How's your game going Yea Forums?

How's your game going Yea Forums?
You're not using a shitty engine like godot I hope.

Attached: gameengine.png (335x150, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Im making a ball game. It probably won't sell more than 10 copies because it's an amateur project, but I still feel the need to make it.

Attached: Easier and Harder.webm (1600x900, 2.97M)

>You're not using a shitty engine like godot I hope.
nah im using rpg maker :)

Crumble looking good

Currently working on this boss, ive done more work but im away from home.

Attached: boss statue.png (391x638, 26K)

Making shrek game

Finally finished rewriting everything that needed to (aka 99.9% of the code). All of that just to correctly handle small stairs ...
Anyway, I can finally go back to adding actual features now.

My game's going pretty well!

Attached: original chibi idea.png (503x259, 30K)

Put some titties in it and I'll buy it.

>just make the ball a disembodied boob

Architecting an engine in OCaml.

Functional is the future.

Attached: 1024px-Lambda_lc.svg-900x900[1].png (900x900, 26K)

Too dumb to even use an engine, so I made a minigolf stage for Tabletop Simulator:

Attached: GolfdeskN_C1.png (1191x923, 1.41M)

Aw shit love your work man I'll make sure to donate to your patreon once i reach some semblance of financial stability

I'm glad you do, user! Did you read Green's character sheet yet?

movement looks decent but your animations really aren't selling it, even a plain capsule would be better than the jerky jumping and climbing animations

>Functional is the future.
enjoy your 0.1x performance

It also includes balls with movement scripts that allow you to race with them using numpad keys.
Also made a version with some Asia-inspired assets, but I don't think I'll upload that (keeping the assets for a proper Asia-themed board I might make later).

Attached: Golfdesk_A2.png (1445x879, 1.42M)

I've lost all my motivation and drive to make games (or exist). Graduating didn't improve my "getting a job" situation, and I'm only sinking deeper into depression with the constant rejection or from bring outright ignored.

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Nope, I haven't played in a while, i'll make sure to give it a look once I'm back home!

Nearing the end of a Kickstarter campaign

And well-funded. So trying now to go through the bugs in the game's demo and tweak things according to feedback, then on Saturday when it ends start moving forward again on content.

Attached: UnderspacePetMinimineNA.webm (1600x900, 2.29M)

>he's not making an rpgmaker game
>he's not ripping off LISA and Undertale

Attached: pepeconcerned.jpg (641x530, 41K)

Yeah sadly I'm a pure codefag. I can't do modelling further than tweaking a bit existing stuff, and can't animate outside of extremely primitive movement or fixed poses - and all good looking assets that could do it for me aren't CC0.
But yeah, guess that's something I will have to tackle in some update or another. I'm just always pushing that back since people are supposed to replace it with their own character and animation system anyway.

So it's a sexy metroidvania

just use a capsule overlaid on the character

Attached: Take my love.png (760x703, 214K)

Congrats on the funding

Play my wip game with Yea Forums!
ultra widescreen html5 mega man O N L I N E™
if you don't get a character after entering a name reload the page until it works. Then press 1,2, or 3 to change map

Attached: megaman.webm (1680x720, 1.32M)

It would be a shame if your game didn't have waifus in it.

Attached: kinessa_in_wedding_dress__paladins_by_stephenc94_dd05ceu-fullview.jpg (1280x1648, 213K)

Im pretty new to here, and I never really seen the point of calling things "soul" or "soulless". I mean it's a quick way to describe things made with heart.

But my man, this is pure soul.

It work, but damn that keybinding is weird.
The jumps feel very bad, but that's probably because I'm used to mario and suck at megaman.

Yup, and still haven't reached 48 hours to see what that brings.
This was also a good learning exercise for things like view percentages and stuff.

Attached: UnderspaceMinimineNA.webm (1600x900, 1.73M)

I'm making a rtt squad based horror game.
Here's a picture of my butthole stickman monster.

Attached: butthole.png (1261x961, 871K)

>horror game
With that face on a monster ?
Make it an hentai game and I'm sold.

is it a parodius clone

Attached: parodius.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

How old are you anons?
I feel terrible for all my years wasted and how i'll never make it to compete on a professional level against people younger than me.

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But is its butthole a mouth

It is weird but I don't really know how to keybind similar to a NES controller. I might make it work with arrow keys + zx too.

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done nothing to be proud of

How the fuck do you even start a game you want to be multiplayer focused with a big emphasis on pvp?Feel like any physics or code I start making will be obsolete when trying to integrate in the multiplayer aspect.

Its a shmup but if by the time we finish this one we still have enough steam to keep making games we could do a castlemania, although we would have to bring an expert on the matter because i dont know if my partner knows how to make it work and im sure as hell i wouldnt know how to make one.

Not quite, it would require for us to have the track record konami had at the time.

Attached: mine drone.gif (99x109, 4K)

The fucked up thing is I could probably do well in the field but my self-esteem is practically nonexistent and I hate how much of the job hunt is about selling yourself
Just check if I know how to do the thing and hire me if I do

Any crowdfunding advice?

Multiplayer is less hard than you think. It's just determinism and client-server relationships.

im a musicfag and i am trying to put together soundtracks for some game ideas that will probably never see the light of day

post some of your work, I want to know people that could potentially make my game sound nice in the future

You can go the ugly way : make a normal solo game and then slap some code to have other players as pseudo-mobs whose position/action is dictated by the server.
But if you want really good shit (kinda need to if it's a PvP and not just coop/social), you will have to dive into multiplayer engine documentation first.

Just statistics. And I'm still getting a sense of data and percentages of viewership -> backing -> followers -> cancellations.

Attached: IMG_U1.webm (1600x900, 2.4M)

It's not that I don't want to be loved, I just don't believe I am deserving of it or worth it. I have problems.

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>le 2X year old goober
grow up and stop being a little bitch

Though the "rejection and being ignored" part was refferencing what happens with job applications.
look through this

God damn I remember when this was untextured cuboids floating around in empty space

Good work user, you just like made game

well hey, at least you graduated instead of flunking the final year, retaking it and getting nothing done again
t-that would be stupid haha

Someone has played Starfox 2

added gamepad support, the lock on I recently made was really necessary for the fast pace to function well even with a gamepad.
and its not as simple as locking and shooting. the locking only makes so that the view gets centered to the target, but fine aim is still required since moving does offset the aim a bit, the thing is that with the lock on the thumbstick is only taking care of that fine aim, so the player does manage to be in control of the aim and not fight against it.

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just doing some shitty chiptunes lately, haven't put much effort on the actual game

Looks full of soul

I decided to go back to the drawing board and come up with an idea that will work with minimal art assets. I don't want to spend 99% of my time on what will inevitably be the worst aspect of the game.

Thank God for UE4's inbuilt networking.

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>here I am

>this is me

>broken hearted but finally free

damn dude, I like your stuff, added to my bookmarks in case I ever need a musician

22. I feel your pain. I wish I'd learnt how to code back in middle school.

I'm working on a game but I can do everything I need to do but the music

What would you say the average pay of hiring someone to create music for your indie game could range between?

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It's going, i'm working on the level, next week i'll have some fun and make the main antagonist, maybe rig him for a few pose shots.

Attached: spellfist_halls12.jpg (1528x1684, 1.46M)

Depends on how much music you need really.

28, started programming at 24, never touched any of the stuff before. Don't blame your problems on your age, you're not 55.

Pretty interesting, are you living from being a game dev? And what are you aiming for at the moment?

like 12-20 tracks, ranging from 2-3 minutes each. I have no idea about the price, I've not researched into this yet

You could probably just go online and buy some premade, royalty-free, music from some stores.
I know that's what the FNAF bastard did.

Interesting, I'll look into it. But I kinda hoped for a bit of control of what gets composed than hoping something fits.

Finally figured out platformer basics like one-way platforms, moving platforms and wall jumping. Mostly thanks to a really good tutorial I found, but still. Now I'm thinking of just what I want to make with them.

Was thinking of a simple action side-scroller like Oniken, but I need to settle on a theme first.

Attached: check this 3 tho.gif (282x501, 1.94M)

you're beautiful

poor quality but good enough, shows survival, but at that time few enemies, plus a level from chapter 2 inspired by G5 Building from Perfect Dark, or Chasm from Timesplittters

Attached: Desktop 2019.07.17 - (500x360, 2.86M)

>none of these games will ever come out

Nah backend dev, working on games in my spare time. You can't use age as an excuse unless you're hitting 50, especially not when you're below 25, IQ doesn't even begin crystallizing before like 30, and it still takes years before it's in any way noticeable.

I remade an endboss theme I did forever ago, need feedback cuz I'm honestly not sure if I improved jack shit

old ver:
new ver:

this honestly looks like the shooter the industry needs at the moment and I'm not being ironic

this is Unreal Engine right? I've been trying to figure out how to get the camera to lean left/right when strafing.

oh, that was a full day of work, but I think the solution is simple, I'll check it out and respond back quick

I figured. Most of the tips people gave me didn't give the same feel as something like Quake.

It's hard. You need to determine how you're going to synchronize objects and how you're going to do lag compensation before the project even begins. Assuming it's a real time action game, strategy games are easier because they dont require fast response

33, started programming when I was 8 and released my first commerical game at 16

Just finished the calculator for the fights of my turn based RPG on UE. All my mechanics are working fine, now I have to figure how I will organize the data for cameras/actors positions and learn how to play with camera angles/transitions to make the whole thing fast and smooth. Feels great to make some advancement.

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here, I'm 20

Attached: lean.jpg (1500x1500, 666K)

>Functional is the future.
While I'd normally shit on academic weenies like you, I'm unironically considering making a functional programming language purely for the purposes of asset creation to solve the problem of "programmer art" and also the problem of most of the non-programming part of gamedev being extremely fucking boring.

I know languages exist for audio, but afaik not model making or texturing.

18, but I’m a nodev that barely qualifies as an idea guy who isn’t even going into computer science, but business

I'm working on an inventory system right now. Trying to figure out how I can click an item in it to send it to the equipment slot.

Attached: INVENTORY.png (1011x632, 85K)

32 but i worked in mobiledev for some years, if that didnt kill me gamedev won't

dont let the little shits generation gap you user

Attached: 1_PAY-43-YEAR-AGE-GAP.jpg (615x820, 73K)

funnily enough, procedural art looks very much like programmer art

>drunken cheat

Attached: 1501429808949.jpg (890x960, 37K)

forgot to say, lean left goes to -1 in the timeline, thats why in the event tick they do Lean Right+Lean Left. Although you could just use a minus there

god I was meaning to try mobiledeving to escape webshit but realized that most of it is just fucking webdev-like now, even to the point you use the same tools for it

Thanks a lot, man. You saved me so much time. Your game looks amazing by the way.

"procedurally generated" in the traditional game development sense, yea
But all art is procedural, the only difference between calling specific functions in a certain order and clicking on buttons, typing, and using your mouse is visual.

And it's only getting worse, very soon there will be nothing separating the two.

before any faggot get pedantic, visual in the sense of how writing code looks verses using an image editor or model making program

yeah instead of a billion viewports to consider you've now got a billion viewports on a billion finnicky little chinese pieces of shit

i honestly got into gamedev because i just started using unity at one point for all the mobileshit i was doing, even though it was terrible in the long term it made things incrementally easier for me. at a certain point i realized i knew it enough to build a game in it, now i just have to learn art

that's mostly apple's fault, apart from the retarded walled garden shit, they have a bunch of nonsensical rules, some of which do not apply to javascript used in apps, and none of which apply to javascript used in the browser

are we talking about the same thing? procedurally generated art like texture generators?

Making a shitty game to be found in the darkest corner of GameJolt

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31, started learning to code a year ago, having a fucking excellent time.

Godot > Unity
Yes, especially for 3D.

Once I'm done with the whole gameplay loop, I'll spam it here for feedback,hopefully it'll be fun.
School is making me it's bitch tho ,and Im afraid I will have to put everything on hold.

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Probably not, by programming language for asset creation I meant a programming language which when compiled, outputs static assets, such as textures, animations, or models, as opposed to executable binaries.
I.E. replacing shit like blender or photoshop with a text editor + renderer for previewing.

I've no idea what to do because of that.
I really don't want to go solo and I'm not all about the gamedev life but other than webshit only thing that's left are the shiny-tier rare embedded jobs and the odd undefined ones. Got some 3 years experience in it and it's garbage and now I feel like I'm too brainlet for systems and embedded programming when in reality I guess I'm just missing the education for it

I can never understand how the gameplay stuff happens in the ECS method(s) Lumberyard and Unity use

Nice, what titles did you make user?

nice artstyle

It's one man army here.
Now, I trying to improve my level making skills.

Then: logic, C++, blueprints, animation, history...
If I can give a grade to my skills in UE4, it would be 3/10.

Attached: 2019.07.17-19.15.png (956x1046, 1.67M)

it's coming along great, just got to add a hotswap mechanic for the main characters to switch into each other on the fly.

all i can do write and conceptualize gameplay systems what do anons

Anything but mobile, It's the worst of all in my opinion, plus hybrid apps/web views are getting better (my app is 5 lines of code, the rest is web) and are much cheaper to make. If you don't have the education, stay in web.

Is it possible to make a Horror genre game with turn based gameplay?
can they mesh well?

what's wrong with godot

How I do it, I create a simple array of GameObjects. When I want to equip an item inside the inventory, I just insert that GameObject into the array. The GameObject will still have the same properties and you can call it and access it all the same.


I do have a CE/CS degree but what I meant was that I've no idea what the job looks like or what I should even be studying on my own to try get it into or get a feel for it.
And sadly there aren't that many jobs that don't require at least some experience

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I've wasted 4 months of learning UE4 and now I realize I don't have any fun with this engine.

Some turn-based games can certainly be horrifying

Attached: Spawn Camping.png (1371x756, 1.22M)

the closest thing i can recall like that is earthbound's giygas batttle

Link to said tutorial?

That depends a bit on what you're trying to achieve, and on what aspects of the game are turn-based. Ultimately, I don't think turn-based gameplay can ever match the tension of a real-time horror game: it removes any sense of pressure, and it's not good for immersion. You can do quite a bit even with simplistic real-time elements, though, and there's nothing wrong with going for a horror theme with any sort of game.

You might look at how games like Sweet Home and Corpse Party do things, if you're looking for ideas.

if you want fun you make you own engine
using premades is for when you want to make a game without enjoying the experience

Thanks, I will look into it.

dead, have no artistic skills and too lazy to develop them

a few bad indie games before steam that I don't even think are available online anymore

yeah there's a few tools like that for generating textures
the results aren't very good
art is always best left to artists

This is really good, are you working on a video game?

for what engine even?

very nice

added some sick jumping, just need to get it to "feel" right now

forgot file

Attached: hops.webm (1000x580, 2.88M)

alright so i have game maker 1.4 but it's giving me technical issues for no reason. it's also unstable which irritates the shit out of me. however, gml is easy in comparison to other languages to learn imo so i feel conflicted. i haven't made a vidya before but i just want to make a 2D platformer as a start. always feel like im trying to learn while trying to plan what to tackle next which doesn't fucking work since i don't even know what's best for me

Unity is a shitty engine.

I'm making a zelda 2 / castlevania game now. Just making something small in scope while I wageslave away.

Attached: 2019-07-16 03-21-35.webm (512x480, 863K)

wow nice art/animations on your character. big profit.

Hello, this is Nintendo
Please delete this or be bent, you're interfering with our maker profits.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
Remember to buy the Smash DLC character pack.


my character IS the new DLC so i'm all good thanks

>Made ALL of his own shit from scratch and made a good little game out of it
>Took him only 5 years
how the fuck did he do it

Attached: pixel.jpg (530x348, 32K)

It's only a pixel platformer. Theroetically it could be done even in one year, but it was a really good game with alot of "soul"

Attached: hops.png (1920x1080, 560K)

geez...laughed way harder than i should have, thanks user

A shmup with giantess thats not Deep Space Waifu now thats a dream come true hope it goes well

>you have to make atari arcade clones before you make your idea

why do people keep regurgitating this advice? I get why people suggest it because they're simplistic games but it fucking sucks to give all your attention for hours on end to some idea that you don't find interesting. Can't it be viable to make a flash-tier game that I actually find interesting? I was thinking of making a series of prototypes/minigames based around minimal common features of games like first person movement or point-click interfaces.

boy, I still remember Yea Forumslancer.

it only takes a few hours to clone an arcade game

thanks broseph

Just for you, I'm working on a delicious brown pirate.

Attached: deliciousbrown.png (105x154, 1K)

It's not the fact that the games are simplistic in nature, it a test of will.
If you can make a simple game, start to finish, with a couple of small features and FOLLOW THROUGH ALL OF IT then you might stand a chance at making a real game. Although, you should definitely branch out and repeat the process, with more complex systems, before you actually make a fully featured game.

23, hoping to launch my game this year.
I'm a NEET who ruined my youth and spent 18 hours a day on the computer so if this isn't successful I'll probably end up homeless

>IQ doesn't even begin crystallizing before like 30
So, I'm fucked. I'm 29.

Learning a programming language will help you with everything game development related, like hit up a tutorial for your language of choice(i'd recommend C#, C, or C++) and make a text based game of X's and O's to start with or something. If you go with C/C++ you'll learn how to manage memory as a bonus but don't get all the niceties that c# can offer you. C# provides hardware accelerated graphics out of the box with WPF(on windows at least), there are also wrappers available for openGL and DirectX if you need more performance. Hell even Windows Forms can be used for simple 2D games. Whatever you decide i'd recommend finding an existing framework rather than doing anything with OpenGL or DirectX as they can be ridiculous timesinks. If you run into issues make sure you google it before giving up, almost everything is on stackoverflow or msdn etc.

she cute

I made a shitty maze game where you picked up keys and would die if you touched the walls once. I had a lot of fun doing that despite all the frustration of not knowing what the fuck I was doing, but I was winging it and it worked. I then did a tutorial on Udemy to make a Breakout clone and I wanted to kill myself out of boredom. Literally could not sit still. I finished the tutorial but not the rest of the course so I'm back to nodevving.

maybe i just have ADHD or something but I learned way more and had more fun just fucking around and making things work.

It's bullshit user, don't let age be an excuse. Especially if you're already a dev.

Started a IT Assistant job July 2nd after brother in law asked me to help him at the clinic he's working in. He's making me develop a softare in PHP for the clinic he never completed.
Honestly I'm learning a lot, but I've got a ton of those Udemy courses for UE4 and Unity that I never completed and I'm going back to CS this year.

I'm working my ass off but I'm still scared about the age thing.

31, planning on showing off my game at Super Smash Con in August. I want to improve it before then, but development is slow with all my time spent at the day job.

Attached: 1562901119342.webm (854x480, 1.36M)

It's just more complicated than learning a programming language and getting used to learning an engine. Later on, after you've stumbled around and somehow learned how to manipulate code, you'll be wanting to learn how to make assets, then you'll be stuck there for a long time before you switch back to your project and realize that those assets you made don't fit with your project.
It's discipline, workflow and persistence that you're aiming for. There are people, and I kid you not, who have been working on ONE shitty 2D pixel platformer for YEARS like literally five years because they have no clue how to organize and stay focused on their project.

Regardless, I encourage you to poke your nose around a couple of game developer forums. See how long a one-man army takes to develop a specific game, maybe mess around with 3D assets vs 2D assets. I myself found that I have an affinity for 3D environmental design and shader programming but it took me years to figure out that it's actually something I can do well.

32. Just learn and go at your own pace, user.

thats pretty cool, reminds me of the smash mod for tf2

32, have some professional experience but nothing to write home about. It's too difficult to pay for school nowadays, so it's either certs or self-training + a stellar portfolio, so I just work on shit when I have free time and hope it'll impress.

Having wasted way too much time on similar things that didn't really go anywhere, I would recommend that you start building out whatever project you want to use the asset generation for first (or come up with an idea for a demo project if you were building this as a standalone thing), and initially build your asset generation to more or less generate basic shapes or patterns, and focus more on the pipeline for getting generated assets into your game. And from there, you can scale up the complexity of the assets you're generating. When you have the option either to prioritize making the code easier to eventually automate so it can be used by a dsl, or to prioritize making it easier for you to just hand-write a hard-coded asset-generation script in the language you're already using right now, prioritize making it easier to hand-write a hard-coded asset-generation script in the language you're already using.

I've made a couple attempts at things like this and spent so much time building up so much structure for the automated asset-generation logic that that my codebase basically collapsed under the weight of it, and I had to more or less start from scratch because the code was too complex to refactor without completely rewriting it. But I was only able to over-engineer it to that extent because I wasn't actively using it for any of my projects, so it wasn't apparent just how much friction it would cause. And on top of that, I was left with almost nothing to show for all the time I had spent, because the janky asset code I had written couldn't be easily integrated with any of the prototypes I was working on.

Just something to watch out for.

turned 19 last month
I had a 4 in math at highschool. Live in germany, so thats really bad, 1 being the best grade.
I'm just wage slaving away as a cashier.

I tried learning programming and game dev, but I lack waaaaaay too much math. And I can't bring myself to study math just to be able to then study programm to THEN be able to make games.
Tried making Pong from scratch, couldn't do it.
Can't even imagine how Tetris is made.
I'm doomed.

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jesus he's letting a noob write the software that an actual profitable business is going to use? your brother is a brave man.

you basically only need to know basic addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. that encompasses 99% of the math used in most programs.

I couldn't figure out how to code collision for Pong. I asked around and just got told that I need to know trigonometry and geometry for that. I don't.

It was a good time

I'm too retarded to learn coding.

Math is just following instructions. I don't pity you for not putting in the effort / being born deficient.

But really,
>for pong
Just learn how to detect collision and some vectors. Shit's not hard and doesn't require crunching numbers, just a very basic understanding of physics.

It's a low risk thing since he didn't have the time to finish it in two years (he hardly ever does IT or programming stuff, just Administration)
So, if the software is there or not, it doesn't matter in the end.
I think he just wants me to learn.

Lol no you don't
assuming you were just using rectangles, a collision occurs when
rect1.x > rect2.x
&& rect1.x rect2.y
&& rect1.y

godot or love2D
what should I use


>That stutter on the platform

Friendly reminder to interpolate!

>what's wrong with godot
Dogshit performance and the lead dev doesn't care. If you try to propose improvements, he'll tell you to either fork or make your own engine.

Attached: 1557532586189.jpg (1000x1000, 86K)

works on my machine

what would happen if you removed the width and height shit

Try not having a computer from 2001. Time to upgrade.

>he'll tell you to either fork, is there a fork? That would solve the problem, right? Has someone done it?

I'm taking courses on udemy for Blender to make the 3Ds

I wish to die.

why are you using that jittery scrolling camera instead of classic's static screens?

What do I do if I want to make a game but only enjoy drawing Art, animating and 3D modeling?

Coding just doesn't click for me, and I can't understand why.

You build a portfolio and make small games with your own created assets.
Then you can go to people and be like "look this is my work, hire me now faggot" and then you can get "hired" and promptly screwed in payment just like everyone else making assets.

Congratulations, you're on your way to make an artsy walking simulator.

Post your shitter on the Twitter and eventually someone will ask you to work for video game with them

Hire a codemonkey

>Dogshit performance and the lead dev doesn't care. If you try to propose improvements, he'll tell you to either fork or make your own engine.
are you the brainlet who got mad because he found a linked list in the source code

Working on it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190717-200541.png (2160x1080, 1.58M)

But I also want to be in charge for the gameplay, setting and characters. By that I mean actually designing them by myself without direction by a boss.
If I just get hired by some faggot, I won't be able to work on a game I actually like. I want to make a fighting game, some other nigger won't make the type of fighting game I'd like.
Best solution unironically, however I have no money because I'm a NEET

Attached: Screenshot_20190717-200522.png (2160x1080, 1.89M)
All of it was rejected because it doesn't follow Godot's code guidelines.

I dunno, man. Improving the engine means I can fit more stuff in, and that's a pretty big deal for 3D games. Performance and efficiency should always be the top priority.

Terrible, my motivation for my game projects has dropped to zero to the point of me giving up and just waiting for college to start back up.
I recently asked my Ex-artist for a past project to help me build a portfolio but he just shut me down because "You have never finished a project. How can you have a portfolio?"
Like thanks you fucking faggot for pointing that out, would be oh so great for me to idk build that. In general, my motivation because of that has dropped to zero.

How the fuck do Programmers build portfolio's, like I have a 6 month project around a movement based game like which was canned because again that artist, and I have around 3 months of work in VR, and here and there projects.

Attached: 1546362463587.jpg (704x396, 175K)

just use unity programming games with it is simple as shit

>however I have no money because I'm a NEET
Trick a codemonkey into working for you for exposure/free. It's easier than doing the reverse

Programmer portfolios aren't "finished games", you should know that
a programmers portfolio needs only consist of programming

What do you mean? I'm not familiar with how this stuff works but I thought a fork was just a modified version made by someone else? Does it really need approval from the main one or am I mixing up terms here?

any good engines for a fag learning C#

My ass. I remember that from AGDG more than 5 years ago.

I picked it back up. That webm was made yesterday when I added some more to it.

I've tried and I'm too much of a brainlet for programming. Even Unity.
I actually talked someone into working with me, I ended up designing characters and even making an entire model. But that FAGGOT didn't write A SINGLE LINE OF CODE, and kept talking about how he was too depressed to work, or busy with college. He eventually fucked off and never came back online. Bet he killed himself or just made a new account to dodge me. I was betting hard on that project too.
Never fucking trust /agdg/, and if you're reading this then FUCK YOU ns2k or whatever your dumb cunt name was, hope you failed your college programming course you shitter

That's the second part of this is I use UE4 and I mix a lot of Blueprints and C++, and I have no clue how to say to a professional like "Hey I have a really good framework understanding of this for only this engine!". Maybe I'm overthinking it but I've been told blueprint coding is not real coding but Jesus does it make some stuff in life easy.

No way.
I told you a million times, but you never listened, and NOW you finally decide to do it?
Fuck you and congrats! It looks awesome.

I want to make this into a mario royale type game and I wanted the camera to be a bit freer so you could see other players easier. The small rooms also are awkward in a 21:9 ratio.
The camera definitely isn't where I want it to be yet though. It's my first game I've made and I've been at it for only a couple of weeks so I'll improve on it as I go. First thing is to fix the damn server

Legit, I'll work for free/exposure, you would be helping me out.

if you are a dedicated programmer who only uses blueprints you dont have that much worth
tools like those are designed for artists or other amateurs to do programming on the side

Read my post again, I'm not trusting Yea Forums or double chan programmers ever again. Sorry buddy.

Godot cant even handle a couple of lights without the framerate tanking even on a gtx1080. Their TPS demo is a mess. Stay away from it if you want to do anything 3D.

Attached: 1562288737263.jpg (728x537, 147K)

That's called ghosting and it happens to 90% of online collaborations, don't get mad about it

Nice to note that my learning of blueprints along with C++ was useless, I should have just used unity

>don't get mad about it
It's been 2 years and I still get mad whenever I remember

Attached: 1538217105800.png (1920x1080, 1.01M)

You are. The fork was made because those changes wouldn't be accepted. The fork has those changes.

No it's not useless, you just don't have any worth as a dedicated programmer. If programming is your ONLY skill, then you should be better at it than "yeah I just know how to use blueprints and a dabble of UE4 specific C++"

I do music mostly in the vein of RPGs, currently not working on any major projects outside of few total modifications for games.

do you have a good idea and a written story? he probably just decided your idea is shit

So which one of these is good for making jrpgs?

i would never ever collab like that online. Thats why im going 1 man army. I'd only collab with real life friends/family

Hell yeah I'm using a shitty engine like Godot. I'm unduly proud of myself for getting the 3D movement and mouselook to work.
Even if it's now time to implement all the actual mechanics.

The uh, the hands a WIP.

Attached: Accidental 6DOF.gif (350x210, 486K)

Then you really need to get involved in more projects, it happens all the time, its not even a personal thing, projects get built upon false promises most of the time and people realize internally that no, they don't actually want to work on this but there's no way of telling that to your partner without making everything extremely awkward and going back on everything you said, everything you thought you felt so it's easier just to vanish

Guess what. Before working on MY game, he wanted to work on a smaller scope project of his own with me. I agreed, thats what """""we"""""" worked on. And he fucked off.
Yeah, I tried learning programming after being abandoned, but gave up after feeling like a retard after a month of trying to learn.

depends of the type of jrpg you want to make (2D/3D, active battle or pure turn based, action commands and such etc) and if you actually know the basics of how the code should work for menus and etc

RPGMaker is the braindead 2D JRPG maker everyone uses, its very very very very easy but is basically designed for making shitty 2D pixel JRPG's and nothing else.
Out of the engines listed in OP, Unity and Unreal are the only "Real" ones, Godot and GMS are alright for 2D games but if you want anything 3D Unity or Unreal are your only options. Unity is generally better for small teams and novices since Unreal's got a fair bit of bloat and you'll likely have to do some fucking around that is a bit beyond you.

Not that guy, but there's still no reason to perpetuate the behavior or be okay with it. If a nigga ain't feelin' it then they should just say so. If you chimp out about it at that point then they made the right decision to split from your sperging-out retard ass, and if you're cool about it then everybody just moves on.

He learned his lesson though: Don't bank on strangers with no real reason to stick with you. This is a legit lesson to everybody.

it wouldnt work correctly, x + width is the right side, y + height is the bottom...x is the left, y is the top.

okay it makes sense now

I picked up Pyxel Edit to build tilesets for a topdown game but I'm finding it pretty clunky to use so far. Would have also liked to use it for building maps out of engine first but without autotiles that would be a pain.

I'm also wondering what the best way to approach mapping walls to be. With an indented wall that has borders, like in pic related, is it better do it the left way, or the right way? It seems hard to find resources to explain the theory of making a good map.

Attached: 02-22-44.png (973x587, 38K)

Ghosting is fucking retarded because it leaves uncertainty as to whether or not they'll come back.

I'm making a new level for HL2. Hammer has its frustrations but isn't that bad when you get down to it.

any examples that you're willing to share?

>If a nigga ain't feelin' it then they should just say so.
Ideally yes but kids working on their first game projects are naive. They'll make false promises. Really the only way around it is to make friends with people first, then maybe commit to a project so if it doesn't work out no big fallout needs to take place

If any artanon needs a codemonkey I'm willing to >work for free

What's the catch

How good at art?

They never come back, man. Ever.

yeah sure

pic looks fine to me. you either need to do that or go with a 2.5d perspective i guess

those changes werent accepted because they are rewriting the entire rendering engine for 4.0 because of vulkan

we make some kickass gaems
any level really, just not 1 pixel limb characters pls

hammer is a great level editor overall despite what brainlets will say. It's nuts how easy it is to build something with just BSP brushes and triggers. If people actually read the documentation or watched some tutorials they wouldn't run into so many issues. Outdated but it still works great.

>wtf that transition at 2:15
I'm not sure what I expected, but that was pretty good

Attached: 1234324212.jpg (672x434, 23K)

I liked it

What was the name of that tool that let you use pixel art to make 3D models?

Attached: 1562853239157.png (680x870, 270K)

>118 MB
wtf did you do to it?

If you don't mind Anime shit, we can get something working.
To establish trust, I have an idea for a small project.
Really basic 2D table tennis/pong. 4 sprites for player 1 and player 2. Idle, Paddle Hit, defeat, victory.
Those would be made by me, including all the other art assets.

Attached: 1552139622792.jpg (800x657, 66K)

its a .wav

it's a completely uncompressed .wav render

Any codemonkey looking for some anime artfag? I'm working for free here.

Post Twitter or something? I wanna see ur skillz

post your work

Sounds good, you got a discord or gmail?


look, that game you quoted isnt that advanced in the art deparment.
look at this

its not easy, you have to have good taste and know image composition, and other shit, but technically its rather simple.

Look after some games (or animations and movies) that have a very simple look, but that it works. Superhot for example, its very basic too, even animations.

Just dont do the overachiever shit, art is not your thing so dont go downloading random packs of free assets and mash them together, because that looks ugly and amateur as fuck.
Just find some references so that you arent going in to it blind without direction, and try whatever you want in that artstyle.
this looks nice, I would have avoided the square as character since that is so overdone, maybe something like the cleaning droid from starwars like in pic related

Attached: MSE-6_btm.jpg (544x434, 29K)

Pardon the furshit, a man's gotta work to eat.

I'm just a musicfag unfortunately, I'd just want to make a hacky Metroidvania anyway

most of it is really hit or miss

I wish I didn't go through this. I really do.

Attached: 1542619729235.png (313x311, 126K)

lmaod at Ant-Image

what has the world come to where amateur artists draw furry porn comissions to make money

Umm user not to be rude but its fucking cool looking as fuck

i like it, sounds nice

What's the trick to texturing? Every time I look up a tutorial its always some photo manipulation stuff so what's the thought process that goes into building a texture from nothing? Should I just use the painting option in blender and think of it as painting a figurine?

Yeah my stuff are pretty inconsistent since I'm still learning the rope. If anyone interested just give me a call.

Furfags got cash money while other groups are either not degenerate enough to pay for deviant artwork, or not affluent enough.

It really depends what style you are going for. Realistic or semi-realistic art is usually photobashing. Cartoony art you just use brushes and do some digital painting

>Should I just use the painting option in blender and think of it as painting a figurine?

that's probably the best way to do it if you're doing it from scratch, i'm most professionals use reference material of some sort though.

I was thinking of using the old method of game texturing where devs painted onto mapped UVs at a low resolution. Things like highlights and shadows are fucking me up mentally though. Do I actually have to paint those on these days, or am I supposed to generate separate textures for those and use them in-engine on top of the flat colour?

You could make your model, paint on top of it, then project your painting on top of the model.

Attached: D44H644WAAE1PQh.webm (720x720, 2.49M)

Depends on your lighting. You can draw non-directional ambient shadowing onto your textures, but you probably shouldn't draw strong highlights/specular because even without a specular map the in-engine lighting can do specular. Just remember that you can either draw shadows and highlights or let the geometry and the lighting do it for you

>let the geometry and the lighting do it for you

Am I fucked if I'm doing low-poly? I won't be sculpting for minute details to generate a normal map but I want to mimic the effects of light as much as I can while maintaing a low-res texture.

Blenderfag here. Willing to model assets

But is it alright for 2D?
I want to make a simple RPG but RPG Maker is too limited, Construct is messy, and I don't wanna mess with Unity's jew schemes

Attached: 1544636635941.jpg (323x297, 17K)

this is the reference image I used for low-poly work
no normal/specular, just one diffuse texture map
there are highlights and shadows, but they are quite soft and unidirectional, they're "detail" shading in the same vein as ambient occlusion while the game will also overlay stronger highlights and shadows from the ingame lights

Attached: p4models.jpg (1600x1024, 279K)


I heard being a mobile dev is ez work compared to game dev, is that true?

>RPG Maker is too limited
JS extensions seem pretty powerful imo.

What can't you that's not 3D?

normal maps make lopoly look soulless

Yes. Bu at that point, I'd just suggest using something like LÖVE, or making your own engine with SDL2/SFML.

and this shading was hand-painted and not generated in any way? I'd have to wonder what that image would look like after having engine magic applied.

Question for any user used to Blender to model for their game
How do I attach bones together by their root? Whatever I tried the legs/hips always end up separated from the spine, the result is that I can import and use my models in my project but if physic is applied to them, their legs disconnect from the rest of the body.

It's entirely hand painted, at least it looks that way
just look at a persona 4 ingame screenshot

Stuck on a small annoying issue that should be easy to solve but it's not.
Such are the joys of programming for an actual old system.

Attached: slide.webm (320x240, 47K)

You cannot attach bones by the root. Redesign your rig to accomodate this (not a blender thing, it's how armature systems work in general). I have a bone that essentially has its root below the crotch of the model and the spine and leg bones are all connected to the tip.

just cracked a couple of books of C#, so hopefully, this will get easier

Attached: 1561867565881.jpg (1339x1301, 145K)

Some time ago I made this silly thing, I want to keep working on this again.

Attached: mu6.gif (635x372, 531K)

looks really cool user, you should pick it up again
Books are much better learning resources than videos, good luck user

Just trying to improve my drawings with loomis

Attached: viruses.png (1536x1024, 26K)

Well, I'm mostly talking out of my ass because I never actually used it, but all the RPG Maker games that I've seen so far look pretty much the same. So I figured that if you could easily make something more complex in such a simple engine, people would naturally prefer it over something like Unity for instance.

Okay wait, what if I hand-painted a heightmap, generated an AO and normal map from that, and then hand-painted the flat colour?

there's an article from Valve in the early days of pixel shaders where they tried that technique and it looked like shit, if people want to make normal maps they make high-poly models and retopologize
If you are making low-poly models by hand then dont bother with a normal map

thanks, and not really. i'm a nodev pixel artist ideafag at best. i'm going to college in a few weeks to learn to code so i can make my dream game

The lack of navmesh and lighting preview is frustrating and scripting is overly complicated but the actual brush editing tools are far better than Unreal's and everything else like sealing, func_detail and the general difficulty in rearranging complex geometry just force you to plan in advance and have a good workflow. I'd still rather use it for pure LD than Unreal or Unity.

>very nice
thanks, user. would main hops btw

I see, thanks user.

>tfw this post is literally me
It doesn't get better. Good luck on the never ending depression bro.

Attached: 1548039414851.png (457x380, 233K)

I guess I could just use the technique where they box-model a low-poly mesh and use that as a base for a sculpt to add detail/roundness.

Not good.
Long story short, my two good friends for 3 years, one a musicfag and one a codemonkey and I were started working on a game this year after them begging me for the longest time to collaborate with them since I do art and write and had been casually making a passion project game that I've wanted to make for a decade now and have been working on for about 2 years when I can.
We got a bit into my game together, I got a lot of my art done and was writing out the story, and they kept giving me "tips" on the story and art, and I finally told them to fuck off and that I know what I'm doing and they don't
They got really asshurt and then started claiming that I'm domineering, I never accept their ideas, etc. I never felt like I should have to take their "ideas" when most of them were fucking stupid like "she'd be sexier if you made her tits big and gave her pig tails" when we weren't even making a fucking porn game and all of these are my characters to begin with, so I know how I want them to look
So we stopped talking and I only know what's going on with them through our mutual friends. No big deal, I don't really care, I keep working on my game, dump all their contributions (music and code) and keep making assets and shit for it. That was about 7 months ago.
Then I find out today that these fucking niggers have straight lifted my game, the mechanics are the exact fucking same, their "original story" is just mine with minor shit changed, and the main characters even look the fucking same
I'm so goddamn mad right now it's absolutely unreal
I feel like through sheer force of anger alone I want to quit my job just to work on my fucking game so I can either get it out before they get their shameless copy of mine released, or so that I can keep polishing it and make it so goddamn good nobody even notices their pile of shit

holy fucking christ I'm pissed

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Looks good user

Is there any simple framework like Love2D that isn't dead?

It entirely depends on how you set up your physics in game so I do not have a one solution fits all suggestion for you. My project doesn't use rigidboidies, for example, so the interpolation script I use wouldn't work for you if you do use rigidbodies.



User your anger to finish your game, user.

user, in all honesty, your game is probably going to be shit and most likely a game that would barely make it on to newgrounds. You have nothing to be mad about because you had nothing to begin with. I'm not even saying this shit to piss you off or to make you mad, I'm genuinely saying this so you realize you're getting mad over fucking nothing. Just take what you learned and try to apply it to a team that has the size to actually create something decent without spending 5 years+ to make.

I really want to see what this game/games look like
I have a feeling it's really bad

i was in a similar situation as you but i just let them take over and stopped caring about the writing. i was the musicfag. game is still in development, it has been more or less 5 years now.


Post your game user.

Here’s a pro tip for you:
Vector3.lerp(oldVector, newVector, 0.75f)
Also works with Quaternion for rotations, change 0.75 to anything between 0 and 1 depending on how fast this should transition. This will make any movement look way better.

I shall give this a shot thanks user.
Have this gif as a reward

Attached: Why is this a gif.gif (716x832, 188K)

No, you're right, I have fuck all in terms of actual game. Anytime I actually try coding anything I just end up scrapping it all after spending 20 hours trying to fix simple shit. I'm a fucking brainlet who cannot code even the simplest fucking game, and all I can do is draw and write dialog
fuck my life though I'm legitimately done with most of the assets I would want to use and I just enjoy drawing this shit all the time, I hate that they took my idea.
And before you ask what the game is, it's just Princess Maker but with Maids. My unoriginal idea is just Maid Maker but with some changes and QoL improvements.

That would just be an asset dump, the "gameplay" is nonexistent since I'm nodev cant code even in

I didn't want to let them take over or contribute because their ideas were stupid and didn't fit the game at all. I asked them the play related games to get the idea of it but they kept wanting to make it more like those shitty Akabur trainer games instead of the game that it's supposed to play like

I'll probably end up fucking scrapping the whole damn thing at this point and doing something else, it's probably time to give up

Attached: maid.jpg (850x850, 104K)

>I didn't want to let them take over or contribute because their ideas were stupid and didn't fit the game at all. I asked them the play related games to get the idea of it but they kept wanting to make it more like those shitty Akabur trainer games instead of the game that it's supposed to play like
i felt the same way but i stopped caring. best thing to do was not get in the way of the game actually fucking shipping so i can get my small musicfag cut and then fuck off

well I guess I was wrong, that picture is pretty nice actually

Send the script and assets to [email protected] and I will make it into a game in unity if I think it’s good. I made Kramer Hentai Adventure 3 so you know you can trust me.

Listen user, you need to asset dump SOMETHING that will give away your friends are frauds in this thread so you have timestamped proof you were working on shit they stole from you before they release it if they are further in progress than you.

Then you can screencap your art+posts and shit and use it as proof that they are hacks.

Attached: 1543429039916.png (1904x1013, 224K)

>Then you can screencap your art+posts and shit and use it as proof that they are hacks.
nobody cares

unity's jew schemes? It's basically free


that's exactly what they want you to think

sorry my freind but you're fucked now. it's impossible to get out of that mindset.
>to feel deserving of love you need to be loved.
>noone will love you when even you don't think you're deserving.
best you just focus on making games. it's the only fulfilment you'll get now.
there's always the chance of meeting a cute gamedev GF and building confidence but that's 1 in a million.

it's free if your game makes less than 100k per year
and do you really think it's going to make more

well almost. to remove the Unity logo you need to buy like a months premium to export the final build.

so fucking what

its still free to use

it's nothing compared to 5% royalties by unreal. Untiy is insanely cheap

Working on putting in a boss right now, just finished doing the animations on him, just have to put him in and work on the effects surrounding his attacks.

Attached: rpgplay.webm (439x292, 2.89M)


if you add your own logo at least the unity logo gets smaller and shows under it when you boot the game

can you turn off the CRT filter?
I can't see shit

Careful it might not be the platform it might be the camera. If you have a script that does camera movement try moving the movement code from Update() to FixedUpdate(). Since Update() doesnt happen at the same speed that physics simulation does you can end up with showing multiple frames of the same physics update tick leading to jitter.

>want to make porn game
>dont want to become another patreon "game dev" leeching money from fans
>dont think kickstarter allows porn
What are my options

Attached: 1562109275173.jpg (492x491, 38K)

kickstarter allows porn

oh for real
sick man

Attached: 1562309457696.jpg (500x475, 127K)

Kickstarter bombed for something else i worked on. So now I'm finishing up a mobile app game that hopefully will bring in at least something. Made on Godot

The overworld looks cool, still some way to go in terms of the battle animation though.

I can't fucking figure out how to keep foreground and backgrounds object separated without a black outline when using limited pallettes.
My current one has 32 colours, you'd think that's enough.
Do you just not use some tones and only use them for outlines or what?

>reserve the muted colors for backgrounds
>have the vibrant colors in the foreground
it isn't exactly rocket science

The point is more that outlines of foreground characters and the background have the same colours so they blend in.
I'm not the one choosing the pallette but the one we're using has like 4 greens.

Then don't use those colors for outlines.

Does anyone know how to make JRPG style grid movement in GMS2? I looked at a couple tutorials but I'm a retard. I don't understand them.

Nah but I could probably figure it out in an afternoon with Unity
Use Unity
Or even better, stop trying to reinvent RPG Maker and just use RPG Maker, grid movement is default there.

Tell that to the art director who whines he doesn't want black outlines.
Fuck it, he'll just get non-fitting colours then.

>builds game engine using only opengl and c++.
>creates game with self-made engine.
get on my level, faggots.

Attached: opengl-1.png (800x799, 72K)

>RPG Maker
kek. Honestly speaking though, I just have more experience with GM. I just bought GMS2 recently too. Though the other thing is that I also want to have other kinds of movement and gameplay. I'm making a CT ripoff so I need both classic grid movement and that 8-directional movement (which I have working right now, I actually thought grid would be easier since it's older in games...)

I assume RPG Maker is limited to grid movement/generic RPG gameplay anyway. But I'm sure I'm wrong and it just takes some tinkering to get other kinds of gameplay.

doing a card game clone for a porn game i started
i never making fun of card games again, it took me a entire day to put the fucking card on the place it was supposed to

Yes but would the game be better if you spent that time on the gameplay instead of the engine?

rpgmaker is the most kino game engine
you can have grid free movement but yeah, it's pretty much built for making simple rpgs.

Attached: lel.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

Damn, Yea Forums, y'all got talent. Keep it up

>rpgmaker is the most kino game engine

This. It gets a bad rap because it allows anybody to export a project with built in assets, but if you know JS you can do a fucking ton with it, and it's really quick to iterate, has a great map editor, exports on a bunch of platforms without further payment. I really like it, just make sure not ship with any of the built in art, music etc, because that's embarrassing.

so wheres the game?

Anyone know any good low poly face tutorials? just want to make something that looks alright and not like a freak

there's no game

I don't know of any specific face stuff. But one of he first things I started learning with (recently) was slowing down these videos:

zelda n64 games

Cool visuals.

I just started developing a small 2.5D FPS, This is my first attempt at 3D modeling. I will add a lot more detail and textures tomorrow.

Attached: MODEL0.2.png (1355x863, 29K)

thats actually kinda of what i'm going for so that's really helpful, thanks user!

Any way to make it lerp above and beyond 360 angles? Putting in 720, 360, and 0 all give the same result, but sometimes I want it to do more than one spin.

>Dogshit performance
This is true, especially for 3D
>If you try to propose improvements, he'll tell you to either fork or make your own engine.
This is also true, but I don't think it's entirely unreasonable. It's free and MIT licensed - so you can just fork it or buy something that just werks™
>the lead dev doesn't care
This isn't true - for the past 4 months he's only be working on restructuring the low-level rendering code, effectively creating a new rendering engine driver model for the 4.0 milestone. He's currently working on implementing this using Vulkan as a back-end. You can find it right now on the project github. And yeah I know Vulkan isn't exactly a magic bullet for faster rendering, but a big justification for the rendering code restructure was to make it easier to implement optimisations across multiple rendering back-ends (GLES, Vulkan, etc.)

>Cant really be solved without vulkan or rewriting the entire renderer.

More "stop abusing ambient occlusion spamming a scene with non-baked lights".

Most 3D indie Unity and Unreal games perform just as garbage by the time devs are done with them, and if you're alienating 3rd worlders who exactly do you expect to fork over $10 to play your game?

why is it always the autistic retards like this guy and evaxephon that convince idiots to give them free money?

at least with Eva he's reached the breaking point and is freefalling, doesn't help that he just recently came out and said that when the first rival is done, "the game is finished", and will launch a kickstarter which if it fails (it will) then he's abandoning the game entirely

Last I checked, the problem with his Vulkan back end is that it's being built with weird choices from the get go. Like Virtuals for abstraction and Vector in the API. That's kind of fucked.

Thinking of trying Construct, since it got updated with JavaScript. Any anons know if it's any good?

You seem more autistic than either of them

It's funny because Godot is intentionally gimped for 3rd worlders and yet runs like ass anyways.

Too blurry. I can barely read anything.

Wow, saw your shit last week and I'm really glad you got funded bro, you're an inspiration to us all.

Not shitting on your or your game, but what is the point of this little cuckzoom?

are you a codenigger?

Have fun wasting time for nothing.

I got my shit to work. It involved fixedupdate()

Glerp's Lerp and Slerp
formerly Vick's

hi eva

Attached: 1536374785661.gif (278x340, 74K)


Working on multiplayer web rpg using threejs. Basic mechanics and bare bone world is ready, now working on 3 things parralely- plot & lore, implementing skills, and adding more monsters and weapons

That stance looks like hes humping a ghost

Attached: 1563201272967.png (500x480, 89K)

I'd play a game about humping ghosts.

If only anyone here knew how to make games.

Attached: 1563251895671.jpg (399x400, 16K)

Looks good but why do the outlines go from thick to not as thick

Just play good castlevania games and good games inspired by them.