>Yea Forums says a game is bad
>it's actually really good
Pic related for me. What are some other good games that get a bad rep but are actually great?
Yea Forums says a game is bad
Bumping until I think of some
Absolution is a good game but not... well, you know.
fuck you you fucking stupid nigger retard and get get some taste
>tell me what to like Yea Forums
It was really good, I fucking loved it.
Yea Forums liked minecraft back in the day and then temporarily disliked it when it became known as "that game for little kids" but nowadays most people on Yea Forums admit that it's a pretty good comfort game. I see it on people's top games list on Yea Forums all the time.
I play the games and decide for myself. I'm using this for recommendations and to stimulate interesting discussion.
it was one of my "fuck you I enojoyed it" games
Yeah me too. People who insist that games are bad because it tried something different and fun are anti-fun.
It's a good game but just like splinter cell it drifted too far from the series original purpose, it's a hitman game but you only have like 3 assassination missions
It's alright, I hated it a lot more when I thought it would be the last Hitman game. It's absolutely disgusting how the disguises work, though. Also I didn't like how 47 can put a sniper rifle in his pocket. I didn't mind the story, it goes deep in the grindhouse thing and with that it keeps some of the darker elements that Hitman had once upon a time.
>It's absolutely disgusting how the disguises work, though
Elaborate on this
basically they don't work and everyone is on to you almost immediately. They went a little too far there.
Yeah I agree that was kind of annoying. I heard Hitman 2016 fixes this.
Imo they perfected this on Hitman 2016/2 with enforcers mechanic
It's better. You don't want the disguises too OP like some of the ones in Blood Money but you also don't want them to be utterly useless like in Absolution. 2016 tries to be something in-between which is an improvement.
if i want to get into the hitman franchise, which ones should i play?
Blood money doesn't feel dated even today imo but i played it a lot, most people will say it's the best hitman game, you should try it since its pretty cheap and fairly easy to get into
Hitman silent assassin is a pretty hard game and kind of frustating to play nowadays and is very dated if you play new games
Contracts is a weird one, i don't know how i feel about it so i won't recommend it
Hitman 2 (the 2018 one) is pretty good, i've been playing it a lot recently after years of fearing it was a bad unpolished game (it also includes all missions from Hitman 2016)
Hitman absolution is it's own game, an action game with stealth mechanics
I guess start with Blood Money or Contracts and if you like the premise of the game then look at the first ones. It's kind of hard to get into those games if you didn't play them around when they came out is the impression I get from others. Myself I think there are still good levels in Codename 47 and 2 that are worth playing. Also if you're the kind of person that likes to see how a series has evolved, there's lots of that. It all just comes down to how much you like it and what you're willing to put up with.
The latest entry (hitman 2, including Hitman 2016 levels) is what you'll probably enjoy most if you get into it newly.
It has huge levels to explore and a lot of freedom of approach. Only downside in my eyes is that a lot of kill opportunities feel overscripted.
Yeah those linear hallways with 1 easily avoided guard sure were fun.
Risk of Rain 2
Last of us
EAfront 2
MGSV was fucking sick mah dude
Yeah, in 2016 only a few people can see through your disguise. Usually the security chief who should know every single guard by face, the facility director, and so on
>Codename 47
Never got past the first few levels, it's really clunky and outdated. I'll probably give it another chance soon. Give it a shot but just drop it if it doesn't click with you.
>Hitman 2 Silent Assassin
Really difficult due to the insane AI shooting at you if you so much as start running. Still a decent game.
Partially its own game and partially a remake of Codename 47. AI has been toned down from SA. Great game.
>Blood Money
Most accessible game in the series until Absolution came out and probably my personal favorite. This is where you should probably start and go back to play the older ones if you liked it.
Bad Hitman game but a fun stealth-action game.
>2016 and 2018
Probably the most "Hitman" feeling games in the series with the most options available.
well I wanted to say play the newest entry, but I remembered the kino missions of Hitman 2:Silent Assassin. If you don't mind outdated graphics, please give it a try too.
>putting car bombs onto VIP cars from a sewer hole
>killing a highly decorated general in an embassy
>infiltrating a cultist hospital in India
I'm not a huge hitman fan but it definitely didn't "try something new and fun." It was a cynical cash grab move dumbing down the game to be more linear and cinematic.
Fuck yea it was. I still play it. I just started construction on 4/4 on my 4th FOB. so I'll have ti all upgraded to max soon and I plan on doing a ton of FOB invasions.
if you have a modern NVidia video card, Silent Assassin doesn't work. The engine draws all character models as pitch black.
Also, your opinion is influenced by the nostalgia you feel for the game. It's easily the worst Hitman game. Not a bad game, though.
Taking the most important mechanic of the franchise and breaking it so it doesn't work at all is not "something different and fun"
Anyone with the same disguise as you can immediately see through it without you burning a meter to keep yourself inconspicuous by tipping your hat or covering your mouth, or doing something counter-intuitive and taking cover while disguised like a spas until they lose interest. In harder difficulties, that means security/cop disguises are worth shit, since there's about thirty cops in each secluded map.
Hitman 2 did something similar, but at least there you were safe so long as you kept your distance, held the right weapon, and avoided every ninja in the snowy plains. Absolution makes it so you're shit out of luck if you're out in the open for too long without one of the few "good" disguises that no one else on the map has that also has free reign to move (like the barber. the masked security in the penthouse level, and the head bellhop in the hotel).
HECK yea