>game has unnecessarily long attack animations
Game has unnecessarily long attack animations
>game features romanceable robots
>game has rock people as a race
Why yes, this is the robosexual thread.
robots are for cuddling
>Game doesn't have attack animations
How can that plastic helmet be so cute and sexy?
There's a guy inside, right?
it's the fact that it doesn't have a mouth and that they made blushing on the cheeks with the little vents. Also the person who wears the costume does cute poses
Yeah, only ugly fat bastards like kigurumi.
it's a professional kig, those are typically females. Hobbyists are almost 100% dudes though.
Name one (1) game
Hardmode: no upcoming pokemon games
turn based rpgs that typically just light up the enemy when they get hit.
when they wear tighter outfits you can see the person under the mask sports a nice, healthy, B Cup. It's a lady under there
oh well
Sonny 2017
why do I see this question in every single thread with this character in it?
because Kigs are always questionable
i hope there's an anal-pregnancy augment
How does she look at the camera
Post the chad robosamurai
fursuit illusions
look it up idiot
one of those optic illusions that makes the eye think youre being tracked by other set of eyes? like those jesus portraits?
>game has unnecessarily long attack animations
>become billionaire robot software engineer
>install spyware that reads your computer and instantly fries your sexbot if feet, vore, GTS, fart, or scat content is detected
>anybody who sues makes it a matter of public record they're into deviant fetishes
This is the true long game.
>still hasn't reached 10k
>no CP
>"she" doesn't, it's just the angle and light
I'm sure that's real and not padding
I have no shame and will take a million off of you, thanks.
>b-b-buh she has boobs
Yes and nice "feminine penis" too. Sorry user youve been jacking off to dudes posing as women for too long.
Because theres always, ALWAYS a dude in there. Next youre gunna tell me belle delphine is a chick too, god you zoomers are so fucking gullible.
how can you be so paranoid about things and still have a life?
Get lost faggots.
Suck so more cocks instead of running your mouth when you have no idea what you're talking about
Is this the new big thing in /jp/ or something? She looks cute.
You don't know how software works. A knowledgeable person can detect spyware without triggering it easily.
So this is how anime grills are supposed to look like irl?
If the person in the costume is a man he was a very small and cute frame
Which isn't weird anyways, there are male stunt actors that exclusively play female roles in toku
I too like cute robots
Fucking RPG man
The "blush line marks" are actually little slits with very thin red fabric that when held up directly next to your eye you can see through it, similar to pic related. Also its a dude.
that thing is really starting to piss me off
Why are japs the only one who can make eyes that don't look soulless?
This is how robot grills are supposed to look like irl
this is how my dick looks irl!!
*Unzips dick*
Funny that youre calling me a faggot while you casually jack off to men in womens clothing simulating women. I mean one of us is demonstrably indisputably homosexual and im sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but you need to stop pretending fiction is more real than reality or it will end very badly for you one day i promise you.
t. faggot who only sees men everywhere
It's not a man inside, it's a wannabe idol who doesn't have the face for the job but can act the parr well enough. Same with Nyorobotics. They don't have to worry about personal scandals, aging, needing to replace the girl due to whatever situations, or random disfigurements so it's actually an appealing market if you're wanting to hit a weird niche as an Idol Production group.
is this the prequel to YIIK
I know this is a faggy question but is having a robot grill peg you gay?
early Dragon Quest games
there's something really hot about the idea of fucking her and feeling the warm human body underneath while the expression on the mask never changes
Imagine being a realitycuck
What's next, fapping to a 2D girl is gay if she was designed by a man? Fuck outta here
They even are using female stunt actors in Super Sentai and Kamen Rider these days. You only really wanted to use a man in suit for action shows anyway so there really isn't a reason they'd use one for idolshit
Willingly accepting getting things up your ass is pretty gay
I need games and anime with robot girls ASAP or I'm going to be very upset and be somewhat vocal about it!
>They even are using female stunt actors in Super Sentai and Kamen Rider these days.
>tfw no martial artist stuntman gf who dresses up as Kamen Rider and chokes you out with her strong thighs
You can choke anybody out with any kind of thighs, user.
literally for what purpose would a robot character need padding? it's not like flat chested girls don't exist.
>No toku with a female moe robot lead
but i want to really feel the muscle as it cuts off the blood flow to my brain
Hobbyist Kigs are all guys. She's a professional, which are always girls if the character is a girl.
how stupid are you?
I get that asian people are tiny, but there is no way this is a dude considering they're way smaller than chadbot despite the fact that they are wearing heels
The eyes are concave rather than convex like real eyes. This creates an optical illusion where the eyes appear to follow you due to the brain's natural tendency to assume that eyes are not concave. Disney does the same thing with the statues that follow you in the haunted mansion lineup
What does a "professional" kig imply? Do you just walk around and collect NEETbucks from horny virgins?
It's just trannies who want shotas.
they're in a happy vanilla relationship
where the FUCK are the video games
Persona 3
god between the hoodie, the tights and the helmet i bet she's ridiculously sweaty under there
IMAGINE the smell
it's like being hired as a mascot, you're paid to dress in a costume and promote a company. In this case, she's a wannabe idol robot that promotes a theater, she visits locations that sponsor events at the theater and promotes them by taking photos there.
Name a few besides Fallout please
She's a mascot character, basically. Promoting some band I think.
>Why yes, I do fuck robot girls. How could you tell?
There's a reason why "she" always has clothing that hides "her" figure.
Even this doesn't look very feminine.
looks abusive to me
She's a robot, you dumb dumb.
>no cute robo waifu irl to attempt to breed with
To hell with the sign that says to not fist the robo girl, I'll do it
Roguelikes for the most part
Eyelashes. it's all about eyelashes, just like male beauty is all about the jaw
Basically, the eye is inverted / inside out.
The iris is in the back of the eye socket instead of the front.
It's a bit like that optical illusion with the dragon that looks at you.
fuck off nigger
feet is a normal part of the body
Who /nyorobotics/ here?
Why are thick eyelashes a sign of femininty when it's a masculine trait? It's literally thick body hair. You need testosterone for that.
there's also a convex lens in front of it, which makes it even more realistic.
it's always funny seeing retards think they're smart
most people have absolutely no shame and you would instantly go bankrupt
hell people would pretend to like scat just to sue you
Someone know if there is a way to buy a mask alike from some artists ?
>become billionaire robot software engineer
how are you gonna do that when you know jack shit about software engineering?
I hope I get the chance to have a robowaifu
>no CP
Why keep gods shackled down? Only scatfags deserve their robofu to malfunction.
all I'm getting from this thread is that all you losers are scared of kigs because you're used to degenerate furries and those creepy anime costumes dancing online with visible bulges. Professional Kigs are typically women hired to play women characters and this happens pretty often, but because not many are very popular or have online presences, you aren't aware of them.
google custom kigurumi mask
or ask some whore on /cgl/
Fuck off
I don't understand kigurumi. Why?
Pretty sure her website mentions she is incapable of love, that way no one can get NTR'd
It's not, though.
chadbot rewired her circuits if you catch my drift ;)
Anyway, what's GTS?
patrician taste
>different people find different things appealing
next you're going to tell me you like different colors than someone else
Nah it means giantess
you DO own a chadbot keychain right?
this dude is all shoulder and no hips how is this any close to a rabbit robot
such a cute boy
sorry but if you knew about my preference you wouldn't like you were out of a JOI image on /d/
Xenosaga. Definitely Xenosaga. That, and respawning enemies/damage sponges makes replaying the game a chore.
We get it user, you're so gay that anything you think is supposed to be cute you can't help but imagine fucking your ass and filling you with cum. But that is you're problem not reality.
Link it, faggot
>14.2 tb of my personal preference
>I save nothing but futa
This. It even has cute robots
LoZ Gorons?
>game has dancing
time to pull that pink butt of yours apart little man
Xenosaga 3 had pretty snappy animations i thought. Most have been a response to criticisms of the first two.
me on the right
you're really killing it user!
I didn't say 2 or 3. Also, 2 has the smoothest animations and quickest MOB battles on average. Well, until the end of Xenosaga III where you're just cheesing shit with row attacks and STORM WALTZ
The Japanese CANNOT fucking dance
Learn some vogue if you want to strike poses, ffs
Fucking race of autists
cute kemos
Spasming around like you od'ed on coke is not dancing
I make sure to watch it once a day. Id like to see more videos of Tsukasa doing cute things besides the 10 sec clips on twitter
What a fucking chad.
Dancing is autistic period
I'll take the additional money for the psychological damages of having my sexual deviances exposed to the public desu.
mirin dat backpack
>walking by cute robot girls wont be an everyday occurence in your lifetime
>ywn hit it off with a cute robot girl
>t. Amerilard
thanks for the depression, user
Rent free
these robots are cute as hell!
What did he even mean by this post? That Americans are a calm, serious people who don't engage in degeneracy? I wish.
It sucks that we cant have real anime girls faces without it looking outlandish.
not robotic enough
>tfw 190+ and got the chad physique
>could never pull off a kig even if I really wanted to
Who else too manly for their fetishes?
I wanna date chadbot.
Become a chadbot then.
Phantasy Star Online
already lifting daily for him
I even have a tiny female friend to cosplay as Buddy
I've come to terms with it and I hope one day you do too, user. There's solace to be found in our fantasies where genki robot girls like Tsukasa exist.
Absolute chadtier
not a fetish desu but I really want to try crossdressing. I thought I was too manly for it but I've seen a lot of guys pull it off really well just with smart make up application. I just wanna wear cute outfits.
"The dumb shit you do just to get laid"
>implying chadbot isn't a huge tsundere who is always secretly happy to be with his robot girlfriend
>draw anime girl
>call it a robot
haha homo. why don't you try sucking my dick while you're at it you fag lol
Anime girlbot.
lol gotteem
I wish there were more games where you could play as a robot...
FUCK robots(in their robo-pussies)
>the exposed skin is a fleshsuit
>shell is on the butt
>horns are misaligned
you cannot tell if it is a trap or not
Its awful.
*hits pipe*
Post Chad costumes.
thats a man
We toku now?
About time
If I wore something like this, just because I enjoy the attention but don't actually care at all about the subculture it imples, would I get into trouble? like would people come and hit me or isolate me for being a poser?
btw chest pads are easy to come by if thats your argument
It's a MMD video, but I didn't save the link.
this is a nice thread
way smaller frame compared to actual men they've taken photos with, and the fact that professional companies actually hire women for kig stuff when it's a girl character.
Deviants deserve nothing but retirement
>tfw 173cm twunk and just want to be a big tall intimidating chad
Can we switch height?
Tokuchads have entered the thread.
Watch her videos, she has noticeable hips.
also this, I don't know what people are thinking when they think JP companies are really going to just hire a ton of crossdressers to promote their company in public.
Is this porn?
Japanese judge dredd
wrong picture
my fellow robutt friends
anyone else collection polynian figures?
The only true and patrician route.
As others have stated, concave pupils with convex lenses doing visual tricks. Its pretty neat to see it in action. twitter.com
why robot needs puss puss?
That's their take on one of the robutts from Detroit though. Blame Quantic for not making their things more robot looking.
I wish but I don't got the expendable income for that type of shit
I want to FUCK Haydee.
The kemono subculture is completely different from the western furry subculture. You'd be fine.
Taking requests of the robot girl on the OP
There's so many
He posted a pic of her with the comment "bond with a certain rabbit-eared girl" so he's pretty friendly towards her. He just excercises tolerance when she goes full genki
How hard would it be to make a chad robot outfit
some CAST tier stuff
put her in a wedding dress
if you have any sort of knowledge on making costumes/any knowledge of how robot frames work, it would all come down to how much effort you're willing to put in.
>Gachimuchi reject
Bottom one is a gigachad
Don't lewd my wife! Unless you'll let me watch.
my knowledge of all those things are very low
but the effort I am willing to put in is off the charts
Is this one of those old sentai series where they get punched and cough out blood? Or was that the old kamen rider or something like that
Port for when you need to hook your drive for updates.
Why do Japs like obscuring their identity with masks? Whether through war, anime, or online, everything about their culture tells me they're scared of showing their true faces.
cool masks>real faces
way to try and find deeper meaning in something besides "its cool"
They like to draw a really clear line between their professional and private lives i think. Would you want to be known as that weirdo at the office who dresses up as a robogirl?
Saw some at Mandrake when I was in Japan and I regret not buying any. They're cute as hell.
Theres an obsession with masks and what they represent. Its a very cultural thing.
they should pursue their true selves
Second pic
kigshit is creepy
>Not recognizing the OG
As opposed to obscuring your identity with what?
CUTE! also if you tweet these images to her, she'll take a photo in those poses
faces are gay
you can't choose your face, so it doesn't truly represent you
Jap society is extremely judgemental and you will be socially ostricized if you dont hide your power level and conform. This is why artists will always censor their faces/any actual info about themselves and refer to others exclusively by their online handles.
Am i supposed to know some obscure series for jap kids from the 80s?
I wish technology would advance faster. I just want to hug/marry/fuck/__be__ a robowaifu.
arr rook same
CUTE! Easter princess/shopkeeper drawfag?
>OG Kamen Rider
You don't belong here
For. Ever.
Masks/helmets are badass.
neither do you, this is Yea Forums
that explain why kentarao miura only have few photo on internet
I thought you were baiting. CUTE work, user. Can you do a bust shot with her in a cheongsam or seifuku?
Seconding this. You can use a throwaway account.
Would you pay money to have sex with her? How much would you pay for the hour?
You are in a thread about robot girls and costumes, this isn't the thread for you if you can't recognize literally the most iconic costume in Japanese media
Mangaka are different,he's just a hardcore hikki who plays IM@ster all day and probably has a pissing fetish
Masks are cool
I wish dressing all cyberpunk and shit was normalized so we could do away with shitty modern fashion trends
I'd pay the same costs of a medium to high end onahole
>Would you pay money to have sex with her?
No, because I'm not obsessed with sex
I would, however, pay her to cuddle with me
Damn Japanese people are really shy and introverted. I wish Americans were more like them
robots are /m/, sentai shit isn't, fight me
Big fan, your stuff is cute.
DAMN a man of culture. Would love to but I gotta go for now. Maybe in another thread another day.
Sentai have giant robots, dumbass
Kamen Rider 01 is going to have a mech upgrade at one point or another, checkmate
what's she playing?
Nothing, apparently
while we're on the subject of tokustuff
what are some games with this aesthetic?
thats the made in abyss guy
Realistically, I feel some of the first bots are just going to be made to look human from the get go. We’re already kinda doing that with some already existing robot models. Ones that are designed to socially interact anyways.
>probably has a pissing fetish
What gave off that idea? I've never seen this prominently displayed in Berserk.
JOI is a garbage fetish
can't beat off to something I know a sweaty whale with a microdick wrote and slapped next to a random anime girl and called it a day
I mean, if the current idoru get injured, quits, or just straight up disappears, all you gotta do is find anyone who fits the physical requirements, then train em to go through the motions.
Shit, that's actually a really good idea business wise.
>howling wolves t-shirt
the best part
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a robot engineer. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are designing, programming, building and preparing a robot for at least a few years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little robot - wiring her circuits, making her go through tests, making sure she had the proper specifications, programming her, drafting her. All of it has one simple result: her design is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Built the perfect robot? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she was built, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight metallic pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her functions that came from the way you programmed her.
As a man who has built a robot, you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life simply to build a robot for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
He did a short called GIGANTOMAKHIA and included a little robogirl whose piss is full of nutrients, you tell me if that isn't a fetish.Note that he could've wrote anything but he did that
Nigga, you described all of 2d porn and fapfics.
Don't try to pass, just own the chad in a dress look.
Gross, I like WS but not like that.
It's Kara from Detroit: Become Human.
Their society is all about appearances. Didnt get into a good university? Good luck getting a job. Woman over 25 and unmarried? Past her prime, undesirable. NEET/shut-in? Disgrace to your family and society at large. If you dont conform and follow whats expected of you, you will be heavily judged. The peer pressure is crazy.
that's swimsuitsuccubus' alter ego, OP.
> Woman over 25 and unmarried? Past her prime, undesirable.
but this is correct
this tbqhwyf
all i see in that picture is a sweaty weeb jerkin' it in the glow of his monitor as he frets over every "erotic" sentence he types, frantically eyeing the 4 thesaurus.com tabs he has open on a second monitor as he scrolls through fonts looking for just the right one to accentuate the 17 synonyms for sperm in his masturpiece
i read that and unironically think is way better than current berserk
dont care about the little girl the biomecha concept is really good
I didn't say it was bad, giant robowrestling is kino as fuck
Nothing. The batteries ran out hours ago. She keeps pressing the power button while wondering when will the game come back on the screen.
He was referring to an infamous porn animation of XJ-9 being fucked by rock-men, made by Zone.
That's a loose dress and a padded bra dude
it's not but if you want to keep dreaming that it's a guy go on ahead
Does anyone have those series of images where a guy abuses the anime robot girl figures. There was one where he left a puppy with it and it beat to death because it was told to take care of it like how he takes care of her.
Man I love shit like this
I just collect Aigis merch and merch of her sisters, the fact that she has so much stuff and keeps getting merch hurts my wallet
>giant robowrestling is kino as fuck
my fucking nigga we need that
professional kigs are usually women these days user.
>You want someone to love you? Completely fucking change yourself, stupid incel, it's easy.
s3 when
why japan is better design superheros than the west?
Honestly that paragraph on the right can apply to both annoying bitches and dumb males that dont know what a relationship is.
Heck some women want a waling Man ATM that wont ever complain and always emotionally validate her ass and will play the victum
Tl;dr both these two assholes suck
Considering she cannot develop romantic feelings, money would be the only way to go. 60-80$ seems about right adding to the fact I wont have to worry about her turning down doing any kinks.
english release SOON
imagine being this much of a faggot
fuck off back to robofuckers
if mods are going to delete our perfectly on topic SCP threads, your gay ass fetish threads aren't allowed
Go have your mental breakdown on /x/, SCP-tranny
choke on your cut cock transo
I'd rather be a Chad maid honestly
>long coat
>blue and white
Is this guy motivated?
That's literally because you(and many people outside of japan) only knows otaku-subculture from japan. Come to Japan and turn on TV then you'll see tons of real-life Japs doing silly things 24/7.
You tell me
Too bad it's 8 years too late.
we need more kemonos
you gain the knowledge and funding to make your own perfect robo waifu which is better than every other robo waifu you ever created and sold, that's just the way the world works.
I don't like this, those masks are fucking creepy