Is this game really that bad, or worth playing?
I always avoided it, but for 6€ I'm tempted to try it.
Is this game really that bad, or worth playing?
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The combat is the best in the series, although the fact that you can change classes on the fly means that you will be able to counter literally everything you find, so it's just not a hard game.
It's also nice that the levels are open and have verticality instead of just being corridors, so the game allows you to play agressively instead of just taking cover and shooting enemies.
RPG elements are non-existant, not a single choice you make in the game has any effect except for romances. (there's literally only one ending)
The game has a general gameplay loop similar to MGSV, where you have several maps to deploy with several landing zones, you develop your own weapons, and you go back to your "base" every once in a while.
A lot of meme animations have been patched and slightly improved, but they are still mediocre at best.
For $6 I guess you won't lose anything, but bear in mind that the story is predictable as fuck and that the characters are just boring.
>The combat is the best in the series, although the fact that you can change classes on the fly means that you will be able to counter literally everything you find, so it's just not a hard game.
gonna disagree with this, the combat in ME:A is by far worse than any other ME game including the first one, weapons and their modifications are absolutely worthless, most people will play in single player and find the 3 abilities they like then never switch away from them because ability combos are even better than they were in ME:3 and without classes theres literally no reason to use 80% of the abilities in the game either get a biotic combo or a tech combo and you're set.
if you only play for single player then there's even worse news, Bioware in their infinate wisdom took away player control of their companions, meaning that the braindead companion AI cant be ignored and you are forced to combo all your abilities alone, you cant use a companion to strip away shields or armor so you can do damage yourself, instead each and every character has to be self sufficient which is retarded in a "squad based" rpg like ME
flying around with a jetpack was the only redeemable part of the game's combat loop, theres a reason that ME:A multiplayer is literally dead, last I tryed to play even a gold rated match it took 20 minutes to find other poor sods that still played it. ME:3 multiplayer is still active enough even after all the years the game has been out.
the rest of your points are good enough
tldr the "combat is good in ME:A" meme needs to stop there is literally nothing redeeming about the title dont buy it
it's a boring game,they took the most boring thing from ME1 just to bring in the boomer community and your going to be riding that giant space car or what ever the fuck its called and your going to be riding that shit for the most of the game.The planets are just like in ME1,empty.
>the "combat is good in ME:A" meme needs to stop
No it doesn't.
I'm replaying ME2 right now and it's just absolute garbage.
You can't change the angle of the camera, the same button for sprinting is maped to jumping over cover, which means sometimes you'll be running to cover and accidentally jump to it.
The regenerating health prevents you from playing agressively, you MUST sit in cover and take potshots or you die, and levels are carefully designed around forcing you to take cover so much that sometimes they even put enemies in areas you can't reach, so you can't even flank them.
Mass Effect 3 lets you go hard at the enemies and can be fun sometimes, but this is just because of medigel regenerating your own health, so it's not like it was intentional.
The companions are useless, sure, but at least you have access to every power and you can switch between 4 sets of powers on the fly, so you can make due.
>flying around with a jetpack
You can't fly around, that's just for jumping and moving around the levels which tend to be pretty vertical.
>theres a reason that ME:A multiplayer is literally dead
Because the multiplayer sucks, I have no idea what Bioware was thinking with 3 and Andromeda.
It's just a boring horde mode set in some small as fuck levels.
Don't listen to the fag above. The combat in ME:A is the best of the bunch. It's the fastest, most mobile and you can juggle all of your class' abilities unless you're a brainlet. The reason why ME:A's multiplayer is dead is because anyone who actually bothered to play this shit heap either refunded it or played the pirated version.
I pirated this game and i still feel cheated wasting 2 hours on that pile of hot garbage.
Combat is better, yes BUT enemy AI is fucking retarded on the other hand
I never got off the first planet it controls so fucking bad, it’s like you’re constantly slipping on the floor
It is not even worth $5. IT’S NOT WORTH FREE
The other posts have mentioned the combat, I would add that the questing is terrible. You have 5 or so planets to explore and the side quests on them are either "collect 20 rare plants" shit or "clear 2 enemy bases, go back to quest giver on another blanet, clear third base". Only the main quest and companion missions have any personality and personally I found nearly all of them very generic compared to the OG trilogy.
No. Even the 'good' Mass Effect games are just cutscenes broken up by, Last of Us/Gears of War level, movie game 'gameplay'. There is some good writing if you care about that in games for some reason.
>compared to the OG trilogy
Every quest in the OG trilogy is just walk/drive down x corridors and shoot y enemies, that's not really a strong case
its absolute shit
>theres a reason that ME:A multiplayer is literally dead
Yeah, because it was tacked on to a single player RPG.
It's pretty long, but this video carefully explains why the game turned out to be the way it is, the good parts and the bad ones.
I think it's best because others tend to limit it to saying that the devs were a bunch of SJWs, which they were, but that's just scratching the surface.
The combat is really fun especially if you go full biotic and tech, but everything else is very subpar. I guess its worth for 6 euro.
No, it wasn't just shit for the animations. The story, characters, the UI, it's all terrible
You're correct, I should have clarified I meant the quest writing. The main plot is nothing special and I'm pretty sure the only consequence of your decisions in the end is whether the human ark captain survives.
In fact one of the first side quests (investigating whether an imprisoned soldier really murdered his superior) is a great example, both in the gameplay and writing. Like every other side quest in the game, you receive it hours before you'll even be able to reach the objective location. Then its "gameplay" is driving around an empty desert planet and scanning shit, with maybe some wildlife to kill. Finally, after wasting several minutes flying back to the main quest hub (which also happens far too often) you turn in the evidence and get to make a stupid decision. The guy did attempt to kill him, but unknowingly missed and the real bullet was fired by the bad guys. And you get a binary choice of confirming the guilty verdict for murder (exile) or releasing him as an innocent. Why the fuck can't I tell them to charge him for attempted murder instead?
>I guess its worth for 6 euro.
Get it for free, or sue for liabilities.