Hows that gaming channel going, Yea Forums?
Hows that gaming channel going, Yea Forums?
>gaming channel
190k subs and counting, several videos with over 2 million views
My King Ghidorah video got blocked because of Final Wars footage so fuck youtube
>25 subs
>5 views per video
>total of 2 likes
im trying
Why would you care? You'd never watch me
This is legitimately repulsive.
I'll watch you if your penis is cute and feminine
shit like this is why this site has such an obsession with trannies
At what subcount can I start begging for money.
Because trannies have fuck ugly dicks? Yeah you're probably right
for the past 7ish years Yea Forums has been gay as fuck
same! I like feminine penises because I appreciate the shape/smell etc. not a gay thing because I'd never be with a man, no matter how yummy he is. I just like to appreciate soft pretty penises that remind me of girls (which I like a lot)
I'd wager about 50,000
Only two vids up. I'm trying to get out of the groove of copying 2012 era Jontron, honestly.
This is my only good video
I've been trying to get videos out every week to appease youtube but I don't feel like my newer shit is decent at all
I wanted to make a video similar to Matthewmatosis' DMC video but on Bayonetta, but because I'm not thegamingcuck no one would watch it
At this point we're getting no views, but we're just having fun archiving our shit.
>people like my content
>i upload like once a month anyway
>have an actual big video project i want to do
>commentary is the last thing i like but will do it
i hate it
almost got 1000 views on an ikumi nakamura vid B)
How do you make a vidya channel and not have a repulsive YouTube normalfag community?
I just want a small comfy group of people who like my shit.
It got a few good laughs out of me, user. Especially the bottle part. Instead of trying to do it weekly, how about filming a bunch of stuff on one week, then release it weekly? So you don't get bogged down every week
you hone in on your autism so much that only the people who are also as autistic are watching it
or you do what pannen does and just shit on everyone's understanding of a game so much that you wonder if youre an idiot or not
Alright, just reached 27k subscribers and get about £1400-1800 a month
Honestly it depends on your content, if it's just basic gameplay with commentary then 40k+, without commentary, 60k+, speedruns 20k+, reviews/retrospetives 20k+
Is having a channel centered around your opinions on games gay or cool? YouTube sounds like a fun pastime but I don't want to be a faggot with a cross-arm cartoon avatar putting out shitty reviews, or a low-effort lets player.
The only path to go is having an objective, informative channel about things after the fact. You can be a historian faggot and those will get lots of views. I just saw a Mighty No. 9 video in my recommendations even though that was beat to death when it was released
>that twist joke
caught me off guard
don't feel pressured to put a video out every week user, a lot of youtubers only put out a vid once a month
Here's one of the recent videos we made. I upload in bursts because I'm lazy. It's just a channel of me playing video games with my friends and us dicking around generally.
Just made this awesome video!