> Cuts him as an assist trophy in Smash 4 for no reason at all
> Sakurai and team Knows he's a fan favorite character after Smash 4 and realizes they made a mistake
> Put him back as an assist trophy in Ultimate
Why the fuck isn't Isaac playable? Sakurai clearly knows there is demand for him, considering he got a Mii costume and Golden Sun getting several spirits. What gives?
Is this the biggest slap in the face in Smash history?
Other urls found in this thread:
probably development time or something, as a way to try and compensate for the assist
had to include another shillmon and shitty additions like plant so probably just no time for isaac
That’s not Waluigi, and all the Sakurai bootlicking zoomers treating his fans like shit since 2018 June
Smash players don't want new characters. They just want the same characters that they've already played as.
Out of all the characters Nintendo could put in, why would they choose Isaac?
...Exactly. There's no reason.
the slap in the face was not relasing the assist trophies since the beginning and blue balling everyone
> Out of all the characters Nintendo could put in, why would they choose Ness?
Nobody at Nintendo likes Camelot.
> Muh shittty headcanon!
Fuck off
They already made his model, all they have to do is give him other characters' attacks. Half the DLC characters are recycling already existing animations and attacks so they could have done the same with isaac.
Golden sun probably just wasn't as popular as people think it is.
Because Sakurai wanted to.
> No real argument
Fuck off zoomer
His game is trash, he doesn't deserve being in
That model isn't nearly good enough for a fighter
>resorts to screeching out shitty forced memes that don't even make sense in this context
I take that to mean I'm right.
You think that's bad?
>has a following in Japan before and during Brawl
>because of this Sakurai appeased them by putting him as an Assist Trophy
>even downright admitting that he fits in well with the fighters
>said demand diminished because he was an assist
>not even Star Successor could promote him, still an Assist Trophy in Smash 4
>disappears in Ultimate but with a spirit and Mii costume in place
>fat chance getting him as DLC too
Golden Sun at least got some good rep despite not having a character playable.
It's the best selling Nintendo IP that debuted on a the GBA that is 100% original and not spin-off or remake shit
>> Cuts him as an assist trophy in Smash 4 for no reason at all
Are you serious? It was complete and utter cancer
>Sakurai clearly knows there is demand for him,
The same autist making the same retarded thread every day != demand.
>he got a Mii costume and Golden Sun getting several spirits.
That doesn't mean anything. Other D-list series like Chibi Robo, Panel de Pon, Custom Robo, Murasame castle, Art Academy, and Badge arcade also got spirits and mii costumes
Mother actually had a future in 1999, unlike a certain dirt swordsman's series
Dang, Banjo was in the entire time?!
Bomberman was. Your irrelevant GBA sword boy has no fans, is from a franchise that's been pronounced dead a while ago, and would add nothing to a game with already too many sword fighters. Fuck off.
You're not right, Sakurai can want to add Isaac too, you literally did not give a good reason why Ness is a better pick than Isaac
Unless you have it in you to backsass your own boss, you have no reason to expect Sakurai to defy his.
>no fans, is from a franchise that's been pronounced dead a while ago
Pot calling the kettle black
This. They should’ve shown all of them early on instead of just disappointing more and more people throughout the year.
> Relevancyfag AND retarded
When will you ever learn?
>Sakurai can want to add Isaac too
But he doesn't, that's the point. He doesn't want to add Isaac and thus doesn't.
You may now stop seething.
Bomberman at least has a game that's on the system in question. Asking for this guy is Gino levels of delusional. It made sense in the Brawl era MAYBE, but it would not happen today.
Kill yourself, Sakurai knows he's wanted, stop being retarded on purpose
>you shouldn't have expectations at all
>Sakurai knows he's wanted
But he doesn't want him.
Bomberman still had games this decade before R, they were just arcade and mobile games
>no argument
>result to calling names
Nice. Guess I was right
>Sakurai knows he's wanted
There are literally hundreds of characters that are wanted, they can't add all of them.
>another rosterfag thread
fuck off retard
Why is he back as an assist trophy then?
Think before you type dumbass
Nobody cares about your rosterfag drama OP. Those who play the game regularly and input hundreds of hours into it are tourneyfags who honestly don't give a shit who's the next newcomer so long as they are viable.
People like you who stomp the ground like children because your turbo obscure literally who from the GBA era didn't get in are a painfully small community. When I play in meets and weekly tourneys, Nobody complains for shit about who gets or doesn't get in. At best people express their gleeful surprise like in the case of Banjo and, then, we play the game, have a good time and speculate on the next newcomers.
Do you know who I never see in those meets? People like you, OP. Because you don't fucking play the gamw. You just go online and pollute EVERY fucking Smash related discussion with your pointless, boring as fuck drama.
Banjo is getting in after everyone else already came back. If Duck Hunt was cut, that would be the most demanded character.
Every one of these literally who faggot characters does NOT have a large fanbase. They all have a very vocal and autistic one if a few hundred people. He shouldn't be in the game at all
Like you said, it's to be a "slap in the face".
>nO tHaT oNe DoN't CoUnT!
and now you are here to complaing about consumers drama
Ebin thread OP. Did your friends at Discord ask you to make it this time?
>demand for returning characters drops after all veterans return
You're stupid.
Because Earthbound is more iconic, has actually grown in popularity over time, Ness has been in since the very first game and because Earthbound has always been more popular than Golden Sun even before the nostalgiafag boost the series got around the time of the MOTHER 3 traduction patch.
Like, I get Golden Sun is actually popular, but put Ness and Isaac side by side. Who do you think will be more recognized by Nintendofags?
So stop with your retarded fucking arguments because I have the feeling you haven't even played Smash 64 or even touched upon the MOTHER series and its community if you think Issac deserves a spot over Ness. Looks like we spotted the zoomer in disguise.
and what do you think motivated him to hate golden sun/golden sun fans?
The point .
Your head-----------
your point is shit my man. At least OP ha a reason to complain, you just don't want to hear negative comments about your shitty videogame
There was barely any demand for returning characters in the first place, except for Mewtwo. And HE had a freaking movie back in '99.
To break way from the kind of anger that usually infests threads like these and actually cite a real reason behind the situation:
Golden Sun (and by extension Isaac) is in this weird liminal space where it's just plain not relevant enough to be added among the other currently-running titan series whose reps make up most of the Smash roster - but also not quite irrelevant enough to be added as one of those surprise "revival" picks like Pit or the Ice Climbers. In addition to that, Golden Sun's niche as Nintendo's token typical JRPG series has been totally taken over by Xenoblade, which is honestly much more popular than Golden Sun ever was at this point (to be honest, I knew Isaac's chances were permadead when Shulk was announced for Smash 4). To make matters worse for him, the style of gameplay his moveset would utilize is already employed by Robin and now the DQ Hero.
I'd also advise against confusing the sort of - and I hate to use this term because it sounds mean, but it's true - "meme support" such and such character gets for actual widespread desire for a character to be included. And yes, there absolutely IS a difference between real support and meme support, it's what separates characters like Ridley, K. Rool and Banjo from Isaac and Geno, where the people in the second camp haven't even played the games the characters hail from most of the time. And I say that as a Golden Sun fan.
>OP has a good reason to complain
For a few months now, I'd randomly select threads like this and post arenas. Know how many people top I've had in any of these arenas compared to threads where we actually discuss balance and character picks? 2.
In threads about PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME I'd get at minimum 3 players. So tell me again why your bullshit "hello I complain about dumb shit in games I don't even play" opinion takes presidence over mine?
>nO tHaT oNe DoN't CoUnT!
I can't believe people unironically do this basic bitch twitter shit.
the franchise has been dead for nearly a decade and there is barely anyone left that still care about it senpai, just a small group of nostalgiafriends
no, because we dont need any more weebshit swordfighters
Here's what Golden Sun fags don't seem to really realize: Golden Sun isn't celebrated by Nintendo.
Like when you think about it, EPD/EAD never truely abandons their IPs. Something like, say, F-Zero may be dead, but it's still celebrated by Nintendo: it gets frequent cameos and references to it in their other games like Nintendo Land, Animal Crossing and of course Mario Kart. Even if it doesn't get games anymore, it's still at least treated as a notable part of Nintendo's history, same thing with their other lesser IPs like Metroid, Star Fox and Pikmin.
Golden Sun just doesn't have that going for it. No one at the company seems to care for it, it's never referenced or acknowledged at all outside of, well, Smash Bros. It's worse than a dead IP, it's a dead IP with no lasting legacy within Nintendo's history. The only thing it really amounted to in the long run is just a bunch of guys asking for Isaac to made playable in Smash.
you know the pople who complain about the roster and people who plays competitive are the same right? I don't know a single person irl who wasn't disappointed for Ultimate, they just buy the games anyways
>that debuted on a the GBA that is 100% original and not spin-off or remake shit
LMAO you couldn't get more specific than that
>smash fans throw a tantrum whenever an "obscure nobody" is added
>sperg out over swords
>smash team doesn't add Isaac
I fail to see the problem.
>F-Zero being acknowledged by Nintendo outside of Smash
kek, keep dreaming show me your moves boy
you ungrateful retards can't even understand what pain actually feels like
At the time mother was a relevant series and had a third installment in development
>It's worse than a dead IP, it's a dead IP with no lasting legacy within Nintendo's history.
That right there is exactly what I meant by bringing up the "JRPG niche taken by Xenoblade" thing. Games like F-Zero (to use your example) get celebrated because they stand as unique examples of games of a certain genre within Nintendo's library of franchises. "Fantasy RPG" could have ostensibly been Golden Sun's niche, but the devs totally lost steam after the second game, and the third was of middling quality and failed to catch fire.
The first two games are still some of my favorite RPGs, but there's no way Isaac is ever going to get in as a playable character because he doesn't bring anything unique to the table.
way to out yourself, zoomzoom
Funny, because I play in tournaments and everyone loves the fucking game.
So am I just imagining there being two whole fucking race courses based on it in Mario Kart 8? Did I also imagine the mini-game in Nintendoland? And also the Blue Falcon appearing as a vehicle in more than one Mario Kart and also a collectible item in Animal Crossing?
Copy pasted moves would've made for a shitty Isaac anyway.
Apart from the soundtrack, the whole point of Isaac would've been his ridiculous range of different moves.
Also I don't like his assist model in Ultimate as well.
Kinda glad they didn't go your way.
good for you stinky, I don't play so competitively
Not that user, but F-Zero gets referenced quite a lot. They're obviously not planning on making more games, but they fairly regularly reference it in other stuff. Just recently there was even a whole Mute City level in Mario Kart 8.
hes not playable because camelot screwed the pooch with dark dawn. If he had any future as a character, he'd be playable.
because smash is a popular game and F-Zero appears in smash, not because Nintendo gives a fuck about the game
If that were the case then all F-Zero references would begin and stop at le epic punch man and his demands to see moves, since that is all Smashfags know.
But most F-Zero references that Nintendo games seem to revolve around the racing aspect and things only people who actually played the games would know about.
Nobody gave a fuck about Mother before Smash, fuck off
literally who?
The GBA games were masterpieces and are reason enough to include Isaac as a playable character along with a Golden Sun stage. It's the same with the Banjo-Kazooie games other than Nuts & Bolts.
Aah Saki, the Assist that appeared in Brawl and Wii U/3DS but got removed in Ultimate and downgraded into mii gunner.
Builder Mario and BotW Link had Mii costumes even if they're already playable, so in theory Saki can be playable
>Forgets Chrom exists.
>The GBA games were masterpieces
That's your nostalgia talking.
>Builder Mario and BotW Link had Mii costumes even if they're already playable, so in theory Saki can be playable
They got those costumes after they were made playable, though.
Guys like K. Rool, Inkling, Isabelle and Chrom were made into DLC costumes back in Smash 4, and notice how they weren't made playable and had to wait until the next game.
You wanna know a bigger slap in the face? Spirits. Any character that is already a spirit is potentially deconfirmed and that includes Shantae. Playable Character spirits have no purpose aside viewing.
For instance if Kenny McCormicm was a spirit, it would be like "Oh my god, they deconfirmed Kenny! You Bastards"
The difference is nuts and bolts were xbox shit and never soured nintendo's fanbase of the original games. Camelot has always been in control of golden sun and ruined it after people clamored desperately for more. It doesn't even close the original story.
Get fucked, Isaacfag. Your series is shit and dead. Keep screeching while I dance over your grave.
>Camelot has always been in control of golden sun and ruined it after people clamored desperately for more.
I mean, that's kinda what happened with Banjo.
It's a meme that the big mean executives within Microsoft forced poor Rare to turn Banjo-Threeie into a vehicle game. It was literally Rare's decision themselves to do that:
Keep hoping, Isacc fags. Not the falseflaggers. Keep hoping. Banjo got in, I wanted him since 64.
>tfw don’t give a shit about popular characters like Ridley or K Rool
>always wanted obscure characters like Ray, Issac, Professor Layton and Saki
It hurts.
Even tourneyfags buy into rosterfaggtory. You act like none of them play other games.
The main protagonist of Sin and Punishment, a good game.
>Lets the entire family of his gf AND his own father die because his Psynergy is too shitty
>Would have died in a volcano and killed everyone he had ever known on accident if the universe's equivalent of a god hadn't exhausted himself preventing his actions from having consequences
>Tries and fails to stop the first lighthouse from being lit
>Tries and fails to stop the second lighthouse from being lit
>If he got his way, the lighthouses would never have been lit and everyone would have been fucked because he has no idea what he's doing
>After letting his friends get abducted, spends the entirety of GS1 chasing them to free them... unsuccessfully
>Gives up in the next game so he can play second fiddle to the actual protagonist who's been trying to save everyone from the start
>Spends most of GS2 doing LITERALLY nothing, according to DD he just spent his time before meeting up with Felix fucking around on his boat
>Kills Sarturos and Menardi just so that they can be replaced by people who are more evil and angry than them
>Couldn't find Lemuria despite it being part of his goal almost from the start
>Biggest canonical accomplishment is beating up a tree
>Saves Isaac's and his sister's family on accident, as a side-effect of saving the world
>Successfully lights two lighthouses despite immense opposition
>Achieved all of the goals he had from the very beginning of the first game
>Finds Lemuria within like 10 minutes of riding his first boat despite it not even being that big of a deal to him
Felix deserves to be a playable character in Smash, Isaac deserves to be a sticker.
I disagree, if banjo got in and duck hunt was cut, many would easily see banjo as a replacement of duck hunt. Therefore he wouldn’t be requested and nobody would give a fuck about him, the same would probably happen if hero replaced robin.
Whether Rare or Microsoft is at fault, the average nintendo fan who use to like them probably never touched that game to find out. I'm pretty sure everyone who likes the original golden sun has played dark dawn at the point. I don't think that ratio is even close to the same group of people that's played all 3 banjo games. Plus Golden Sun is driven by its narrative.
Issacfags need to get knocked down a peg or 3 for that matter.
Entitled little shits.
Sorry but Golden Sun just isn't very good. He's lucky to be an Assist Trophy.
In an alternate timeline, how would you feel if Steve got in Smash instead of Banjo. Then it would be the darkest timeline ever
i've never met anyone who knows who isaac is irl
>huur durr rosterfags and tourneyfags are the same people and tourneyfags hate the game
>I'm a tourneyfag and you're wrong
>lmao u smell
Jesus has trolling gotten lazy.
I didn’t ever want Steve, but it would be a better universe because banjofags are scum and don’t deserve him for the way the treated anyone who didn’t agree with them.
If he had a game coming it would’ve been a lock
It's one of the most popular SNES RPG and was extremelly advertized back in the day you underaged retard.
Guess who helped develop Earthbound?
Guess who developed smash 64?
>Would have died in a volcano and killed everyone he had ever known on accident if the universe's equivalent of a god hadn't exhausted himself preventing his actions from having consequences
I wouldn't blame him specifically.
God I'm glad I'm not you
Mother is by no means a blockbuster IP but I'd say it's more notable than people give it credit for. I mean it literally had three of the most renowned figures in the Japanese gaming industry behind it. It also helps that Earthbound was made by HAL Labs, meaning the Smash 64 team had a connection/attachment to the character of Ness.
Likewise dude, likewise.
And it was a flop no one cares about until Samurai put Ness on every single smash game
>A flop
Interested in your sources, bro.
You stink and need 10 more years lurking before posting again
Because as much as I love Golden Sun/Isaac the series has been dead and irrelevant for a very long time (not to say there aren't things such as ROB/Mr. G&W there as well, that mixed with a moveset that requires some actual though, it's a bit harder than just making another clone, as well as using the development time for him rather than a 3rd Party character that gets more popularity.
>EarthBoundbecame a great success in Japan, eventually rising to #1 onWeekly Famitsu's top 30 chart along with hearty recommendations by the magazine reviewers.
Of course the fucking burgeretard from clapistan thinks a Japanese game not selling in America=failure.
Try again next time dumbass troll.
>b-but muh tiny island that makes up a fraction of the global market!
>Best-selling new IP on [X] Platform
What's too specific about that?
Repeat after me:
Earthbound is a JAPANESE game that was a massive success in JAPAN and was made by a JAPANESE dev team that just so happen to, also, have produced the first Super Smash Bros game.
Now that you've said it aloud, did you have a moment of revelation as to why you're fucking retarded?
>huarrr drrr duur blblbl why would they pick Ness?
I don't fucking know, user. Maybe because the whole HAL team was high.
Why did it flop then?
>games tagline is EVERYONE IS HERE
>cut out Saki's assist trophy
By that logic Starfy is not a flop
There's literally nothing that stands out about him aside from the fact that Nintendo owns him. They already added all the better JRPG franchises anyways. Stay fucking mad.
literally who
>There's literally nothing that stands out about him
Yeah, okay. Nothing at all.
No because his game was bad and Felix's was only kinda okay.
There are several franchises that debuted on GBA and outperformed Golden Sun but were tied to other IPs (Mega Man Battle Network, for example) and several franchises that had just come into existance before the GBA that outperformed it (Pokemon, for the obvious example).
It's a very, very, very specific four year time frame when very few new IPs debuted on GBA in the first place.
>Why did it flop then?
In America. Where Smash and Earthbound are not produced.
Similarly, Golden Sun was only ever a big deal in America. Europeans pretend that's not the case, but the vast majority of sales were in the US due to a damn good marketing campaign.
> He clearly says Nintendo IP
> Brings up Mega Man
Absolute retard
Not gonna lie, I felt he had a legit shot in Ultimate before the direct happened. They had picked so many pipe dream characters and Isaac has been heavily requested since the Brawl days. Obviously its on me because I hyped myself up for a reveal that didn't happen, but at the time Isaac seemed like a legit possibility. I would had loved to duke it out in Ultimate with my boy.