you can start as a nomad
You can start as a nomad
Shame you can't make the game not be open world trash
Honestly why weren't you expecting it to be open world?
I wanted to be a law enforcer like Dredd
You can also start as a streetkid and a corpo. They're really pushing the role-playing aspect and that's pushing my optimism through the roof.
After the garbage that was The Witcher 3, I was expecting it to be open world trash. Doesn't have to be unexpected to be shit.
Because hes an idiot
>After the garbage that was The Witcher 3
Aww, baby gonna cry?
>after the dryness that was water
What are Nomads? I have no info about the table top game but I do want to play this game as a CDPR fan
Why did you reply to me, it was a genuine question.
Mad Max style road warriors. They rule the roads in the non-urban areas of the country.
that's pretty cool
this is either bait or your taste is so shit that it's actually hard to believe
Enjoy your 50 bandit camps, retard.
It's not just you, 3 is incredibly boring. I loved 2 despite its flaws, but 3 managed to make the combat feel even worse while watering down all the good stuff. Instead of a small, lean world packed with interesting stuff, it's a few MMO zones packed with monotonous shit and crafting bloat.
>hurr im going to be a contrarian based on conjecture
or you could wait till the game comes out actually base your opinion on the hundreds of hours of footage that will be readily available, but that'd take a literal iota of brainpower, so I'm sure you'll pretend to hate it for the sake of being different and agreeing with your non-friends on your chink-based picture site
Holy shit now jannies are trimming posts that call Shitcher 3 boring? Might as well go on fucking reddit and get downvoted off the page for calling bland shit what it is.
But should I, though?
What a bunch of fucking retards.
Provided CDPR can deliver on their promises and make much of the game like or even better than the gameplay trailers we've seen so far, would it magically make the game better if it had loading screens instead of being seamless? Because open-world has become synonymous with empty spaces devoid of content and filled up with filler shit like collecting coins/flags/whatever, amassing 15 different currencies so you can upgrade your upgrades, liberating a hill from the evil presence of some bandits etc. for which there is so far literally zero indication of any of that fouling up this game.
They just set themselves the goal of making it as seamless as possible as opposed to having loading screens because we're crossing into a time where SSDs and various tech and approaches make that possible where before there would always have been a loading screen separating the 'overworld' from the 'dungeons'.
nah, Corpo is the best choice
I will start as Pinkman.
>can't bash plastic skulls as a future cop
yes you can. you can ally with the police and get a special cop outfit
Where the fukc is my Dredd simulator?
>b-but in 2013 CDPR pormised that we could be Deckard and hunt down replicants
I'm guessing instead of a vast ocean covering all edges of the map it'll be desert/wasteland
Every open world game is garbage but it's somehow always the upcoming one that's gonna change things. Nah, son, I know how to recognize patterns.
>Provided CDPR can deliver on their promises
Is Cyberpunk 2077 ancap?
It's a crap
hi plebbit, still sucking CDPRs dick dry I see
>heres your """rpg""" bro