>protagonist is a qt girl
>gorgeous pixel art and detailed animations
>story about overcoming depression
>difficulty is challenging but fair
>creator is NB
Is there a more based game in existence?
Protagonist is a qt girl
This thread convinced me to play this game. Thanks.
>girl overcoming depression
lol no thanks.
She does it by climbing a mountain. There's pretty badass.
>theme is about abortion
>she gets a PoC boyfriend
lol no thx
why are you so mad?
>devs added Anita Sarkeesian as a dlc character on their last game
cringe game by cringe developers
> Game about abortion.
This game should have been aborted.
No it's not you fucking tards
>theme is about abortion
>she gets a PoC boyfriend
Another indie game with shitty pixel graphics. Move along.
>gorgeous pixel art
Some of those extra "sides" challenges were super satisfying to finally complete.
>protagonist is a qt girl
Not interested unless there's orc rape involved.
>>creator is NB
a what now?
That game is literally Industry Plant just like Gone Homo was back in the day.
Non-Binary? I think?
Binding of Issac is more progressive than this POC or as i started to call them, People of Caca
lmao no
imagine dilating so hard for a bunch of badly drawn pixels
kek Have 41%
Looks like shit, written by shitbrains, muh feminisms. Smells like cancer from across half the planet.
meatboy is white
>games about depression
Millenials are such weak faggots
>that filename
Imagine saving this on your computer/phone. How fucking depressing.
Gotta tag it properly during saving.
>muslim guy for no reason
didn't even need the canadian flag to know this game was made by a faggot
>posting irrelevant /pol/ bait
why are you wasting everyones time user
>Woman Fights the Patriarchy by Letting Entire Music Festival Take Bong Hits Out of her Butthole
And they say they dont want to be objectified lmao
Keep seething.
Hes right, game looks like shit.
hahaha holy shit, he really owned the feminist with that file name
You, share more of your autism you weird faggot it amuses me
>protagonist is a qt girl
No, she is ugly. Tumblr-tier
>gorgeous pixel art and detailed animations
>story about overcoming depression
>difficulty is challenging but fair
>creator is NB
>gorgeous pixel art and detailed animations
>zoom in on a single frame
>Is a good game
>Retards shit on it by judging the game by everything but the story and gameplay
Its like you dont want to enjoy videogames.
>But muh other game is better
GREAT, now you have a great game, and a good game, do you only play one game out of every genre?
>game supposedly is about abortion
>is really about becoming a speedrunning tranny
Hi Peter!
>protagonist is a qt girl
Only in promotional materials, portraits and character art in-game is ass.
You're a real strange unit
the arts pretty shit
I beat the game last night. Good gameplay, shit story, shit characters, shit art style and clearly made by a sjw faggot
Talk more John.
>Sorry sweetie, my body my choice
I never understood this shit, why are people so fucking obsessed with muh depression.
>Gameplay is fairly good, challenging, still just one of those "hard games" though. B
>Graphics are okay, a step above other indie shit, but nothing amazing. B-
>Madeline is pretty cute desu. B
>Lame "deep" story about depression. C-
The game has a good amount of charm, and as a complete package, it is well polished and worth the money, but it isn't anything amazing. People actually thought this was GOTY 2018 which is just wrong.
>abortion games
I'll pass
Yes, why would modern art ever explore anything to do with modern society?
>threads about this game are pure unadultered shitposting
>meanwhile i'm enjoying one of the absolute best 2D platformers to have come out on the last decade
Millenials making an existencial crisis out of every menial thing. I know because i sometimes feel like absolute shit and wanting to kys over petty shit but completely forget about it after 2 hours because im so distracted about everything
Just take some fucking pills and get on with your life.
>oh I'm a modern women. Governments steal money from men so I can continue to be a whore and murder my kids.
>depression is modern
Do you know how much of a low-IQ and low-EQ subhuman retarded garbage you have to be to still put depression on a pedestal after 2500 years of millions of people leaving you all the solutions on it in every nook and cranny and anus anywhere you turn starting with the Ancient Greeks AND Ancient Chinese?
Sounds intersting but not necessarly badass
What the fuck does being sad has to do with feeling sad?
Is your life so fucking empty you can't look forward to a new tomorrow or what?
Is there really a human being that is that weak?
Could have done it like real women do and just got dicked or got a bunch of cats.
Because we live as if fucking everything modern is an existential dread to life while they are just tiny menial things.
It's more about overcoming anxiety than depression and since I am not a woman, it's not an issue I really relate to. Also the game is actually pretty ugly since it mixes these vectorized portraits with its pixel art and lazily scales and rotates the sprites instead of hand drawing rotations like they would have back in the day. Non-binary is code for retarded faggot. Platforming is great though.
People of cacat
Do you not understand that artists often express themselves through other mediums if they cannot express through words?
>Is there really a human being that is that weak?
Yes, every person within 20 to 35 year olds
Do you understand that expression is not a value unto itself and that you are capable of being absolute dogshit lowest common denominator at it?
I draw porn, I'm not e, pressing myself I'm ripping off faggots with shitty fetishes no one wants to draw.
That doesn't make me an artist and neither does muh depression make you one.
>modern society
Deppression is as old as time
And why the fuck do games need to make a statement about MoDeRN SoCeiTY? why cant they just be pure escapism?
t. faggot 16 year old
why are you lying about how ugly the game is?
ugly graphics, newgrounds-tier gameplay, tumblr pandering - this game is typical indie crap and i have no idea why it keeps getting shilled so much.
>Non-binary is code for
Bad at programming and computers in general
>creator is NB
Why the fuck does this matter you discord trannies?
You niggers are just as bad as the faggots who listen to certain bands just because they think the lead singer is cute.
>And why the fuck do films need to make a statement about MoDeRN SoCeiTY? why cant they just be pure escapism?
>And why the fuck do books need to make a statement about MoDeRN SoCeiTY? why cant they just be pure escapism?
>And why the fuck do paintings need to make a statement about MoDeRN SoCeiTY? why cant they just be pure escapism?
Are you fucking dense?
Yes I understand that not all art is good, but you cannot just say art about depression is bad just because you don't want to see/hear about it.
only trannies and incels like this game
which says a lot about the industry. Christ even Sonicfags are better than both of them
how do I get payed to shill games?
>Yes I understand that not all art is good, but you cannot just say art about depression is bad just because you don't want to see/hear about it.
Good thing i'm not then, keep your projections to yourself you low-IQ cretin.
>game is about abortion
what? I don't remember anything like that.
People like (You) belong in the 42%
Game is about how legalized abortion would have saved us from this dev existing and this shit being viral-shilled on this board right now.
I think he meant the game is a fucking botched abortion.
It would have been based without the onions nigger
I belong in the white population of America?
Absolutely based
Meh, Super Meat Boy is better.
>Muslim guy with European name and acts nothing like a Muslim
He's just like you, accept mass immigration while Trudeau rejects white south africans
Binding Of Issac is way better in every regard that you just posted
Wasn't this the game with the tranny composer at Doritos Pope conference?
If the protagonist isn't called Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage and isn't referred to as such within the game, i'm not interested in wasting my SSD lifespan on this subpar product.
lol if your depressed just stop going online and go outside and socialize lol stupid faggot it’s easy
How many bottles of Onions does it take to go from left to right?
Celeste was shilled like crazy on Yea Forums and some anons started to wonder why game journos gave it 10/10 so they came up with an idea that it must have something to do with it having a super progressive, "deep", and edgy message. That's when the abortion clinic joke appeared because nobody actually played the game at that point. Then it turned out that the game actually has a super lame depression story.
What the fuck? Is matt a fucking tranny too now? It's like a goddamn virus
The dark half of the girl is the only cute one.
Well it was a super lame depression story.
Are you retarded? All he did was shave and let his hair down.
this shit is clearly just a phase made up by some fucking marketers selling more and more progressive shit to their dumb asses. In 10 years theyll stop doing this shit like emos and 2000s Numetal did back then when a new phase makes Trannies look like old people lmao
>>protagonist is a qt girl
>>gorgeous pixel art and detailed animations
>>story about overcoming depression
>>difficulty is challenging but fair
>>creator is NB
>Is there a more ba
so tumblr: the game?
she gets dicked by a nigger, so right up your alley op
It's missing several levels of autism but it is quite close to it.
There is no romance in the game.
Matt's attention whore coming out announcement has killed all my hype for the DLC. They're gonna force the SJW tumblr shit way harder than the base game did for sure
>post yfw Demolition Man stopped being a parody movie and materialized into reality now
You can just put on some yuri goggles and just ship Madeline and Badeline.
>Demolition Man
I really need to watch that movie already
>gorgeous pixel art and detailed animations
Are you serious or bating?
SMB is about flow and having a nice arc to your movement, whereas in Celeste it's more about those perfect direction changes.
>amazing game
>also triggers the fuck out of Yea Forums
I'm with you user-kun
TFW when the female lead has a wardrobe malfunction and you can pinpoint the scene she is trying to hold her skimpy dress from falling in said scene.
I fucking love how the director kept it.
gameplay is okay but everything else is cringe and patronizing as fuck
just play SMB
nice. Was it that one where she HAS SEX with Stallone?
I liked it OP, just like I enjoyed Undertale, Doki Doki Literature Club and Binding of Isaac. You take a simple premise, add some sort of thing to draw people in (in this case, a story about overcoming depression and accepting that you're your own worst enemy and something about your body image?? mirrors being a huge thing and "You can't outrun your reflection" made it seem like Maddy didn't just hate herself but also the way she looked).
And in the end, you know what I did?
I forgot about the game because it's not exactly gonna make it into anyone's top 10 lists of games of all time, because there's too many games. Same as the other games I mentioned that ended up becoming fairly popular.
I like the music. The pixel art did its job. And the gameplay being a mix of puzzlesolving and actual execution was pretty fun and challenging. I didn't feel compelled to keep the game installed after I finished The Core though, for example. Indie games nowadays feel empty despite how much soul is poured into them. And that's a tragedy to me.
Not the one after taco bell/pizza hut explanation.
Her rock dress is falling off and you can see she is folding one arm trying to keep it on her as the scene drags.
You missed all the fun challenging bonus levels. They have no tumblrshit story, just pure gameplay
Stop Trannyposting you fgt
The ending should've been her living on the mountain that way her reflection is able to keep a form.
It's really depressing after all that talking those two had Madeline is just going back to her normal life with the dark one not getting to do anything with the exception of the one time Madeline comes back much later to do the mountain core and then leave immediately after.
Which is why its the perfect millennial depression garbage story.
>Oh that puppy looks cute, im gonna retweet it
The illusion of there being two Madelines was just her self-hatred literally haunting the shit out of her though. So she started accepting that she hated herself until she stopped feeling that way.
The real ending should've been yuri makeout when she learns to actually love herself but whatever.
It's a solid game bro.
Why are you so fucking shallow? Just play a game you like and stop caring about such lame shit. Fuck off, bigot.
a solid piece of shit that is
It was still a part of her that had sentience and despite how they seem to have a good time having pie in the end Madeline #1 just completely denies Madeline 2's ability to live in the end.
They made it clear that Madeline 2 would be able to continue to live as long as Madeline stayed on the mountain so it ending the way it did was such a disappointing surprise to me.
>newgrounds-tier gameplay
The platforming is good tho, m8.
Play before you preach
The game is really good but cute girl being used to do a story about depression is so fucking lame, almost nobody has the balls to do stories about actual depression.
Madeleine 2 is just a part of Madeleine, her perspective is the same she doesn’t cease to exist once off the mountain.
>a part of her
This is the part you're forgetting. For all intents and purposes, Badeline IS Madeline. Whenever she says something rude, it's Madeline's thoughts being projected, just from another mouth. When she backhandedly compliments herself, that's still Madeline saying it, just to herself. Same way an artist will say "oh this looks like shit" to themselves.
Oh please. The game is well made and you know it. I hate tumblresque aesthetics as much as the next guy but the overall design is impressive.
If you are a zoomer playing your first game and have never read any intelligent literature in your life beyond Harry Potter and Twilight.
Eh, I don't care to compare to other platforms if that's what you're trying to get at. It's a good game by itself for $10. My high school made us read Zora Neale hurston and heart of darkness and I hated both of them.
>Madeline #1 just completely denies Madeline 2's ability to live in the end.
lolwut? #2 is just the emo/doubtful part of Madeline. The Mountain's magic bullshit just let that part take physical form.