There is actually five (5) people in this picture, bet you didnt know that

there is actually five (5) people in this picture, bet you didnt know that

Attached: Silent-Hill-1-Free-Download.jpg (700x836, 527K)

I did not. Assumed there was 1. I'm looking carefully and I only see 3 now, though.

wheres the 5th

Attached: 1563388648207.jpg (700x836, 532K)

Harry, Cybil, Cheryl, Alessa, and Dahlia?

> when you see the window

Bottom left, Cheryl the daughter is standing on Alessa's lips.

here you go friendo

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Bottom left and top right looks like nothing to me.

spoopy stuff


holy shit

It's still a shit cover art

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Theres 7 retards

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I don't understand what happened to Cheryl.

Oh shit


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>he's right
What the hell...!

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you can clearly see an eye and a nose in the top right retard

What are you trying to say? That has nothing to do with my post

Fuckin American box arts, man...

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Bottom left face is looking up and top right is only half of a face

What's so good about sh1? Stupid ass game and a chore to play


opinion discarded, boomer

its your loss user, not mine

Nigger i beat this piece of shit. Still gonna play 2 and shattered memories but goddamn 1 is overrated

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If you actually dislike the first game for some reason, you're probably not going to enjoy anything else in the series either.

no it is not you fucking idiot

Attached: retard.png (849x531, 577K)

Damn, who's that on top right corner?


Oh, I see

If all five are there... Then who was phone?

Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan

Attached: 1390151846912.jpg (768x1024, 180K)

Is this the new disclosure album?