What makes Morrowind so comfy?
What makes Morrowind so comfy?
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It is a world that feels like it has culture. Most games give you humans as the "normal" race but here the Dunmer rule and their have their own Houses, religions, and history.
Dunmer are just grey humans with pointy ears
what the fuck was his problem?
Shut up, you n'wah
Baseless accusations of sexual harassment made by the Nerevarine. Fucking #metoo.
Is that much of the Gold Coast really finished? Where can I download it?
How do I get back into mage's guild in Daggerfall?
I got expelled when I did too much stuff for fighters guild and failed to complete 1 mage's guild quest in time
What sells it is the way everyone calls you an outlander and tells they'd rather you fucked off back to your own country.
Kind of, yeah. Companies these days think that their plot and their NPCs = their viewpoint, so even their bad guys can't be too bad. Morrowind will have Barenziah's actual backstory involve getting raped by a Khajiit bandit in a bar and loving it.
It should let you back in over time
I see
Is there any penalty for taking a huge loan from a bank (100k) in a province which you are not planning to visit ever again and never returning the money?
Is this some sort of Mournhold expansion?
Other than losing reputation in that region, no, just try not to piss off the big regions like daggerfall or wayrest. the reputation system is quite complex so I don't know if the reputation loss has a knock on effect
It's not rape if she consents.
But yeah, Morrowind was sort of edgy. Not in an offensive way, but enough that a corporate design committee would probably get nervous. There was the weird sex in some of the books, the blatant racism and the drug abuse. I could even imagine a modern publisher giving devs shit over how they depicted slavery, not even as good, but as an old-established tradition that several not-otherwise-evil NPCs would defend.
Tamriel rebuilt
>but as an old-established tradition that several not-otherwise-evil NPCs would defend.
That right there is what made it unique. It was actual people, as they had been for thousands of years. The modernity wasn't reversed, it was simply removed. Almost no one does that.
hey hey people.
Exploration, various secrets, and comfy dwellings such as mushroom dwellings.
Also, "candy candy candy..."
Does this thing also increase the size/scope of vanilla areas? the new ones seem huge.
Is this train also a hat?
Lack of anything to do in the open world means you get to relax a lot.
Theft here
Music, Pacing, and Atmosphere.
Morrowind was designed with directions in mind, not map markers, because of this you're more engaged with the world despite 20 year old graphics that were dated even for the time.
It also helped that they designed the cities to be full of stuff, even if most of it was useless filler of nwahs trying to sell you chitin shit, and every NPC in the world except random encounters were hand placed with their own item pools, I.E. you're not going to run into ashlanders with daedric weapons and nordic armor, unless they were specifically designed to have them for flavor reasons.
Also because the game wasn't level listed you never knew what you were going to find, even at low levels you might find something swanky.
It's the journey. You start slow as a turtle and weak as a kitten. Fast forward 50 hours and you'll be traversing Vvardenfell like a true master with your enchanted rings that allow you to jump to the skies or fly and one shotting the most fierce daedra alive.
Are there any other easy-install graphics mod compilations like overhaul?