Why do people like this series again aside from nostalgia?

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jump, stupid

Its a fun platformer.

Its barebones as fuck

The only reason people regard it as great is cause the music and the visuals

You might as well start bitching about jump buttons. Who seriously complains about bottomless pits in a platformer? Do you bitch about turns in racing games? Base building in RTS?


Its a fun platformer.

Music and visuals are most important to me. I don't play games that aren't aesthetic.

Shitters like you are why Nintendo implemented the Super guide.

Have you never played a platformer before?
The gameplay mechanics and level design are solid. Its not just the music and visuals that make it a good game.

Is it even a debate this is a superb platformer? Get lost.


>needs a strategy guide to jump over a pit


DK and only DK.

The godtier soundtrack

I guarantee OP doesn't know you can jump out of a roll, even in midair.

what ever happened to these?

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Oh god the barrel levels are fucking retarded. I hate DKC

Dumb and not funny.

>The gameplay mechanics and level design are solid.
No its not, they are basic as all hell. Look at Mario World which has more complex mechanics and higher skill ceiling

jannies please delete this for bullyingjavascript:;

Yeah, well you should look at Super Monkey Ball 2.
That game had a very complex mechanic and a higher skill ceiling than bing bong wahoo

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Mario World has a more complex engine that is only properly utilized in ROM hacks. The vanilla game is piss-easy.

fucking retarded nigger lmao

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Dave Wise's work continues to place this video game into the top 10 of best OSTs ever. Usually top 5.
This is easily my favorite game remic ever made and it's of a song that never needed a remix in the first place.


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This really. People like to say "graphics don't matter" to stroke their gamerpenis but for me aesthetics are a huge deal. The overall feel of a game is paramount to me. Even before mechanics.

says the mexican using a boring image


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Go play some roblox zoom zoom.

>falling for bait of such low quality

Yea Forums is the worst fucking board

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Better controls, gameplay, mechanics, graphics and music than Mario World.

recommend some beautiful games

Ironic you say that since that game also looks like dated shit

Back then i didnt even think about the graphics to the point i found weird the people saying 'you just like it for the graphic'. It was all about the music and the levels,

Name 5 current 2d platformers that look better than DKC. You can't.

define "current".

Have you tried looking in the mirror?


>he can't.

on one hand I'd appreciate a nice DK thread, on the other I don't like this topic.

Fuck OP. What's your favorite DK game? Song? Level/concept? Are you looking forward to a potential third entry in the DKC:R franchise?
Pic related is one of my favorite levels, alongside the song that plays. Here's another favorite song of mine: youtu.be/5IUXyzqrZsw

Damn that's some good shit.

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>snow barrel blast and tree top town
I just beat this game yesterday again after a year and goddamn the barrel sections are rough. The Whole game is easy besides those parts.

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Casually found the proper entrance to the DK coin in the kremland bramble levels 20 years later

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Like last five years or what?

it's not nostalgia. if you're young, fine. nobody is attacking the dumbshit you like today. it's about what it was when it came out. and when it came out it was gold.

Donkey Kong Country is overrated. The level design is merely okay but absolutely nothing special in the face of other 90's 2D platforming masterpieces like Mario World and Sonic 3. Music is the only thing it has going for it. Yes, it doesn't have the visuals either. The visuals suck. The graphical style of shitty 90's CG digitized into sprites looks fucking awful. This problem could be ameliorated with the right artistic direction, but the first game is set in the blandest, most generic locations and there's ultimately just nothing interesting or pretty to look at. And no, this isn't a problem of it looking good at the time but aging poorly. It was IMPRESSIVE at the time on a technical level, but even then it was still ugly from an aesthetic standpoint.

Diddy's Kong Quest is way better. The level design still isn't the best but it's generally a fair bit better, with a stronger set of stage gimmicks, the soundtrack is still great, and it's got that artistic direction I was talking about. The stages are often set in way more interesting places, from pirate ships to carnivals to bogs to crystalline caves filled with contrasting hues. There's still some generic locations but on the whole the game just gives you way more to look at, even though it's all still hampered by the shitty choice of rendering style.

I haven't played Dixie Kong's Double Trouble.

Are you complaining that DKC isn’t cod, zoomer? Just kill yourself

Utterly pointless in the face of the almighty kornheiser

t. retarded fucking zoomer

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I was agreeing until you said the second one was better.


bro culture era Yea Forums created all the best memes

t. Shigeru Miyamoto still salty 25 years later

>Great DK redesign
>Rewarding kinetic gameplay
>Fantastic soundtrack
How did it all go right?

graphics matter to the extent of conveyance and keeping the player engaged and motivated to play. it just isn't the only thing that matters.

Oh shit, bro.

the fuck is "kinetic gameplay"?

>mine cart level

Gameplay that has the attribute "kinetic"

I tried country returns but i never got further then halfway because it was just too difficult


I agree the game is really annoying but world 7 has some really fun levels

>being mad about bottomless pits in a platformer older than you

log off bitch!

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>multiple secrets in every level
>plenty of levels with unique gimmicks
>lore via cranky
>2 playable characters that are different
>rideable animals
You are just salty it doesnt have MUH POWERUPS you fucking loser.

I want this and his punchout wii outfit in smash

It feels good to move, and skill is rewarded by better movement, moreso then other games.

what's so special about DKC's movement?

Some actions can allow you to break DK or Diddy's maximum running speed. If you chain those actions together, it feels good

Sure. Go 10 even.

Lay off the tide pods kiddo.

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DKC3 is probably the best of the bunch on the SNES. I'm surprised you haven't played it if you enjoyed 2.

Shut up, DSP

Which game is harder dkc returns or tropical freeze?

I played both games for the first time just half a year ago and would probably say that Returns is harder overall (the last world is particularly spicy) but a couple of the bonus levels in TF are some real shit

Roll and jump in mid-air you insufferable faggot

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I love DKC but the sequels were letdowns. 2 was still fun but the music was legitimately fucking terrible and it puts a damper on it for me.

>the music was legitimately fucking terrible

You are legitimately fucking terrible

Nah I'm a professional musician as well as a hacker and doctor I'm 6'7 shredded and hung like a donkey. If I ever saw you in IRL I'd beat the living shit out of you and fuck your girl

oh, fair enough

>DKC has no mechanics

It has a lot of mechanics. Picking up and throwing steel barrels, wooden barrels, explosive barrels, swinging and climbing ropes, exponentially gaining speed with each enemy you roll through, mid-air jumping out of a roll, Rambi, Blinky, Espresso, Engarde, Squawk, mine carts you can jump out of, mine carts you jump with, on/off switches, fuel switches, barrels that launch you, barrels that tilt, barrels that rotate, barrels that move on a fixed path, hidden passages to break through, hidden passages to swim through, that ground pound thing DK can do, breaking weak spots in the ground with DK, different speed and power stats with Diddy and DK, ice sliding mechanics, cave crawling mechanics, inverted control mechanics, lights off mechanics, bouncy tire mechanics... and that's just the first game.

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Nobody has taste this bad

You are trolling and I implore you to cease

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I beat DKC when I was six. You're dumber than an autistic six year old.

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Wow get a life nerd. I'll bet you have a teeny tiny pp lmao

Wrong nigga, it is you who will be the one with shitty taste buds, because the music sucks ass. Feel free to kys yourself before I btfo you fags again.

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you stupid mother fucker

>favorite game
It's tough to choose between the original 3 because it really depends on my mood. The first one is obviously a lot more minimalist, and I play it when I want to feel I'm stepping out of my home and going on a journey through fantastic wilderness. Kind of like the first Jak & Daxter. DKC 2 is a lot moodier and captures the feeling of being in over your head really well. The bond between Diddy and Dixie has no right to feel as strong as it does, and the atmosphere in that game really doesn't compare to anything else. DKC 3 goes for more of an atmosphere revolving around exploration and mystifying the player, but I don't think it nails this feeling the same way the other two nailed theirs. However, it still scratches an itch that its predecessors don't, and some of the environments are still gorgeous and worth exploring (mainly the beach cliffs and lake areas).

>favorite level
Jungle Hijinx, the very first level of the very first game. It isn't the best level, but it will always be special to me
>young kid
>sleeping over at my favorite cousin's house
>everyone is asleep
>the guest bedroom has a SNES
>play Donkey Kong Country alone late at night
>the music slowly builds up from the sounds of jungle ambience
>the bass finally kicks in with an awesome riff and the main melody starts
>get deeper in the level
>suddenly the music turns serious and a little epic
>the sun goes down and the jungle turns dark
>there's an overwhelming feeling that I've just embarked on a bigger journey than I could have imagined
Good times.

>favorite song
Forest Interlude

Miyamotoes mad

that quote was fabricated you moron

If DKC1 is your favorite, that's okay.
If you think DKC1 is better in any way besides maybe music then you're a retarded nostalgia fag.
DKC1 set the stage, but it's comparatively rough and unpolished. Everything about 2 is improved in every way. 3 isn't as good, but it's still very solid.
The series is fantastic and OP is retarded.

Tropical Freeze = Diddy's Kong Quest > Donkey Kong Country > Returns = Dixie Kong's Double Trouble.
All of them are good though. Favorite song is either Gang-Plank Galleon or Fear Factory, especially the Returns remix: youtube.com/watch?v=e_gxW7si7Qo
I'm really looking forward to a DKCR game that has the return of the Kremlings and in general pushes them harder than the originals. Give us funny K. Rool cutscenes. I've spent a lot of time thinking about what the best possible final boss battle in a Kremling-centric Returns game would be.

>People like to say "graphics don't matter" to stroke their gamerpenis
I used to say "gameplay is the only thing that matters" but it wasn't to stroke my gamerpenis, I just didn't find anything that had graphics/music/story that really resonated with me. After I played VtMB it made me realize more than gameplay matters, though I think gameplay is still the most important part of making a game enjoyable and VtMB has good gameplay too

Donkey Kong Country Maker would be my forever game. I wish it would happen. I would never need anything else. I don't want to die having never made and shared my own DKC levels. Endless DKC to play would be a heaven.

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The Greatest Donkey Kong ever made.

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all those sights and sounds... lost... like tears in rain...

Realizing I could do this as a kid playing the gbc version made me feel like I could do anything.

i want to take a time and appreciate Donkey Kong's ducking animation, he makes sure to see if the coast is clear

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If anyone complains about pits in any game they are shit at platformers, period. It's literally the GENRE's definition, Pitfall was the first game with them, so it's the definition of platforming.

Kill all zoomers. They are parasites.

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It's only ok when Mario does it
Fuck all Ninteniggers.

>Rayman Origins/Legends
>Sonic Mania
>Arguably Shantae WGH/5
>Megaman 11
>lots of Indie games now that stopped using the NES/Atari tier graphics
Your move

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They also brought this animation over to Smash, and whenever my brother and I play DKC or Smash and DK crouches we joke that he is on the lookout for rogue Mexicans hopping the border.