded companies such as ubisoft are availiable for everyone to read, you can literally google it now leave the fucking board shitters

Wow its almost as if new guidelines weren't put in place after the collapse of Enron to stop that shit happening again.

Fucking Sarbanes Oxley dude, come on.

You're a financelet who has obviously never read any of Ubisoft's financial reports because they don't release sales figures.

I bought this on release. The initial playthrough is okay, but theres a reason no one talks about it. The endgame and everything else is boring shit. No build variety, they broke skills multiple times, they make big changes to things for no reason (good luck making a build that doesnt get nerfed by the next update)

The game is garbage that. Fuck your screens and stats. The original dude is right, no one talks about this game. And for good reason

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how even is it? I never tried the first one but I'm looking for a shooter to dump some time into, is the shooting even fun?

Well of course, they did a massive U turn with their woke bullshit.
Now they're shitting out games that are fun and interesting.
No wonders they're making mad bank.

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so it's a bad game, even if it is possible to be the most sold in quantities this year? fuck i hate normies that enable shit publishers like ubisoft.

Play the first one. They actually fixed it quite a bit. Division 2 got the destiny 2 treatment. Dont bother.

I found it enjoyable until you reach the "endgame" which is sifting through literally thousands of pieces of gear looking for that 1 in a million godroll drop, with everything else being completely useless. It had the exact opposite loot problem that Anthem had.
Atleast the raid was a casual filter.

how many hours until you reach endgame approx?

Ubisoft doesn't talk about sales figures in their financial reports, you fucking dumb ass. Like microsoft, they only mention revenue. The only way you're getting sales numbers is if ubisoft makes a press release statement about it.

Gotta do 1-30, then progress through to world tier 5. If you go at a casual pace, maybe 20/30 hours? There's a bunch of repeatable stuff that can easily suck out a few hours of your time here and there before you know it. You can definitely get your moneys worth, but there's no real reason to stick around because once you've done everything, you're going to be going back and doing it all over again to farm for those rolls you want.

The game was so shit, the general on /vg/ didnt even last 2 months

Enron was publicly traded