>protagonist looks like a prepubescent girl
>antagonist is ripped as fuark
why do they do this?
>protagonist looks like a prepubescent girl
>antagonist is ripped as fuark
why do they do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
jappos are scrawny manlets
yo is that natty
>protagonist looks like a prepubescent girl
I don't know what jRPGs you've been playing but you should cut your dick off for evening buying/pirating them in the first place.
Thank god they don't look like your picture. We don't need any more toxic masculinity.
Rip wealthy piano
Asia has a preconception of body-building as being a homosexual pursuit, which is not entirely unfounded. If you've been lifting for longer than like a year you'll start getting in to some fucked up shit like trannies, invariably.
post more Kuro
she's a miracle of the universe
video games are for nerds
go out and lift faggots
Its for nerds to self insert and defeat the ripped chad
More like
>protagonist is a scrawny lanklet
>antagonist is a scrawny lanklet
as opposed to /fit/ that barely lifts and spends most of their time tryharding on an anime website?
>Villain wants to eradicate all humanity because people are suffering and not connecting with each other
>90% of JRPGs
This comes from the myth of Momotaro, basically boils down to "you can beat stronger enemies if your cause is just".
Play Nier Gestalt
>/fit/ that barely lifts
Well considering Yea Forums barely talks about videogames I'd say thats a fair cop
A slutty miracle
(As said before, post more)
Replicant is cooler
Both are good, but OP was complaining about non-fit MCs, so gestalt is a better example of an exemption.
Personally i prefer Gestalt since i believe it makes more sense for a father to go so far for his daughter than a brother for his sister.
Holy lanklet.
>tfw 10/10 ripped chad
>can't ever let anyone know I play vidya and browse Yea Forums all day long
any other closet untermensch here?
>protagonist is giga nigga tier swole
>antagonist is a little shrimp but is powerful because muh dark magic
>Get to punch the fuck out of him in a mash QTE after beating the boss fight
I miss him lads
>fit doesn't lift
>lit doesn't read
does that mean v doesn't actually play games?
name any game that does this
Is this your first week here?
unironically second
Japanese buff dudes are anything but toxic. They're generally depicted as really cool, supportive, outgoing guys (along with all the homoeroticism played up for laughs).
Hibiki is CUTE
>get muscle
>can't have sex because erectile dysfunction
>can't walk a few minutes without tiring out
>die at age 30 because your heart explodes
>tfw skinny men are seen as attractive in japan
Man, I need to get my 140lbs ass over there asap
Danberu got an anime? Finally
thats morbid obesity tier there
>Cookie time will never come again
It hurts bros, I miss him
Lmao. If you aren't 100lbs you are fat buta gaijin
>protagonist looks like a prepubescent girl
>he goes through some kind of fucking second puberty halfway through the game
>not downing a cookie and ben and jrys every single night for Rich
fucking lame bro
Maybe being 31 I forget how people at 18 or so were, but this sounds vastly exaggerated. If this dude showed up to a party as bane, I'd just think it was some dude's halfass attempt to dress up as bane. I wouldnt gather everyone at the party to all laugh at this guy and then proceed to go on facebook and tag him as basically the retard loser that was a skinny bane!!!! Maybe in like middle school, but everyone was too drunk or on drugs are parties at my college.
>inb4 you didnt go to parties
I went to a party school for my major (speech pathology and the college is cheap as fuck). I couldn't help but get dragged into that scene for a bit, which is why I graduated late.
>you, 5'6, scrawny, nerdy, feminine looking boy, you're actually the good guy here!
>Him, 6'4, Ripped, Dark, Masculine Man, He's Bad!
>Your power of love and friendship will beat his confidence, looks, and charisma! Go at it little boy, beat him!
Poor guy, he probably was a total skelly when he started lifting, gained a little bit of mass and some confidence along with it and then immediately got brought back to earth. I hope he laughed it off and got huge.
This isn't your blog, dumbass.
Skinniness isn't what's seen as attractive, cuteness is. While skinniness often helps with cuteness, it will still be obvious if you look like a scrawny shut-in.
I hurt my shoulder in the military. I cant do anymore lifting on it.
Things could be a lot different.
>for laughs
>t. never been to a Japanese muscle beach
Copious amounts of unprotected anal sex is not a joke.
>being a musclehead virgin
>when you could be a magic chad
Why do this to yourself?
What a bizzare post. What's it like being a 31 year old virgin blog posting to 16 year Olds on this dump?
Because magic isn't real.
Your mom isn't real, loser
You’re an untermensch because you’re in the closet about it faggot. A true ubermensch does as he pleases and has no shame in it. As long as he has his own moral code that he upholds. Degenerates and immoralfags are the only true last men
How many scoops do I need to achieve this mode?
8 scoops or you're a 95%
What are some JRPGs with absolutely ripped protags
>They're generally depicted as really cool, supportive, outgoing guys
My favorite part of Mob Psycho
Don't forget cookie time Bros. It's just one cookie so you don't even need to count it.
Gotta confuse the stomach, right babe?
I'm an inch taller and 5 pounds heavier and I look nowhere near as scrawny as him. How the hell?
You probably have a fat ass user. You got a fat ass? Bubble butt maybe?
definitely true. there are nights where i cant sleep until ive bust a nut to trannies twerking and stuff. sometimes, i disgust myself
Oh stop it you!
>can't ever let anyone know I play vidya and browse Yea Forums all day long
You're definitely not attractive.
That guy is 155lbs at best. He's lying about his weight.
You didn't answer my question user. I have a feeling you got an ass that would make any woman jealous.
it still hurts bros
I'm a 5/10 obese manlet and I still don't let people know I watch anime.
Japs love twinks, and see big muscular men as gay, for some odd reason.
Why would someone lie on the internet?
Are you making advances at me user?
probably. I'm a sucker for /fit/ people with fat asses.
>king of manlets is also a lanklet
every time, without exception
>protagonist is skinny and effeminate
>antagonist is the skinniest, flamingest faggot this side of the mississip
thats not the fault of the muscle, thats the fault of steroid abuse. in rich's case, ungodly amounts of steroids mixed with other shit similar to steroids
me too
He's still lifting in heaven
We'll all join him soon enough
You can go ahead and burn yourself mentally ill tranny
I'm sure your personal experiences prove that.
About 100 scoops of steroids and synthol due to crippling bigorexia.
RIP Piano
asuras wrath
How do I leave humanity behind?
>Japanese muscle beach
That's a thing?!
Holy shit, I need to change my life plan around significantly
I chuckled. Here is your (you)
>buff men in Japan are either gay or job to shitty twink MCs
Not fair.
Japanese people glorify teenagehood, a time in life where everyone except the fat kids and the rare Chadlings are doodles. Coupled with authors' revenge fantasies against said Chadlings who bullied them, the MC are always scrawny manlets.
>along with all the homoeroticism played up for laughs
h-haha yeah you're right just hanging out with my bros having some good laughs haha
I genuinely thought Luneth was a girl until somewhere in the dialogue it said "he".
>Two Scoops?