Was Tomb Raider 2001 the best video game movie?

Was Tomb Raider 2001 the best video game movie?
>prime angelina jolie
>great action scenes
>B movie tier charm
>Doesn't deviate from the games in a disrespectful way

The only things I didn't like were the music and sidekick characters.

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It actually captures the spirit of its subject matter which is most surprising.

I miss adrenaline junkie Lara Croft, nuLara fucking sucks.

No, Silent Hill was

Also has based Rimmer in it

the director was a retard and it butchered a lot of the story but i still give it to silent hill also

What the fuck are those veins??

I'd consider them tied actually

No bad kid.But dont ever watch the second one.

Good competitor.

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Probably. I’ve heard a lot of older people mention it and they have no idea the games exist, I guess it stands on it’s own.

I'm still surprised, it's one of the only other things I've seen Chris Barrie in.

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Nope. Mortal Kombat was.

The last of us is the best video game movie

Anybody else just prefer to fap to old render Lara?

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i liked Prince of Persia movie, it really respected the source material.

Nope. Postal is the best vidya movie. MK and TR were good too, but nothing beats Postal opening sequence.

sometimes but i prefere the ones of lara croft reboot getting gang raped

Postal pretty much reps the game perfecy.

Its also Uwe Bolls best film

>Uwe Bolls best film
thats rampage

>rewatched Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill recently
>all vary from bad to okay
>pic related is the only outright GOOD video game film there is

I'm not even joking. The differences between it and the source material are only incidental and are made up for by other specific fan service moments, but it's the only film that NAILS the tone of it's game. Everyone clearly had a blast making it, and it manages to be incredibly endearing all the more for it.

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TH actor who play bison had cancer and pour is soul into the movie because is kids like street fighter.

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>Tomb Raider
>adds in a bunch of superfluous stuff that would be out of place in a Tomb Raider game (the giant robot training room, for instance)
>tries way too hard to make boring scenes seem more "badass" by slapping on loud techno music
>arbitrarily has Lara in all black
>pacing is fucking terrible
>no one has a character arch

>Mortal Kombat
>starts off really fucking strong, then the budget vanishes before your eyes
>Sonia and Kano plot is solved on their second encounter. Sonia's actress can't fight or pull of a simple stunt
>Johnny Cage becomes irrelevant soon after
>plot just sorta meanders around for a bit
>terrible CG, even for the time
>uses the "MORTAL KOMBAT" theme over and over and over
>it just, sorta, ends, and the final fight is much weaker than the rest
>ends up feeling like a shart

>Silent Hill
>LOOKS great, even though it outright lifts monsters and music from an already good game
>plot shares only superficial points with the game
>the new plot that is there doesn't make much sense if you think about it for two seconds
>turned Pyramid Head into a slasher monster, and Nurses into a slutty Halloween costume
>isn't scary, doesn't disturb the same way the games could
>ends with a confused bad Twilight Zone twist, doesn't have any sort of strong theme or question that leaves the audience or the main character changed

Silent Hill is still very watchable, but people who think the other two are good are only remembering specific moments. The films as a whole are garbage.

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Why is there hair on her arms?

Raul Julia was ACTIVELY dying during Street Fighter. He had to take a break or two for chemo sessions, then flew back into the fucking JUNGLE to say cheesy lines and have a fight scene with the Muscles from Brussels. And he had so much fucking fun with it, probably in part due to all the dumb shit in the background. If that doesn't tell you Street Fighter is a great film, nothing will.

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The first 2 Resident Evil movies were pretty good.

>that pic
Wait whoa what the fuck? Where was this? Did Bison paint it in the film?

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Nope. It's just in the background somewhere in one scene, along with loads of other Bison-brand shit. He never so much as touches it on camera.

No, Edge of Tomorrow was.

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Could've been a lot better if the followed the source material but they are watchable at least.
>tfw no beca

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what game is that based on, I never saw the movie

Edge of Tomorrow was ripped off from an anime not a video game.

Thats a novel user, not a game.

Best video games movies (fight me)
Street Fighter 2 the animated movie
Those CGI movies of Resident Evil
Hitman wasn't all that bad, could of been worse.
Pokemon Detective Pikachu was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.
Sonic OVA is a movie to me since I had it on VHS. The dub was horrible but it was really interesting what Sega had planned in the lore and world of Sonic.
Onechanbara is sexy japanese bitches in bikinis killing things. It's kinda hard to fuck that up.

I saw BloodRayne and Max Payne but I don't remember them because I was probably drunk or stoned.

Mortal Kombat has charm, the second one was terrible.

Assasin's Creed was stupid.

The rest don't matter or I don't remember them.
These are facts.

Oh wait, forgot about Super Mario Bros...
But then again, who doesn't try to forget that?
I think Double Dragon might be in the same legue as Super Mario Bros.
Fuck I'm getting old.

I'd tit fuck the shit out of Jolie and rest my dick on those dick pillows on her face.

She doesn't have the tits anymore user, where have you been like the last maybe 10 years?

still the king

King of what? You're not making any sense. That shit isn't a movie based on a game you fucking tard.

Not looking at new pictures of her.

Angelina did a lot of her own stunts in Tomb Raider.

>A celebrity actually did stuff on wires to get paid instead of just talking
Whoa, truly a pioneer

Detective pikachu was probably the best video game movie.

>Mortal Kombat has charm

The stories from production are hilarious, especially the one when they denied Tom Cruise access to the set and turned him away.

Okay, let's not go overboard.

I forgot how hot Jolie used to be.

>playing TLA finally after beating all the previous games
dudes it's so fucking good

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You aren't wrong


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Nigger, did you not see rampage?

Is that why it looks like she got punched in the lips

>Hating on DSL

Street Fighter slipped my mind.

But I do believe detective pikachu was really good. Except for like the last ten minutes. That took a hard left turn into Marvel movie territory.

It's not based on a specific game, but the concept of dying and reliving the day over and over until you perfect it is the same concept as playing a videogame.

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Why do people keep saying Street Fighter? It wasn't good.
Street Fighter 2 the animated movie was leagues better than the live action adaptation.
If this doesn't hype you, you have no soul.

No you fucking actual child. It's based on a japanese novel called "All you need is kill"
"Hurr it's like a video game"
No faggot, that's not what we mean by "video game movie" you're fucking stupid and need to stop typing.


Groundhog Day is my favourite platformer.

postal is the most true adaption of a video game to film and actually better than the source material

Yes, TLR. The best Tomb Raider game.

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I can't do that because I love her.

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Raul Julia was good in Street Fighter, but aside from him the movie doesn't have much going for it

i like both.
Lara for loving sex or femdom
and Nu-lara for rape and horse stuff.

Also, He died because he broke the doctor's order and ate seafood, which he couldn't due to the treatment and surgery.

It's a shit movie though

>hating on KINO KOMBAT

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