ITT: Downgrades
ITT: Downgrades
Other urls found in this thread:
BOTW 2 is like when Trump wins 2020
4 more years of the same fucking post with the same phone poster filename
Here's the original alpha demo:
Worst downgrades in recent memory are:
Witcher 3
Dark Souls 2
Watch Dogs
Anything else is kiddy grade compared to how these three devs butchered their game and/or outright lied about what they would deliver.
The Witcher 3 downgrades literally didn’t matter.
I was super hyped for The Division.
Now the key just sits in my humble account because I'm no longer interested.
Downgrades and casualisations are the worst
Recently DS2 for the first time since it came out (SOTFS for the first time too) with an ENB that makes it look like it did that E3, and goddamn does that improve the game tenfold.
>when Trump wins 2020
That orange clown is going to jail.
good little shill
But if graphics don't matter then you can't say whether it's a downgrade or not unless you had played it in its "original" state. Bet you haven't.
>if graphics don't matter
that's where you're wrong bub
Botw is far worse
They really don't matter. I haven't been impressed by the technical aspect of graphics in a long time. At least not in a sense that it enhances my enjoyment of a game. Usually it's the opposite because those games either tend to run poorly or be difficult to run and you have to spend time messing with settings and always subconsciously analyzing how the game is running and that takes me out of the experience I should be having.
Pretty much every time I enjoy a game's visuals these days it's because of style. It's because it looks cool or looks pleasant or it's cohesive with the rest of the game.
DRUMPF amirite XD
>graphics don't matter because I'm special snowflake
Graphics is one of the most important aspect of video game. This is why they are called VIDEO games.
yeah to laugh at Hilary
Cool argument but learn to read.
>Pretty much every time I enjoy a game's visuals these days it's because of style.
i agree with everything you said but this the most. i included visual aesthetic under the definition of graphics but it makes sense to separate graphical fidelity from art direction.
Yeah, you should too.
Almost any HD version feels like a downgrade for some reason. Even when they are actually graphically superior, there's still something that feels 'off'.
they smallified her titties and that is straight up NOT cool
thats right, both are going to jail, trump will however sit far, far longer
Just post a pic of any shitch port.
Mod that bad boy user
Based and anti-pedo pilled
Dks2 downgrades were a travesty beyond anything else.
I don't have much to read when it comes to that reply. Fitting for you maybe.
It was a downgrade in foliage draw distance and tree density but those shots are blatant cherrypicking.
They could be bigger
Still seething eric?
Mentally ill loser is still traumatised by BotW THREE YEARS later.
lmao this is just truly pathetic now.
How about you compare the same freaking areas? Butthurt retard
botw doesn't have graphical settings
Is this good enough for you?
Does anyone know why OP can't get over BotW? Is there something wrong with him? Serious question.
Everything made by Nintendo since N64 is a downgrade. It surprises me that Nintendo is still alive.
I wish the game actually looked like that
That is from another game you twat.
Heeft hij honger?
I bet you really it scored less than 97. Kek pathetic loser.
Oh boy, Eric is back
I what?
It looks like the fucking box art
Nintendo is hiding the real version of this game
Look at that barren wasteland! OH NO NO NO NO NO!!
It has a hud and a mountain and a hill and trees so it is not barren
Imagine being this traumatized over the mere existence of a children's video game tablet that's also convienient for adults on the go
pic related is a downgrade from the wii u.
That's pc emulation retard
lighting helps a lot
Witcher 3 was upgraded if anything.
If you unironically give a shit about Tifa you need to kill yourself
LOOK AT THAT COPE. Its supposed to be a lush and vibrating world full of life but it looks like a fucking desert, how can nintendo be this incompetent?!
Someone is redoing Dark Souls 2's lighting, so there is that
But yeah that downgrade was the worst because it hurt gameplay, you didn't need to switch to a 1H with a torch in dark places anymore
No it isn't, captured on my Switch.
>different time of day
>different weather
>large mountain in one and then small pile of rocks in the other
Jaa, en hij is een kinderlokker
>Hyrule Field is a FIELD
Pathetic loser still traumatised by juggernaut in the gaming landscape know as Breath Of The Wild.
You will die crying about this game. Feels good.
It is not a desert since, you can clearly see grass you onions filled bastard. Go back to your Ubisoft tower simulator aka Far Cry cause that is what you'll be doing: Crying
To be fair, it's just just Hyrule Field looking so lifeless..
not just*
u mad?
Maybe crying about it for three more years will help you cope.
Cope with what?
I'm not denying that TW3 is a great game but you faggots need to stop pretending that pic related is okay just cos cdpr aren't pure evil like EA or Activision.
Also you can't use the same bullshit excuses you shills always make up like "it's just different lighting/ time of day/ weather" it is a massive downgrade and cdpr lied the entire time quit defending them or they'll do it again with cyberpunk.
Can't you get that look by using an ENB?
Cope with your dick size you lifeless nobody loser onion eater
lmao shills did not even watch the trailer
Graphics don't matter because one of the best games ever made is done in ASCII. All that matters is visual clarity.
why would an elephant do that?
lol that language is retarded
*Jurassic Park theme starts playing*
imagine if you spent more time playing video games instead of cherry picking stupid screenshots to complain about nonexistent problems
DAY 866
>DAY 866
He looks like Emelia Clarke
Botw didn't get downgraded.
Any nintendoodoo shitch game fills the thread.
You two are insulting your own intelligence.
It must hurt waking up every day to a world where Nintendo made one of the most successful consoles of all time with the Switch despite all your relentless shitposting
No. You can make screenshots look kind of similar but still worse in every way. But in motion it'll always look awful because they downgraded the core pipeline of graphics. Lighting, effects, shading, even the animations.
Keep seething
>Botw didn't get downgra-
Literally skyrim is bigger and has more content in it than brap of the wild.
I can't believe that you people play garbage like that when there are much, much older games that offer the exact same thing only much better with a team that is much more experienced at open world games.
>Keep seething
Yeah, I'm seething that Nintendo made TWO of the most acclaimed games history back-to-back and released them on one of the most successful consoles of all time.
lmao you have no idea how much I love knowing the mental trauma Nintendo causes you.
I know you're shitposting but I unironically agree, I vastly preferred my wii u to my switch, the switch doesn't even really feel good to hold, always feels like it's going to fall apart like some cheap toy, and it's too big to be a real handheld console.
Ideally, there will be multiple Trumps and multiple Clintons in jail.
>Literally skyrim is bigger and has more content in it than brap of the wild.
i'm actually not shitposting. i own both, the wii u was better, and i mostly agree with your take on it. the switch is also missing a lot of neat features that the wii u had.
>Tech demo vs a real game
>of the most successful consoles of all time.
>Nintendo made TWO of the most acclaimed games history
Turns out pizza-gate was real. Your orange man was in the center of it.
todd always lies.
It’s austim and falling for the
“Nintendo will go 3rd party meme”
Sadly enough he was retarded enough to believe it
Remember Mario alone is worth 50 billion dollars
Even if they Sonic tier whored him out they could stay afloat for a long ass time
>Yeah, I'm seething that Nintendo made TWO of the most acclaimed games history back-to-back and released them on one of the most successful consoles of all time.
>lmao you have no idea how much I love knowing the mental trauma Nintendo causes you.
He’s fucking drunk
>Retard doesn't know what a tech demo is.
>Your orange man was in the center of it.
big if yuge
Does anyone keep up with news regarding the PC crack? I know it's always getting better, but are there any mods yet that are aiming to tackle the lack of foliage and make the game look more like the reveal? Is that even something that can happen?
the "real game" is a glorified tech demo.
eat shit op
Literally cannot cope any longer. I guess suicide is finally near.
Something about the hazy washed out lighting that fills up BotW like 80% of the time really fucked up the visuals. In the few times that the lighting isn't like that, it's a wonderful looking game (on PC).
You know, I think BotW is great, but that IS a damn good argument against it.
imagine being OP
Nigga you blind.
>hazy washed out lighting
Why is real life just like this too?! Is GOD just fucking lazy? I'd give reality 6/10 at best!
>literal clickbait
>Todd Howard gives it one compliment
>Its apparently more relaxing, that's it
How can nintendies COPE so hard every day?!
Imagine thinking this look just as good as the promo image.
I'm honestly just here to update my wojak filters.
keep posting them, faggots.
The switch was literally the only bigger consoles of nintendo lately
One of the very few games you can play on it is Brap of the wild.
That was because BOTW was designed for Wii U. BOTW 2 will be designed for Switch, so it will have improved graphics.
Yup seething shitters are mentally ill. They want to hate BotW but can't come up with any convincing arguement so they invent "issues" just so they can cope.
>thread about zelda
>retarded American has to inject his political retardation in it anyway
Americans should be IP range banned from this website.
>He uses literal advertisements
I can't breate from laughter... please user.... stop.... I'm dying!
Cope, mudslime
THIS is what Yea Forums has been bitching about? Man, you guys need to get your priorities in check.
>b-but it was held back by the wii u
LOL here's an upvote!
Literally every game that's been shown at trade shows.
>you can't see blades of grass from 50ft up
>you can't see blades of grass on stone surfaces
Is this the most cherry picked image of all time?
Kek is this baby still going after all these years. Fucking Christ Nintendo really broke him didn't they.
>blurry, foggy matte overlay, no casted shadows, low quality-textured draw distance
>gameplay vs using switch's screenshot function
are you ok
Textures are too hi def.
Are you okay link? How can Nintendo even sell garbage like this?
tee hee
almost thought u wouldn't see this?
Keep it down guys I'm trying to game
Whats it like being unable to cope with reality? Don't you get tired of being laughed at?
>has no defense
>starts shouting 'cope'
todo bien en casa?
it looks better
Wait so you're telling me the actual game looks worse than a CGI cinematic?
Go back
>implying he'll ever keep that campaign promise, same for all his other ones.
three whole years... your family must be proud.
BOTW always reminded me of a less stylized, low res Ni no Kuni.
Kek I will honestly be sad the day you finally stop crying over BotW. I get so much enjoyment from these threads.
>go into thread expecting multiple people talking about downgrades of game remakes and sequels
>instead get bickering between Nintendo fanboys and wojak posters
>has no argument
>posts the same reddit or smug face as always and expects it to count as an argument
>go into thread expecting ACfag to appear
>it happens
>instead get bickering between Nintendo fanboys and wojak posters
So like 90% of all threads on Yea Forums?
OP has been in meltdown for three years over BotW. He'll never recover.
>no argument
But I said that the image looked bad, that was my argument. Not my fault the fanboy started crying and using buzzwords.
Where? Which post? I tried to get him once but I didn't manage it.
Because the mods are seething, shameless, biased nintendo babies. Threads like these are perfect to tame the mods with.
Does that really justify ruining every thread with the same "U MAD 97" posts over and over again?
Can I just say how excited I am for Astral Chain? It looks fucking amazing.
wow in a thread he created?
Mods favor Sony on Yea Forums
>expect game to look bad
>it actually looks great
How can one game be so effective at making this board so mad? Nintendo is GOAT just for this alone.
When its THREE FUCKING YEARS later you have to ask whats wrong with people? Its clearly a case of obsession.
Nintendo made a great game. And OP cannot cope. People have no desire to talk to mentally ill people. They just point and laugh instead.
He is right user
>make shitpost
>get shitpost replies
>mods favor sony
>BOTW threads/Switch sales threads not deleted on sight
Imagine thinking the mods favor any one group, instead of just favoring who pays them more.
obsessed faggot, good thing your country is eating itself
>Mods favor Sony on Yea Forums
>BOTW threads
You mean the hate threads?
>delete things that I do not like or else you are biased
Literally this.
>Reactive darkness!
>Game is released and the darkness mechanics are replaced with shitty gamma changes
>Literally no reason to ever use a torch
Still mad
>Mods favor Sony on Yea Forums
Who feeds the trolls with countless shitposting images? They keep doing it because you keep feeding them. And I'm getting pretty pissed that trolls keep invading BOTW discussion threads, knowing that their presence will trigger the defense force. FFS, get a room you two.
The switch was such a "massive success" although that kinda stretches it, since it was the next big console from nintendo.
To this day it doesn't have many games but one of the first were botw.
However while the switch sold "decently" its far, far away from a huge success. A huge success would've been something like the gameboy that used to be part of teenage culture for a long time.
That didn't happen with the switch though. Its a regular console that sold regularly.
>To this day doesn't have many games
What did he mean by this?
Fuck off centrist
>can't there be a middle ground?
>while the switch sold "decently" its far, far away from a huge success.
Switch has been breaking records since Day One and sold nearly 40 MILLION in two years. Please list all the other video game consoles which have achieved this. Shouldn't take you long, its a very short list.
>guys X is bad but isn't anti X just as bad!
Lol fuck off
This is an American website founded by am American man you stupid europoor
Seeing the liberal tears and seething Eurocucks made me a Trump supporter. I wasn't even born in this country but I'm patriotic as hell now and loving every second of it, will literally blast "Real American" when Trump wins 2020 and try to get a MAGA hat past my very foreign family.
that doesn't change the fact that ameritards are getting cucked as fuck.
>guys X is bad but isn't anti X just as bad!
Unironically this.
>both sides post wojaks
>both sides derail threads for shitposting
>both sides have an unhealthy obsessive relationship with Nintendo or sony
Watch Dogs is barely noticable next to shit like W3 and DS2
>thread is a shitpost to begin with
>only gets shitpost replies
Funny how this works
>W3 was downgraded! Butchered!
>Still one of the best looking games ever made
>Thread is about downgrades posting a game that got downgraded
>Basedboys derail it
I am a real American
>Still one of the best looking games ever made
its wasnt even the best looking game of the year it released lmao
Man don't even START me on recording and the like from the damn thing, moe less how bad screenshots come out because it's jpg compression's like at 50%
>thread is a shitpost to begin with
>proceed to NOT ignore it, giving the shitposter the attention he wants
lol, every Nintendo system since the Gamecube has just been flop after flop after flop after flop. They've been in a financial death spiral for years now, I wouldn't expect them to be in business for more than a year or two at most.
>Still one of the greatest looking games ever
This bait is too advanced for me.
Now you're posting bullshits from the undowngraded game.
lmfao please tell me you're baiting.
this one hurts, STOP
>Takes a screenshot at the exact second the light flickers brightest
>all that forced DoF to hide the shitty LOD
>cant even mod the ugly ass vegetation
>They've been in a financial death spiral for years now,
>founded by am American man
Who sold it to a Japanese man. Now your data is being sold to the Chinese, happy yet?
>getting btfo by a filter
Hello summer tourist
Nigger, you need glasses. You can see the LOD plain as day.
What part of what that user said bait?
For your sake I hope I'm just falling for your bait on purpose.
Literally no difference
>that lod
thats the PS4 version right?
>>proceed to NOT ignore it, giving the shitposter the attention he wants
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
>No Halo 2
Yea Forums sucks
>lol, every Nintendo system since the Gamecube has just been flop after flop after flop after flop
Obviously the Wii, DS, and Switch don't count
>Trees lose detail within 50 feet
>Witcher 3
>Trees are clearly detailed hundreds of feet away
Why isn't anyone talking about downgrades?
It doesn't flicker.
>that LoD
>that vegeation
thats big YIKES from me
Well proper german would be:
"Ich bin hungrig" A lot of "germans" don't know their own language anymore.
Dark Souls 2's were the worst of all because the darkness was supposed to be a major gameplay mechanic; whether you'd forgo an offhand weapon or the ability to two-hand your main weapon to hold a torch.
Then the darkness turned out to be baby-tier and you could see just fine.
Most graphical downgrades don't ruin mechanics.
And now Switch
lol how will Nintendo survive?
>That aliasing five feet away
That's a huge OOF from me.
As I said its success is decent. Its somewhat of a hybrid but that's about it. That huge breakthrough like they managed to do with the gameboy is nowhere to be seen. Personally I never see anybody with a switch in hand.
Saving America is not a crime.
>Guys it's the final PC version, trust me! I can't literally slap text onto any shitty image and claim it's something else!
>give the shitposters incentive to spam the board more and ruin all discussion
The day TLOU2 releases will be a horrible day for Yea Forums, especially if it gets a high metacritic.
Both look like shit
Luckily only that day will be horrible, because snoyfags are worse than goldfish. They'll shitpost for a week and then give up because nobody will actually give a shit. Remember how a third party character being announced for Smash drowned out their attempt at shitposting about GOW winning GOTY? Nobody gave a fuck.
Then just ignore it, doug. Practice what you preach.
>mfw ZRfags defends this because it carter's to their shitty fetish
the released game looks like garbage
Its funny when Snoyfags try to make GoW threads and it gets about 5 posts before dying.
I can't be the only one who enjoys niers color scheme and find it super fitting for the dystopic world the story takes place in
Orange man bad
>Luckily only that day will be horrible,
The several hundred million sony anal vore wojaks would beg to differ. Every success for sony will equal a thousand shitposting threads and WHIRRRposters to come out of the woodwork.
>T-trust me it looks like shit! Y-you can trust my shitposting!
iirc The Division initially had three different Dark Zones spread across the map which was naturally much larger. You can still see footage of this if you look up the E3 reveal.
>If I keep posting maybe it will become reality!
Why were the environments from Nier Automata such garbage? Did they spend all their time on rendering 2B?
There is still a chance
>Google current stock prices
>Nintendo is down
>Microsoft is down
>Sony is up
the game had a low budget
You've obviously never played a Taro game before
Watch Dogs was originally going to have those graphics but when they discovered that only pcs were going to be able to run it so they stopped midway through.
except he was one of the first people that was exepted out of the sex cult expose. Trust me the MSM would have a fucking field day with it if there was even a hint of truth to it.
that has nothing to do with graphics weeb
Yakuza and Metro games look amazing and they have low budgets
who knows, maybe Nintendo will go bankrupt tomorrow, but somehow I doubt it
WD's downgrade wasn't as bad as those other two. Also you're forgetting is FFXV, MGSV, Bloodborne, and The Last Guardian. Although the two latter games didn't really matter. MGSV and FFXV's downgrades are on par with the ones you mentioned though.
That's because you don't go outside.
Am I wrong?
Oh man I remember all the RDR2 comparisons. Now nobody even talks about RDR2 anymore
Yes it does. They didn't have time to make decent textures for most of the environments.
>Yakuza and Metro games look amazing and they have low budgets
And? Metro doesn't have a combat system with multiple characters and Yakuza also looks like shit and is a formulaic development unlike Nier which was made from the ground up.
Ups and downs are measured compared to 24h ago in that graph. You never held a stock, did you?
>Literally becoming a trump supporter to "own the libs"
How does it feel being a walking-talking Poe's law?
>Literally looking at ONE day in the stock market
That doesn't mean anything, Nintendo and MS are still down while Sony is up. Cry some more.
A thread dedicated to BOTW will most likely be embarrassing to read through.
I have yet to be proven wrong. You're all autistic.
How many Americans do you think own stocks?
The thread is dedicated to downgrades though, it's insecure BotW drones who had to sperg out.
>it's insecure BotW drones who had to sperg out.
- The Projectionist
Yakuza looks a shitton better than Nier even the PS3 engine ones
Dragon Engine ones which were made from the ground up look 100x better than Nier
thankfully neither Metro and Yakuza has a mindnumblingly boring and shit combat system like Nier
i wish all games looked as "shit" as Yakuza so we wouldnt have fuckugly games like Nier
Today is the only day that matters when it comes to stock. Yesterday isn't going to make people money.
You're funny.
>4 more years of the same fucking post with the same phone poster filename
Maybe because retards like yourself keep replying to the obvious bait.
In hindsight you're probably a base ps4fag and are mad Nier ran at 900p.
>witcher 3
The fuck nigger, sure , game didn't look like second coming of vidya Jesus as videos they released but it was and still is one of the best looking open world games.
>if I move the camera around a lot no one can see the low quality models and textures of the environment
i played it both on PC and PS4
looked like a cheap PS3 game from 2006 on both
>promotional material is prettied up and doesn't look like the final product
Say it aint so!
You haven't been paying attention have you
He will be president or it will be a civil war
Bioshock infinite that first gameplay trailer was godtier
TW3 looks like crap compared to the next-gen game it was. Literally Skyrim tier.
>Today is the only day that matters when it comes to stock. Yesterday isn't going to make people money.
Fucking brainlet teenie trying to talk investment on the internet. Cringe.
was a rough 8 years going from based Bush to monkey faggot obama
The texturing is on par with Yakuza, the animations, models, and effects are vastly superior, and the lighting is also vastly superior. Nier just suffered from samey appearances to the otherworld but the rest of the game is decent looking.
You don't have an argument and you're not going to post pictures either are you?
>angry buzzwords
Why are you so mad?
>The texturing is on par with Yakuza, the animations, models, and effects are vastly superior, and the lighting is also vastly superior.
imagine being this delusional
you could have made $5 from that division key if you just got rid of it, now it's ACTUALLY worthless since the second game came out.
Why do consolefags ruin everything
>angry buzzwords
Nobody is angry, they're laughing at your moronic stupidity
That user wasn't using 'buzzwords' he's speaking simply English. Again, they're laughing at your moronic stupidity.
>looked like a cheap PS3 game from 2006
Fucking this. Doesn't mean the game was bad though.
> PC Drones still seething about BOTW because none of their piece of shit boomer games have ever been relevant
You and your multiple personalities? Can I talk to the one who isn't an angry faggot?
It says a lot about Nintendo fans when the only game worth talking about on their current console was originally made for its predecessor, and nothing else.
>calls others shitposters while proclaiming every PC game to be shit
>will claim to not be a console war kiddy in subsequent posts
How many of these games can be emulated
Switch is now fucking drowing in amazing games. It just so happens that the very first game released on the system was one of the greatest video games ever coded by mankind that your seething jealously won't let you move past it.
> The Last of Us is the only game of the decade to place on 3/5 lists
What went so right sonychads?
All of them except MGS4, Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain & TLOU
>. It just so happens that the very first game released on the system was one of the greatest video games ever coded by mankind
I know this is bait but I sincerely hope nobody actually believes this
Heavy Rain is officially on PC, so that doesn't matter.
>hillary frequently has people assassinated and is directly involved in a gigantic international pedo ring that is literally the worst kept secret ever despite how hard they try to cover it up
>trump is bad and mean and racist and orange >:(
>I know this is bait but I sincerely hope nobody actually believes this
>last of us
Who made this, reddit?
>Fucking drowning in amazing games
That's some good fucking bait
best post
I've proven it.
>youtube screenshot from a faggot playing on Pee U, the worst console ever made in history.
Nier looks like a next-gen game. Yakuza on the other hand.
>its another "journos and normalfags said MY game was good this time so their opinion matters now" episode
I recall a lot of those scores were paid for and that anyone saying the game wasn't that good was hounded for by the rabid fans
it's not very convincing.
Game journalists can be trusted when they're reviewing an actual game. You just can't trust them when they're reviewing movieshit like Uncharted or Bloodborne. You know (((someone))) is bribing them for high scores, while Nintendo would never do that.
What FFXIV mods are those?
Would have given you a (You) if it wasn't for
>Nintendo would never do that
Making it far too obvious there user.
>its another "I can't handle reality so I'll deny everything unless it supports my validates my own psychosis" episode.
>I recall a lot of those scores were paid for
Yeah the voices in your head said so.
The Last of Us is a great game, just overrated because it doesn't belong in a top 30 games list. It should be in the 40-50 range
>literally one of the most acclaimed video games of all time, drowning in awards and celebrated and fawned over by every corner of the industy. Even years later after the hype has died down its still topping GOAT lists.
>it's not very convincing.
Nintendo literally gets snubbed for almost every GOTY, most of those games in that image didn't even win GOTY when they came out because Journalists were too busy circlejerking western shit
You are fucking retarded bro.
>its another "Yea Forums pretends to unironically trust game """journalists""" when it suits their agenda" episode
This dumb bait again?
It's a overrated as fuck game user.
Look how steep it is on the left
No I prefer MY own opinion.
But you can't handle that either.
Read the image instead of seething you dumb fuck.
>Posts image that looks shitty even though it's compressed
Your opinion had nothing to do with the discussion retard. It was the other user posting a image about botw doing well on metacritic and acting like that was proof the game was good.
always love it when pathetic shillcels vehemently defend witcher 3 when they'd burn ubisoft or whomever at the stake for the same thing.
>i-it's ok that they lied to us cause i think the game's still good!!
Just like... real life...!
You can stop trying to pretend the game looks bad as you cherrypick the worst captures you could take.
That looks like shit though even though you cherrypicked the best possible image
Source: your ass
>takes a screenshot of an area as the weather turns to rain so the fog is exaggerated
What exactly is your goal here? Everyone that wants to play BotW has already played it and the rest are shitposters who never intended to play it.
I thought the game was alright but I didn't really pay attention to it until shortly after release, so I was unaware of the downgrade going in and only found out around the time I was in skellige.
>posting a image about botw doing well on metacritic and acting like that was proof the game was good
Please tell us all about those low-scoring metacritic games you enjoy so much.
>its shit because I say so
lol fuck off
>These people like it
Yeah that doesnt count
>critics like it
Yeah that doesnt count
>I don't like it
Trump and Nintendo are very similar, they both have an online cult following them for no reason.
Graphics in general have been more than good enough for over a decade. You’re totally right, it’s about art direction, lighting, ambiance and performance now. “Good graphics” is almost a given for anything with a budget beyond borrowing a few bucks from your mom.
and yet because of shit lighting and art direction, modern games with good graphics still look like shit.
ps2 was the peak of console aesthetics
>muh art direction
who gives a shit, graphics have always been more important
they're sides of the same coin. Uncharted 4 has good graphics but shit art direction.
>most overrated
>l.a noire
I thought most people seem to hate it?
BOTW is too good a game to rely on those assholes at metacritic. If you want to praise it, use any of its fantastic gameplay mechanics or developer choices for the player. Don't rely on asshole mcdouchebag at kotaku.
Does the image not say that L.A noire is one of the most overrated games?
you're joking right
That was my fucking point, but those two brainlets immediately jumped on the "hes a mad snoyfag" shit.
Pathologic 2 and god hand of the top of my head. See , good games can get shitty reviews dumbfuck.
>someone posts about Zelda
>"TRUMP WILL WIN 2020!!"
Fuck off, honestly
Mount and blade warband has a 78 critic score on metacritic.
Me too instead it’s just people talking about one game and yelling about trump or something. Pretty funny
>somehow thats bad
>somehow thats bad
Miiverse was actually super comfy and I really enjoyed booting up my system to fanart.
7/10 is bad by game "journalist" standard.
78 is absolutely fair for a love it or hate it game like Mountain Blade.
Concept reveal video, cherry picking screenshot, cherry picked screen shot.
You know theres locations and times of day where the game actually looks beautiful like that original reveal video, right?
I can't help the way your brain formulates opinions.
You're not wrong but at least take the screencap from the same location
Amen. If only what could have been.
I really hate how all the terrain in botw looks like clay. Those rocks look so soft and rounded.
That location doesn't exist in the final game.
OP is posting a tired image that everyone knows is dishonest. He knows what he’s doing.
mfw another coal company files for bankruptcy and 3-4k dumb hick troglodytes get what they deserve.
Spider-Man's downgrade wasn't that bad but I will forever be mad that the devs somehow successfully spun the story into being about gamers being crybabies who didn't realize that all they did was remove puddles of water. Those puddles really were the microcosm of the whole downgrade, but I think the focus on a word as silly sounding as puddle killed any actual discussion of the graphical downgrade. Because puddlegate lol gamer want his puddle haha puddle Metacritic trust worthy for game reviews?
Only cuckolds hate it.
The deal with the puzzles was the fact that they used 3D cubemap reflections to make the effect look like realtime reflections. It ended up getting cut because that would be a lot of work with little payoff to do this with every reflective surface in the game.
>Switch is now fucking drowing in amazing games.
>one of the greatest video games ever coded by mankind
user, I-
Nice b8
Old and seldom used != proper
Zero argument.
Whats up with that?
I can't stand this fake fat fuck.
The fact that you would say such an idiotic thing in the first place makes it literally futile to argue.
i cant tell if this is a meme or you're actually this retarded. unlike those other games, no E3 demo for botw looked like OP's pic. that was literally just a background screensaver shown while a dev described the game's vision way back in 2014.
>cope with it winning a shitton of awards, receiving widespread acclaim and being one of the best games this decade
Not hard at all
looks good to me
Why is FF7 on the most overrated list, but no other games on the other lists are considered overrated?
Nice ps3 game
Yeah but video game journalists saying it's a good game won't change the fact that it got downgraded. Your point?
The bottom two images are heavily compressed. You're not even trying.
lol, playing games in German sucks
Everything sounds super serious and awkward at the same time.
Dont forget colonial marines
>Posting CEMU screenshots
Absolute state of drones
>Posts even more compressed images
>Literal cutscene in there
You sure proved a point
Still looks better than Pokemon Switch
Both of those scores are accurate. Travis Strikes Again is not a great game.
Except the cutscenes use the in-game graphics, you absolute retard. You'd be aware of this if you played it.
and point?
It's a cutscene, not ingame. Keep posting compressed images to hide the truth, meanwhile reality looks like this
You aren't proving anything with CEMU screenshots.
He kinda is, the base game art is good. It just stands out more when it's clarified at a higher rez.
Still ruined by garbage render distance and ugly textures.
The House (comprised of a Dermocrat majority) literally voted to shut down an impeachment attempt.
The image I posted is from the base game, and the cutscenes are all in-game. Your "rebuttal" screenshot is of a particularly hazy day in the game; BotW has a variety of weather effects.
Stay seething because you clearly didn't play it, faggot.
>every triple A vita ports
>sub 10 fps
>shit textures
gee i wonder why vita failed
>Extremely compressed
Keep coping faggot, not going to change the truth.
I'm afraid I disagree as do a lot of other people. We'll have to agree to disagree.
>keeps repeating points people have already addressed
The absolute state of OP
A tough pill for graphics autists to swallow.
>your point
Still great, had fun, there's nothing you can do about that. I win.
>Keeps repeating lies to defens himself posting comressed cutscene screenshots
Yeah but that's not going to change the fact that it got downgraded. Your point?
Rome 2. It’s not even close
It didn't get downgraded. You have absolutely no proof besides one screenshot of concept in an area you can find in game with the same level of detail. Your point?
>It didn't get downgraded.
It did, get over it already. The final game looks like shit.
Have sex
Alright retards name ONE AAA game that has not been 'downgraded'. They always touch up their teaser images to bait gullible idiots like you, or some cases, they just develop tiny bits of the game at a higher standard than what the final product will be, and they know exactly that's what they are doing.
>The final game looks like shit.
No it doesn't
You keep saying this but not providing proof.
Mario Odyssey
Looks great. Sorry your opinion isn't fact.
Yes it does.
Keep being wilfully ignorant.
>Alright retards name ONE AAA game that has not been 'downgraded
Madden, FIFA, Battlefield, COD
Except the one following Nintendo is absolutely correct. Also Nintendo is not a criminal pedophile rapist.
The same applies to you, buddy.
Top kek can't prove your point so you compare two completely different games
>what is Silent Hills remaster
What the actual fuck happened?
In that order.
>losing the plot
>pulls out another bait image to save himself in desperation
>6 hours later
>He still couldn't disprove that BotW got downgraded
Damn...congrats to Rockstar i guess
Burden of proof lies on the accuser
It's already proven in the OP :)
Not really, no. That's a blatantly cherry picked image as you've been told a thousand times in this thread.
>downgraded from a promotional background shot of the project from 3 years before its release
thats not how "downgrades" work son
Sure I do, if not anything else for work and I do work in a fairly big city and have to use public transport a lot. Nowhere I see people with a switch.
Cope harder
Only guy coping here is you for being a faggot
Botw is a trilogy. Reveal actually takes places in game 3. We're only into the 2nd game. Watch the graphics improve as a result.
Only Canadians Australians and Japanese should be allowed here. The quality of posts will increase ten fold
Ill never understand people who think switch is a better console than wii u
theyre both portable, one just has more power and a bigger screen. the only difference is not playing it in public but then again that's probably one of the most uncomfy gaming experiences imaginable, even at a con or gaming center
Why do I always have the feeling that these articles take the most simple comments completely out of proportion?
Making them essentially fake news.
You literally have to pirate the game to play it on CEMU. The main console for BotW is switch and the switch is absolute garbage when it comes to graphic.
That it needs third party software of pirates to make it look good says a lot about nintendo quality.
How is nobody pointing out those ugly as hell models. Just look at epona, I've seen better horse models made in unity by amateurs.
How do I make it look that bad on CEMU?
I just downloaded it yesterday but my toaster can barely run it at 20+ FPS in the open world
Alright this is my PC, is it possible to play Breath of the Wild on Cemu at a good framerate
Heard that joke a million times.
give it a shot. i have a similar rig, but i recently got a 1070ti over a 1050ti.
1050ti is a good card, best of luck
Damn, it's like you're asking to keep being proven wrong.
This is so obvious, I mean OF COURSE the graphics will get better because it's the second game in a trilogy. It's so logical it hurts