Here’s your switch port bro

>here’s your switch port bro

Attached: 25F58F7E-2D2F-4620-931E-27FA4DF60C3F.jpg (1024x576, 58K)

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damn, that's actually ludo as fuck

what gta sa mod is this



That looks like what I thought runescape was when I was a kid

LMAO no way that’s a real pic. Imagine playing the Witcher like this at 540p and 15fps. (7fps in novigrad)

>tfw playing this garbage port on the shitch

Attached: A7E0AD57-2D0D-4589-993E-3DA243148D80.jpg (234x250, 4K)

I would love a game with this aesthetic, what's wrong with it?

Attached: a.jpg (259x195, 11K)

Well for starters as a cucktendo shitch owner you’ll have the honor of paying 60$ for the worst version of a 5 year old game that’s regularly on sale for 25$ on real consoles and pc. Might as well be LEGO Witcher.

>graphics are all that matters!

I don't think this is actually the switch version, rather its one of those ultra low PC configs.

You joke but i wouldn't mind a game with this kind of graphics style.

the pc version is the only version worth playing

>LEGO Witcher
That's not a bad idea.

The Witcher 3 is like 50gb right?

How the hell did it fit, I suppose they'd have to remove shit like the CG cutscenes and lower the music quality?

witcher is meant to be played on a comfy couch and big screen tv

Dettlaff did nothing wrong.


He fell in love with a thot

Dettlaff was an autistic incel. He deserved to die just for that

And you can do this with a PC. Are you retarded?

but thats not what you did


Yeah I do this with my pc and I don't get 12 fps as a result

>Witcher 3 Labo edition
>one controller goes into a cardboard sword
>the other you wear around your neck
“Medallions humming. Place of power, gotta be”

That's exactly what I did though. I have a third monitor that's just a 60 inch TV and played through the entire game on my couch.

A LEGO Witcher game would be hilarious

I agree, couch gaming is the ultimate casual setup

When I had my old 750 ti I could play on a mix of ultra/high with shadows on medium, at 720p 30fps.
Switch port is fugged