Is it more exp to run The Great Gubal Library, or Sohm Al (Hard)? To get to level 61 from 60

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do your roulettes


Even - DNC
Odd - BRD
0 - NIN

Just starting WAR, been looking at the skills and something doesn't seem to fit. At lvl45 you unlock an AoE gauge spender but the only way to generate gauge is from maim and storm's path at this point, which are both ST skills. Is this really intended? I have a way to spend gauge in AoE but no way to build it.

The fastest way to get from 61 to 60 is actually to delete your character and start over

Yes. WAR never built gauge with AOE until recently with the addition of MT. They were always single target burst tanks

>reading comprehension

>Last night kept dying at Titan and got carried
>Today I solo-tanked him with no issues but the rest of the pt kept dying
Such is the cycle of life.

>reading comprehension

Gubal probably.

>dying on Titan
Is this 2015 again?

Then the AoE spender skill simply doesn't fit. If I want to use it I'll be forced to go ST which defeats the whole purpose of it. Either that or I have some gauge left from a previous fight. Either way, it doesn't really connect as a design.

How do I improve my damage as Bard? I know there's more that I can do. I keep averaging 8.3-8.6k DPS which is really bad in comparison to others. Please help a noob out.

How new are you? Titan was 2013 content

BLM bros...

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Oh you sweet, summer child.

>all MNKs been bitching that MNK sucks after changes

>about to watch all of them go dead quiet

I was there when Titan EX first came out. I suffered that hell first-hand. Now the devs think they're fuckin hilarious for making the experience even worse by making the new Titan knockback on nearly everything, unavoidably, without markers.

Don't get me wrong, the fight is incredibly easy, but goddamn are PUGs completely incapable of understanding how these mechanics work. I only have so many Rescues.

>SAM below BRD
These are harsh times.

this but SMN

Go back to WoW please.

Moonfire Faire is coming soon friends, what are you hoping for?

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More platforming, watching everyone fall was fun.


>watch 30 minutes of cutscenes
>teleport to next location
>click guard to turn in quest
>Proceeding past this point will initiate a series of cutscenes, please set aside a considerate amount of time before continuing.

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Actual rewards would be nice

Im not sure I get your problem. You build gauge on a single target and use cyclone to get aoe damage on big pulls. If you're losing aggro on other targets, you use overpower to get it back.

just buy a boost lol

when though

I remember before when they let you get all of the old summer stuff as well. It won't happen anymore :(


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It's been a few hours.

Roulettes, then FATE train. HoH if you have a group.

Do I have to autistically study a fight to be competent with BLM? I really don't like planning shit.

>want to do Eden with my friends
>me and a couple of others group up
>ask 3 other friends to join
>"nah, we already grinded our gear earlier"
Holy shit, how about just being helpful or even do it anyway because it's fucking fun??

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>causes half your alliance to rage quit

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Just do the fights and you know when there will be gaps long enough to drop leylines.

Thank god for Arm's Length.

>I really don't like planning shit
I have bad news for you brainlet.
Play RDM.

If only they'd use it.

Your friends sound like WoWfugees.

POTD. Do 51-60 like 3 or 4 times and you're good. Should take an hour.

Why should they waste their time for you? The world doesn't revolve around you.

So I just finished MSQ. What's the run numbers required to level up the trusts?

>The world doesn't revolve around you.
Actually it does.

How do so many people fuck up at this boss, wiping once I get but he's really easy once you've seen what he does once

Worst part is when you wipe at the add phase because that is 100% because shitters don't know their rotations

MNK is the only good DPS

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>mah dps muh fugguh
monk is fucking boring, mhigger

We never even play together, because _they're_ too self centered to ever want to join shit unless they specifically need roullettes.

What's even the point of playing a MMO if you're gonna rush everything and ignore playing with your friends


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More artwork like that.

>that small of a sample size
Literally means nothing

Would doing the MSQ as a tank make encounters and solo battles slower DPS-wise?

Thancred > Ra'njit > Cuck of Light

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Aren't we also due for another Rising event with Yoshida's NPC?

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For me, it's Titan (Berserker) theme.
>When the guitar hits in at 3:08

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Is ranged DPS most easiest job for parsing? Especially pug parsing?
>no cast time
>no need to stand in melee range
>100% active time

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t. NINcuck, have fun padding everyone else's numbers and literally having no other purpose. only BLM and MNK are worth playing

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Shitty happi outfit that was already datamined so we already know the reward.

We're getting a mount for halloween though.

Over 110, fuck that


110 dungeon runs? Goddam they don't want you just solo grinding.

blm can be fun, but monk is the most boring job of the game

Does Eden 1/2 drop Force Your Way?

Technically yes, but not by a ton. Just use your companion.

Whats the most fun melee dps class?

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user DID give me ANOTHER Final Fantasy XIV wife! Thank YOU user FOR giving me THIS wife! Alisaie IS a CUTE wife! She IS my [beautiful branch]!

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>monks don't care about TK rotation anymore
In the end of day only DPS matters and no one really cares about "high skill TK rotation"

I saw it was like 7 runs for 70-71 and gave up right there. It’s not even great personal xp and they take like 45 minutes to run once

BLM bros...

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DRG is most rigid
NIN is most complex
MNK is most annoying
SAM is most easy
Fun is subjective, pick which one you like best

Goodbye padding

>final alliance boss has a move that is the combination of mechanics from all the previous bosses
>80% of the raid dies to it
Always warms my heart.

>Bard that high up
>Summoner above BLM

Yeah no I'm calling shit.

is eden an obscure ff boss?
seems like no one recognized the attack

Did we actually kill the two jester girls in Eulmore? After fighting them to get to Vaulthry we don't ever see them again.

If nobody posts i'll post after this E4 run, queue just popped.

Complexity for complexities sake is bad design.

Jump puzzle like last year was comfy

>fight forces you to move around
>a lot
>practically all the time even
>surprised when BLMs don't parse as high as they can

MNK is the official pairing for DNC and therefore the thinking mans melee DPS. go back to the shed, cuck

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>Calling anyone other than Feo Ul your beautiful branch
user you fucked up. You fucked up hard.

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Yup, they dead

No matter what I do I keep succeeding.

Watch them nerf the shit out of us next patch.

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he's not a boss, he's a summon that you Draw from Ultima Weapon (or another fight later on in the final dungeon)

Dead just as anticlimactically as Ranjit

I'm expecting them to return in a dungeon in the patches at some point.

Fishing is comfy

>all those cards
>rdps is only 100 dps lower

Other then the fact some people enjoy it

Why is the lvl80 red mage AF so lewd? The top even has a built-in collar.


It was the secret super summon in one of the more unpopular sequels so yeah kinda

Can you get Ifrit's blue spell from normal? I get conflicting information everywhere I look

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Over 100 runs to get everyone up. It stays at a pretty consistent 6 runs per level until the last two levels I think and it goes up to 7. At a minimum of 30 minutes per run (roughly) its like 3 hours per level so 30 hours for each group to 80 at the fastest.

For something they don't want to take over playing with players they sure want you to invest a lot of time in it.

I'm ok with it, Ran'jit was boring as hell too
>I truly believe the world is beyond saving
>>bro we are literally one Warden away from saving it

but drg and nin give more esprit according to many tests

People play Monk? I sure don't see many.

If you are going to have a complex rotation/design it should be rewarding to do so.
I'm just saying a lot of people get obsessed with the idea of "it's gotta be complex so I can feel big brain" when it's not actually more rewarding to do so.

I do NOT play Final Fantasy XIV BUT I bought game AND expansions FOR wife! I have COLLECTED Feo Ul wife user! Thank YOU user FOR giving me THIS wife! Feo Ul IS my [beautiful branch]!

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If he does the same move in normal then you can learn it. Like how you can learn Titan's move in hard mode instead of extreme.


Why is this autistic type of post somehow familiar to me.

I'd appreciate it very much

Good riddance.

You don't. Bard has always been a support class disguised as a DPS and now that they neutered the class in both damage and support, there's no reason to take one over a Dancer

>play DRG
>ALWAYS get Dance Partner
I have all the Vierra dancers thirsting all over my lance.

Please don't lewd the fairies.

I told you yesterday to stop posting like this and yet here I see you posting this concentrated cringe once more.

Stop posting.

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I enjoy the chaos of many wipes with the party getting increasingly frustrated. Titan is perfect.

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>For something they don't want to take over playing with players they sure want you to invest a lot of time in it.
I guess only those who really want it will put in the work.



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I want to fuck both of the twins

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Speaking of, should I bother telling my party that I can just tank it? It seems everyone wants to tank swap desu.

Except it's more fun than DNC.

Sounds like Indian typing


At least keep your shitposting straight,

Exarch saw them both nekkid when he soummoned them. And Y'shtola too.

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! That IS a CUTE male wife! (It is! It is!)

>Started HW a week and a Half ago
>Got to the Second Nidhogg fight
>Mfw the entire sequence with Dragon Song blasting in the background

I hope the rest of post game HW is great

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>SAM eats every single mechanic in Innoc EX clear party
I waited too long

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It's pretty good but Final Steps of Faith is the pinnacle of the game until Shadowbringers.

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That's about the peak of kino from HW.

is SAM hard/complicated to use?

*clears ultimate*

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not as great as that, but it's fine

>play drg
>never ever get partnered
It's cause I'm a girl isn't it...

Nothing in this game is hard to use.

>tfw no option to let them go on with it

I already got all my loot for the week do I really have to start a new fucking character if I want to gear an alt?

It's even dumber now.

I'm pretty jealous

Thank you

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that little lip gloss makes me diamonds

This isn't WoW

>"please no one upload that parse"
>upload it
sorry bitch sucks to suck

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They also get infuriate at 50 to get a free ability, so it can be the AoE one.

It also doesn’t make any sense now because the AoE is just damage, but it also used to have a threat component (where it also didn’t make sense), or in Stormblood a self heal.

>he never surpassed Old Sycamore for Valerie
feels sad, man

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Tell me why DRK isn't the best.

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*pats it's head*

>not being a tall alpha Au Ra male for the largest lance

Where is pot potato masher when you need him

>Mention before Stormblood they want to add Blitzball
>During Stormblood they say they're still working on how to add it
>Literally nothing about Blitzball since

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This is my first expansion launch and honestly I'm so disappointed with amount of content. No beast tribe quests, no post game side quests, no Hildi, no alliance raid. Only 2 trials and 4 arena bossfights per week. This is suffering. I want more.

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yea make sure to trade all the soulbound items from the alt to the main too while you're're at it

Why did they give him tits

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It got fucking butchered.

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This isn't a game you play 24/7. Come back in a few weeks for savage then a few more weeks for the Alliance raid :)

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You're not meant to grind the game out.
Someone post that Yoshi image.

imagine if this was actually Alisaie telling you and Alphinaud is the shy one haha


literally none of that shit is there on launch though you fucking retard

And that's a good thing, blitzball is shit

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Maybe try not being a NEET who plays 12 hours a day

If you got all of that right now, you would have another week of content, and then no content for the next year. Would you prefer that?

Also Savage will keep you occupied for a hundred hours or more.

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People should play Blitzball and realize how awful it is.

Blitzball wouldn't work in FFXIV because of its netcode unless they slow it down to the point it becomes boring.

Not really if you want to level and gear multiple jobs, also savage in 2 weeks.


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>Traditional yet stylish fantasy aesthetic, not immersion-breaking technofantasy where Nero can build a handheld self powered gravitational field neutraliser in his coffee break but can't figure out a bogstandard combustion engine
>No primals, all the beast tribes are well behaved if you leave them alone and some are actively friendly
>No lalafell waddling into the room and ruining all tension in every scene they're a participant in with their stupid animations
>They were replaced with based dorfs who greet perfect strangers like they were old friends and just want to share a barrel of ale with you and talk about mining
>No elementals, no jews, no pirates, no Mhiggers, everyone chips in and does their part
>Better background music, imagine waking up to LA-HEE gently playing while the birds are singing around you, comfy as fuck
>A whole new world to explore and rebuild from the ground up

The Source can fuck right off, I'm staying here. You can't make me buy 6.0.

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Blitzball was already turn-based you fucking secondary.

>1 second before
>Someone post that Yoshi image.

What would people do if Ion said this regarding WoW?

And yet they gave us Lord of Verminion and nobody fucking plays that

I swear to fuck if DRK can go full Saber Alter a la Sparks Liner High I will pick it up right now.

what if Blitzball is added in but it's a turn-based combat RPG minigame?

Underages, please leave.

I know. That's why I complain, you ESL ape

>wtf bros why didn't they frontload all the content for the expansion launch I started playing Stormblood 3 months ago and all the content was there for me to do what gives???

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Got the one after the ending where they were talking about being asleep after the victory party and Alisaie hoping she wasn't drooling whilst she slept?

>but can't figure out a bogstandard combustion engine
They have combustion engines though. They just run on ceruleum which is basically magical petroleum.

I will DO it user BUT it IS boring BUT I will DO it! (I will! I will!)

They can easily add it like it was in X-2 as a management game. Being able to scout players and train them and shit.

Here are your alice in wonderland deep dungeon npcs bro

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>Not really if you want to level and gear multiple jobs
>can only get loot for one job per week
Then what's the fucking point?


Is FFXIV good enough if I just want a solid JRPG experience or should I get Dragon Quest XI instead? No interest in the MMORPG aspects, just the story.

you're going back at the end of 5.0 and you're gonna like it, Zenos has a surprise birthday party for you, Estinien isn't there but he bought you a gift anyway

you expect wowfugees to have played final fantasy 10?

That one works too. I was thinking about that one youtube video.

When was the last time you spent time with your family?

>inb4 they don't love me
Because you don't love yourself.

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Yes, a good chunk of the MMORPG aspects are optional beyond having to group up with people for dungeons and bosses.

Damn the game was practically made for you then.

>Want to play SMN and BLM
>They have completely different substats


i dont know how to read that image.
care to explain?

How do we save BLU?

>Alphinaud watching his sister sleep and talking about how defenseless she looked, with her sighing marking the heaving of her softly rising chest, her mouth half-open with a lick of spittle resting on her lip

It feels like a good jrpg yeah
But you'll have to party up with others to do story content

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>new future
>zenos kills WoL
>he goes insane over what he's done that he kills everyone else
>this is why Exarch hasn't vanished

>Imagine sleeping comfortably in your bed in Rak'tika and at the strike of fucking 6 AM being blasted with inescapable LA HEEEE every single morning even though you've only had 4 hours of sleep

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Shorts not included. Comes in red, black and white.

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Can you farm normal mode EDEN for gear? Or can you only get one piece a week per boss? I'm confused and quite possibly retarded.

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If Eden can be made to create floors and shit, FUCKING BITCH WHY AREN'T YOU MAKING ME A FUCKING RAILING RYNE

So according to leaks, the Trust system will effect NG+ for the Shadowbringers story secret ending if you max them all out.

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It's unironically better as a jrpg experience than a mmo experience

6 months ago. And no I don't play WoW. So I'm not your enemy in subculture fandom war.

I'm 32 and blitzball has always been shit

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If Zenos killed us he'd probably kill himself, again. His only other option for sport that could nick him would be to have people summon primals and completely fuck up the aether of the world.

git gud

That sounds tediously bullshit to be true.

I want to stick my dick in them

Who IS this CUTE clown wife! Clown wifes ARE good!

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run both and find out for yourself you stupid spoonfed faggot

They could make a Juggler class that uses ball desu.

Titan will always be here to slap our shit.

The multiplayer story content is all via automatic matchmaking. No need to make any friends.

the people in my free company are like family to me

Missed opportunity not to have a Feo Ul minion that sits on your shoulder like Midgardsormr.


Why do people act like xiv isnt a good mmo?
It has great hubs to talk to others, housing, world bosses, deep dungeons, normal dungeons, raids, maps etc

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Halloween mount.

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Play it again. As you get older you tend to like it more.

>no pirates
Uh dude, do sidequests. Lakeland is heading down the Lominsan path.


another doa minigame

Thanks, but wow that's shit.

Explain to me why I would want to level other classes on one character, instead of just making a brand new one, when I can only loot the loot tokens once per week?

I'm thinking he would kill us, not realizing we are dead for good but mixed with "What have I done?".

looks nice. Do you have a pic of the mount too?

New to parse faggotry, what's the difference between historical % and the parse % in the report itself?

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>without markers
after the first one, you should know that everything he fucking does is a knockback. The only thing that should really fuck with anyone is the man up attack, where you have to stand in front of him, and NOT dodge

For me to get gud

Best place to get FFXIV memorabilia/ knick knacks? Other than like etsy?

>Saved up enough money to buy a small house
>That was 3 months ago
>Still haven't seen a single plot for sale despite checking regularly every few days

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Too many reasons to count.

Do you really want to fucking play through A Realm Reborn again?

Stop it
Stop posting him
Stop triggering me
He's a bad genocidal man

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Sup bros, has anyone datamined the new tome gear sets? If not, then whatever...

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I'll take "having to do all MSQ over again" for $500, Alex

Posted already. Also male version.

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lol just learn to be immortal don't you have the echo fag?

Thank you very much

Have fun going through the entire story again

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>For once in its entire existence, MNK is the best DPS
>the sphincters of all NIN player simultaneously explode from not being the best for a single patch

because you can just get crafted gear whenever that releases and be raid ready without any weekly caps.

the whole thing about Gaius is that he's fucking correect

making a new character is a hefty time investment just so you can spend twice the time at endgame

Thank you very much

>MNK is so assmad his only retort is "b-buh my personal parse"

That picture gives me anxiety. A woman getting water blown up her vagina would kill her. It's why you should never blow in one.

this glance back was never explained

trust this fat balding idiot to not understand that :
Sympathizing =/= Condoning

FFXIV is jist a multiplayer JRPG

5.3 Trial.

I mean I kind of like Pat but he's so fucking wrong and can only seem to see in absolutes in this instance.

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who the fuck is this and why should i care

Haha what
for real?

Kill jester.

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Back of the happi have different patterns depending on the color.

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what are you melding? if you can break 2600, crit is better than DH. Also, your parses will be HEAVILY influenced by RNG.

If you can get away with it, always use Refulgent over any other attack in your kit. The only time it's acceptable to not cast it is if you are about to lose DoTs, or if Apex is up. Empyreal>Sidewinder, if you have issues hitting both in 1 GCD, the proc outweighs the extra 30pot of Sidewinder.
Otherwise, get to sucking RNGs schlong. I've had my parses go from 7k on a REALLY bad fight, to breaking 10k with DRG and RNG supports

I want to marry Feo Ul

Because it has a shit tier open world

Locked behind RNG and apartments give very little creative room.
>world bosses
Chimera in N. Than is ded. People will only do them until the rewards are farmed. Repetitive.
>deep dungeons
I'll give you that one.
>normal dungeons
The first run may as well be all your runs. There's no reason to do them over unless you want to farm loot.
>raids, maps etc
Depends on the party I'd say.

Have you never seen videos of girls masturbating with the showerhead? or the jet of water from a faucet?

and he's supposed to like KOTOR2.

She IS a GOOD wife!

how do I get a super cute turret gf?

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Some dumb faggot and you shouldn't

She wants to do urethra insertion to the wol

>clears ultimate two years after it was relevent

And yet these people still don't learn. I literally got yelled at because I rescued the tank while he stood off to the side, but the in-game delay killed him anyway. He thought I rescued him into the attack in front of Titan.

It looks cute on Ryne.

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>watching porn

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so should i bother overmelding the white lvl 80 crafting gear? i'm already sitting fairly pretty at 2101/1990/479 for statsikins so me me not sure if i should bother melding more~ :3

I have the best small plot in the game how much should I sell it for is I sell it? 20m? 30m?

Knights of the Old Republic 2 WAS good FOR Brianna wife! She IS a CUTE Handmaiden! (She is! She is!)

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Are guildheist still useful?

thats the peak until ShB
from now on and all the way throughout SB it only goes downhill so brace urself

It's all mmo content whether you like it or not

>Being useful at all
Lmao! Imagine not realizing that the meta continues to exist, and imagine not realizing that neither Monk OR Dancer is in it. Both jobs are in the shed and they're not coming out. Monk offers nothing over Dragoon, and Dancer's personal DPS is way too low and RNG driven to be reliable for progression. Ninja, Dragoon and Bard are your main comp once again, with the fourth spot being the flex pick for whatever big dick damage dealer you want, which is going to be Black Mage in 99% of the cases. Get in your shed and stay there, cuck!

Ok I get crafted gear and then what? I still can't do anything with it because I'm locked into loot once per week on my main class.

You'll never move that fast

When did you sneak into my room and take a photo of my sleeping wife?!?

Fat ginger manlet

Hrothgar in speedos.

Don't hurt potatoes.

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Whys that?

It was my first one too and I was delighted. Took 5 days to do the MSQ with my friends and enjoyed it. Little chunks of content coming out every few months is nice.

Yeah housing is fucked. Mostly because of house flippers and people buying multiple.

>Zenos grabbing the WoL through a portal while the WoL is screaming NOOOOOO DONT MAKE ME GO BACK

overmeld no. though I would get my CP over 500 just so I can do 100% chance quality increases without fucking up my chances at reclaiming

>Monk offers nothing over Dragoon
This may be true but nin's damage is so low right now trick doesn't make up for it. It's obvious that the only melee we are using this expansion are drg and mnk

>Blood of the Dragon Mastery
So can I now fit 4 Nastronds into a Life of the Dragon timer?

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and? the point is to be able to do the fight, not jack off over +5 vitality on gear. crafted gear is enough to do the tier, the loot that drops from the tier is just a trophy saying "you beat it".

Do them for challenge log if you need the xp. Beyond that, no.

just unsubscribe you fucking retard lmao

This, Potatoes are friends

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Cry harder bitch

but on rare occasion you can refresh your botd timer without losing stacks, not sure if this is a bug

Mashing press

>Ok I get crafted gear and then what?
you do the raids?

I already forget if the quest dialogues mentioned anything about this, but tell me:
It kinda makes sense to summon up a primal in a wasteland filled with only inactive aether and then disperse its collected aether back to the land to give a jumpstart in aether of the sort associated with the specific primal
But why exactly is it that we need to slay our own summoned primals in mortal combat? Outside of the gameplay reason that we need raid bosses, I mean.

>mfw weebs already cumming in their soiled underwear over this shit
I don't intend on staying near any hubs for awhile because every dumb lizard will come from the aether to idle and pose with their mog station shit SAM glams.

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This just means yoshi p will buff blm again. Can't have rdm or smn be the caster in the group

No, that's not true at all. Trick Attack is extremely consistent and the majority of jobs have their burst windows line up perfectly with Trick. Monk has no place in the current Savage prog line up, while Ninja continues to be nothing but a Trickbot and holds it's spot because of the Raid DPS increases that Trick enables.

Funny thing is that Plague's recent villains video fucking explained it perfectly. People don't relate to villains because "haha yeah genocide, I could see myself doing that"' they relate to the motivations of wanting to protect something but having human flaws that bring you down dark paths in order to do so. It’s literally Drama 101.

Nastrond has 9 seconds cooldown, you get 30 seconds in Life of the Dragon.

How many times should I wipe during roulette?

But then I have no incentive to do the raids because I already have the gear.

I got older and liked it less.
t. someone who creamed at mahjong being added.

>he thinks people actually believe Griffith did nothing wrong and aren't just saying it to troll

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>No lalafell waddling into the room and ruining all tension in every scene they're a participant in with their stupid animations

Unironically the best part of Shadowbringers. I couldn't quite put my finger on why I liked it so much until now. Unironically fuck Lalafells and everything about them. Dwarfs are actually based and the helmets hide their stupid ugly non-cute faces.

He likes what he's told to like except when he wants attention and dislikes things people like to make them angry. Not even an exaggeration, he's just an attention starved child.

Fuck. At least I'll be more confident in just throwing out Geirskoguls when both eyes are up.
Also I've been running into this weird bug where my Geirskogul will go off, the timer will start rolling, but it won't activate LotD. No idea why that's happening

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only way that we know of, ie Urianger, to gather large amounts of aspected aether in one place is to summon a primal

To disperse the aether. A primal only draws in aether, it doesn't release it. So you're summoning something that draws in all the stagnant aether, then shifts it to a specific element, and then killing it to release all of that aether.

As many times as you can fit into the timer.

You do realize dragoon is getting nerfed right? It does too much damage, it is overpowered.

I want to collect Ilberds, but only the ones of the classes I play. Has anyone seen a Redberd around? I just picked it up yesterday.

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Look at the current ex's on fflogs. The rdps nin brings does not even come close to the pdps of a mnk. In all honesty I am glad because I am tired on nin dictating every single classes's opener.
t.caster main

characters were meh
story and setting were extremely dull and boring and literally a "why bother" situation
music is also average

That's the summer event outfit, stop sperging.

Come and try it big boy

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user don't waste your energy seething over plebs, it's not worth it

the incentive is the satisfaction of completing a challenge. if you're only doing savage just to jack off to +10 ilvl then you're retarded.

It's a 10 second CD, so you get 1 at the beginning of the timer
1 at 20 seconds
1 at 10
and if LotD canceling didn't just cancel Nastrond I thought you could get a 4th

>tank gets to boss room and spends 30 sec just staring at the boss

what's their problem?

No Excalibur Morgan equivalent?

clear raid and sell carries for paypal money. that's what all the top raiding statics and free companies do.

After 6 days of attempts I've finally found a party with enough DPS to beat Tit Ex.

Now to find a party for Innocence ;_;

>the majority of jobs line up with trick
lmao what a blatant lie

most dps have 90s or 120s major windows

like two tanks have 60s cooldowns, and samurai

Beats me.

My point is that they'll have mog station skirts/pants to go with the top. Perhaps my context clues weren't enough.

Going to fanta into a potato after being a cat for 3 years. What race/skin/eye color best suits one that is a caster?

It's actually kind of insane how low our damage output is given the class is already one of the harder ones to play.

Yeah, but, couldn't you, like, summon up something that won't try to fight back as much? Or do we just chalk this up to WoL also having some degree of Zenos' fightboner


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>still no imperial armor
>still no garlemald

Why do people hate lalafels?

Dunesfolk suit casters better

What if they're new?

>find mod i like
>gives bunny bottoms better asses
>but also changes the panty to something garbage
>nothing else has a good ass like that

fucking modders your lewd edits are trash just give me good ass on the normal gear

>he doesn't monologue outloud how the bosses existence is about to end at his hands


>nin's damage is so low right now trick doesn't make up for it
Does DNC break even? Not sure if I want to play that or BRD.


Doesn't matter because if you had even a shred of decency you'd be wearing a dwarf helmet.

The memory of those primals is hostile, so WoL will naturally summon a hostile version, and we're summoning those primals because they're the most pure thing in WoL's mind that represents those elements.

Asserting dominance not over the boss but you. They control your future, your stacks and your clear. Never forget that, cuck.

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Potatoes are literally responsible for all the problems on the source

you can get one gear token per raid per week. Different gear has a different amount of token requirements. like the chest piece needs 4 chest tokens. so you could get the 4 tokens from each eden raid in one week. But then you wouldn’t be able to get any other tokens that week. which is why some people are going for the accessories/waist first since those are only 1 token each so you could get more than one piece of gear in a week.

The spats are from the 2014 event. Just because they're from mogstation now doesn't mean everyone has theirs from it.


They're the conniving jews of Eorzea

No, dnc is in the same spot. Since padding is now removed in fflogs there is no reason to be one until they are buffed

>spats and sports top
>mods will probably edit without the jacket or whatever
finally i can be the tomboy

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Looking up mechanics so they don't drop the ball?

>stutter pulls, walks to boss without getting aggro, the dps already blew out his opener, tank provokes and boss rubberbands between the two and returns to the tank after the dps gets hit with named auto attack

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Unreleased best girl.

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*Starts 8 second countdown*

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>chocolate skin
>light hair
>gold eyes

Who cares about fflogs?

they cant be trusted

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dunefolk, either pale skin and red eyes or dark skin with gold eyes

>Since padding is now removed in fflogs there is no reason to be one until they are buffed
Are there people who actually think like this? Is this a real mindset?

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This discussion makes me want to ask, what is more important: a good tank or DPS?

I don't think I've ever died to failing a dungeon boss mechanic as tank.

>120s major windows
Second TA.


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This guy sounds dangerous, I wouldn't want to interact any more than necessary with a person who doesn't understand basic empathy

If you want to get into an ultimate group you should care. it's basically your credentials on a resume

Dunesfolk gets a slight boost in Intelligence stat. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but if you jack off to numbers then yeah.

Nah not that pressure, it has to be stronger than that.

Welcome to Yea Forums. People unironically post parsers and sims and tote them like it's gospel. This is fucking WoW all over again.

I'd go so far as to call it the hardest, honestly

But that's just Lolorito.

You know what must be done

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White skin with grey eyes. Don't let them turn you into a darkie

Why yes my main in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is an ilevel 450 WHM Seeker of the Sun Catgirl named Lilaya Starshade who is glamoured in full shisui, how could you tell?

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DPS, you literally can't beat top end fights without enough DPS. The tank just has to not be braindead enough to use cooldowns and move out of avoidable damage

please lets fuck

>About to buy an Amaurotine house
>Suddenly Lyse warps in next to me and drags me back to the source while clenching her fist
>Immediately try to warp back in
>All of my fucking teleport locations in Norvrandt are gone
Are you kidding me? Why? Why?

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You're supposed to be a cute lady potato, silly

>shit tank
make him offtank
>shit dps
huge burden on enrage will struggle to clear

>good tank
can stand still and eat a tank buster every few minutes
>good dps
shaves minutes off the fight

hrothgar are beastmen, though

>tfw play a character like this
>I act female and have orbiters
>they constantly gift me things like time cards and psn codes
Feels good

>it's basically your credentials on a resume
Mr faggy is greylet and has ultimate clears. There is tons of greylets who farming ultimates on fflogs. Sounds like another Yea Forums extremes

Redberd? No, senpai, but I'm here if you need me.

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Good stuff.

XIV is shit as an MMORPG.
MMORPGs are about two things - socialization and character progression. XIV utterly fails at both. Socialization has been excised from modern MMORPGs by things like the duty finder and toothless open worlds - I can't blame XIV specifically for this. I can blame it for its shallow character progression.
XIV has a two-step ladder that resets every 8 months and is replaced with a new ladder. To make matters worse, you almost always know exactly where every piece will come from.
The ground floor comes from dungeons and unlimited tomestones.
The first rung comes from normal raids and EX primals
The second rung comes from 4 raid fights.
In other, older games, you have rewards coming from more places and more fluid progression. Crafted gear and welfare tomestone gear effectively eliminate the need to ever slum it up for a rare piece of gear. The extremely limited stats (Attack, HP, big secondary, small secondary) mean that item level is king 90% of the time. Even within the same item level you're always limited to two choices. XIV has major problems as an MMORPG and is best played as a casual RPG with some online elements.

That ass though.

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fuck you if I want a drink I will have that fucking drink

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That song sounds straight out of DMC3

they separated parse info to give a read on your personal dps without applied raid buffs. If this becomes the new standard then parse runs and raid trannies padding out their numbers artificially will be a thing of the past, and you can actually just go by what the player is actually putting out by themselves

thanks for reminding me of why I quit, the great neutering of BLM in 3.0 completely killed the game for me, it was a braindead job in 2.0 and it was fucking great, just pop mana wall and eat tank busters and divebombs for days, enjoy getting 1shot rest of the party, I'll be over here taking 0 fucking damage.

Actually fake.
MMOs like what you want come and die within weeks. BDO was supposed to be that, Archeage, Albion, etc. and they all had awful devs and a very small playerbase because of it and all died.

>queue leveling roulette
>get in
>healer immediately just leaves the second they load

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Why does AST still exist if this is what they wanted?

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SMN has been on a perfect 60s burst rotation since HW dumbass. And most other jobs are the same way. 120s cooldowns line up with trick every time and 90s cooldowns line up every second time. Retard.

you use a mod to replace a smn with her?

She IS cute WITH big breasts AND fat butt!

Is she back in the lvl 80 MCH quest?

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Checking my stocks

this is just the Shiva model isnt it

I do this if I get aurem vale. I absolutely hate that place because every tank always wants to full clear the dungeon for muh exp. Fuck that place

I can't find you on the lodestone bro.

priority goes DPS>HLR>TNK

A bad Tank can be moved to off-tank, or super babysat by a healer. A bad Healer can cost a raid, but we've historically also seen that it is possible to solo heal viably. A bad DPS will drag the entire party down, and Enrage timers are already annoying to beat (TittyEX is horrendous if your DPS cant keep up)

you mean like how it basically already was in FF X?

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reminder that they're made of plasters because they're holy statues

Archeage was a sandbox mmo right? sounds to me like he's talking about good elements in a themepark mmo. WoW classic is going to be a true test if people want old styled mmos or not.


Yeah you're right. Everquest, WoW, and FFXI weren't all wildly successful with more interesting PVE progression.

SE literally discourages all parsers, this isn't what they want at all.

We're getting yutakas and moogle/namazu mask from the datamines.

I disagree

>We'll never get an Everquest with 2019 graphics

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Thanks Samberd, I'll be sure to take up the katana as my first melee DPS, to help keep the Ascians at bay. Keep up the good work!

Yeah dude, just with less math.

Zoomers and normalniggers don't know what those games are.

I have COLLECTED this wife! Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!

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>puts performance checks in the game
>gives no way to check your performance
Are they retarded?

It's just the screenshot helper. I'm just model swapping my current minion to check the monster models.

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Namazu mask? what's different with it, compared to the Namazu Head?


It's a Scathach reskin

>screenshot helper
What is this?

To be completely honest I didn't read it at all. I just read XIV isn't a real MMO and just assembled the rest of the post since there have been countless posts saying the same shit about modern MMOs not being sandboxes.

>Have a bunch of cherries trees in storage from event a few years ago
>check the market board on them for shits

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Scathach had a big fat butt too? They got away with a lot

did you know she's actually a miqo'te sin eater? check the facial marks

>get a melee card when there are no melee dps

do i just throw this shit on the tank

Not that I've seen

Fuck off Elidibus, I'm trying to talk to an arcane recreation of you from back when you didn't suck.

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Pat is literally too lazy to put any thought inti anything outside of gut reaction.

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It's like a mask you wear on your side from those various summer time episodes in anime.

It's more they don't want people to shit on other peoples performance. You can use a parser just don't talk about it unlike what the NA community does.

no wonder she's Forgiven Obscenity, miqo'te sluts truly are the strongest

Works for me.

Dumb cutscene skipper and/or never played 5.0

>resub for the first time in 5 years
>roulettes single handedly over level me out of the expansion I'm on
>have to pick up another job to do MSQ on or else my main job will be in fucking Shadowbringers before I finish HW
I should have bought a skip, this is an abstract kind of hell.

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I don't think anyone cares about old style mmos. It is like nostalgia. You only talk on forums or Yea Forums or streams. But playing something like L2 classic/EQ/EQ2 classic/Wurm/DAoC/Runescape/XI? Only minority plays them. They're dated as fuck.

ooh, that sounds nice. I main FSH, and, as much as I want to wear the Namazu head, the mask sounds a bit more pleasing

just throw it on a dps because regardless it's better to buff them than a tank

>antagonized people who wanted to get rid of Primals
>trusted a Mystery Nigga not to have an ulterior motive

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Not him but that's the impression I got.
>talk to Halric, kid who's transforming into a sineater
>"his face has the texture and look of plaster"
Isn't that kinda confirming it? Not like their expressions ever change.

I try talking about OSRS all the time on Yea Forums and absolutely no biters ever.

itemization is the main reason I quit long ago, I don't care about most issues, but bad combat and bad itemization are two that I can't tolerate, and XIV is bad on both fronts with those. I feel nothing, no sense of accomplishment, no joy, nothing, when I get a new piece of gear, because it does nothing that my old piece didn't do other than raise my item level by 1-2 points. I want some real shit, like procs, selfbuffs, monster debuffs, +skill levels, movespeed increases, the GOOD shit, fuck mainstat/offstat garbage.

Why not play Everquest right now? You don't need good graphics for good MMO

>Everyone having fun with Shadowbringers and other expansions
>I'm still at ARR
>Have to hurdle through this ARR post game before tomorrow where I wagecuck full time until Monday

why can't i just be neet again

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I never know if I should do wall to wall pulls in shinsui, some healers really struggle to keep me alive while others breeze through it.

>Need 12m to level up
>MSQ roulette gives me 10m in a single go

The amount of XP you rack up these days is insane.

who's gonna pay 25mil for it when they can just pay 5 bucks on the mogstation


If someone had leaked a week ago
"Final boss is Titan driving a tiny car"
Would you have believed them?

>level CRP to 70
>mfw getting rich from weeb shit

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theres no rush just play at your rhythm

They aren't statues though.

>antagonized people who wanted to get rid of Primals
The problem is that they weren't taking steps to do that, and that their shitty leaders had only made matters worse in the 15 years since primals first appeared. Gaius wanted to provide strong leadership that would make Eorzea safer.
>trusted a Mystery Nigga not to have an ulterior motive
The vast majority of the world has no fucking idea what Ascians are actually up to. The general public, Garleans most likely included, believe that they're just a coven of wizards that ate their own shadows in exchange for power.

if you get castrum it's 1/4th of that

I actually noticed way before i noticed the face markings. The feathers on her head are clearly cat ears that turned into feathers.


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Don't push yourself too hard or you'll burn out.

yes, i too want 15 different ways of saying +damage%

yes because we already knew it was titan

would rape with my Au Ra cock

>Want to fantasia but my name is only lore friendly for raen au ra

Salty sam detected drg is where the devs want them the other melee clearly aren't.

Obviously we knew it was Titan but you'd really believe he was driving a tiny car?


All Domans and Hingans have the exact same naming conventions.

>step 2 or 3 Exellent
What do, craftbros? Just tricks of the trade it?


If I get castrum I instantly leave and go do something else.

>He never played a mmo with funs items


If he doesn't mind doing them and is smart enough to do them on another job instead of maxing out his main and wasting all the exp from story quests after that, there's nothing wrong with it.

What does this have to do with AST padding being complete garbage now?

*casts line*
*cracks open hi-cordial*
*summons magic bucket*

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Is this how people take screenshots of npcs in lewd clothing?

>finally hit 80 and finished msq after a week because I've been busy
>feel burned out almost

MSQ was cool though. don't know what to do now though.

Emet asking us to remember that him and the others existed was pretty sad. one of the only vidya villains I've ever been able to empathize with

Wonder what elidibus is planning.

Viera voice 1 or 2?

Bend over you little bitch. Spread 'em and take my crystal brave.

Movespeed is damage%? static damage decrease to self is damage%? chance to remove a debuff from yourself or a buff from the monster on cast and/or hit is damage%? are you a fucking idiot? there are literally infinite number of situational combinations of item traits in which are you are wrong, it's not my fault that you have the imaginative abilities of a piece of bread.

yeah but that penalty. If you get castrum 4 times and leave 4 times you wasted 2 hours

>healers ded
>3/4 dps ded
>only myself and tanks breezing through the mechanics
>healers down again
>50 minutes go by of running this shit
>healers ded

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i wonder if we could ever get gear sets bonuses. Would be nice to actually mix and match between raid/tomestone/dungeon gear with set bonuses.

I quit after Planes of Power to go to EQ2.

I want a good game + good graphics these days, I don't see why I should have to settle for one or the other.

Can you try that again not in all caps?

Yes, because it's the First version of the primals and it could just be better explained as "mecha titan".

I'd doubt two headed leviathan though because it sounds way too fucking boring.

I can't decide if I should use my fantasia to change my race, or just change their appearance. But I'm bored of what I have.




>mobile classes parse higher in new fights

Wow. What a fuckin surprise. You can't even practice on BLM outside of a static because faggots keep sabotaging the group.

>he plays on aether
I am on primal and I have done one and dones with randoms all the time

The longer you take, the more content there'll be waiting for you when you catch up. Take your time. Even low levels are comfy.

Are you retarded?

What's this I hear about SAM being capable of pushing out 12k+ dps? Seems dubious, especially in an actual fight and not on a motionless dummy with no mechanics.

It's not about being an old style MMO. It's about being an RPG. All they'd really have to do to fix it right now is
>remove tomestones
>make crafting materials for good gear come from dungeons, raids, and primals instead of shooting out of the ground
>start varying where items drop - rather than having a primal drop all weapons, maybe he drops weapons for some classes, bodies for some, and helmets for some
It's about giving you reasons to go do the content that's in the game. If you beat the 8 man raid and play only a couple of jobs, why would you bother playing at all during the 24 an raid patch? You don't get anything. Do the content once and quit.

I'm that petty, but yeah if I get it a 3rd time I'll just take the xp loss. I have other things I can be doing in the downtime.

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The city-states didn't know there was a Primal-fucking Robot hidden under Ala Mhigo, they were doing the best with what technology they had, maybe Eorzea could've trusted the Garleans if they weren't on that conquest shit

He mentioned something about using warriors of light to eliminate the warriors of darkness aka scions on the first No idea how thats going to workout though or if I misread.

What is that dps measuring program?

There's a part in this new Titan music that sounds just like the intro to Yugioh

Well I wasn't going to spam E1 to get better parses but then someone went and uploaded my 20% grey with three deaths so now it has to be done..

what I want to know is why nobody plays melee to begin with

So I guess this is the closest we would see what a female miqo'te WoL would look like if they became a sineater.


Someday boom for old mmos should happen. When people burns out from modern theme parks. Something like this already happening with WoW.


This but I'm the healer

stop playing, you have finished the good part of the game, only suffering, raid trannies and endless worthless loot laddering awaits beyond this point. pick it back up for a few hours when the next story content patch comes out, or wait til the next xpac.

from what we can figure out, he's going to rehash his plan from HW, and try sending WoLs from the remaining Shards at us.

>The city-states didn't know there was a Primal-fucking Robot hidden under Ala Mhigo, they were doing the best with what technology they had
They wouldn't have needed one if they'd practiced proper diplomacy and never let the primal situation get that bad in the first place, or even gone to extreme measures and genocided the beastmen. Titan, Ifrit, and Garuda could have been totally avoided if the Eorzeans weren't lazy/violent shitters. Ramuh is Garlemald's fault though and there was no stopping Leviathan because Sahagin are scum.

Get a room. You sound meant for each other.

Yes, except with stronger neck muscles.

Doubt it. Wouldn't last for very long.

Are the queues not working for anyone on Aether?

you can't be 450 right now

E4 is harder than many savage and ex fights.

This. Every expansion I try to enjoy the game outside the MSQ, but I can't. Its super fucking generic, and most of the people who stick around to do end game stuff are mentally diseased in some form or another. I'm just playing out my sub at this point.

old MMOs have already tried to "become hip and WoW-like" such as Ragnarok Online
when new MMOs try to become "more old-school" you get, well, eureka, which nobody likes. nobody. NOBDY.

>be banned until monday
>gonna get out and do the raid when everyone has more or less stopped being shit

i was being a retard on purpose!

But good BLM are, look at the max column. Some have already figured it out it seems.

Ion said they want to go to their classic roots if he isn't lying like he always does it could be interesting

desu I don't understand the first glowing rocks, you can stand near them??? only need to be on the edge of the platform

Literally the only problem with Eureka was the constant restarts in progress and the shit music.

>E4 is harder than many savage and ex fights.

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>E4 is harder than many savage and ex fights.

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MCH is truly saved

OSRS was that and it worked.

when theres a big glowing rock you supposed to jump off the platforfm

Eureka was great. Random gear actually made things interesting for one brief flash.

What do I do then? Get married and have kids like the rest of the people I used to play EQ with? Sounds like hell.

lmao no

Most EX fights and savages have mechanics that require coordination or you simply cannot clear them. Car-Titan is literally "Don't stand in the fire": The Fight, with a few visual cues that you have to keep your eyes open for.

>Fucks up Titania normal and REEEEEs at the healer for no reason
>Has to have his white knights carry him through the rest of the game
Absolutely pathetic

they're the ones in statics who not only have a spot in the arena picked out just for them but don't have to deal with panicked ranged shitters running over with their aoes and dropping them on you and your leylines

>E4 is harder than many savage and ex fights.

Attached: 1557393941249.png (338x327, 169K)

look at how far below BLM SMN and RDM are

Bait. But enjoy your (you)s I guess.

the only thing "hard" about E4 is the bombs, and that's simply finding the right safe spot that doesnt have you sprint to him from across the arena afterwards

I like Eureka. It has tons of flaws and potential in same time.
>only one area in game where you can chat 24/7

I skipped 4.2 and 4.4 but I can't think of any savage fights it's harder than. Was there something so toothless in omega?

>E4 is harder than many savage and ex fights.
Bro you just posted cringe

Attached: 7uqGOq8.jpg.png (500x500, 426K)

Come on now user. I'll give you that it's one of the harder normal ones but comparing it to Savage or EX is absurd unless you're running them unsynced.

Unpaid in a cuckshed that stands upon old
With fingers fat and a head that's bald

Greasy are the hands that grasp at the thread
'Fore the thing is moved and then made dead

Tempered in the flows of classic molten core
Poopsock swelling, moving a chore

Shorn from the board for Janny's fun
Bound to /vg/, what the fuck have you done

Bow down 4channer (under the weight) x4
Bow down 4channer (takes the bait)


Bow down 4channer (under the weight) x4
Bow down 4channer (for fuck's sake)

Into the dark of a new expansion
fair moderation? not a chance son

In spite of the keks that were had before
You slap your hips you thirst for more

Now kneel FFXIVer your lord commands
There's no salvation for this 'chan

My jowls will tremble, my rolls will quake
From my shill-paid onslaught, only WoW escapes

Bow down 4channer (under the weight) x4
Bow down 4channer (takes the bait)


Bow down 4channer (under the weight) x4
Bow down 4channer (for fuck's sake)
Don't cunnypost anymore or i'll make a second gamergate

Attached: titan.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)


Looking closer this shit is creepy af.

He's right, E4 is harder than O6S.

Attached: 1543029938144.jpg (1920x1080, 784K)

O1S, O2S, O5S, and O6S were pretty easy from what I remember


BLM hasn't been meta since ARR, and it won't be in this expansion either. High parses on dummy fights like the ex trials don't mean shit when savage and ultimate always force you to move a lot. Plus the SMN/RDM raise is irreplaceable unless the fight is 100% on farm.

fucking chthonic riddle was harder than E4 nignog

Why do people hate male au ra?

The only thing you need to do is to identify the propagator of the blasts, which is the huge rock that Titan tethers himself to. That will tell you from which direction the bombs will activate from. Then just go to the furthest bomb from that propagator bomb, wait for the bombs closest to that furthest bomb to go off and then move out of the way of that final bomb. It's that simple.

Yeah but rdm has embolden which buffs the only classes that matters damage

Attached: titan.jpg (730x764, 105K)

>E4 is harder than many savage and ex fights.

Attached: insufficient.png (276x358, 145K)

My best Titan so far was in a solo queue for it, and is still within the top few.

The biggest secret about BLM right now is that people that don't play it still think it doesn't have a billion mobility tools. Titan is completely possible to get close to full if not full uptime on BLM in a solo queued DF party.

Damn this really is the Berserk expac.

The mouths on the side are creepy but apart from that it looks like some chinese parade dragon thing.

>when the tank wall to wall pulls in mt gulg and you're healing

Attached: 9c0.jpg (426x341, 31K)

V1S was the easiest savage fight we ever had, but it was still harder than Titankart by an order of magnitude. Same with every extreme trial.

Because we're coming to fuck their bunnies


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there's 3 more safe places there on the corners

the top left and bottom right corner are safe too according to your image

She's Vauthry's mom.

RDM will be useful for prog then ditched for BLM immediately with the 1% damage buff for each role, just like it was ditched for SMN after prog in SB.

lol, look at this virgin

>no story mount

Attached: 1539485002078.png (265x200, 69K)

How come you can fucking see it on that crude doodle but not in-game?

Run animation.

I love my MCH but its not something I can play for long period of time. It performs great and is a baller, give it a spin. You'd know if you like it or not with everything you have access to in PotD.

You get the amaro by taking every job to 80.

The other tank was really bad and he was right that the healer was barely healing.
But that healer wouldn't need to heal if they weren't so fucking shit.

I felt betrayed too, I was hoping the amaro would be a story mount and not locked behind busywork of getting all classes to 80

If it had a human face on its horn thing it really would just be an apostle

Attached: fPrL8Ip.png (608x383, 330K)

You get to ride ryne

I wish.

Attached: 1563368953318.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

>Same with every extreme trial.
let's not be too hasty

Attached: XIV_Lakshmi_render.png (879x963, 854K)

>zone into Eden group
>make whm my dance partner

Attached: lmao.jpg (1024x883, 81K)

>he didn't get the robo pepe mount

i'll take it, fuck them and their ugly crowns

Attached: Dialogue Answer 18.jpg (931x406, 72K)

>do something stupid
>"Boy I sure trolled my party hard!"

I actually think normal Lak is harder because the Vril timings somehow seem less obvious because they throw so many at you.

people ask for partners? lmao the state of whatever DC you on nigga

I just pick whoever as the dancer partner and change to the highest parse when we wipe and keep an eye on it during each wipe. Parsers are designed for dance partners.

What is this thing?

Attached: egg.jpg (1920x1080, 568K)

>vrilballs appear on the arena
>use vril

Play the game.
I want to know this too because I was never asked once.


That's Yea Forums humor.

Is there any to leveling all 3 casters or SMN and BLM are enough?

It's the first trash mob on amaurot dungeon, you see it casting meteor on some shadow niggas.



Attached: 1241.jpg (548x158, 38K)

Wow that's ugly. Thanks for sharing though.

You'll want Red Mage for nu-reka.

>see DNC
t. GUB

Attached: giga2.jpg (680x760, 42K)

Most fights are pretty heavily scripted and follow a set pattern, it's not too hard to figure out when it's safe to sit your ass down. Eden first fight for example will have you run to the centre after dropping markers on people and then the southwest corner while it sits still and charges up a big ass attack. Just run there as soon as it's safe and enjoy some quality fire IV time.

The biggest thing that fucks up most BLMs isn't moving, you have plenty of tools to shit out spells on the go it's getting too greedy and thinking they can squeeze in another fire IV before needing to refresh enochian. You can't, stop trying to risk it.

>Lower than tanks
Just retire.

I fucking hate it.
Wow you got a bad person playing NIN, therefore all NINs are bad.

Attached: Flandre.png (637x431, 171K)

>That ast

RDM is good for learning fights I find, plus veraise is insanely helpful on new content. I did Eden first on RDM then did it again on BLM otherwise I'd have suffered an aneurysm. There's nothing the job does better than BLM otherwise though.

Someone took my seat at the quicksands. I was foolish to get up in the first place

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probably going to switch to dancer

Attached: 20190716_122959.jpg (1064x497, 59K)

>get tank to 80
>press buttons when I need do
>do 6k
I don't get how Tanks perform this bad, maybe its my melds?

>Tanks were in need for expert roulette on primal
The balance has been restored at last.

Attached: 1561630278311.jpg (550x450, 71K)

Why do the cat people look more masculine than the actual humans?

>best hit : malefic 11k
>best hit : broil III 20k
oh no no no

>reddit screencap
Go back.

>DPS only at 73
>not gonna make it
Guess I'll get t 80 by doing all these fucking fates.

>9k sam talking shit
I do more than you on nin and dancer

Attached: 0b740cab51a6e449c6dd12467c4e0afd.jpg (604x800, 162K)

>still has miss rate and no Direct Hit counter
Come on, at least update your shit.

Who the fuck even runs expert anymore?

Game lore. Miqo'te population is canonically 1:10 male to female so each cat boy is literally rolling in pussy and has a harem of ten wives. Very manly.

People who like smooth jazz

>the sphincters of all NIN player simultaneously explode from not being the best for a single patch
We've never been the best, we've been a utility class you cuck.

>cast greedy F4
>cast Despair
>1 seconds left
>you still casting Despair
I understand why this spell called DESPAIR. Poetry