>it was all a fucking dream
Name a worse cliche.
Other urls found in this thread:
How the fuck do I get the PC version to recognize my controller? Keyboard plays like dogshit.
>if I kill you I won't be any different
Doesn't Skyrim have the same "dreaming God" lore?
switch pro controller over steam input worked perfect for me. should work fine for any xinput controller.
>it was all a video game
it wasn't real ?! :O
the world is the dream of a higher being=/= DUDE THE ENTIRE GAME WAS JUST THE MC DREAMING
But the ending of Ys 8 was shit anyway, that much is true
>only the ending was a dream
I dunno if it's necessarily worse, but
>important haircut
There is nothing worse than
>i have to sacrifice myself to defend the party/world
>lol jk
But she wasn't joking
She can never have a normal life again
She's pretty much trapped for all eternity in the Apocalypse Command Center with 4 other people.
confirmed worst cliche
Sorta, the whole of creation exists because of Anu's dream but said creation was the result of smaller gods doing god things, before one God was like "let's make something".
Its all a dream but the cosmic force of creation dreamed it up, if said cosmic force "woke up" it wouldn't make the dream end. Theoretically.
>introduce a way to change how the timeline develops
>become a literal goddess
>don't do JACK FUCKING SHIT to save any of the villagers from dying of hunger and cold
Fuck that shit of a game. I was so mad by the end of the game, you have no idea.
The only thing keeping me playing through Ys 7 and 8 was the music
>Everthing is cyclical and your end means the same exact begin again. Meaning all your effort is for nothing.
fuck you Darkest Dungeon
didn't they all get nuked by the meteor since Dana wasn't there to intervene
Yes, but some of them survived just to die of cold and hunger later on. Including the little kids and their friend Olga.
I liked the ending a lot. The dream meme is way out of hand.
> fun game about castaways surviving on Dino island
> suddenly you have to stop extinction of all life
Fuck man I usually expect this out of JRPGs but we didn't need a world saving plot
I fucking love Dana
This game was awesome. Ys thread?
>Girl love interest is into you so much that she becomes your mother
I did not see that one coming.
>is a goddess
>travels through time
>has magic powers
>is the chosen
>everyone loves her instantly
>has super strength
>makes every other party member useless
>can change forms in battle
B-but it's okay when japan makes mary sues....!
>he doesn't expect an Ys game to have Chadol saving a world at least once per game
you must be new to adventure
I think he meant that's a worse trope. The most jarring example I can think off the top of my head is Fire Emblen Awakening
>actively gives you the choice to either kill the final boss and let it return in a few millenia or double kill yourself with it so it can die for good.
>game has drama surrounding this with most of the party disencouraging you from sacrificing yourself for the greater good
>if you do choose to sacrifice yourself your main character just returns and nothing is lost.
>cursed to wipe out humanity just like it happened to her people
>stays in a coma for aeons
>isn't really the chosen one
>solid point
>she doesn't
>she doesn't
>was just bonus content for the non-vita versions and so much fun that you need brain damage to complain about it
>he didn't get the true ending
I fucking hate this so much
Nigga she became the goddess of apocalypse all she does is oversee how it happens, but it still has to happen and by her own hand no less. All traces of her civilization was erased as well.
>4 dudes is enough to put the heart back to sleep, 2 have to die if the leaper doctor combo isn't canon
>it's hopeless! suicide is the only option.
shit writing
>this thread
What the actual fuck? Ys shitposting?
You forgot to mention.
>is completely forgotten by the time Ys VI happens
>main character refuses to kill villian
>uses some bullshit excuse such as "power of friendship"
>villian has a 10 second existential crisis
>villian suddenly turns into a good guy
It wasn't a dream though.
>forgotten by Ys 6
Well if you consider that the whole game is a novelized book based on Adol's journals. Technically she was immortalized through quality literature.
I think that Drawn to Life did this well.
Bet you faggots can't name a more headbanging theme
>not choosing "I'll never forget you"
No. The process has been purged.
>Not pictured: Feena's plushie on Adol's left arm
its mainly idiots from /fg/
to be fair, that hug is the most intimacy any girl has ever gotten from Adol. Laxia got a fucking handshake
But this motherfucker forgets about everybody all the time. The new game looks like shit as well.
Dreams are fucked up, man
>Cold Steel fags are responsible for shitposting in Falcom game threads
Can't say I'm surprised, their threads are absolute shitshows of ill repute. And modern Sky threads, by association.
He wrote about everything that happened on the game, I'd hardly say he forgot about it.
She literallt said she will make sure it's not a gruesome process, but very well implies species ending has to happen.
Adol is a cunnyseur.
>if I kill you I won't be any different
>kills him anyway
name the game
Advance Wars Days of Ruin
I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the base Adol costume
>He doesn't know about the journals
This thread is filled with people who don't adventure much
Then you haven't seen people who played Ys before.
I did
When were Adol's records found again? The fact she hasn't killed off humans in over 100 years says otherwise.
writing a journal doesn't mean you remembered somebody but that you wrote about em at some point.
For someone who played VIII and loved it to bits, which Ys should I play next?
Every journal entry is one game. You can probably bet that he needed to remember all that shit to write about it...
This is ture.
If she had lived, do you think Adol would be smashing his dino wife?
his shit was found in the bottom of a basement in his old village like hundreds of years after he "died".
Celceta and 7 are similar to 8 but not as polished
1+2 are bumper car but short and good
Oath is fast-paced and hard but also good.
Who's to say he didn't write about what happened as soon as he set sail again while getting fucked by Dogi?
Seven/Celceta for more of the same.
Oath in Felghana is my favorite right after VIII though.
Or play them in order
It depends, what part did you like about it?
7 and Celceta are the closest in terms of playstyle.
Oath and Origin are different but are fan favorites none the less.
9 is coming out in 2 months.
They're all good-to-great.
Personally played Origins after beating Lacrimosa of Dana.
The older games are pretty hard, playing as the warrior girl and the centipede boss has fucked my shit raw for just short of a month now.
Wait so how did he write about going off to die in Antarctica? Goddamn I'm too old to be remembering a asexual adventurer's life.
>tfw like rp'ing literally fucking everything completely moved to discord other than furry rp, erp or gay rp
>just want to rpm normal stuff but don't want to make a discord
We don't actually know he died, just he went to Antarctica and was never heard from again. He probably ascended to god of adventuring and is banging his harem of blue-haired goddesses.
He didn't die, he became santa claus.
Adol is too busy being married to adventure to care about a woman. If he did have to stay with one, it would be Feena.
>banging his harem of blue-haired goddesses.
But he never showed an interesting in sex. I mean if it becomes that at some point I hope I'm alive to see it.
The kickass Falcom soundtrack, the sense of adventure from exploring the island, each individual NPC having enough character to be interesting, neat gameplay, and a cute dino girl that can switch forms.
I felt so fucking empty after finishing this game. I didn't ask for that feel.
>playing as the warrior girl
You could say she's pretty... unique
Thunder hammer magic is your best friend
Take out the NPCs and have adol change forms instead and that's most Ys games pre-7.
You'll have to drop the Dino and some NPCs, everything else is a staple
Then what's 7 like?
I mean the canon one. Everyone uses the classic ourfit.
>implying Dogi tops
Dogi is Adol's greatest beta orbiter
I couldn't, I wanted but it didn't fit the aesthetic of the game and it looked so fucking hot in a super humid island.
It isn't Dogi's fault, Adol just can't be topped.
>you die in the game you die for real
>protagonist is unwittingly the antagonist
It's Adol, he's used to it, and worse.
It's the first party Ys. It introduced stuff like weapon skills levels (taken from Xanadu Next), the three weapon damage types, a structured quest system involving requests from town pubs, etc. Think Ys VIII but with worse character progression balancing, no map exploration elements, and multiple towns interconnected by routes and dungeons rather than a single hub town on a mostly deserted island.
Adol's worn his armor in volcanoes and fiery temples. He's fine.
I see you haven't played Ys V, which takes place in a literal fucking desert. I don't blame you, no one does and we're all still waiting for that inevitable remake.
Look they have anal sex all the time. So technically they are both virgins.
technically a modded vita can play all the ys games right?
I've played most of the Ys games but i dont remember anything about the plot, except there being two blue haired goddesses.
how do you guys remember these games so well?
Yeah, sure, but there's a tradeoff with performance for portability and all that. Personally, I think PC is the GOAT option for most of the games. Most of them.
Not a good one to go to after VIII then, I see. Thanks.
>Adol goes frequently into Volcanoes on that and heavier armour
>Official Art shows him chilling on different oufits when he's just doing his every day tasks
It can't be any hotter than Hummel's outfit. To be honest I just changed everyone except Adol, Dana and Ricotta to their Pirate outfits because the canon ones look anachronic as fuck.
Yeah, but the inferior version of dana.
I want the gays to leave
Ys V was the first Ys game for a bunch of newfag Falcom developers who had no prior experience with the series, so of course it was bad. I'm surprised Falcom turned things around with Ys VI cause Eternal/Chronicles were kind of average.
Playing it right now. Centipede was tough but the damn creeper is wrecking me. Fucker heals himself and it stresses me out. I haven't been stuck like this in any game in a while.
Fun game, though. Probably going to play again as the mage before I move on.
You need to finish all three characters before you move on, because the third one had the real storyline.
Adventure logs.
her friend being an alien gave me a good chuckle. that ending was just bat shit insane
you can stun the creeper if you attack him
I don't think V was bad, it was a servicably decent game for me (if a tad too easy). Of course, when it's sandwiched between two kino games, it's gonna look bad by comparison.
Just imagine being a woman in the Ysverse
Nah, it was pretty shit. Gameplay-wise, there's not a thing Ys V did as well as Link to the Past and Soul Blazer did years prior.
as long as you don't have blue hair your okay. If you do then prepare for an eternity of suffering
Oh the story is different with each playable character? Cool, I assumed it was the same.
Thanks for the tip. Hopefully it helps me out.
Also, beware red haired adventurers.
It's not too bad unless you associate with Adol in some manner.
Now post the other side that Dana's looking from.
The levels are the same but cutscenes and a couple of bosses are different.
The third characters gets a fuckton of cutscenes in addition explaining you the real plot of the game.
>olha is the only blue hair to escape the tragedy train
Around elves watch yourselves.
You think that's bad, imagine being a piece of unexplored or unmapped land, always ripe to have your secrets violated by some upstart swordsman.
I've not been spoiled at all but I have a feeling I will not be surprised by the third playable character. In fact my only minor complaint with this great game has been NOT playing as best boy.
And that's why she's the best blue hair girl.
You'll play as him in the most GOTTA GO FAST fashion possible.
>escape the tragedy train
>got trapped in a cage for hours with some fat old bastard and his giant pet frog doing who the fuck knows what to her
None can escape the adventuring japes
>you will never scale gendarme for the first time ever again
It's such an amazing moment
>climb gendarme
>game is normal, some dinos but whatever
>get to the peak
>game starts doing a total 180 to the supernatural starting with ancient ruins
>not posting the theme as well
No music posting? In my Ys thread?
will they release an updated version of 9 latero n, with more content? from what i have read, 8 originally didn't feature the dana dungeons and other stuff that we got in the west?
>tfw you exit one of the upper caves
>think there is fog around the mountain
>realize the area is above the fucking clouds
Magic was a mistake
It was peak fucking adventurekino, I can see why Adol chose the adventuring life instead of settling down after playing through that segment if it meant more of those moments in his life.
>When you start descending and the music shifts
My second favourite track on the soundtrack after Iclucian Dance, honestly.
grew on me a lot. I can't really decide which I like the most between it and Gendarme's theme.
Ys VI had a really unique soundtrack for an Ys game. It wasn't filled to the brim with Unisuga's anime metal and Jindo's orchestral pieces and violin trance like its successors.
And ironically, all they needed to do was make it based off how many supports Robin had. The game straight up says you can survive with close enough bonds to your friends.
the entire game right from the moment Adol wakes up on the island while sunshine coastline plays up to the ruins was pure adventurekino
It's a shame they didn't save the Dana stuff for another game
The only other moment that has blown me away from the recent Ys games in the same way was reaching the desert in Ys 7 and watching the short overview of the area while the intro of youtube.com
6's OST has grown on me over the years. It's one of my favorite Ys OSTs now.
>start seeing Dana in the past, possibly millions of years ago
>Dana can see Adol in the future
>Dana can ser his struggles and road blocks and helps him by changing things and planting seeds that will grow into huge trees
>The mystery of Dana's civilization and impending doom is a big focus
>then out of the fucking nowhere YOU FIND THE VERY DANA YOU SEE IN THE PAST IN THE FUTURE
I think a game hasn't made me shat myself like this in a long time
Adol dying a virgin makes me sad.
Ys 6 arguably has the best non-final boss theme in the series, that's the one thing I'll always remember it for.
That's because of based Ishibashi. Honestly my favorite Falcom composer. You also forgot the best track.
I don't remember any dream bs in ys8, but then again it was a while ago when I played it. What happened? I remember having to kill some giant alien looking thing that was causing evolution to be sped up and Dana became the next god of evolution (I think) and then everyone left the island. Quite enjoyed the whole experience too and will probably replay it in a year or two.
this desu, I haven't enjoyed a game this much since a long time
>tfw I'll never play it for the first time ever again
Dana won so hard that it woke the goddess of earth, and it turned out the whole world was her dream that she put the great tree in charge of protecting
>the entire world and everything happening in it is the dream of maia
>adol and co destroy the evolution overseer or whatever that thing was
>this causes the world to get blown up, thus ending maia's dream and waking her up
>dana intervenes in the last moment and sacrifices herself
>maia makes dana a goddess of evolution and recreates the world as it was but without any traces of dana or the tree or the entire conflict that happened
>maia falls asleep again and leaves humans to shit everything up at their own volition
>dana along with the other wardens are now in charge of wiping out humanity if they get too uppity
Ys VIII was my first Ys game, and I was so disappointed that the unique premise was thrown out for the plot of Mass Effect.
Step aside, best song coming through
I used x360 gamepad and had no troubles at all..
You posted the wrong link there buddy.
It was a 'dream' in the same sense as a Creation Myth
To be fair the tone of Ys 8 is a lot different than that of the other games, since 8 places more emphasis of the story and characters compared to the other games.
Ys 8 was the last game I played through and even though I liked it the most out of the party system games the difference in priorities did put me out of my comfort zone. Like, shit man, I just want to explore some good-looking areas while kill big fucking monsters and you're making me worry about silly shit such as survival and other people?
If you don't care about story order:
VI, 0, Felhagana, IV Dawn of Ys (the music for this was pretty boss), and then everything else. Feel free to skip V though.
Except the game has zero replayability. Playing it for the first time was addicting as fuck but I can't find any reason to replay it either.
>it's a the best theme in the game is in a completely irrelevant area episode
Adol and Link know what's up... Lucky fucks
I can't believe Eternians came from fucking dinosaurs. Do you think a human could get an Eternian pregnant? Would she lay an egg?
Gratika > Luminous > Iclucian
Name a worse cliche
Protip: You can't
>wants to be an adventurer
>will become a bombshell once puberty hits
Best girl
>can't marry Kathleen
>we will never see what adult Ricotta looks like
Old and busted dude