Play game set in medieval/fantasy times

>play game set in medieval/fantasy times
>all the roads have grass growing in a strip in the middle
This is probably the smallest thing to get irritated by, but why do so many developers make this mistake? This is a road pattern made by cars and only cars. In the olden days the middle of the road would have been well trampled by horses pulling carts.

Seriously, look at any pre-1900 painting of dirt roads. They don't look like this.

Attached: witcher_3_roads.jpg (1920x1080, 726K)

Played around 400 hours of this game and this never crossed my mind, you have autism take your meds

>literal autism

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-15-19-28-00.png (1080x1920, 647K)

It's a pasta. He made this thread before and someone posted a pre-1900 painting that had the same road pattern.

hey! i remember this thread. OP got BTFO like 3 posts in.

Attached: biggest bait.webm (1280x544, 1014K)

Attached: Fautis.jpg (261x114, 7K)

>two horses pull a single cart
>they make two paths
seems pretty obvious to me

That road was made by couples holding hands

>two horses
>pulling anything short of a carriage for some big wig
Peasants would be lucky to afford one horse


they poop on the ground and trample it, and from it grows plant life.

They had this in RDR2 as well and I hate it. Every road looks hideously ugly because of it

just get a mod to fix your autistic path issue

Nothing personnel kiddo

Attached: 4-four-wheel-private-carriage-being-pulled-by-2-two-horse-on-new-forest-AGJ6N5.jpg (1300x956, 291K)

It just looks better this way and it's more relatable.

>asking peasants to put tons and tons of rocks all over roads if they cant get horse carriages
muh realism!

Carts were typically pulled by only one horse.

user, the wheel was invented about 5000 years ago.

>Played around 400 hours of this
>YOU have autism
You and him both.

>what are oxen

fuck off normalfag, putting 400 hours into a game is nothing


It is if you're talking about AAA trite

why the hell would they worry about the quality of the roads if they had monsters to deal with? they probably wouldnt travel much except by carriage unless they had two horses or traveled in groups because of the monsters.

Nothing wrong with AAA games, maybe get a different hobby if you dont enjoy videogames.

The webm? It's from a surrealist movie called The Holy Mountain.

Fuck off, casual

Hardly a casual. I just enjoy a huge variety of games.

Sounds like something a casual would say

Maybe i'm just completely retarded but from the catalog this looked like a Gothic 2 screenshot

Carriages have wheels you fucking idiots

Roads did have ruts in them for the wheels. In ancient china carts had a mandatory standard width for this very purpose.

So playing videogames is casual now? Got you, guess I will never be as cool as the user who doesnt play any videogames.

Yea Forums is for hating videogames, not playing them. fuck off and play videogames like a casual.

I will thank you

Attached: 1561259182350.jpg (675x900, 131K)

I agree

>hurf durf if you no liek AAA gaem you hate all gaem
Classic casuals

So tell me user, what games do (you) like?

Good games, first and foremost

such as...?

The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

sounds like a blast




Attached: 1554957213559.jpg (177x284, 8K)

i know it's bait but horse hooves don't create flat, dead ground. wheels loaded with tons of shit do by grinding up anything living under them and turning them to dust. so even single-horse carriages would create the same pattern.

>Yea Forums is for hating videogames, not playing them
Why can't people understand this? It's a very simple concept.

I know, and they're not nearly as wide as a modern vehicle's wheels.

I just happened to talk with CDPR people about this some time ago (inspired by that one autistic video about The Gladiator movie). They were aware that roads were not like that, but they did it for hyper-realism. Most people are tricked into thinking that it's more realistic than other games. Tak było kurwa.

>horse hooves don't create flat, dead ground.
Of course they do. Why the fuck would you claim otherwise? If you have ever seen forest trails it's because people trampled the ground.

seems okay to me.why wouldn it have grass in the middle where horses arent walking and tires arent treading? you know the thing that kills the grass is being trampled right? not being walked near.

Carriages have four wheels. They were typically pulled by two horses. Additionally, a single horse has four legs which would naturally straddle the middle of the path in your image.

you going to lay into r* next for similar issues in rdr2? the game has shrinking horse nuts but somehow they overlooked how grass never grows in the middle of a road according to the resident 4 chan expert.

As the horse walks in the middle it shits and fertilizes new grass